《Majo Magica》Chapter 19


The guard captain looks at the three funny as they carry their treasure-filled Manticore to the city gate. Ravenbeard was on the side that his face was still human to avoid issues.

Captain: H-H-Hold it, you lot! What do you think you are doing with that thing!?

Akeru: Ugh, haven’t we suffered enough? The Sultana sent us to slay this beast for her, and we are bringing back its body as proof.

Captain: Leave it here. You can’t just bring a giant beast like that into the city!

Itsuki: We thought the same thing, but I believe the Sultana wanted to see it for herself.

Captain: Well, I can call for her to come here to see it!

Akeru and Itsuki just look at each other and shake their heads.

Akeru: Wow.

Itsuki: You are seriously going to task the glorious Sultana to walk all the way here to see a carcass? Your funeral, I guess.

Captain: S-S-S-She…but I…but she…fine! Just hurry up! I will tell her you are coming through.

Akeru: Fine by us…

The three of them walk by as the captain gives Ravenbeard a funny look, mainly because of the pirate outfit, but he suddenly sees his skeleton hand and looks even more confused. They quickly made it to Armando’s caravan, where business was dead. He ran out of the caravan and greeted the three.

Armando: Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! I thought you two would never return! It may have only been a day…but I was still worried!

Itsuki: Well, lucky for you, we are okay…and we got you a present.

Armando: A present?

Akeru: Ravenbeard, help him unload…I’m going to keep watch.

Ravenbeard: Aye…

Armando: W-W-Why do you two know a pirate-

Itsuki: Just keep your trap shut, and we will explain soon. And maybe wait for us by the gate.


Armando tilted his head slightly but nodded as Itsuki and Ravenbeard unloaded the treasure into Armando’s caravan. When they got done, nothing was left but the Manticore carcass.

Itsuki: Ravenbeard, I guess this is where we part ways. Take whatever treasure you can carry with you.

Ravenbeard: Aye, thank ye, lad. May our paths cross again.

Ravenbeard got what he could carry and hopped away. Armando looks at Itsuki and Akeru, who walk to the two.

Armando: Do you think it is safe to trust a pirate…?

Akeru: If he wanted to, he would have shot us all and taken your caravan. Still, though, it would be nice to have him around…

Itsuki: Can’t force someone to do something they don’t want to do…now let’s drag this big boy to Cleo.

Akeru nodded as she and Itsuki dragged the large carcass back to the palace, as Armando packed up all of his things and proceeded to leave the city. As the two reach the palace, they are greeted by Cleo’s slightly surprised face and her assistant Archerd.

Itsuki: Yo, your highness!

Akeru: We got you a trophy~

Cleo: H-How did you…

Archerd: We are surprised you defeated the beast, but what of the treasure you were meant to bring back?

Akeru: O-Oh about that…we…

Itsuki: We encountered someone inside the temple, and they took what we were going to bring back-

Cleo: Impossible.

Akeru: Hmmm?

Cleo: No one has ever survived that temple…

Itsuki: Well, we did…and so did that backstabber.

Akeru: On another note…what is our payment?

Cleo: O-Oh, right, your payment…Archerd~ Give them the two gold coins they deserve~!

Itsuki: 2 gold coins?

Cleo: Mhmm! 2 gold coins for each task you do for me! Eventually, you will have enough saved up to go north!

Akeru: You never planned on paying us from the start, did you?


Cleo: Watch your tongue, girl!

Itsuki: You didn’t think we would survive your trap! That temple is yours that you built overtop a cursed cave-

The room suddenly had a sandstorm as Cleo hopped down from her throne, and death glared at the two.

Cleo: You think you two worthless rats are worth anything to me?! Do you think I made a deal with that woman out of the goodness of my heart?! I never planned to do anything for allies of hers!!

Itsuki and Akeru stood firm against her as the sandstorm intensified, Archerd just watching this unfold.

Cleo: You think you can talk down to me just because you survive my now deceased pet!? I am the Sultana, you worms! I am the Sand Witch!

Itsuki: More like a Sand Bitch-

Cleo sends a bunch of hard sand at his gut, bruising it badly and sending him into a wall. Then, before Akeru could do or say anything, Cleo grabbed her by the neck and held her up.

Cleo: You two…I’ll send you back to the Twilight Witch in a damn coffin!

Suddenly the Guard Captain ran up to her with Armando in cuffs.

Captain: Sultana! I captured the caravan as you said to!

Itsuki is on his knees as he stands up slowly, coughing.

Itsuki:...You knew the second he told you we survived what our plan was.

Cleo: I didn’t think anything of it until that guard told me you had a pirate with me…that damn pirate captain tried to raid me years and years ago; I figured he would be dead! He tried to threaten me! I should have killed him right there…So, of course, I knew he would tell you two the truth…and why I knew you would steal from me. Put these three behind bars, find that pirate, and hang them all!!

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