
„Huh,” was heard each time the little she-wolf and the little fox bit the other's flesh because being involved in a fierce battle, both girls were trying to defeat each other. But this was something beyond their limits, for their physical appearance wasn't random - it was also involving the exchange of power between the two that was impeding them to kneel the rival down.

At a moment, rolling on the ground and hitting hard the trunk of a tree, the two girls have been forced to split up. So, seeing each other in safety for a few moments, both crawled back a few meters, and, rhythmically breathing, the girls took back their human shape.

Looking at each other, they realized that both suffered a lot in that fight: they had their skin scratched, some of the wounds were bleeding and they also felt pain throughout their body as if their body had been a cauldron inside of which water would have boiled. Their hair was also a mess and, here and there, all over around, strands of grey and red fur were seen, especially in those places where the grass was scorched, as if a huge, unseen fire had passed over there, scorching everything around.

„I must accept that you aren't an easy rival," the fox said while cunningly looking at Samaya. „And what I hate the most is that I can't use magic against you and I can't see your future. You're hiding it from me and this drives me crazy, for you are the second person in this world who can do that. The other one is Mother Earth."

Squeezing her fists because of pain and hatred, Samaya stared at the enemy with the eyes of a hurt beast, and, for the first time in her life, she could talk like any other normal person: „this is because you aren't more than a fake," but she's been so surprised to hear her own voice, the same or even more surprised than the fox has been when she heard her talking.


The rival instead stood up and took a few steps toward Samaya. But she suddenly stopped, as if something inside her would have told her to do that: to stay in place and not to go further, for she wasn't ready yet for a real war. „You can talk! How did you do that?"

„I don't know," said Samaya confused, „but it seems that you had something to do with that." And, saying this, Samaya also stood up and took a few steps toward the fox.

Being only one step from the other one, both girls looked into each other's eyes, looking for that answer: why did Samaya talk?! But that truth they were looking for seemed to be deeply hidden into Samaya's soul, and, as if moved by an inner power, they stretched their hands, and touched their palms, looking as if they were the other's reflection.

At the moment their palms touched, something unexpected happened: a huge wave of power gathered in one place for a few seconds, surrounding the girls in a spiral form, and that wave of energy produced a kind of an unseen explosion, sweeping the dead leaves from off the ground. The trees also trembled and started to lament as if thousands and thousands of axes'blades would have bitten from their trunks, trying to swish them off.

Confused, the girls looked around, without separating their palms.

„What's going on?" the fox asked and, for the first time since she met Samaya in that glade, some shaded sparkles of fear could be seen in her glance.

„I don't know,” the little she-wolf said. „I think we've done that. But... I don't know how," she added and stared at the fox.

„Samaya, stop it!” Dike's voice has been heard from at the edge of the glade.

Hearing his voice, both girls looked at him, and something weird started to happen to them - they started to change their bodies as if they would have „stolen" the other's appearance: when a fox, when a she-wolf, to be little girls again. But each time they were in different places as if they had tried to confuse those who were seeing them and made them wonder who is who.


„This is witchcraft,” the wolves that were with Dike murmured. „It can't be.” „And how to understand now who is who?” they wondered, preoccupied.

Dike madly growled, feeling a weird presence there, approaching them. After that, seconds later when only Dike's snarl was still barely heard, Fenrir sneezed and said in mockery: „I hate the foxes'stink. I hope Samaya won't smell like them after that."

„This won't ever happen,” Dike said while staring toward the trunk of a huge oak, from behind which Inmar showed up. „Stop them, Inmar! Immediately! This isn't comic anymore,” Dike demanded her, but Inmar only smiled.

„How to stop them, if I am doing nothing? They are doing all this, but how they are doing that... I don't know. But you as always - distrustful and accusing me of every single evil that happens around you."

„And … am I wrong?” said Dike while heading toward Inmar, who was staring at him. But what she said was true and he could see it in her eyes. More, passing by the girls, Dike stopped and looked at them, and he also saw those two waves of Black and White Magic exchanging energy between them while the girls kept exchanging their bodies and their places.

Inmar, seeing Dike staring at the girls, decided that it was time to take advantage of this. So, she approached him, walked around him, and kept talking about something weird and unknown while walking around him: „the white and the black met in the Glade of Shadows. But in front of the evil, both look the same. However, even if they are so alike, even if they have a huge power flowing in their veins, they haven't that unique power to start a war. At least, they don't have that power now, but they'll have it... the day their hearts will reach Paradise, and only this way they will also touch the fire of Hell."

But even if what Inmar was saying had a sense for him, Dike decided that it was madness to keep listening to that insanity. So, using the power of his mind, he managed to split the girls, but because his power had to fight against the girls'power when the two waves of energy hit each other, the girls had been thrown away from each other and, in contact with the ground, they lost consciousness.

„Fenrir, take your sister from here," Dike ordered his son and Fenrir right away ran toward Samaya. But because he couldn't lift Samaya alone on his back, he looked at the same wolf who accompanied him from the glade where they met Parca when Fenrir didn't follow his father, and Dike sent his helper to bring the boy, and the wolf right away approached Fenrir, who changed his form into a wolf, and, after Samaya had been laid on his back, he left the glade along with the same wolf. „We are also leaving," Dike said to the other wolves, who stood with him in case their help would have been necessary. Then, they all left the glade without even looking back.

Seeing them leaving, Inmar looked behind them for a long time. Only when the Rophions disappeared from her sight, did she approach the fake Samaya and, whispering something into the girl's ear, Inmar managed to form a small tornado around them, a tornado that swallowed them seconds later after being formed. And, after another few seconds more of spinning around the glade, they also vanished.

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