《Majo Magica》Chapter 23


It took a little over two weeks to reach the northern country. Ravenbeard, of course, was in command of the wheel. Akeru helped with any task that needed to be done while Itsuki fished, studied his books, and cooked. On the final day, they could almost swim to Arezillia. Akeru and Itsuki were looking at it in wonder.

Akeru: Wow…it is literally an ice island, isn't it?

Itsuki: You sure your amulet is here? If it is…do you think it's frozen over?

Akeru: Y-Yes, I'm sure! It has to be here…

Ravenbeard: At Least we can get something to eat other than fishies…

Akeru: Yeah, we probably should have brought food on board before we left…if I see another fish, I think I will throw up…

Itsuki: Agreed…

The three sighed heavily as they finally made port. There wasn't a port town like in Polisha; it was simply a dock. Itsuki and Akeru got off and looked at Ravenbeard, who was still on the ship.

Ravenbeard: Aye, go on ahead, mates. I'm going to stay here for a ye while. I won't leave you to die here.

Itsuki: Better not!

Akeru: See you when we get back, Captain!

Akeru and Itsuki wave goodbye as they walk through the snowy land. They had to climb hills of snow and ice, looking for any sign of civilization.

Akeru: Does no one live here?

Itsuki: It doesn't seem like it- wait, what's that?

Itsuki points to an ice tower in the distance, surrounded by walls.

Akeru: That must be a town; let's go!

Itsuki: Right!

The two make their way over to it, and the whole town is frosted over. Not one sign of life was inside its walls. It seemed like people lived here at one point, but something happened.

Itsuki: Just our luck…what do you think happened?


Akeru: I doubt it was just a snowstorm that did this…do you think a Witch could be involved?

Itsuki: Based on what we saw with Cleo, I wouldn't doubt it…but at the same time, it could easily be something else. Let's check out the tower.

Akeru: Stay on your toes.

The two walked to the tower and tried opening the door, but it was frozen shut. Itsuki used several Pyroballs to thaw it out as the two opened it with as much force as they could. Inside, the tower was frozen just like the outside.

Akeru: I'm getting a bad feeling…think we should turn back?

Itsuki: I'm not sure-

As soon as the two head inside, the door behind them shuts and refreezes.

Akeru: Damnit! Itsuki, thaw it out; something wants to trap us!

Itsuki: Pyroball!

Itsuki tried to thaw it, but not even his fire was thawing it out.

Itsuki: Damnit! It isn't working!

Akeru: Well then, if something wants us here… let's go greet ourselves. Not like we have a choice.

Itsuki nods as they both head up the stairs. Each floor was fancy but frozen over. They reached a small throne room with a woman sitting in it as they went up several floors. She had long white silky hair with an ice crown on her head. She had icy blue eyes and a long light blue dress with white on its sides. The whole dress was sparkly as well.

???: So, it seems I have guests.

Akeru: Why did you trap us?!

???: Why did you invade my home?

Itsuki: W-We didn't know anyone was still living here!

???: Regardless, it's common manners to knock. I would have let you in.

The woman stands up, cold air expelling from her.

Akeru: Are you a Witch?!

???: Irrelevant, as I believe I will kill you now.


Itsuki: Not without a fight! Pyro-

Itsuki went to cast, but his whole hand froze over suddenly.

Akeru: T-That was instant!

???: Come now, boy, you think a fire spell would even hurt me? Did you not try the door already…?

Akeru stood there and was thinking to herself about what to do. But then, she looked at her ring, and her eye's widened.

Akeru: The ring! If she tried to use magic on me, this should protect me!

Akeru quickly went to the woman and was about to punch her as ice tried to surround Akeru, but the ring activated a barrier. The woman's eyes widened slightly as she grabbed Akeru's hand and threw her against a wall.

Itsuki: Akeru!

???: That barrier….no that ring, where did you obtain it?

Akeru: Like I would tell you!

???: I see…so that is how you want to play.

The woman slowly walked to Akeru, summoning a sword made of ice. Itsuki quickly used his other palm and used Galewind at the woman.

???: Foolish attempt, boy.

The woman went to slash it but saw a trail of magic connected to it.

Itsuki: Conversion , Shade!

The wind blade suddenly turned dark, exploding and creating a dense cloud of darkness around the room.

???: Impressive; if I had noticed in time, I would have easily disturbed it.

The woman slashes the air and destroys the cloud and notices the two are now gone. She looked to the staircase to see Itsuki carrying Akeru and going up the stairs. She sighed heavily as she walked to the stairs.

???: Even if you reach the top, your fate is sealed regardless, boy…

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