《From Another World (A Hololive Fanfiction)》Darkness vs Fire


Temma and Suzaku’s fight was amazing. If I win in my fight, I would have to face Temma. But for now, I should focus on my current opponent.

Someone knocked on the door and when I opened it, Suisei was there.

“It’s your turn. Don’t push yourself”, she said.

“You came to cheer me on?” I asked.

“Of course. You are my champion and I want you to win. It’s every idol’s dream to perform in the Westa Grand Music Festival. But don’t get too hurt. I’d hate it more if you get seriously injured.”

“Don’t worry... I’ll do my best. Let’s hope it’s enough to beat Kiara.”

I walked down the hallway and saw a familiar blond man.

“Nice fight”, I praised Temma.

“It was a tough one. If you win, I’ll face you. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Yeah. I’ll do whatever I can.”

My opponent was Kiara Takanashi. From what I saw earlier, she uses a sword and shield combination. Also, she was a phoenix so there was a chance that she would use fire.

I racked my brain for the possible weaknesses of a phoenix. The lore of a phoenix changes in every RPG I have played but there was one thing that they all had in common: they were immortal. Also, Kiara was in her human form so her mobility was probably the same as a normal human.

“Representing Civia, the manager of the famous KFP, Kiara Takanashi!”

Kiara walked to the stadium and waved at the crowd.

“And facing off against her is Suisei’s champion, the administrative officer of the 13th unit, Mikage Kamishiro!!”

I stiffly walked to the stadium. All of the audience’s eyes were on me and that made my heart beat faster than a horse.

“Don’t be too nervous, Mikage. Just focus on surviving against me”, Kiara said.

“Y-Yeah... Wait... What do you mean by focusing on surviving against you?” I asked.

“Play with fire and you’ll get burned”, she unsheathed her sword and raised her shield. Flames danced around her sword.

I knew it... Fire...


“Let your blades dance and magic go wild! The second round of the Idol Fan Tournament... Start!!”

The moment the referee said start, a huge blast of fire headed towards me. I made my shadow rise and turn into a wall to protect me. The flames died down and my shadow returned to the ground.

“So you’re a Dark Mage... This should be fun”, Kiara said.

“Well... I’m not exactly an expert but I’ll have you know, I was trained by Temma”, I replied.

I charged at her and swung my sword but she blocked it with her shield. This was going to be a tough match. Her sword and shield combination was a troublesome thing to deal with.

Kiara could easily block my strikes using her shield. Her sword looks cool though. It was orange in color and looked really futuristic. Her blue shield also had a cool design.

Our swords clashed and I could keep up with her. My daily training with Temma paid off. However, her strength was no joke. Even if she was a girl, I could feel my sword vibrating so much whenever our blades hit each other.

She pointed her sword at me and shot flames. I dodged to the right and turned my shadow into a spike and made it lunge at her. Kiara blocked my attack using her shield.

That’s it... If I didn’t fight her without the intent of seriously injuring her, I wouldn’t win. She was strong enough to be able to handle my serious mode.

I began swinging my sword faster and started aiming on her vulnerable spots.

“You’re getting serious. I like it”, Kiara said.

“Can’t really disappoint Suisei”, I replied.

She then made an unexpected move. Instead of using her sword, she bashed me using her shield and I got knocked away. A wave of fire went towards me but I managed to put up a wall made from my shadow.

Think Mikage, think! I can’t possibly defeat her using only my sword skills. What else could I do with Dark Magic?

I tried to remember all of the Dark Mages that I have encountered so far... Wait a minute...


Hey, Anya... Can we do it like what the bandaged man did? I asked.

What are you planning?

I explained my plan to her.

I could handle one without placing any burden on you. But I wouldn’t be able to help you if you ever decide to cast another Dark Magic while I am doing it, she said.

Then I’m counting on you.

My shadow rose from the ground and turned into a humanoid creature. It was around the same height as me but it has sharp claws. I remembered the time when the bandaged man made us fight 30 of them.

However, it was hard controlling them and managing your own mana while fighting. That’s why I left the controlling part to Anya.

“Is that supposed to be a summoned creature?” Kiara asked.

“Yeah. I can’t defeat you on my own so I need help”, I answered.

You ready, Mikage? Anya asked.

Let’s go!

The shadow and I charged at Kiara. I would attack her from behind while the shadow would keep her busy in the front. Kiara was actually doing well in dealing with the two of us.

She managed to hold her ground against our continued onslaught but she did all she could to defend herself. Her flames were useless against my Shadow Companion. Yep. I’m calling it Shadow Companion. Shadow Clone reminded me of a certain ninja and I didn’t want to be called a copycat.

I was worried that her flames would somehow affect it. After all, fire emits light and darkness is weak against it. At least that’s how it went in most games I played.

But Kiara’s flames didn’t do anything to my Shadow Companion. Even if it was hit directly, it still continued fighting.

Anya, are you okay? Do you get hurt whenever the Shadow Companion gets hit?

I’m fine. My senses are not completely merged with it so I don’t feel any pain. Focus on the fight instead of worrying about me!

Our combined strikes were pushing Kiara back. There was a moment when Kiara had a clear opening where I could cut her ribbon. This should end it.

I lunged forward and Kiara’s eyes met with mine. It was probably my imagination but I could feel that something wrong was going to happen.

The Shadow Companion pushed me away just in time as an inferno was unleashed. Kiara’s flames covered her body and everything in a 4 meter radius. The flames formed a pillar and rose to the skies.

When it died down, Kiara looked more intimidating. Wings made out of flames sprouted from her back and her hands and feet were burning. Her smile was different. It was no longer a warm smile that could make me relax. Instead, it was a fearless smirk that showed how she was confident.

“You actually pushed me this far. It’s been some time since I last used this”, she said.

So... This was the power of a phoenix. As expected of an immortal creature... I could feel my chances of winning turning slim. However, there was something new that awakened inside me.

My heart beat fast and my hands were shaking. But it wasn’t out of fear. I was getting excited. The creature in front of me was powerful and there was a huge chance that I would lose. But if I win against these odds, it would be a great story.

“So? Are you surrendering?” she asked.

“Are you kidding? I will fight until I can no longer move”, I replied.

“I see. Don’t come crying to me later when you get burned.”

She took a stance and I was ready to receive her attack. Will she shoot out flames or will she lunge at me with her sword? There were many possibilities and I had to react properly.

“T-This is unexpected. Kiara Takanashi’s ribbon was burned!” the referee shouted.

“Eh?” Kiara looked dumbfounded.

“Eh?” I looked at her right shoulder and her ribbon was gone.

“The winner for the second match is: Mikage Kamishiro!!!”


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