《Majo Magica》Chapter 8


Benjiro and Akeru walked to the city in silence for what felt like hours before Akeru finally spoke up.

Akeru:...Thank you.

Benjiro: It's fine, just doing as I was told.

Akeru: Who are they…the Anti Witch Federation?

Benjiro: In short, just a group thinking they are doing the right thing in the sickest and twisted way, as I am sure you saw.

Akeru had her head down a bit, looking at the unconscious Itsuki. She had never seen him get that angry before, and she was worried.

Benjiro: Don't worry about the boy; he will get over it.

Akeru: Don't say it like that! Those people-

Benjiro: Those people and many like it suffer all the time; when I say get over it, I don't mean to forget them…but rather don't let it consume you. Would those people want that from you two?

Akeru just kept silent the rest of the trip back to the city. As much as she didn't want to say it, he was right. Eventually, they got the Sanoptia Castle. Benjiro found two guests' rooms and put Itsuki on a bed.

Akeru: Thank you once again…

Benjiro just nodded and left. Akeru looked at Itsuki and turned away, closing the door behind her as she left to go to her room. She sat on the bed and sighed heavily.

Akeru: Itsuki…please don't let this consume you…

The next following days were rough. When Itsuki woke up, he wouldn't leave his room. He locked his door and sulked. Akeru would try to get him to let her in, but he would refuse. She would have the staff leave him food by the door, hoping that he would come out for even that, but he never did. About four days after they arrived, Akeru would roam around the castle, eventually running into the Witch herself.


Aurora: Oh, it is you. How are you feeling, girl?

Akeru: Can I ask you something…?

Aurora: Hmm?

Akeru: Are Witches…truly evil?

Aurora:...Follow me.

Aurora signaled her to follow and led her to her bedroom, which had a bookshelf. She pulled out a book and blew the dust off of it. She opened it and sat on her bed, leaving space for Akeru. Akeru sat next to her and glanced at the book.

Aurora: You lost your memories, so you may not know what being a Witch is. In the beginning, humans gained magic and became the Mages that we have seen today. Of course, the numbers started small, but eventually, everyone could use magic. But with this came no order; there was nothing but chaos. Everyone fought to try and become ruler of the whole world. However, Witches were then created to govern the world, to rule with each other in balance. This did not work…we all fought with one another, making the problem somewhat worse. But there was a silver lining; we were more potent than the strongest mage at the time, so many feared us. Through that, some like me decided to rule a country. The others scattered to do their agendas.

Akeru: So it could have been way worse…

Aurora: You could say that but like everyone else, there lies good and evil…the same goes for Witches. The Thirteen of us did what we wanted at first, including taking innocents. I, of course, did no such thing. But with all of this information, some still wanted us gone…

Akeru: The Anti-Witch Federation…

Aurora: The very same; they wish to make the world like it was before we arrived. They think that we will enslave everyone or even murder them all. If you even support a Witch, you will be treated like you were one. Of course, they have never attacked my city, but my guards are always weary that one of them will slip in to try and kill me.


Akeru: I see…

Akeru had her head down again; she could hardly believe that thing was happening- no, this had been happening for the longest time. Aurora put the book aside and suddenly brushed Akeru's hair. Akeru jumped a bit and looked at her, confused.

Aurora: I genuinely hope that someone survived from that village. I have my doubts, of course…but I could not find any bodies. They could indeed have burned; either way, I sent them a prayer that night. They were still my people….

Akeru: You truly care about your country, don't you?

Aurora: All that support me shall get support back. If you question me, I will answer all that I can. If you hate me, I cannot do anything but try my best. Yet if you want to kill me, I will try to kill you back. So is the way of a ruler. So is the way of the Twilight Witch.

Aurora gave her a smile as Akeru jumped off of her bed. She looked at Aurora and smiled back.

Akeru: Thank you for everything.

Akeru ran off as Benjiro came out of the shadows.

Aurora: Very rude of you to hide in a corner like that…what do you need?

Benjiro: What is your next move? Should I track down the scumbag?

Aurora: Not yet…I need to confirm a few things about the attack. I have a theory that says they didn't intend to send someone to get rid of that village.

Benjiro: So it's what I thought then: They captured that Catolob and released it into the Orc base near the village. The beast lured them near the village, where they decided to pillage it, giving up on the beast.

Aurora: Great minds think alike…still, it is an odd strategy with holes in it. That is why I can't figure out their tactics…

Benjiro: I'll keep patrolling around the area.

Aurora waved him goodbye as he left the room. Akeru went back to her room and lay in bed until she fell asleep; the amount of information she got today got her head spinning.

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