《The Hero Of Darkness Arises》Volume 1 Chapter 2: Part 1: Going to the Capital


Volume 1 Chapter 2: Part 1: Going to the Capital

The crowd turns silent once again. The villagers never expect Onyx to knock Finn out with just one punch! What's more, a tree went flying along with him! It feels too surreal.

It was especially the case for the knight. He shudders in shock, seeing what Onyx did. There can only be one reason for this;

He definitely has a high-ranking one. Maybe something even higher. From how easy Finn was knocked out, the knight realized it must be a skill that allowed Onyx to do it.

Did I really just do that? Besides the crowd's shocked expression, even the person who did it was surprised too! Onyx thought his punch would only knock Finn out. Not fling him so far away like a rag doll!

However, he didn't have time to be surprised. There are other people he needs to deal with. He turns to Finn's followers, "You got ten seconds to run away, or you can be like him too."

Even though they haven't done anything to them physically, this doesn't mean Onyx doesn't have a grudge against them.

Bullying his brothers and sister is something he will never tolerate.

However, even though he hates them, it doesn't mean they deserve to be blasted away like that. Onyx knows there will be more severe consequences. Their skills were much worse than Finn's. Worst case, the followers could be blown to smithereens.

However, there was something else going through his mind,

I will become like him. Onyx didn't want to become a power flaunter, abusing and showing off his powers to others. He still has a conscience of not doing the same thing to Finn.

When the followers met with Onyx's cold gaze, there wasn't a few seconds of them thinking. They immediately ran for it!

Onyx didn't need to say anything to them, to be honest. Just seeing his punch alone was enough for them to scram. The only reason why they decided not to run away as they were afraid Onyx would do something to them if they did. And two, they were frozen in fear.

As the followers ran, they didn't take Finn with them. It didn't matter to them if they left Finn there. To them, he was nothing more than an overbearing useless leader. The only reason why they listen to him is because of his family's wealth and the skills he has.

After running away, the knight apologizes, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect your little sister. I'm ashamed as a knight of the Espoir kingdom."

Onyx turns to the knight, "You don't have to feel guilty for what happened." Hearing how the knight was ready to attack Finn was enough.

"Finn was scum from the start. Who would be able to think he would attack a child?" What Finn did is unforgivable in everybody's eyes. But more than that,

This was my problem to begin with. Everything originated with Finn and him. So it should be ended between the two of them.

But the battle between the two isn't over. Somehow, Finn wasn't knocked unconscious from the blow. As he gets off the ground, he coughs out blood constantly.

Feeling the drips of blood dropping on his hand, he blanks out,

"...Blood?" Never did he expect somebody would be able to hurt him. With his skills, he thought he was invincible. What's more, he never thought Onyx would be the one to do it. His surprise changes to anger as he glares at Onyx,

"You bastard! I'm going to kill you!" Finn looks like a wild dog, ready to pounce at Onyx out of anger. Just looking at how Finn's raging, it seems like the punch before had no effects.


Well, the pain is there. That's the only thing stopping Finn from charging at Onyx. His legs wobble like a newborn deer. And there was an indent of Onyx's fist on his chest.

Onyx and the knight turn to him. Has the guy gone mad? The knight especially thought this.

Does this kid have a death wish? The child is already letting you off good by not attacking you again. Yet you want to throw away that mercy he gave you?

If they go for round two, the knight knows without a doubt that Finn will be in a worse state than now.

"I don't care if we fight again. But it's going to be your funeral." Onyx's ready for round two. Seeing how Finn glares at him, Onyx knows he hasn't learned his lesson. No way was Onyx going to let him roam free near his family.

Hearing what Onyx said, the crowd knew he was going for the kill now. But they didn't feel pity for Finn. He deserved it.

Gritting his teeth, Finn shouts, "You think you can beat me?! Watch when I break all of your bones! I'll make you watch as I beat your family up!"

Just beating Onyx to death isn't enough now. He wanted to destroy every person that was close to him. Only then could he be happy.

All of his darkest thoughts come out as he continues to glare at Onyx. But he isn't the only one with dark thoughts forming. Onyx's expression got worse.

"I guess I'll have to kill you then." Before Onyx could go in on him, the knight blocks him,

"Young man, let me do this instead. Don't stain your hands with dirty blood like this." The knight can just tell how hard Onyx was holding back. That just shows how much mental fortitude Onyx has. If he was in the same shoes, he would have jumped in and killed him. But those last words cracked him.

Such a bright man shouldn't have his hands stained by a degenerate! The knight already considers Finn to be a lost cause. With him attacking Lily, things could have been overlooked. He just needed him to go through a few weeks of detainment and reflections.

However, threatening to kill a whole family is different. Finn will become a criminal. The knight takes his sword out, ready to slice him down.

"How could you say these things about your own brethren, Finn?!" The person to join the conversation is the priest. He never thought Finn had become so dark.

"He is not my brethren! He's nothing more than a loser! I'm in a whole different class than him!" He will never let it go. Onyx will never be in the same class as him.

"Of course, the two of you are in a different class. Onyx is a hero now and what you said is a challenge to the heavens itself." As the priest said this, another round of silence came about.

The crowd felt they heard wrong. Onyx, a hero? They never thought another hero was born in this village.

One was enough to make the whole village famous! But with Onyx being a hero, the village's fame will be grand.

Now it makes sense. The knight realizes how Onyx was able to beat Finn so easily. While everybody's in shock and doubt at what the priest said, Wyatt's the one to ask him again.

"Gramps, is my brother really a hero?!" You can hear the excitement behind his voice. The high priest nods, "Yes, little one. Your brother has the skills of a hero."


"Yay! Big brother is so awesome!" Wyatt jumps up and down in excitement! Despite being injured, Lily smiles gently.

However, the person who's the happiest about this is Irene. She quickly hugs Onyx's arm, "Onyx, I told you we are the perfect match!" With Onyx as a hero, she wouldn't need to worry about other girls coming at him even when she's not there. Almost all of her worry is gone.

While everybody was happy with another hero borning from their village, they forgot about one person.

Him? A hero? Finn's expression pales. He couldn't believe it. He shouts, "How can he be a hero?! Haha, this is nothing more than a joke! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

Finn's crazed laughter made everybody step back. It seems the announcement broke him.

"Take him away." The knight orders the soldiers around him.

As two guards went to take Finn away, he showed no resistance. He was too in denial and weak to do anything.

"What's going to happen to him?" Irene glares at Finn. He wasn't let off the hook just because he looked pathetic now.

"Don't worry, he will face punishment. You have my word." The knight says. Despite Finn's pathetic state, it won't help him escape punishment.

Like the head priest said before, attacking the hero is challenging heaven itself. The heroes are people chosen by the gods.

Saying that he will kill Onyx and his family would be blasphemy. Finn could get the highest punishment; the death penalty.

When Irene hears that, a large grin form on her face. However, Onyx didn't look at him anymore. He shouldn't have to worry about a broken person.

He walks over to Lily, "How are you feeling?"

"Big brother, I'm fine." Her face isn't as pale as before. Instead, it was flush with red. Seeing how her big brother slammed Finn a few feet away made all that pain worth it.

He smiles in relief and bows his head to the head priest, "Thanks, gramps. Your healing skills really save the day." If the head priest didn't step in when he did, Lily might have been left for dead.

The head priest shakes his head, "You don't need to thank me. I only did what anybody would have done." But then he sighs,

"But it's a shame that Finn has chosen this path." Finn is strong. There is no doubt about that. He could have even been the star in the village. However, Finn's path towards vengeance and jealousy was the cause of his downfall.

"...Yes." Despite hurting him, Onyx felt the same. He didn't hate Finn that much until now. He knew Finn could have been something different if he didn't chase Irene around.

Before Onyx can say anything else, an intense pain wraps around his hand!

What the?!

Looking at his hand, a bunch of skin was missing on the top of his knuckles. There's even the whiteness of bone revealing itself.

A large amount of blood drips to the floor. Realizing a small puddle forming under Onyx's feet, the head priest quickly made his move,

"Onyx, let me heal you.' He quickly casts his healing magic again. The blood slowly stops dripping as the wounds close up.

The head priest takes some bandages out and wraps his hand. He warns him, "Onyx, you shouldn't push your hands for a few days. Even if I healed your hands, it still needs some time for the flesh to regenerate."

"So go home and get some rest now." With how much just happened in such time, Onyx and Irene will need some time to process it.

The four of them nodded their heads as they quickly left the scene. But the four are too excited about what they just received.

Once the four left the scene, everybody else had dispersed too. And the people there started to spread the story of the two heroes around the entire village.

Despite the joyous occasion, inside the church building, the grand priest screams,

"Your grace, we have found her!"

And in the woods, the knight reports, "Captain, there are two heroes. Please let the emperor know and send people here as quickly as possible."

Each one sends a report with the same intention.


A few days later,

Onyx wakes up, and when he gets up from the bed, he usually gets up by holding the bed frame. But this time,


The crushing sound of the wooden frame being broken apart. Despite destroying the bed frame, the grin on his face says it all.

So it wasn't a dream.

The past few days, Ony's been going through a cycle. He could tell whether or not becoming a hero was a dream. He didn't expect it. But now that he has it, he couldn't be more happier.

Walking downstairs, Emilia already had breakfast ready, and everybody was already sitting at the table. Before Onyx could sit, Emilia warns, "Onyx, be gentler on the chair this time. I don't want anything else broken. Got that?"

Onyx sighs, "Don't worry about it, mom."

But that isn't enough as Emilia scolds him, "You won't? Can you say that to our last few chairs and tables?" In a corner, there's a large amount of broken wood there.

"Are you really a hero? You're breaking everything in the house."

When Onyx got home with Lily and Wyatt, Emilia was shocked by how dirty Lily's dress had become. Onyx told them they got into a scuffle and the look on Douglas's face was scary.

He was ready to pound whoever made his little girl so injured.

Onyx quickly explained that he dealt with him, and all the anger was dispersed and filled with relief instead.

And that relief soon turned into joy. Lily and Wyatt talked about how Onyx had become a hero. They started glorifying how Onyx defeated Finn with so much ease.

Despite the joyous event: soon came the problem. When Onyx pulled out his seat to eat, he broke off the top. And when he grabbed the fork, he immediately twisted and bent it.

And when he put some pressure on the table, the whole thing broke in half! Besides the two children in awe, the rest were baffled by what happened! Onyx quickly apologized, and Douglas told him he didn't have to worry about it.

"I got this, little brother," With his skills, William can make a new table and utensils in a few minutes.

However, this whole ordeal has been going on for the past few days. Everything Onyx touched, it would break! It got to the point where it's a daily occurrence in the house.

"Trust me, mom. I got this." Onyx uses as little force he can possibly muster as he pulls out the chair.

It only took a few minutes, but Onyx was out of the house!

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