《War Beast》Book Two: Chapter 16


In a flash, General Cluster appeared on the white platform inside the teleportation chamber. A draw bridge stretched to the platform across a wide gap where the machinery powered the teleporter. Cluster marched across the bridge, still driving his battle armor suit.

The double doors opened, revealing a long corridor with green pipes across the gray walls. As he marched, Cluster grumbled his thought about explaining to his emperor about the human specimen. He will question Cluster why he back at their command station. He knew he was supposed to stay on Earth to monitor the probes building the gate. And he could just contact them on his communicator. But Cluster hated sitting on a chair, doing nothing while his race could make a mistake. He whether gets the job done himself or blows things up. If he was the emperor, he wouldn’t sit around on his throne. His own claws would take the actions seriously. And after all, his probes could finish the gateway without him. He needed to show his superior he could do more than sit around like a Gobelien slug.

At the end end of the corridor, Cluster stepped into an elevator, big enough for his suit. The elevator brought him to the top of the space station, and he walked into the massive command center inside a bubble glass dome, revealing outer space. His kind sat behind rows of computer desks, typing like machines. As a general, he was glad he wasn’t one of them.

“Cluster? What are you doing here?” The emperor shouted, sitting on his throne at the center of the control center. “You are not allowed to return here until the gate is completed on Earth!”

Cluster kneeled with on metal knee up. Although he couldn’t lower his head, bending one knee joint up was enough to show his respect to the emperor. “Forgive me, my superior. But I have some elegant news for you.”


The emperor clicked. “Why didn’t you call me instead?”

“I thought it would be appropriate if I inform you in person. Click click.”

“But your return will delay the gate’s production! Time is money!”

Cluster held up his metal hands. “Please listen for a moment, my superior.” His voice shook with a little shudder. “This news will interest you.”

The emperor sneered as his claws gripped the arms of his seat. “Make it quick.”

Cluster rose with his thick metal legs up. “Remember the power source I mentioned? Click-click. It is a female human infected with Starium energy. She is completely healthy and strong.”

The emperor sucked in his saliva and spat it on the floor. “Impossible! No organism can contain Starium without vanishing into stardust.”

Cluster helped out his mechanic arms. “But it is true, my superior. Click-click. My biology scanner never lied.”


Cluster snapped his claws inside his cockpit head. “My scanner read the energy is flowing through her veins, keeping her strong. I do not know what she is capable with it, but she can produce lots of it inside her body, like a power device.”

The emperor scratched his double chin. “Interesting.”

“You see -click-click-we can use her to generate our weapon. And we don’t need to waste credits on another source.”

The emperor pointed his claw at Cluster. “May I see the specimen?”

Cluster wiggled his robotic fingers together. “Uh-uh-uh-unfortunately she escaped from my base.”

“What?” The emperor’s lower jaws widened. “She got away on Earth?”

“No-no!” Cluster shook his metal hands. “She escaped through the teleporter and arrived here. Click-click. She has primitive companions with her too.”

The emperor hissed like a hose spraying through a vent. “Unregistered species in our world is highly prohibited! I will send the authorities to collect them immediately!”


“Wait! Can I join them, my superior?” Cluster tapped two fingers together. “I can identify the specimen and catch her.”

The emperor shook her claw at Cluster. “You are supposed to stay on Earth.”

“But my probes can complete the gateway without me. They are fully automatic with no flaws. Click click.”

The emperor growled like a frog. “Fine, but don’t fail us! If you do, we will boil you alive in the pot. Dismiss!”

Cluster nodded with a grin. “I won’t disappoint you. Click-click!”

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