《The Hero Of Darkness Arises》Volume 1 Chapter 2: Part 2: Going to the Capital


Volume 1 Chapter 2: Part 2: Going to the Capital

Onyx broke another table. Williams's expression turns dark. The amount of furniture he had to rebuild these last few days was no joke.

I thought I was going to die. The look on Emilia's face said it all. Before she could even scream, Onyx made the wise decision to escape from the house.

I should go to Irene's home. Onyx knows he can't go back home for a while unless he wants to face Emilia's wrath. So going to Irene is his second option.

When he arrives, Onyx sees Irene getting kicked out of the house too!

"Don't come back home until you control your strength!" A female voice screams at her. Irene wants to say something. But then she notices Onyx and gives him a wry smile.

"You too?" Irene scratches her face and nods.

"What did you break this time?" Seeing how she was kicked out by her mother so quickly, it had to be something big.

"A cabinet. You?"

"....Table." The two didn't say anything. They just laugh at their situation.

"So, what can we do now?" Irene had the same thoughts as Onyx, wanting to go to his house. But now she can't either.

"How about the hill?" Now that the two didn't have any other place to go, the next best place was the hill.



On the hill, Irene lays on the ground with a big grin, "

I still can't believe I got hero skills. Two at that!" The skills Irene got were,

The Hero of Light EX

The Sage EX

The Hero of the Knight EX

"Hehe." Irene rolls around in joy, still can't believe she got two. She has the same number of hero skills as Onyx. Onyx stops her,

"You're going to get grass all over your body."

"Bleh! Can't you let me enjoy my life a little?" Irene sticks out her tongue as she says this. But then she snuggles on top of Onyx's lap,

"Our lives are going to be peaceful now. No worries, no stress, and no Finn."

Onyx's expression turns wry, "Why do you have to bring that guy up?"

"But it's true. Our lives have been so much easier!" After what happened, it didn't take long for Finn's parents to hear what their son did. While Onyx's family was eating, Finn's parents came to their doorstep. They were on their knees, apologizing for what their son did. They even brought gifts too.

Douglas had a strained expression. He couldn't forgive their son after what he did to Lily. However, he didn't want to pursue this matter and accepted their apology and gifts. But what they said next made Douglas regret it.

"Please, can you ask Onyx if he could let our son go free?" What the knight said was right. For disrespecting the heroes, Finn was sentenced to death. His parents couldn't sit still. That's why they came to Douglas's home.

Douglas almost lost it. He was ok with accepting their apology. He can endure it. But, Finn's actions are something else.

He has to be punished!

"Please! He's our only son! We can't let him die!" It didn't matter what he did. Finn was still their flesh and blood. Finn's parents started to grovel even harder on the ground.

"It was a pain in the ass." Onyx scoffs as he remembers what they did. But Irene smiles, "Even if it was a pain, you still let him live, didn't you?"


"..." Not saying anything; Irene knows Onyx did something. And he did. Onyx came out to see what was going on. Douglas explained everything to him. Onyx said this to them,

"I'm willing to forgive him. However, Finn can never come back to the village again, and he'll be sent far away from here."Onyx couldn't stand to see his parents groveling like that. However, he wasn't going to let Finn stay in the village.

Onyx couldn't let Finn go scot-free. That's why Onyx wants him to leave the village. That way, he would never bother his family again.

When they heard Onyx say that, Finn's parents were content. With that, the two bowed and left their home. They had to go to Irene's home and apologize as well.

"You're too kind." Irene wasn't a saint. If Finn's parents had gone to her home first, she would have told them to screw off. Finn's life would have been ended by her hands instead of exile.

Onyx quickly backs away from her, "No hugging." He could sense Irene's intention instantly.


"Don't you tsk me."

"It's only one hug."

"And that one hug can break people's backs. Do you remember what you did to me last time? Thank goodness gramps wasn't charging a fee." Irene was going through a hugging phase. However, like him, she couldn't control her strength.

When she hugged him, Onyx could hear his back snapping in two! Thankfully, the head priest came over to cast his water magic on him again. If it wasn't for the head priest's help, Onyx would have died ten times over!

"But I can't live without hugging you!" Irene's face was in tears. Not hugging Onyx was a death sentence to her.

"Deal with it. I don't want my back to be crushed." With that, the two lazed around. They just lay on the ground. It was the only thing they could do unless they wanted to destroy everything around them.

This didn't last long. The two had enough lazing around and decided to go home.

It should be enough time for the heat to dye down.

When the two arrived back at the village, they saw many priests standing there.

"What's going on?" The two look at each other, trying to figure out why there are so many priests. However, they didn't need to wonder.

"It's the holy one!" A priest spots Irene and immediately shouts out. All of the priests look in Onyx and Irene's direction.

"Oh, holy one! You are more angelic than what the grand priest had described you to be!" The priest bows down to Irene in her utmost glory.

"Eh? Holy one?" Irene backs away and hides behind Onyx. She was confused as to why these priests called her the holy one. Seeing how scared she looked, the priests were downcasted.

The grand priest explains,

"The hero of light is always called the holy one in our country. The hero of light will guide all humans to the path of freedom. You are the only prophecies to kill all the demons and save us all!." All priests from the Holy Land have been told about this tale.

The grand priest continues, "And you are the holy one. You are not only the most beautiful woman in this village. But you are also the most benevolent. To even let your enemies go free from death." The grand priest heard how the hero had given pity on Finn. Only the holy one could have done that.


Continuing with the flattery, the grand priest doesn't seem to realize the look Onyx and Irene had.

"Holy one, please come back with us to the holy land. Only then will you be able to realize your true potential."

"No! I don't want to go!" Irene screams out and hides behind Onyx more.

"Eh?!" Now it was the grand priest's turn to get confused, "Why don't you want to come? The holy land will treat you like a queen. We'll provide you with the best resources possible. All the money you can use as well."

Everybody watching the scene couldn't help but gasp at what the grand priest said. The hero's skill was no joke. Some of the villagers couldn't help but look at Irene in envy at what a chance she was getting.

However, Irene still refuses, "I'm not going anywhere unless Onyx is coming with me!" That was her reason for not leaving. Going to the holy land meant she would be away from her lover.

Why would she do something like that?

The grand priest couldn't believe that. He glares at Onyx with hatred. However, he couldn't be focused on him right now. He turns to Irene, "Holy one, you can choose any male you want when you get to the holy land. Just please come with us."

He thought the reason why Irene was in love with Onyx was because of the looks.'

However, she could have as many lovers as she wanted once she went to the holy land.


Onyx means much more than going to some country. If she leaves, she might never be able to see Onyx forever. She can't let this happen.

"Just come with us!" The grand priest's expression changes. Even if she was the holy one, she got on his nerves. Before he could grab Irene's arm, somebody was in his way.

Onyx grabs onto the grand priest's hand, "Back off." His voice was cold. The moment Onyx met him, he never liked him. Seeing how he was using force now, Onyx won't let him off.

Seeing the grand priest in pain, Onyx pushes him away.

The grand priest holds his arm in pain. "You fiend! Get him!" He snarls at Onyx. With that, the other priest circles around Onyx, ready to end him.

Onyx's expression turned dark as he was ready to attack as well.

Before the priest could do anything to him,

"Enough!" Somebody shouts. Onyx turns over to see it's the knight that helped him before. He wasn't alone as well. There were a bunch of knights with him.

The grand priest gives them a poisonous glare, "What do you want, Espoir dogs." You can hear the coldness he had toward the knights.

However, the knight ignores the grand priest and looks at Onyx and Irene, "Onyx Silver and Irene Valentine, the emperor of Espoir Kingdom, welcomes you to the Espoir kingdom. He wishes to meet with the two young heroes."

This second invitation had caused another explosion in the village. Now the Espoir Kingdom was getting in the mix.

"Espoir dog! How dare you! You have no right to take our holy one away!" The grand priest snarls at the knight. The other priests also have dark expressions seeing how Irene is being snatched away.

"How can I be snatching her away? They have their own choices. They're not your property." Then the knight takes out an orb and injects mana into it. It shows the image of how the grand priest tried to attack Irene.

"Is this what you holy land people do to the hero?" The knight had been watching how the whole thing played out from afar. He couldn't be happier about what happened. The grand priest just screwed themselves over.

The grand priest grits her teeth. He knew that this image was something that would affect his status. Seeing him silent, the knight asks Onyx and Irene,

"The emperor asked the two of you to meet with him. However, he did say it was ok for you guys not to come as it might be difficult for children to travel so far. He would come here instead. It might take a few days for him to come here."

"If you decide on leaving with us, you two will be treated with the utmost respect as we travel to the capital." The knight knew if Irene was coming with them, then Onyx was the key to everything.

Both of them are too important.

"Do you really want to face the wrath of the Holy Land!" The grand priest couldn't let Irene leave! This disrespect was too much.

For him, a grand priest, to be disrespected like this meant they were looking down on the holy land.

The knight looks at him and instantly pulls out his sword! The sword was pointed straight at the grand priest's throat, " We can say the same thing as well. Do you want to face the wrath of the Espoir kingdom?!" If it was a fight the grand priest wanted, he's ready to throw down. The emperor had given direct orders to protect the two kids.

The grand priest pales. What he just said was a bluff. Neither country wanted to get into a war with the other. It would be too dangerous and costly.

Seeing his pale face, the knight sheaths back his sword, "That's what I thought." He turns back to Irene and Onyx,

"May I get an answer as soon as possible?"

"I-" "We'll go!" Like always, Irene was the one who spoke for both of them. Hearing this, the knight smiles in relief.

"Then please get ready in a few hours. Please meet up with us at the front gates of the village in a few minutes. This will be a long trip." It would take them a few days to get to the capital. The only reason why the other knights came so soon was that they pulled an all-nighter to get here.

"Alright!" Irene nods while Onyx just has a wry smile on his face. He never said anything, but it was already decided. He was going to have to tell his parents about this. But who would have thought it was so quick.

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