《Beyond Infinity》Origin: Zero


Zero lived his youth in a poor village, while Zero had no magic at this time

"Hey look it's the loser without powers" A Child said laughing at Zero

"Leave me alone Ralph I didn't do anything to you" Zero said

"So? You can't even use a tiny bit of magic, you're such a loser" Ralph said

"But I'll still kick your ass" Zero mumbled

"What was that? Speak up" Ralph said

"But I'll still kick your ass" Zero said

"You will? Hey guys he's saying he can beat me up" Ralph shouted

A group of teenagers rushed over

"You can't beat anyone up, you don't have magic" One of the teenagers said

Zero punched the child in the face

"Owww, guys beat him up!" The child cried

"Fire ball!" Ralph said chucking a small ball of fire at Zero

The teenagers proceeded to kick, punch, and throw spells at Zero until he couldn't move anymore

"No wonder your name is Zero, your nothing" Ralph said walking away with the other teenagers

"Why am I... so weak..." Zero thought passing out

"Hey you, kid" a man said kneeling down

"You look pretty beat up, you need a hand?" The Man said

"Yes.. please.." Zero said

The Man brought Zero into a Forest

"So what happened?" The Man said

"I was bullied for not having magic and I got beat up.." Zero said

"Kids are dicks nowadays damn" The Man said

"But I do think I can help you out" The Man said

"First things first what's your name little dude" The Man said

"Zero.. after the number I think" Zero said

"That's a cool ass name but mines cooler, the names Mobius" Mobius said

"How can you help me Mr. Mobius?" Zero said

"Just call me Mobius, no formalities needed" Mobius said

"Ok..." Zero said

"Now I'll teach you how to use magic without even having magic" Mobius said

"Is that even possible?" Zero said


"Sure as hell is, get up" Mobius said

"Alright!" Zero said excitedly

"Now watch as I form this energy in my hand" Mobius said lifting his hand creating an energy ball

"This right here isn't just regular magic, I call this Raiki" Mobius said

"Raiki?" Zero said

"It's energy that you can create and distribute throughout your whole body, this form is called Zaki" Mobius said

"Watch and learn" Mobius said putting the energy ball inside of himself

"Now if I focus the energy I put inside of myself into my arm" Mobius said preparing to punch a tree

Mobius punched the tree in half

"I can increase my own physical strength as well" Mobius said

"Woaah" Zero said

"That form of Raiki is called Seki, the power to increase Strength through energy" Mobius said

"Are there any more forms of Raiki I should learn?" Zero asked

"There are 3 forms, but I will only ever allow you to use the 2 I showed you" Mobius said

"What's so bad about the 3rd form?" Zero asked

"I said you will only know the 2 I showed you and that is final!" Mobius yelled

"He got serious real fast" Zero thought

"Now kid, I could give you magic, but first you need to learn raiki before we do this" Mobius said

"He could give me magic if I master Raiki..." Zero thought

"Focus your energy..." Zero said as a spark came from his finger

"Hey hey! That's a start" Mobius said

Zero trained for a few nights

"Hey, Mobius" Zero said

"What is it?" Mobius said

"What's your main goal, like what are you trying to accomplish" Zero asked

"Hell, I haven't figured out what I'm gonna do with my life... but there is one thing" Mobius said

"What is it?" Zero asked

"Have you ever heard of The Infinite?" Mobius asked

"Nope" Zero said

"I would have thought that would be a fairytale you kids were told" Mobius said


"Never heard of it" Zero said

"The Infinite is like this huge power source that created everything, especially magic, I want to be able to find The Infinite and find out if it's real, that's my main goal" Mobius said

"Can I hear more stories about the infinite" Zero asked

"I'd love to tell you a few" Mobius said

Mobius told Zero stories of the infinite having Zeros interest in The Infinite skyrocket as he continued perfecting Raiki

"I think I might be strong enough to beat you now" Zero said cockily

"Oh ho, is that so?" Mobius said

Zero jumped in the air firing off six blasts in different directions all targeting Mobius

"Scatter shot!" Zero yelled

"Absorb counter" Mobius said moving his hand touching each blast absorbing each of them

—Character Mobius—

Main Abilities: Time, Space, Reality

Subclass Abilities: Copy, Blasts (Raiki), Ability Negation, Counter

Mobius fired the same attack back doubling the amount of blasts all hitting Zero having him collapse onto the ground

"Ouch, that kinda stings" Zero said lying on the ground

"You still got more training to do before you can come close to beating me" Mobius said cockily

After months of training Zero had learned from Trial and error being taught by mobius perfecting the method of Raiki

"Rapid fire blasts" Zero said firing energy blasts in the air

"So you finally mastered it huh kid, well let's go" Mobius said

"Go where?" Zero asked

"You wanted magic right? I can get you magic" Mobius said

"Really?! Alright!" Zero yelled excitedly

Mobius and Zero traveled to a cave with water sparkling down small streams as the moonlight illuminated the entrance to the cave

"In here I can get you a special item that'll allow me to give you the exact same magic I have" Mobius said

"Really?" Zero asked

"Yeah really, stop asking questions and let's go" Mobius said

"Stop right there!" A man in armor yelled

"This caves valuables are not able to be accessed by the likes of you" The armored man said

Mobius sighed

"Time stop" Mobius said

"Time passenger" Mobius said touching Zero

"Woah, what did you do? That guys totally frozen" Zero said

"He isn't just Frozen, everything is Frozen" Mobius said

"How?" Zero asked

"By stopping time that's how, now for the last time hurry up before the spell wears off" Mobius said

Zero and Mobius entered the cave coming across a gem placed on a pedestal

"Now I'll take this and begin the activation" Mobius said

"What are you doing?" Zero asked

"It's simple, with the power of this Crystal I will be giving you every attribute of my Magic

"Does this mean you'll lose your magic?" Zero asked

"Nope, but once I do this I'm leaving you and you'll have to make do on your own" Mobius said

"But.. why are you leaving" Zero asked

"I took you in to train you, go back home when we're done your parents are probably worried sick about where you've been" Mobius said

"I don't have parents... at least I don't know them" Zero said

"Your old enough to figure out what you wanna do then, take my magic or don't I'm leaving no matter what" Mobius said

"I'll... take your magic" Zero said

"Thank you, now to begin" Mobius said

"Now touch the Crystal on the opposite side of where I'm touching it" Mobius said

Zero touched the Crystal

The Crystal began to glow as Zero felt a sensation of energy course through him

"Now it's done, go learn how to master the magic you've discovered, and hell while your at it... go try and beat me to finding The Infinite" Mobius said smiling

Mobius disappeared, fading away

"Mobius..." Zero whimpered

"I'll go ahead... and find you along with the infinite!" Zero said leaving the cave

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