《Majo Magica》Chapter 15


After a long journey through the sands, they finally made it to the City of Polisha. Everything was beautiful in it, from the stone used for the buildings to the cloth used for the tarps over some doors. Everything was mainly tan or white, but blue was spotted here and there. The three stopped at the gate as the guards halted their caravan. They got out to listen to the Guard Captain at the entrance.

Captain: You three! What is in the caravan? Do you have a permit to be here?

Armando: A permit? I-I-I don’t believe so!

Itsuki: Seriously…look, we are here to see the Sand Witch-

The guards all point their spears at Itsuki.

Captain: No one sees the Sultana unless she permits it!

Akeru: The Twilight Witch sent us; it should be fine-

The guards split and have their spears pointed at all three of them.

Armando: Oh oh oh oh oh no….this doesn’t seem good!

Itsuki: We are telling the truth! Something about a job she worked out for us!

Captain: The Witches never speak with each other; everyone knows that boy!

Akeru: Aurora wouldn’t lie to us! She may be treated poorly for being a Witch, but she wouldn’t lie about talking to the Sand Witch!

Captain: Men, take them to the prison for now-

???: That won’t be necessary, captain.

The captain turned to see a man with faded blue hair, glasses, and a white suit. His green eyes examined the three being halted by the guards and signaled the men to move aside, which they did so immediately.

Man: Come on, you two follow me. The merchant can take his caravan to an empty spot to set up. Please show him the way there, guards.

The man turned around and started walking towards the most enormous building in the back of the city. Itsuki and Akeru quickly followed him as Armando got in his caravan, led by some guards to show him where to park it.


Man: Archerd Dornamen, advisor for the Sand Witch, also known as Cleo Suna. Please try not to mention anything that will upset the Sultana; I could do without another headache today.

The two nodded as the three of them headed to the throne room. Archerd opened the large doors to reveal the throne itself. On it was a slightly tan petite lady with normal-sized breasts and an average height with a gold metal bikini on, with her long black hair wrapped in a braided ponytail. She looked down at the three and sighed slightly.

Lady: So, what may the Sand Witch of Polisha do for you today?

This was Cleo Suna, and she looked beyond uninterested in the two. Akeru and Itsuki exchanged looks with each other as Itsuki awkwardly coughed and spoke up.

Itsuki: W-We’re the ones Aurora spoke of.

Cleo: Aurora? Oh, her…Yes, very well then…

Cleo sat up and crossed her bare legs, glaring at the two.

Cleo: Let it be known, I am not allied with her nor you. I am merely doing this as part of a trade-off with the Twilight Witch. Do you understand?

Akeru: Crystal…

Itsuki: So what did you have for us?

Cleo evilly smirked at the two suddenly.

Cleo: You two are going to be my good little pets and do whatever I say~

Akeru: H-Hang on a second, you mean as slaves?!

Cleo: Hush your tongue, girl, or I will rip it out of your loud mouth! Our agreement was I could do as I saw fit to fund your little expedition to the north. Now boy, kiss my foot and be my footstool~

Itsuki: Are you out of you-

Akeru elbowed him suddenly and whispered to him.

Akeru: Listen, we both need to calm down…she isn’t like Aurora; this woman seems like she is an excellent actor…or she will kill us for even looking at her wrong. Just do as she asks, and we will get to the north without issue.


Itsuki blushed and groaned as he got on all fours and kissed Cleo’s foot. She kicked him in the face and then laughed as she rested her legs on his back.

Cleo: Good pet~ Now, girl, go and fetch me a drink. You look of age…

Akeru: Y-Yeah, I’m like 20; the drinking age is like 18 -

Cleo: Oh, and strip those clothes off you right this instant!

Akeru: I-I-I-I-I’m sorry?

Itsuki: Do as the Sultana says, Akeru~

Akeru blushed intensely and covered herself with her arms, turning away.

Akeru: W-Well, how come mine is that, but he has it easy?!

Cleo: Are you questioning me, girl? Though I suppose you are correct…then both of you strip! It is far too hot anyways for those clothes.

Itsuki: E-E-E-Excuse me?!

Akeru smirked at him.

Akeru: What happened to do as the Sultana asks, Itsuki~?

Archerd: If I may, your Grace…might we have a more reasonable task for them? They should be able to handle something more dangerous.

Cleo: Hmm…fine, fine…then how about you two go to the Ancient Temple of Alexandros and “borrow” its riches for me?

Akeru: That doesn’t seem dangerous at all…but it beats being nude. How much riches are we talking about?

Cleo: As much as possible, the more you bring back, the more I will pay you for~

Itsuki: Sounds good to me; where is this temple at?

Archerd: It lies north of here, but be cautious…there lies a Manticore in there guarding it. No one has survived its fury.

Itsuki and Akeru nodded and quickly left the throne room as Cleo sighed, shifting back sideways on her throne.

Cleo: What a damn shame; I was going to have fun with those two…

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