《Modern Phantasia: siVisPride (Original!Urban Fantasy, Survival Thriller)》(Update II)


>Replaying past transmissions

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Heeeeey, welcome back to the show...! With...w-with no title or is an actual show!

(nervous chuckle) It's still pretty surreal that my screaming into the actual ether... Well, meant something. For those who are confused--hey, I'm Tabby. Tabitha. The name is meaningful, okay--I made these files for me and my loved ones because... Their words, not mine, "I explain good". I've made a name for myself in explaining this realistic nightmare, breaking it down--not really like, giving people the answers I'm sure they need right now, but I can make it... Digestible. And I thought, hey, might as well share these.

But I thought they would be like, messages in a bottle? Not quickly trending media?

So it's still... (laughs softly) Very uh, scary and amazing that this is happening, and to this day I still can't process it. I probably never will...

All this rambling aside, that means I have to include you guys, right? It's not just me talking to a screen anymore...

So that's why, I asked you guys what you needed clarifying in this strange hell we've been trying to survive in. But spoiler alert. It's going to make you want more answers to the 100 questions raised. Good for my business, but wary on the soul...

That outta the way, let's start! With a question by Noel_grayson1364...

(the sounds of barely stifled laughter)

Forgive me, Noel, I just... This is perfect. You're perfect. This is off to such a perfect start...

(tries to clear throat, and with a voice shaking with mirth)

"sivis, what does it?"

Many things, Noel! Many many things! More than what we could ever know--!

N-now, cutting you the break you deserve... I'm guessing the question is more like... "What does siVis DO, anyways?"


Which, to remind again, this is a quickly developing topic. Information can and will be outdated. That said...

Well, it's called "modern enlightenment" for a reason--not just to sound cool. In the face of Noumena, everything about the human senses get thrown out of wack. That's the scariest thing about a Shift, or a Nulgarrt: the chance that your body is overwhelmed at the situation at hand and your mind flatlining due to trying to grasp a situation it was never built to understand. And then there's the actual threat, once you get close to any of it, you get physically warped. Either the bog-standard being turned into human clay, or something extremely unique to the Noumena threat. Losing your mind. Losing your self.

It's a reaction to both extremes... Dr. Taber was the one that quite got this, but something--due to our bodies scrambling to find a solution, added with the cosmic possibility that the Noumena brings with it, the two... Sort of create siVis within us. Enhanced senses, psycho-physical durability, unlocked physical capability... The answer we need to survive.

So, what siVis also does in-depth, is change your physiology into a "meta" version. In terms of DNA, vitals--you're more or less the same, just amped up. But underneath the skin, you're basically this living puzzle game. Pathways and their nodes intertwined throughout the now bio-merged and segmented body. These segments forming the body--limbs, head, appendages--and becoming the victims new bones. And muscle.

And blood veins. And nerves. And body organs--essentially, they become this bag of existential gunk. In Dr. Taber's actual words--she literally coined the segments "existential gunk".

These pathways respond to the siVictims' mental state, and since well... We humans came up thinking that we're flesh, bone and blood--I mean what were we thinking right--the pathways sends signals to the segmented piece in question to shape what they want to shape. So, that's why suddenly these people can "break a leg"--their minds can only think of it like that, and therefore, they manifest the bone back when the rest of the leg could literally be the puzzle piece everywhere but the leg break.


It's because of this mental dissonce that it's vital to constantly keep Trends guessing or confused amidst their attacks--called sequence breaking. Think about it, to use these abilities, they have to think about... Well, things we take for granted. Not only knowing how to walk, but how the leg and it's various parts have to position themselves. While they always will have the superior sense of timing, sequence breaking them while they have to conquer various things so they could even do the crazy and dangerous superpower-magic-stuff is the closest thing to universal strategy we have.

And for the guys in the back--asking why we just don't hire snipers and blow their heads clean off?


Tabby's Terrible Trivia here, uh, we tried that already. In the 60's. With Simon Allen. Don't know who that is? There's a reason for that...

Terrible dude, was using his abilities to basically traffic people, got away with it for way too long because the village couldn't really do anything to him. One of the government officials were tired of this bullshit and did exactly what you were thinking--find company, get them to shoot his head off.


Resulting shot caused him to shudder and in his last moments, his ability became aimless and.

That village doesn't really "exist" anymore.

So no, way too much effort when we're already writing off large portion of our lands already due to Shift nonsense...

But uh, there you go, Noel! That is what the siVis does do. Pretty morbid finish, but hey, is it topical and thematic.

I'll see you guys tomorrow! Same Tabby time! Same Tabby...

i really need to work on a outro

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