《Beyond Infinity》Royal Guard Squad


"So you are the captain?" Zero said

"Yes that is correct" The man said

"What are we meant to do after meeting you" Flash asked

"Well you see... Can you guys tell me a whole lot about your abilities please!" The man said excitedly

"What!?" The entire group said

"I mean.. ahem I will learn your powers soon but for now we can leave for you are the only people I selected for my team" The man said

"Woah that's cool" Zero thought to himself

"Oh and my name is Nova Jikan" The man said

"So where do we go?" Zero asked

"Each squad has a small base where they are given shelter, and that is the place we will be heading" Nova said

Nova put his finger out drawing what appeared to be an air circle but then suddenly a giant blue hole had popped right where he had made his air circle

"Well go through, this will teleport us to the green time base" Nova said

"Of course sir" Flash said entering the portal

"I'll go in next" Crystal said

"And that makes me last" Zero said

Nova had also entered the portal and once he had done so the portal closed

"Welcome, to the green time base" Nova said

"Woaaaah this place is huge" Zero said

"Everyone here has their own living quarters that is customized by the persons thought" Nova said

"So we can make our own room..." Zero thought to himself

"Now let me introduce you to some of our members" Nova said

"This is Supesu" Nova said

"Oh... hi" Supesu said

"He is a master of space magic but is quite shy" Nova said

—Character Supesu—

Main abilities:Space

Subclass abilities:Pocket Dimension, Barrier, Portals

"Hey! I'm myra yamakaji" a woman said excitedly approaching everyone there

"Myra here is an expert of fire magic" Nova said

—Character Myra Yamakaji—

Main abilities:Fire

Subclass abilities:Spirit Boost

"Now everyone else can introduce themselves since they have come out here" Nova said

"Yo, I'm Frost Shimo and I specialize in ice magic" Said a man standing there

—Character Frost Shimo—

Main abilities:Ice, Earth

Subclass abilities:Golems

"Hello I am Iyasu Bright, sister of Jupiter Bright, and I am a specialist in life and water magic" Said a woman

—Character Iyasu Bright—

Main abilities:Life, Water

Subclass abilities:Shrink, Barrier

"So she's related to that Jupiter guy I fought... I mean she dresses the same and has those water powers" Zero thought to himself

"And then I'm... Zero?" A man said walking in

"Oh wait sub is that you?" Zero said

"Oh hey! How have you been?" Sub said

"Zero do you know him?" Flash asked

"Yeah we grew up together and set off on our adventure around the same time" Zero said

"How did you get here so fast?" Zero said

"Let's just say my dimensional travel helps a little bit" Sub said

"Oh wow two friends reunite how wonderful" Nova said

"Oh just a quick question, what are your abilities?" Crystal asked nova

"I'm glad you asked, I your captain am Nova Jikan, Master of time and light magic" Nova said

—Character Nova Jikan—

Main abilities:Time, Light

Subclass abilities:Portals, Energy Blasts

"Now that we have everyone here, I will be teaching you all a quick lesson in magic" Nova said

"He gives us a magic lesson every time we get new members" Frost whispered to The Trio

"In order for some magic abilities to work they require specific limits, now these limits are what activate magic powers and since we are outside we can have some of you demonstrate" Nova said


"My magic requires a blade of some sort even if it's a small energy blade smaller than an ant" Flash said

"Ah you see that is a perfect example, some magic abilities require equipment on or off, and we have an example of on right now so flash, demonstrate your power" Nova said

"Understood" Flash said

Flash drew his sword

"Godspeed light flash" Flash said

Flash zapped away from where everyone was and back in an instant surrounded in light

"Ah as we can see in order to perform such a powerful ability flash requires his blade" Nova said

"And there is someone here who can provide an example of equipment being removed for an ability to activate" Nova said

"Hey Crystal he's talking about you" Zero said elbowing her

"Oh yes, um I am able to increase my size by going barefoot" Crystal said

"Can you demonstrate in front of us?" Nova said

"Uh, yes sir" Crystal said removing her shoes

Crystal began to increase in size and towered over everyone there

"Is that the limit to how much you can grow?" Nova asked

"No sir, I can continue increasing my size" Crystal said

"Go to your maximum size for now so we are able to see the extension of this power" Nova said

"Are you sure?" Crystal said

"Supesu, form a barrier around us" Nova said

Supesu raised his hands in the air and created a barrier covering the base and the squad

"Now you are free to increase without harming anyone" Nova said

"Alright then" Crystal said

Crystals size increased and increased until she was triple the size of the base

"This is my maximum size as of now" Crystal said

"Are you able to do combat at that size?" Nova asked

"Yes I am, my strength also grows as I grow" Crystal said

"Good then, Zero spar with her" Nova said

"Huh what me?" Zero said

"Yes, you are one of our most promising members and I would like to see you fight more" Nova said

"Alright Crystal you ready to go down again?" Zero said cockily

"Don't get your hopes up!" Crystal said

Crystal swiped her hand trying to catch zero but zero managed to dodge

"You won't be able to catch me" Zero said

"We'll see about that" Crystal said

Crystal started rapidly punching where zero was while zero defended himself from every hit

"Hmph, Take this! Ultimate kick barrage!" Crystal said

Crystal unleashed a fierce amount of kicks that was shaking the area while zero was managing to block each kick

"You aren't expecting this!" Crystal yelled

Crystal unleashed a kick from the side blasting zero away

"Ouch that hurt" Zero said

Zero appeared back in front of Crystal blasting her in the face

"Ow.. GOTCHA!" Crystal said

Crystal grabbed zero and held him tight in her fist

"I think it's time I unleashed some more power" Zero said

"Blue space explosion!" Zero said releasing a blue explosion from his body opening crystals hand

Crystal had went down in size from where she had originally grown

Zero was plummeting down from the sky after being released

"Oh wait where did zero g-" Crystal tried to say

Zero had fallen into crystals boobs once again

"Y- you... y- y-" Crystal was too embarrassed to move or say anything

Zero had frozen in embarrassment and shock

"GET OUT OF THERE!" Crystal yelled

"I... am stuck..." Zero said

"Oh dear, let us lose our attention to that and focus on how their battle went" Nova said


"As you could see Crystal had unleashed a fury of attacks in which zero had to be careful on defending himself from because as seen he had taken a heavy blow from one" Nova said

Crystal finally gained the courage to rip zero out and then put him on the floor

"Crystal... I swear... it's not what it looked like...." Zero said before passing out as his face had gone too red from blushing on top of the fact that he was suffocating

Crystal went back to normal size and lifted zero over her back carrying him back to the team

"Are any of you hurt?" Iyasu asked

"I think he had a loss of air and took a hard hit from me" Crystal said

"Oh, Captain!" Iyasu said

"What is it Iyasu" Nova asked

"I can demonstrate the ultimate factor of my healing powers to the others" Iyasu said

"Go ahead and do so then" Nova said

"Calm wave size decrease" Iyasu said

Zero began shrinking down until he was smaller than the palm of Iyasus hand

"Now I will cover him in my hands and use my healing technique" Iyasu said

"Life gain heal" Iyasu said

Iyasus hands started glowing with zero inside of them

"Now all of his wounds should be healed, I will have to hold him for now until he regains consciousness" Iyasu said

"Very interesting, he was healed in such a short amount of time, of course you can heal people without shrinking them, correct?" Nova said

"Yes I am able to heal when you are still in normal size" Iyasu said

"Ah wait this brings us to another lesson" Nova said

Zero woke up looking around as he was still on Iyasus hand

"Wait, why am I small? And why are you holding me?" Zero said

"Oh wait... I was just... I mean..." Iyasu said embarrassed

"Cool weirdo, put me down" Zero said

"Oh um yes of course" Iyasu said

Iyasu placed zero on the ground

"Reality rewrite, normal size" Zero said then had returned to his original size

"Now, this brings us to the reference of abilities" Nova said

"As we know everyone has a main class of abilities and subclass abilities" Nova said

"Each main ability is common for multiple people to have but same subclass abilities are hard to find" Nova said

"As we saw Iyasu shrunk zero down because of her subclass ability, and if some of us know her brother also has the same ability" Nova said

"And also we have someone else here who shares a similar ability to one of our new members" Nova said

A loud stomping sound shook the ground slightly

"Wait what was that?" Zero said

"Oh I was wondering where she was" Sub said

From behind the building emerged a giant woman

"H- hi..." The woman said

"This is Tamaki Segatakai" Nova said

—Character Tamaki Segatakai—

Main abilities:Dark

Subclass abilities:Perma Giant, Infinite Stamina

"You see she almost is just like you Crystal but, when she activated her ability she stayed like that permanently" Nova said

"How the hell did we miss her?" Zero said

"I know right, it's crazy how you could lose her of all people sometimes" Frost said to zero

"She is also... Extremely shy" Sub said

Zero walked over to her

"What's up" Zero said

"Oh.. oh hello..." Tamaki said

"How did you even activate this?" Zero said

"I.. I was trying to figure out what abilities I had and well I.. never could afford shoes so I think this is why it happened" Tamaki said

"Huh so you figured out what the problem was just today eh, how did you... yknow walk around?" Zero said

"Oh the people in the kingdom and villages are very nice and understanding so they just make way for me when I walk" Tamaki said with a smile

"Woah tamaki hasn't been this social in a while" Frost said

"It seems this boy is filled with wonders" Nova said

Zero and Tamaki had walked back to where everyone was

"It is a miracle for people to share subclass abilities which can happen through, Relatives, Probability and then the rarest occurrence... dopple gangers" Nova said

"What?" Zero said

"Dopple gangers are an extremely rare case in which very few people have the same main abilities, same subclass abilities and around the same appearance" Nova said

"Woah that's pretty cool" Zero said

"Id beat the crap out of any dopple ganger I have" Myra said

"Who knows, maybe if I have one we could team up" Frost said

"Sometimes not all dopple gangers are "friendly" some have evil and corrupt intentions so if you somehow ever do have one, flee and get backup immediately" Nova said

"I mean there isn't anything stronger than the real thing" Zero said

"You would think that, but that's not always the case" Nova said

"Anyway lesson over" Nova said

"Dopple gangers hm... could prove a real threat" Flash said

"Everyone, please go to your living quarters feel free to customize it for anyone who is new and have a great time here apart of the green time" Nova said

All of the members had entered the base of the green time

"Hehe there's even a huge building for Tamaki" Zero thought to himself

"Oh hey there's a table with room keys, and I think each one is for one of us" Zero said

"Yeah that's right, just take any key and then the room customization is up to you" Sub said

"Oh it looks like my room is over here, see you guys later" Crystal said

"See ya" Zero said

"Hm, Zero it appears our rooms should be around the upper levels" Flash said

"Well let's go" Zero said

As flash and zero were walking to the stairs someone approached them

"Hi... Zero was it?" Iyasu said

"Uh yeah what do y-" Zero tried to say

"Zero as of now is heading to his living quarters, we do not know you so for now stay away" Flash said

"Oh... I'm so sorry..." Iyasu said

"No no no it's fine, Flash stop being a dick" Zero said

"Oh ok then..." Iyasu said

"What do you need cause like flash said we're heading to our rooms" Zero said

"I just have a question, how did you beat Jupiter?" Iyasu asked

"How did you know about that?" Zero said

"Word goes around about the battles that happen at the exams" Iyasu said

"Oh well then I just blasted the shit out of him and returned to my normal size" Zero said

"Oh, ok then sorry to bother you about it" Iyasu said

"Ok well then bye" Zero said

"She appears to be royalty, considering her outift, only stranger side is the footwear but it may be common in her family" Flash said

"Yeah I think that Jupiter guy said that they only wear cloth on the middle of their foot so they don't crush opponents" Zero said

"She seems like she could be a great ally, the only problem is her shy personality" Flash said

"Yeah and also these are our teammates, don't go freaking out on them like you did to her" Zero said

"Understood" Flash said

Flash and Zero had reached their rooms and went off to customize them

"Woah this is cool" Zero thought

"King sized bed!" Zero said

And then a king sized bed appeared in the room

Zero began summoning everything he needed for his room

"Woah that supesu dude must be incredible to make a building like this" Zero thought

Zero went to sleep waiting for tomorrow's adventure

Meanwhile a dark presence had been radiating waiting for its time to battle

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