《Modern Phantasia: siVisPride (Original!Urban Fantasy, Survival Thriller)》(Episode V) The Next (New) World (Act 3)



The way of the new-future-present: today, made the act of being a wallflower completely obsolete.

River figured the world was already done with her, but the fact that she couldn’t even be in the corner was pretty illuminating.

It was practically routine for her—find the drink table, pour cup, walk across the room, find corner that’s lit—but otherwise completely bare corner, lean on it. Walls get surprisingly crowded, and leaning on support beams more or less puts one out in the open regardless, and being in an unlit corner is just begging for trouble that people like her were clearly trying to avoid in the first place.

Drink, look down and away, keep the mind from tearing itself apart out of anxiety, and repeat. Repeat until the drink is done, debate on and off of getting more—what that looks like from the outside—until the point that the mouth dries due to sweating away from the outside, so the drink is obtained anyways. And repeat that, stall that out, until the person that dragged you to Hell dragged you back out.

But, this place is a circular chamber in design. So, the “corner” River was at, was just… The small place where a circle turned upwards. Less catchy than corner, but she was pretty desperate at this point. She practically wanted a Trend to start killing people so that she can leave.

And then it hits, the guilt, being reminded that her beaten-down parents encouraged her to finally relax once in her terrible life—not to end up like her responsible brother that’s breaking down to cut her slack, so just standing there is just wasting time.

So, with two dueling extremes now in competition to make her feel bad within her brain, River leans there, just staring into the grape viscous swishing within her cup, nearing total shutdown of everything.

It was to her shock, that an Extant head that joined her in a flash, taking a drink as they leaned back, sighing after they stopped.

“Damn social vampires—” they breathed out again, wiping their forehead. “Leeches. Life-force-takers—”

And without missing a beat, they adjusted their distinctive fringe, now in a vertical zag. They were only a foot away from River, but Jojo—the manager of Extant Research, the right hand of Professor Diana Blake, it was like a gorge between them and River.

Until they adjusted their white and black suit coat, turning towards her.

“Ah, sorry. I didn’t see you there, I needed a mom--… Wait a minute…”

The three not-so-common words that creates a living nightmare. River immediately seized up.


“I’m sorry, but…” Jojo put their hands behind their back. “Have we met…?”

River could only shake her head.

They disengaged, looking forward towards the socializing pit. “My apologies. Combined with my focus and my memory, when I’m curious about something—of course, I dive everything into the subject. It’s just… I can’t shake the feeling, and the fact that my brain is supplying me with possible explanations by the second—”

The researcher then snapped in quick succession, turning back to River. “That’s right! The ‘Future Tense’ Program! You must’ve been in the running to complete it…”

River had to look remotely presentable, while reliving one of her worse failings.

“I—Yeah,” River made the series of noises. “I uh. Bowed out.”

“I remember hearing about that as well…” Jojo softly pondered. “I think you were among the top, I had to review the progress each of you made. You could’ve been an intern for Extant. Even moved up to the front lines in the Nexus.”

River took a big swig of her cup, but could only taste metal. “Uh. Personal reasons, I elected to withdraw. Things got. Intense.”

Jojo paused, before nodding again, looking straight on again. “My condolences, first off, whatever that might have been. But don’t get too down on yourself—two reasons. Dr. Gia Taber herself didn’t want to get involved with Shift research, so if it was a thing of fear, you’re allowed. Finally… With your possible scores in getting into the top bracket, I’m sure whenever you can try again, you’ll climb the ranks in no time. In fact…”

They looked back, placing their hand on their chest, “If you ever change your stance, you can always try to send for me. I’ll look for your files on my own time, and keep notes on you. A mind like yours shouldn’t be wasted. Enjoy the festivities.”

With a nod, they walked away. They only talked with her, and yet ever since she became a siVis user—had dealt the most damage to her.

With a crushed cup in her grip, shaking hand that was covered in purple drink, River just stood there in the corner. And refused to get out of it.



Aiko leaped forward, correcting herself as she stood on top of the conference. Centering her balance, she looked onward to see her city’s horizon again, only drenched in evening color and flashing lights.

“…Have you really used your siVis ability to scale a building--?”

Aiko nearly fell forward, just by sharply turning towards the person behind her.


If anything, she wanted to jump due to realizing who it is.

He looked like he was wearing a tattered, white long coat. But it was far from it.

What it was, his own fashioned skin. Hanging skin that mimicked cloth, his sleeves hanging low but bound by his wrists. In fact, that’s how the rest of the design worked, creating flowing robes but also laced across his body to the point where what would’ve been flesh was stressed at locations, like chest, shoulders, wrists, and legs. One can see these highly stressed areas flex and twitch. independently The only body exposed was the puzzle piece, stripped-down hands, and feet.

His head was wrapped up in the same material, the large wrappings covering his forehead and top of the eyes, and the bottom covering his mouth. Yet Aiko can still hear Nathan Fuuki speak.

“There’s no need for the overreaction,” Nathan said in a monotone. Uncaring. Detached. Inhuman.

“SAYS YOU!” Aiko pointed at the humanoid. “SAYS LITERALLY YOU—I’m gonna--!”

“Warn everyone? They know that I’m here.”

Aiko blinked, lowering her arm.

“Believe me. Cowardice of others pays very handsomely. They know that I’m here, and as long as I don’t pose an active threat? Then we can continue the standstill we’ve been having since you and your generation were toddlers. We Original Trends have this luxury, but the others just can’t help themselves.”

Aiko huffed, crossing her arms, but still afraid. “I guess you’re angry that you old Trends are old news.”

“If anything, I’m interested in how fate will lay where it may,” Nathan replied casually. “This brewing new world is captivating. I don’t know what to feel so far.”

“gah, even the weird superpower creep isn’t sure where everything’s gonna go—” Aiko sounded exasperated. She put her hands on her hips. “Why are you answering me anyways?”

“I don’t concern myself with insects crawling within my space,” Nathan once again answered. “The difference between you and them is that you’re able to communicate with me.”

She gritted her teeth. Normally, she would brush off this egotism, because it doesn’t concern her and what she does. But what he represents… What he did, by simply existing, that destroyed most of her life…

And yet, she was still shivering. She still wanted to run.

“I do remember you, though. I assume your friends are inside as well.”

Aiko didn’t want to respond, but her expressions gave her away more than any possible slip up of the tongue.

“I’m surprised. When we had that encounter months ago, when you had that foolish plan that lead you to become siVis users… And yet, you didn’t Shatter. You didn’t die, and that at least, is curious.


Part of her was relieved that she screamed at him. The rest of her body was still, shocked that she’d done something that will surely result in her death.

Nathan Fuuki simply chuckled.

“And what have you accomplished since overcoming your fates?”

Aiko just stood there, looking at him silently.

“I thought so. Either way, you people are destined to fail. Constantly. Because even in the advent of this new era of fantasy, it’s only going to make this life harder to live in. People like you, how you carry yourselves, and what you believe in… You’re going to break. And realizing that you all can only break, that will be your undoing.”

Clutching fists, heaving breaths, that’s what Aiko could do. Only do.

“Although, you do have some potential.”

Her eyes widened in response.

“Cut yourself off from the ilk, forsake whatever’s holding you back, and work from the ground up… I can see your ability being very unique to fight against. Otherwise, you have everything you need: “

The monstrous man calmly walked away, as his cloak flapped within the picking up wind.

“Uncompromising in the face of reality. Etching your values and forcing everything else to fall in line. You want that. And that hunger will serve you well.”

With another step, Nathan Fuuki simply fell from the building, causing Aiko to sprint over, carefully looking down to see where he went.

Her vision started to waver. And then cloud with tears.

Aiko fell backward, landing on her bottom. And could only cry.

Covering her face, she only ruminate. Despite everything, even now, even with gaining superpowers. She just can’t escape the past.


Jackie was guided outside, on a balcony, face to back with the voice of the people, keeper of sanity…

“Jackie Jackson…” Tabby turned around, with a quivering and nervous smile on her face. “W-we finally meet…”

Jackie took in the sight, and was only more confused.

“…I think I’m supposed to be… The nervous—” Jackie pointed out.

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