《Gifted Eyes》Chapter 3: Escape


As the dome broke into a million pieces the doors suddenly closed and the people were still the room stuck and confused for what happened earlier, no one knew what they are going to be butchered like 'Animals' waiting to their graves. On the other hand, John was carried by the leader of the group and one of his subordinates several of the members were panic and nervous about the unexpected event. still, they tried to investigate an exit or a path to flee away from this room, as the ceiling grows too dim the darkness devastated everything in its path and all of a sudden a glowing light spread around the ceiling.


As the creature walks in the corridor 'its' sight was gleaming red encompassing the corner of it's eyes and saw a person standing in front of him while 'it' walks the pace was getting faster and faster than 'it' runs all of a sudden a person resembled and revealed one of John's group the creature clutch the person and...


The scream overheard around the room and the people were panic and scanning from their surroundings, John woked up and gawked at the ceiling then shout " EVERYONE GET READY AND FIGHT!!" the monsters were falling then descends on the floor and the mages firing their respective magics and the marksmen firing their rifles.

Nevertheless, all of a sudden the ground begins to crack into two and also the ceiling crazed into a million pieces. the Leader shouted "EVERYONE GO TO THE WEST DOOR!!!! and he looked at Thomas "Thomas how many explosives do you have?!" he asked the wall abruptly crumble and unveiled unknown beasts. "One will make enough to blast way out" he answered and cocked his shotgun then.

*SFX Gunshot from Shotgun*


and hits the creature's left arm.


as the fractured begins to grow big and reveals an unexplained 'tentacles' more like 'invisible tentacles' the 'creatures' were pursuing John's group, then a 'tentacle' attacked and executed one of the members from John's Group

*SFX Notification*

John was surprised at the sudden sound he looked around and saw a soaring window in front of him and the window opened then reported the results...

As the group held at the west door, Thomas set up the C4 then presented a red light and the 5 people including him scattered and find their safe distance from the explosion.


As the wall exploded and build a big hole an unexpected the leader of the group shouted "ALRIGHT LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!!!!" and run along with his group.

When the wall was breached Thomas barked out "Alpha Team defend the exit, Charlie team don't let the creatures reached Bravo Team, whose shouldering our injured member. Now GO!!!"

the group listened to the orders they glimpsed at each other and nodded suddenly they broke up for their respective positions.

John was running with Bea and Leader's subordinate, as they running he gazed at Bea and yelled "Bea, and she answered "Yeah? he replied "Do you remember our 'talked'? then she nodded and answered, " Yeah what about it?".

He picks from his pocket and gave it to Bea and simultaneously stands and stared Bea for his one last time. and Bea stared at John as well when she saw and desired to grab him yet she was restraint by the subordinate of the leader and stated "This is not the time we must..... he was cut off as the creature seizes him and pinned him down to the floor.

In a sudden flash, the creature's head splattered as it's head slice into half the terrors of subordinate's eyes while the blood moistened across his face, as he looked nearby and saw Bea kneeling beside him while her eyes were ample of frightened and fear but her eyes focus on something. he turned around and saw John stand in front of him and said " Don't let your guard down" he stared at him and pick him up and " Sir, take Bea and Get out of here. As you guys passed the bridge in the west door that leads to a hallway but ran faster because the entrance will be sealed in any second as you set foot on the corridor, after that takes a left turn and this leads to the staircase and an exit to this place" giving an instruction and he prepared his daggers then Bea shouted" WHAT ABOUT YOU?!" John replied" Don't worry about me, you must worry about your survival now GO!!!" he pushed them and a floor broke and expand itself.


John stared at Bea and said a wonderful word, Bea cried when she heard of it then left. a man looked at him and said " I owe you one and please live" John answered" I know good luck" John left while swinging his daggers among his enemies. As Bea and subordinate reach the exit with Alpha Team the exit was quickly swelled with rocks and debris that barred the way.

The darkness swiftly absorbed the scene.

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