《After Treason [BOOK ONE]》Chapter 2.2: Hayden
Rose Manor, with its high sturdy beams, painted walls, and blazing fireplaces in every room, emits a welcoming atmosphere she didn’t expect. Mounted animal heads line the walls, nestled between suits of outdated armour. But directly across from the trophies are vases filled with beautiful fragrant flowers. Rich tapestries hang from the ceiling and soft fur rugs sprawl over the floor. She imagines sitting beside the fireplace with a steaming mug of tea and a book. Spending an entire day surrounded by furs, soft worn leather chairs and the aroma of tea and wildflowers. As they reach the end of the hall a young servant with an arm full of laundry approaches them.
“Hello, I’m Meryl,” her amber eyes gleam as she speaks, “is there something I can help you with?”
“Lady Rose asked us to join her, apparently Lord Rose wants to meet us.”
“You’re Lady Sara’s new friends, oh yes, follow me; they’re this way.”
Meryl directs them to the room across from a display of a tuft ear wildcat. She pauses at the door, an old habit from her school days, and listens. Sara’s humming floats through the keyhole. There’s a muffled conversation but nothing seems out of the ordinary. Eclipse stares at her, giving her the quizzical ‘are you insane?’ look. She’s aware she is standing in a hallway staring at a door like it has a plague. Not like she considers it a trap but the thought of an interrogation by Sara’s father hit too close to home. She glances at him and considers his imaginary rebuttal: ‘you are projecting, now open the door before people think you are a dimwit.’
She raps on the door; a male voice responds and she walks into the study where the family convenes after meals. Lady Rose embroiders in a high back chair next to the fireplace. Sara, copying her mother, sits at her feet threading thread through her training needle. The fire offers enough light for them and creates shadows across the stone walls. A short balding man stands from his oversized chair to greet them. A thick beard covers his face but a bright smile pierces the coarse red hair. His orange tunic stretches across his gut and biceps. His red stockings cover his skinny legs while green shoes decorate his feet. A bit eccentric fashion for even the trendiest kingdom but he moves a chair closer to the fire for her. Eclipse settles next to her and Lord Rose pours her a cup of tea. Her lips pause on the rim and her nose crinkles at a foul bitter smell.
“It’ll ward against infection,” Lady Rose comments, pushing her needle into the pattern.
“I learned to trust her herbs,” he smiles, “they smell like dirt, but they never led us wrong.” She fights gagging as the bitter liquid worms down her throat. “Oh yes, we all know that face! Don’t worry my dear, you’ll be at full strength soon enough.”
“I want to thank you again.” Even though it’s your daughter’s fault we are here.
“Not at all,” Lady Rose smiles, “it’s not for me to reject someone in need. However, I suggest in the future, you don’t engage dragons unnecessarily.”
“I think I learned my lesson,” she mutters, hiding her frown in her cup.
“Don’t be defeated my dear, Charcoal bit me countless times. The little sprite won’t listen to anyone but Sara!” His laugh booms in the small room, “the ladies here tell me you’re a Mage, are you from these parts?”
“I’m passing through, trying to hone my skills and complete my training.”
“When were you home last?”
“Not for some time, but it’s the price I pay to become stronger.”
“Where do you call home?” Lady Rose asks.
“I rather not say,” but Eclipse sends her a warning glance. “Forgive me, I don’t mean to sound rude. It’s risky for Mages travelling this far from the Kingdom of Ancients. Our duty is to help people— protect them— but sometimes our actions are regarded as aggressive. In all honesty, Lady Rose, but I’ve made enemies. Everyone knows me as Moira, anything more risks the safety of my loved ones.”
“That foolish ideology makes you a target,” Lady Rose purses her lips as she pulls the needle through the cloth.
“Sometimes, my love, you must hide what’s precious until the world is ready for it,” he speaks softly to his wife. She didn’t understand the meaning, but Lady Rose nods and continues her needlework. Urgent footsteps slap across the floor as the owner races through the hallway. Her cup pauses at her lips as frantic knocking thunders against the door. He rises but the door flings open before he reaches it. Meryl, sweating and panting clutches her chest as she leans against the doorframe.
“Meryl, what’s the meaning of this?” He rushes to her side, taking her small hand in his.
“Forgive me, My Lord, but Hayden— he’s in a frenzy! They need your help.”
“Lead the way dear.”
“Wait Daddy, I want to come too!”
“No Sara, stay with your mother.”
“We’re coming too. Eclipse get my staff and meet us there.” The panther obeys and darts from the study to their quarters. They leave Sara with her mother as she follows Lord Rose into the hallway, “who’s Hayden?”
“Our largest Ebony Dragon,”
“A dragon?” she stops mid-step, “oh no.”
Good job Moira, of course it’s a dragon.
They enter the entrance way where the family crest rests above the heavy door. She stares at the dragon and a music note inlaid in gold and orange corners of a rounded shield. What did you get yourself into? But Lord Rose glances at her, his energy is contagious. His small form bobs like a boxer preparing for the fight. Meryl trembles as the pandemonium outside seeps its way inside. He pushes the heavy doors revealing a village in chaos; people tumble over each other trying to escape the dragon’s path. Hayden, swinging his tail, flicks dirt and debris into the air. She pauses on the doorstep of Rose Manor, unlike Charcoal, Hayden’s agonized deep-throated roar terrifies her.
“By the Gods!” she gasps as he charges over the stairs.
“Moira!” Eclipse places the staff in her hand, before following Lord Rose into bedlam.
She loses them in the crowd as she pushes through the sea of frantic people. As the street empties, she spies Lord Rose confronting Hayden beside the fountain. His black scales coat his body like armour, and he swipes at Lord Rose with yellow stained claws. To counter, Sara’s father pulls a delicate glass flute from his breast pocket and plays a soothing melody barely audible to a human ear. Hayden’s eyelids lower but he sweeps his tail and knocks the tamer on his backside; sending the flute rolling from his fingers. With the engaging song hindered he unleashes a brilliant fire blast towards her. Instinctively she aims the opal at the fountain; heaving the water in the fire's path. The air before her explodes with steam sizzling over her exposed skin.
“Good show Moira!” Lord Rose claps, “he’s too agitated for the flute to be effective.”
“Is there any way for me to stop him?” she dodges Hayden’s snapping jaws.
“I don’t want you to kill him if that’s what you’re implying.”
“That is the easiest solution,” Eclipse mutters.
“We need to get him away from the villagers,” she scurries between Hayden’s legs, hitting what she can reach. He turns his rage on her, snapping at her heels as she leads him into the forest. The ground shudders as he stomps towards her, she fumbles but manages to keep out of reach of his jaws. He stretches his wings, creating enough force to push her into the dirt. Triumphant he roars over the trees, but she rolls under the foliage dodging the rocks his tail whips into the air.
“Quick over here!” A boy pops his head from a wide patch of ferns. A hammering throb squeezes her temples and a haze float over the plants. His hand waves in exaggerated motions directing her to a mossy boulder. The sweat sticks to her skin but the boulder is cool to the touch; she rests her head against the soft moss while the boy keeps a lookout. “Lady Rose works wonders, but not miracles. You shouldn’t be running like this after losing so much blood.”
“You’re Sara’s friend Taylor, right?” She recalls a boy pulling Sara from the fountain earlier. “Why are you out here when there’s a dragon on the loose?”
“I’m picking herbs for Lady Rose.”
“At night?”
“See,” he offers her a dismembered hand holding a bundle of strange herbs.
“Did you use that to pick the plants used on me?”
“No, these aren’t used for healing they’re—”
“I rather not know.” She peeks over the rock and sees Hayden smashing a tree to splinters, “return to the village, I’ll subdue feisty pants here.”
She can’t hide in the ferns forever, and singles for Taylor to sneak away. Her heart thumps but she grips her staff to keep her hand from shaking. One…two… on three she springs from the hiding place, flailing her arms to distract the dragon while Taylor escapes. Flames burst from his jaws and she ducks under his underbelly. Hayden extends his wings over the treetops blocking out the moonlight. Slivers of light pass through the dark leather but the narrow slits in the flesh aren’t natural. Each movement he makes knocks clumps of dried blood on top of her. Something’s wrong here. But he slams his foot causing the earth to tremble underneath them. His temper escalates and she flees to a toppled tree; climbing the debris until she’s in clear view.
Her vision blurs, but just for a moment, and she shakes the numb feeling from her hand. I shouldn’t be doing this. But she shuts her eyes and envisions restraints; a multitude of vines to constrict a ship. They struggle like worms wiggling to the surface, twisting until they break through and walk on nonexistent legs. The opal glows with a deep malachite radiance as the vines weave in all directions until they find Hayden; wrapping themselves around his legs and scaling his body. They tighten themselves around his chest, wrap his wings and twist around his snout clamping his snapping jaw shut. Her body trembles as her head throbs but letting go of the image, destroys her progress. Her white shaking hands clings to the staff; not now, just a bit longer. At her desperate command, the vines force him into the dirt.
Her knees buckle sending her crashing to the ground beside his face. He lost his fight, but his eyes swore revenge. It’ll be okay, her lips mouth. Her body anchors her to the sea bottom of lush damp moss. Through the grey hazy vision, she watches the opal dim; her heavy eyelids struggle to stay open. If the manipulation fades, will he kill her? The earth spins around her and her eyes finally close.
The flicker of flames beguiles her eyelids open. Her body shudders as her muscles stretch for the first time in ages. The room is dark, but it’s a room. Not the damp grass. Not the mouth of a dragon. Not a casket. A warm candle filled room.
“Moira?” a male voice vibrates the air.
“He went to speak to my wife. He will return momentarily.” Lord Rose sits on a stool beside her. Scratches riddle his usual smiling face and there’s dark circles under his eyes. She doesn’t know the hour but his exhaustion is clear as day. He still wears his tunic despite the dirt and rips. He smiles briefly before heading to the fireplace where he pokes the flames.
“Daddy is she okay?” Sara’s voice peeps from the floor. Her pigtails rise from the edge of the bed until her wide green eyes stare into hers.
“I’m okay,” she answers, happy to see Sara’s smile.
“See darling, we said she would be fine. Now it’s late and time for you to sleep.”
“Okay daddy. Good night, Moira. I’ll visit in the morning.” The door closes leaving her alone with him. He stands with his back to her, jabbing the crackling embers. It’s the only sound that passes between them but when he does speak his voice is absent of the laughter from earlier.
“Forgive my brashness, but you stumbled upon Sara accidently, correct?”
“Were you searching for dragons when you found her?”
“I’m not sure what Eclipse told you. But the truth is I was hired to find a dragon that the townspeople of Wiltshire believed was killing their livestock. I wanted to help but I didn’t plan on finding any; especially not yours. Eclipse thought they were drunks and couldn’t be trusted.”
“Wiltshire is a bunch of drunks and they can’t be trusted.” He gives her a small grin. “I hate trading with them. I assume, Charcoal was harassing chickens again. Now Moira, this is very important. Is there another member to your party?”
“I only travel with Eclipse. He’s the only person I trust to not stab me in my sleep.”
“I believe that. Were you followed?”
“What is going on?” She manages to sit upright and leans against a few lumpy pillows.
“Were you?”
“No, Eclipse would’ve smelled them. Now explain this interrogation.”
“My apologies,” he sits at the edge of the bed. “Since your fight with Hayden last night there has been concerning discoveries in the mountains. I was hoping you would help me.”
“Last night? I’ve been out for a whole day?”
“My wife insisted you rest.”
“I was drugged.”
“So, you could recover. Please, don’t be mad. Eclipse thought it was best.” I’ll see about that. “Moira, I have a problem.”
“I saw the marks on Hayden’s body, someone attacked your dragons”
“At first I thought they came from you,”
“I don’t slash.”
“That’s what Eclipse explained. My men and I surveyed the colony and found similar wounds on other dragons. They’re agitated and I swear some are missing but I can’t be sure. There’s an understanding between Tamers to not to interfere with the other’s colonies. But if it’s a poacher then we have a larger problem. I want you two to accompany me in the morning. Maybe you two can see something I’m missing.”
“Like what?”
“I heard Mages can sense other Mages. Is that true?”
“It’s a natural defense mechanism; to ensure our survival. But if your poacher is an Innocent then my ability is useless.”
“If I can rule out one of you then I can sleep at night. With no disrespect, a Mage is the last thing I want to deal with.”
“Between you and me, I rather not deal with Mages either.”
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