《The Hero Of Darkness Arises》Volume 1 Chapter 5: Part 3: A Promise


Volume 1 Chapter 5: Part 3: A Promise

After shouting this out, the waiter leads Onyx and Irene to their table like his screaming before didn't happen. They got a table beside the window, letting all the light shine on them.

"...Did you do something here?" Sitting down, Onyx begins questioning her. Gluttonous beauty? What did Irene do to get a nickname like that?

Irene sticks out her tongue, "I didn't do anything. I just came here to eat." She feigns innocence. But she can't say anything else as the chef walks out of the kitchen. He locks eyes with their table and walks over,

"Are you ready to be defeated this time?" The chef's face scowls at Irene as he says this.

Irene doesn't back down as she makes a beautiful smug face, "Do you really think you can beat me? I've beat you many times already."

"Hmpf! We'll see about that. This time I have fate by my side!"

Onyx, sitting on the sideline, can see the sparks flying between Irene and the chef. It seems that he missed a lot in these few weeks.

"So you'll have the usual, brat?"

"Of course. What else would I have other than that?" Irene smirks. You can feel the chef's anger ready to pop from his forehead. He looks over to Onyx,

"What would you like?" Compared to the treatment Irene got, this was miles apart. The chef gave a smile and a friendly attitude.

And Irene has something to say to that, "Hey! What's with the attitude? I'm a customer too!"

The chef's eyebrow twitches, "Why would I be kind to a person trying to eat my restaurant out of existence?"

Ahhhh. Hearing that, Onyx got the picture now.

The chef turns back to Onyx, "So what would you like?"

"Then I would like these dishes," Onyx picks out some from the menu.

"We'll have your orders done shortly." The chef leaves. And then Onyx begins to question Irene,

"So, how did you find a place like this?" The place has a great ambiance. There wasn't any high-class atmosphere.

Onyx will never get used to that. But this restaurant was cozy and warm, albeit with that interaction before.

"While I trained with Walter, I also sparred with the other knights. One of them introduced me to this place.

The food here is delicious, and it's cheap as well!"

"I see."

"And why's the chef angry at you?"

Irene smirks, "Because we have a competition. He wanted me to be the poster girl for this restaurant. However, I didn't want to. And so we have a contest; he gives me food. If I can't finish it, I'll become the poster girl. But if I do, then it's free."

Hearing that, Onyx doesn't know what to say.

A few minutes later, the waiter brings the food to their table. But Onyx's expression is strained.

What in the world? He asks the waiter, "Are you sure we ordered this much?" The amount of food that arrives at their table is no joke.

All the food looks delicious. But the waiter brought an extra table just to set all the dishes!

"No. This is the usual amount Miss Irene ordered."

The usual? Onyx looks back at Irene, who's whistling right now, trying her best to avoid his gaze!

"Irene, how much do you order?" Onyx's voice becomes strained as he asks this. He just wanted to make sure with the person in front of him.


"The whole menu."

"And you eat the whole thing every time?"

"Yep. It's pretty easy?" Irene nods her head.

"..." Pretty easy? Just how much do you eat?! Onyx knows Irene is a glutton. Despite her frame, Irene would eat as many as four hungry people.

But what she's eating now is more than that! She broke all expectations!

Seeing the weird expression plastered on his face, Irene becomes embarrassed,

"I've been training so hard, so I need to eat more for my body." That's her reason. But seeing how his strained expression isn't changing,

"Do you not like girls who eat so much?" Her face becomes dejected. Anybody who watches this scene would think this is a breakup.

Onyx quickly shakes his head, "What?! No! I don't really care. It's just surprising you eat so much. But that's just better. Whenever you eat, it looks so cute."

The moment Onyx finishes his sentence, he instantly regrets it. What did I just say?! How could he say something this cheesy?

"!" Irene's expression is the same as well. Now both of their faces are red due to embarrassment.

TCH! While the two have a lovey-dovey scene, the customers in the cafe seethe in rage. They were about to break up, but now the pink space tripled in power!

"Let's eat!" Irene quickly grabs onto the food and starts to eat. The embarrassing silence is just too unbearable.

And the moment she starts eating, it disappears from the plate!

How can it disappear so quickly?! Some of the customers' mouths gape open from shock.

They wondered how Irene would eat it all, but it instantly disappeared before they could see what she did! Her hand just moved towards the food, and it disappeared!

The customers are all too astonished to see this scene. But the person who is surprised the most by all of this is the chef.

His expression pales as he watches all his food be inhaled down.

What is wrong with her stomach?! Where does it all go?!


"Haha, did you see the look on the chef's face?"

"Yeah, I think he might ban you from going there." Onyx gives out a wry laugh. The deadpan look the chef had was just pitiful. Onyx felt pity for him.

What made the chef's heart sink further was when Irene ordered even more food!

"It'll be fine. I doubt the old guy would do it. But forget about him! Let's go shopping now!" That's the biggest thing they have to do. Who cares about that old geezer?

Irene drags Onyx over and brings him to the clothing store.

"There's so much to choose!" Irene begins to pick out the different clothes from the shelves. She picks up some clothes and then goes into the dressing room. Coming out, she wears a one-piece dress,

"Do you think this looks good on me?"

Onyx nods, "Mmhmm, that looks good."

"What about this?" Irene comes out in a red dress.


And finally, she comes out with a shirt and pants, "How about something like this?"

"That looks nice as well."

Irene frowns, "Can't you say something else?" Saying only good every time makes it normal.

Onyx quickly waves his hand, "How can I say something else? It doesn't matter what you wear. You're beautiful in anything."

Irene is just too beautiful.

"Your boyfriend is correct, miss. I've never seen somebody as beautiful as you. All these clothes wouldn't hold a candle to you." One of the employees said. Irene's looks are so overpowering that it is difficult to find something equal to her beauty.


"Hmmm." Irene begins to think. If Irene couldn't find any clothes that suited her, another idea came to mind.

"Do you have any matching clothes?" If Irene can't find any suitable clothes, how about clothes that make Onyx and her the perfect couple? The worker's expression brightens when she hears that,

"I've got a couple of clothes that will make you two the perfect couple, miss!" The employee leaves, and the next second, she brings clothes back with her.

"..." Do I have to wear all of that? And what do you mean a couple? How is that a couple?!

Onyx looks at the giant pile of clothes in front of him. What made it worse is there isn't just one pile. There are 2 extra ones behind her!

"Irene, are we really going to try all of that?" His last hope is Irene. But it turns out she's the final push.

"Of course, we're going to try all of them!" Irene's expression is lit on fire.

"Oh, no." Onyx's face turns pale.


It took a few hours, but the two finally came out of the shop. Irene's face sparkles under the sun, while Onyx's face is like the chef's. It's deadpan, showing all of the exhaustion.

"I'm never going to shop with you ever again." The number of clothes he had to try on was something Onyx couldn't do again.

"Aww, come on. It could have gone smoother if you didn't run away." In the middle of changing her clothes, Onyx took the chance to escape the store. But he later came back and was forced to dress up again.

"We didn't need to buy so much." And what Onyx has to do for punishment is hold all the bags. The number of clothes they bought was so much that nobody could see his arms!

"Of course, we have to buy so much! Who knows when we'll have a free day?!" Irene wasn't going to let this chance go. But then she begins to question him,

"So, where did you go?" Irene didn't go and chase after him. Onyx just came back on his own after a while.

"I went to do some things." Those are the only words Onyx said. But Irene becomes more curious about where he went.

But before she can say anything else,

"Nobody moves, or the brats get it!" A threatening voice shouts out.

Onyx and Irene turn to see the guards circling around the sound of the voices. Onyx and Irene can see through all these crowds of people to the center, where there's a group of rug men. There are three; two in the back have duffle bags full of jewels.

The three have a child in their hand and a weapon at their throats!

"Let us through now, or we'll kill them!" The thieves back away slowly from the guards, trying to get to the exit.

The guards have tense expressions. They can't get closer to them. Even if they do, the thieves will be faster than them.

Onyx's face turns dark. So does Irene. The two share a look and nod. Onyx turns over to a stall owner,

"Hey, hold our stuff for a few seconds."


"Here." Onyx hands the guy some bronze coins and drops the bags there. Onyx and Irene walk towards the action, pushing people away from them.

When Irene gets to the guards, she pushes them aside.

"Hey! What do you think you're trying to do?!" The guards react with shock, wondering why two kids are coming forward.

Irene ignores them and speaks to the thieves, "I'll only say this once, let those children go or face my wrath."

The thieves look at Irene strangely, "Brat, aren't you young to be threatening me? But you're quite the beauty. How about you trade places with these kids?"

The moment he says this, a dark blur passes behind Irene and punches the thief in the face! Onyx quickly catches the child. But he isn't done.

Before anybody can react, Onyx uses the flying thief's body as a launchpad to make him fly. He kicks the other two thieves in the face.

Irene rushes in and catches the other two children. Their eyes close shut, not wanting to see what happened. But a sweet and soothing voice speaks,

"You guys can open your eyes now. Everything is fine now." The children open their eyes and see the beautiful face of Irene.

"Angel." One of the kids said, enthralled by her. Irene smiles,

"I'm not an angel. But thank you." Irene places the two kids on the floor. Onyx does the same with the other one.

"..." Witnessing how quick they move, everybody is speechless about what occurred. Onyx looks at the guards,

"Shouldn't you guys be arresting these three or something?" Hearing this, the guards quickly move and arrest the three. The head guard walks over to the two,

"Thank you for stepping in and dealing with them. If you guys didn't come, they would have gotten away."

Onyx shakes his head, "It's nothing. We just did what we wanted." Before the guard can ask more about him, Irene shouts out,

"Onyx, let's go back to our date." Onyx nods and turns to the guards, "I'll leave you guys to deal with the clean-up."

Onyx doesn't need to do anymore and walks away. He walks back to the stall,

"Can I get my stuff back?" The seller is silent about what he saw too. But he quickly gives back the bags to Onyx. He turns to Irene,

"Where do you want to go now?"

"Let's go visit a couple of more sites." Irene smiles and grabs his hand.


"I don't want this day to end!" Irene shouts out loud at the setting sun. Irene and Onyx sat near the fountain, the center of the royal capital.

It's supposed to be a romantic site, but Irene's sad expression says differently.

Onyx makes a warm expression, "Don't be depressed. There's going to be other days we can go on dates."


"And they'll be better than the one we have today."

"....promise?" Irene sticks out her hand. Seeing this, Onyx laughs,

"I promise you." Onyx pinky swears. But then he realizes something, "There is something the other dates won't have compared to this one, though."

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"Close your eyes."

"Why do you want me to close my eyes?" Irene becomes confused.

Onyx gives her a wry look, "Because it's a surprise. Just trust me on this."

"Fine." Irene closes her eyes, waiting for Onyx's surprise.

"You can open your eyes now." When Irene opens her eyes, what's in front of her is a necklace. A beautiful gold necklace with a topaz jewel shaped like a sun.

"What's this?" Irene rubs her eyes, not believing what she saw.

"Didn't you say you wanted to have a matching item?" Onyx shows off his neck, wearing the same necklace in one of his hands.

The difference between the two is that Onyx's one is made of silver and is a crescent moon, while the one in his hand is gold.

"When did you have the time to do this?"

"Remember how I ran away from the cloth shop?" At that time, Onyx ran back to the jeweler. The jeweler was surprised to see Onyx back. And his request surprised him more.

He asked for a custom matching necklace.

"That person is really great at making jewelry." Onyx gave him the yellow demon crystal, asking him to use it. Seeing the demon crystal, it sparked something in the store owner. He told Onyx he would do his best work, and it'll be done by the end of the day.

And making up another excuse later on: Onyx quickly got the necklace from him.

"Wait, these are custom?"

"Yeah. Didn't you say you wanted a custom one? These even attach together."

"..." Irene doesn't know what to say. She stays silent.

"Do you not- Woah!" Onyx thought she didn't like it. But what comes after is a giant hug from her!

"Of course, I like it! No! I love it!" Irene hugs Onyx even tighter. How can she not like it? It is something Onyx gave her. What's more, it's a matching item as well.

Onyx smiles, "I'm glad you like it."

"Can you put it around me?" Irene's voice is shy as she asks this. Onyx smiles even more and places the necklace around her.

Irene looks down at the necklace, her face all giddy from it.

"Alright. Shall we go back to the castle?"

Mmhmm. But before we go, I need to do this!" Irene jumps up and kisses Onyx on the lips!

"..." Now it's Onyx's turn to not know what to say! His face is indescribable!

Irene giggles, "Your face looks so funny. Now, this is the best day ever."

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