《Majo Magica》Chapter 5


Itsuki and Akeru found a doctor in town to treat Itsuki. The two left the clinic after a day or so as Akeru sighed.

Akeru: 80 gold coins for that…great, no closer to our goal.

Itsuki: I-I'm sorry.

Akeru: Don't be; you have to be alive to help me, right? This is but a minor setback. At least you have more than two spells now, right?

Itsuki couldn't help but smile at her. But then, she looked at him and turned her face away.

Akeru: Let's get moving; if you can smile, then you can work.

Itsuki: Yeah, you're right!

The two set off back to the Guild, where they were greeted by the woman behind the counter once more.

Woman: Welcome back! How may I help you today?

Itsuki: I-I-I just…uhm…

Akeru: … We would like to see a quest available.

Woman: Oh! Well, we have a Silver Rank 1 available today!

Akeru: I guess that will- wait, Silver?

Itsuki: S-S-Silver?! That has to be a mistake…!

Woman: Let me see your Magica.

Itsuki gave her his Magica, and she scanned it and pulled up a hologram-like scroll in front of her, checking through it.

Woman: Yes, it says Silver right here! You defeated a Catolob, which happened to be an emergency Hunt.

Itsuki: Hunt??

Woman: Oh my, you don't know? Typically, Quests have to be approved by the Guild and then sorted into a Rank. A Hunt is a monster or even a person marked as needing to be killed as soon as possible! They don't possess a rank so that anyone can attempt them, but usually, only higher Ranks deal with them. Due to the severity of a Hunt, they are counted higher than a Quest, but higher Ranks require more Quests and Hunts than lower Ranks.

Akeru: So we ranked up by mere chance…still though, it's helpful, I suppose.

Itsuki's eyes were sparkling as he looked super excited.

Itsuki: I-I made it to Silver!

Woman: So…will you accept the Quest or not?


Itsuki: Absolutely!

Woman: Grand! The payment for this is 100 gold coins!

Itsuki and Akeru nod as the woman updates his Magica and sends them on their way. Itsuki looked at the Quest details.

Akeru: 100 gold coins, certainly a pay raise… What must we- well, you do?

Itsuki: We need to go to a local village and help them; they suffered an Orc invasion recently.

Akeru nodded as they headed outside the city and walked about 20 minutes to the village. Once there, they saw the immense damage: Trees snapped in half, buildings were in pieces, and the farms were destroyed. They were greeted by the village leader, an older man with long facial hair.

Leader: Welcome to our…previously lovely village. May we help you?

Itsuki: W-We were sent by the Guild to help!

Leader: The Guild? Oh yes, I forgot I sent that request out. It's been complete devastation here, as you can see. About two nights ago, Orcs came running through, destroying everything in sight. We suffered a few casualties, but no one else got heavily injured.

Akeru: What do you want us to do, sir?

Leader: Well…if you two could just help us rebuild and possibly help us guard it in case that monstrous group comes back, that would be all I require.

Itsuki: That sounds good to me! Akeru, let's split up for now. The village isn't too big so you shouldn't need me too bad.

Akeru: Excuse me? Are you saying I need you to perform day-to-day tasks?

Itsuki: N-No I was just saying…uhm…

Akeru huffed and stormed off to a group trying to repair the farm as Itsuki sighed, going to a group rebuilding houses. Finally, after hours of hard labor, the two met back up.

Akeru: See…I didn't…need you…ugh…

She was beyond worn out as she just collapsed on the ground and relaxed.

Itsuki: I… didn't…mean it like…that…

Itsuki followed her and fells backward and relaxed on the ground. The two took a deep breath as a small girl with red pigtails, tanned skin, and a white dress approached them.


Girl: Are you two okay?

The two sat up and looked at the girl.

Itsuki: Y-Y-Yeah we are fine! W-We were j-just resting!

Akeru: Do you have a name?

Girl: Mhmm! Matsui!

A woman with long red hair, tanned skin, and a white dress walks toward her and giggles.

Woman: Matsuri, she forgets letters sometimes.

Matsuri puffs her cheeks and runs to the woman, hugging her leg.

Akeru: You must be her mother, correct?

Woman: Yes, I am Himari. A pleasure to meet you; you must be the ones the Guild sent. Please, let me reward you two with dinner at our home.

Itsuki: A-A-Are you sure it's okay?

Himari: Of course, we have a spare bed and sleeping bag too if you would like to stay the night with us.

Akeru: Oh goodness, you are too kind. I would hate to impose.

Himari: Nonsense, you are helping us, so I wish to repay the kindness. Now come, I'll get started fixing food.

Himari and Matsuri walked away as Akeru and Itsuki followed them. Their small hut was one of the few not damaged. When they got in, it looked cozy with a picture on the wall of Himari, a man, and Matsuri overtops a fireplace.

Akeru: This must be your husband?

Himari was in the kitchen area, making stew as she nodded sadly.

Himari: He…was my husband. He was one of the few defending the village the other night.

Itsuki: I'm so sorry for your loss…

Himari: It's…fine, I was a wreck when I found out, but I have accepted it. He did as he wanted to, to protect us. While I miss him dearly, he gave us another chance at life.

Akeru: That's a very kind way to feel about the situation; I envy you.

Himari giggled as she kept cooking. Then, finally, Matsuri ran to Akeru with a plush rabbit.

Matsuri: Lookie! This is my bunny! Daddy gave me her before he went away!

Akeru: Oh my! It is as pretty as you, Matsuri.

Akeru and Matsuri giggled as Itsuki smiled at them. This was the first time he saw Akeru smile at all. Himari finished cooking, poured the stew into bowls, and set the table. The four sat down, prayed, and then started eating.

Himari: Oh my, I never asked your names.

Akeru: Akeru, and this is Itsuki.

Itsuki: Mhm…gods, this stew is incredible!

Himari: Oh my goodness, it isn't that great! But I appreciate your kind words.

Matsuri: Mommy makes the best food!

Akeru: It seems that way.

Akeru smiled as she ate, and Himari looked at Itsuki.

Himari: So, do you enjoy being a mage? What are your Ranks?

Itsuki: W-W-Well, I'm a Silver and…Akeru has no magic, so she isn't a mage.

Himari: No magic? My, that is certainly unheard of.

Akeru: Yes, I also have lost my memories. Even my name, this name was just what Itsuki gave me…

Himari: Ah, I'm sorry for bringing it up, dear…

Akeru: No, it's okay. We have an idea of where to go to retrieve my memories possibly. We plan to go north to Arezillia.

Matsuri: Artzila???

Himari: Close! That is the snowy north… goodness, that would be quite the travel from here. I wish you two good fortune on your journeys there.

Akeru: Thank you, now that we have had our fill, we should clean up and head to bed.

The other three nodded their heads, and everyone helped clean up. Then they all went to bed after talking for an hour or so. The mother and child slept in one bed, Akeru in the spare bed, and Itsuki in the sleeping bag. The two helped the village for a week, and they would be welcomed back into the home every night. The village looked brand new thanks to everyone's efforts.

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