《Modern Phantasia: siVisPride (Original!Urban Fantasy, Survival Thriller)》(Update)


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Tabby n’ Morrow makes YOUR tomorrow!

Ladies! Gentlemen! And all variations thereof—Tabby T.O. Morrow here to make sense of the chaos of our now fantastical everyday life~!

And what a time for my cheesy opening intro to actually… Mean something—

The State of Existence Conference, the first public iteration, is tonight—and whatever Extant is planning to say at the event, we know that they’re promising to move forward, giving us direction… Well, for the first time since I’ve been alive. An entire generation has only known a world where no one had the answers, as things kept getting worse and existential dread was just our state of mind…

It’s pretty crazy. And as much as I’m a harpy towards the man, spewing the kind of flesh and soul-eating acid that truly melts big personality types…


--But if there’s anything Mr. Davenport is capable of—it’s being insane and making it into technology, ORACON, interface, and infrastructure. So h-hopefully he won’t say something too stupid: something so soul-crushing that I have to make five videos explaining that maybe we AREN’T in endangered species status, and let’s keep fighting, dying light and oh god

(nervous throat gurgle that’s supposed to be chuckling) Hey, we gotta joke about these things. It’s healthy! And only just releases the terrible, species-wide mental breakdowns!

But regardless of what’s going to happen tonight, it’s important to keep in mind the road so far. Getting our notes straight before the big test that’s happening sooner-than-later. I’m going over the recent Shift/siVis events while bringing up our current definitions of everything Noumena and siVis.

Yes, everyone “knows”—so why am I wasting my time? Well, three-fold. 1) The devil is in the details. To know is a general thing, but to understand is knowing how it works. 2) The nature of this stuff is seemingly ever-changing and what you know now might just be outdated info. And 3). I’m stressing 3) until the day this awkward rubber chicken of a body croaks and shrivels up. Misinformation is the enemy of our time, maybe even more than Nulgarrt or Trend can muster.

So what that, time to ruin my credibility explaining these concepts like an episode of whatever soap operas’ still surviving today~!:

The Shift Noumena: Ever since the start of the modern age of humanity, these cosmic events have been occurring and with potency and presence with every passing numbered year—putting our perspective of what we knew into question as creatures that never should’ve existed do now, waves from space itself warps everything in their path, and what they’ve left behind are areas of the world that simply become their own realm.


The Transitional Shifts are the main force, cosmetic reality-warping waves, because without them—then the other two noumena won’t be. The Shifts as we currently know them, attack the “fundamental structure” of matter, allowing the impossible, possible.

The Nulgarrt, formerly called the much cooler name Nihilo Beasts, are creatures that are born out of the primordial ooze that we nickname “Stews”. Due to the Shifts stretching and bending as they do, Stews develop around “weaker” places of reality, thus new creatures brew from where the Stew is created.

And finally, Terminsys Zones—or commonly known as Terminsys Cities. Locations where the Shifts have completely warped the area, and as the impossible is possible, it adds up into creating spaces where nothing makes sense in our basic understanding of… Everything. White. Vast. And constantly moving.

Each of these noumena would’ve been damaging to human society alone, but not only do we have three of them, but due to their nature—there is no “standard”. The nature of the Noumena is fluid, and the research that we have are just guidelines at best. Study into the Noumena causes the researchers to go completely mad due to the rabbit hole one must sacrifice everything for, only for it to not make sense in human eyes. We want to advance our sciences to tackle this threat, but this threat constantly tells us that nothing we can do can be done BECAUSE we are simply human.

The fact that this merely exists puts forth every existential question we’ve had as a species. What can you do, as a spontaneous creation, to a void you barely knew anything about in the first place? And that was our history in the modern era—not only spiraling out of control due to our own hubris—but with this approaching force eroding civilization. To the point that in the Last Year: 2000, we as a collective agreed that things had to change, our human history put on pause.

Thus, the Transitionary Point was created—an agreed-upon gap of history where we as a race had to come up with a solution to proceed forward and recreate human civilization with the integration of the Noumena… This stretched on as long as I’ve been alive, a good 17 years.

Buuuut, back up to the late 70’s, things were going to get weirder. A new puzzle piece in this confusing puzzle entered the game…

The 1978’s Mass Shift of Spain should have been the death of Dr. Gia Taber—merely a simple anthropologist when not getting into Shift science was a cowardly move. But instead of being warped, she was… Awoken, in a sense. Her black hair white, her skin almost made of rhythmic ridges every time she moved.


She “founded” siVis.

siVis is often called Modern Enlightenment, as the sensory overload aspects of the Shifts get too much to bear, and possibly combined with external pressure due to the Shifts—causes one to activate their siVis, while their biological structure is rearranged into segments, they are still fundamentally the person they were. But it only works as a piece of knowledge or at least some higher-level understanding of some kind. Like Dr. Taber, everything is awoken—senses awakened, personal capability is awakened, and now able to use an ability based on a fleeting thought the user had as they experienced the beyond—the entire being is now as unpredictable and cosmic as the Noumena itself.

Which is interesting, as she is not the first siVis user—but due to her unique standing within the universe—able to master any science, able to not only survive Shifts but truly understood them, everything that we have know is thanks to our All Mother.

For a while, she couldn’t figure siVis out—and she realized that this isn’t considered to be a Noumena, but something deep within our structure as living beings, maybe present ever since our emergence and aided us passively until something big enough was able to activate itself to fit the new level of threat. But she couldn’t get as far as that, as many people soon gained siVis and the immediate personal cost showed themselves: the overwhelming nature of it left new users disassociated--depersonalized-derealization. Thus, siVictims was coined.

And things proceeded to get worse from there.

Throughout the 90’s, there was multiple prolific cases of siVictims that called into question of the people becoming a new threat. Dr. Taber tried to round up these extreme cases, only to find out that a combination of the then-current generation having to adapt to a now-siVis world along with the Noumena threat still getting complex—these siVictims were now manifesting their siVis in unstable and alarming ways, ultimately forming a pact with one another and becoming the top of the siVisTrends, siVis now being just as unpredictable as the Shifts.

With aging along with passive, dehumanizing transcendence as consequences of her transformation—Dr. Taber notably became distant. And while she set up the idea of Extant, she never lived to see it, as she died live on television during a Noumena event on what would’ve been 2006… A day where, even when I was 5 or 6 at the time, I remember vividly, despite not having much memory of early childhood—something everyone in my generation seem to echo.

Things steadily got worse since then, leading to what just happened months ago: Extant in plans to announce “The Final Step”: an end to the Transitionary Point and a return to normalcy until one night changed everything. The Incident of Gregory Hall, which is where new Trend Mayhem gained his siVis in the most disastrous way: on the day of a Shift ravaging the Island of Davenport, his awakening was so chaotic that he somehow interacted with the oncoming Shift—creating a wall made of the cosmic that cut our island in half, creating a four-week long humane crisis. But this was the first time what we are calling a Paradigm Shift, a new variant where Trend-level siVictims can trigger a Shift wave infused with their abilities… Thus, the N’atural Mayhem Incident: the first-ever superpowered conflict in our history, fulling killing the idea of going back to normal for Extant and our world.

Leading to the Transitionary Shift deemed a failure, Mr. “Ego” Davenport being put in clear of Extant despite being considered a literal clown (sorry Marleena), a new classification of Trends with the advent of N’atural and Mayhem, INCREASED watch with the Original Trends who are still lurking, and nowhere near figuring out siVis and the Shifts—and there’s new things being discovered about both.

And here we are! N-now! Yaaay—

In all seriousness… Yeah. This is the new human condition summed up in an essay. An unwinding Hell that has no seeming end to it and nothing like you expect Hell to be like. Life is literally getting worse by the day, to the point they’re physically blurring together.

So, can there be an answer to this madness? Can there be one?

…I know you all look up to me, but I can’t really say. I guess we have to continue to watch on, to see if there really is one.

No pressure, Island Man.

And towards the rest of you—stay safe. Stay sane.

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