《Raising Phoenix From Today》Chapter 11: The space Cube


"Sachi now I am going to show you the real magic" said Lori.

On the back of Lori's hand a letter of unknown language appeared. Which lit up and a tiny black box appeared out from it then it slowly expanded.

Sachi was amazed. "Mom!" She did not have words for it, as she stared at the symbol and the box.

"I know my reaction was same when I saw it for the first time" she said smiling at her daughter's reaction.

"What is…" Sachi trailed off due to amazement.

"This box is called storage box it is based on space magic principles. The box contains limited space where you can store things."

Sachi quickly reminded about the store rings in the novels she read on earth.

"OH it's Similar to storage rings" she blurted out.

"Storage rings?" Lori was confused. But she felt she heard it somewhere.

Sachi was little puzzled. "So this world doesn't have storage rings" she thought.

"And what about the letter at the back of your hand?" Sachi enquired.

"It's called rune. We Dyna family specialize in rune magic apart from one of the main magic" replied Lori.

"There are very few who are specialized in rune magic and families with rune magic in the complete world maybe two or three. And we are one of them."

She then took out a map from the box and a blue pendant.

"It's beautiful" exclaimed Sachi seeing the pendant. Lori smiled at her and handed it to her.

"Wear it, this is my mother's. She passed down to me, now I'm passing it to you" said Lori. Then she helped Sachi wearing the necklace.

Lori shot up and then looked at the sky in the space she slightly bowed and said "thank you for saving my daughter and giving her an opportunity. I Lori will definitely remember this sir 'system'.


Sachi was dumbfounded when she heard her mother thanking

The system she thanked was actually inside her, connected to her soul. She felt little funny but she did not want to embarrass her mother. So she kept quiet and when Lori looked at her she also bowed towards the sky.

Both Lori and Sachi walked out of the space as Lori opened the map and checked her surroundings. Then she chanted something under her breath suddenly two dots appeared on the map, then shouted a word "drigumshort" a route formed on the Map forming a line from the dots and ending at a spot which showed Dyna name.

The map showed the shortest route from the place they are standing to Lori's Dyna family.

However it will still take 6 days as they have to cross the border from a high mountain.

The Dyna family is from another kingdom which is under Finla Empire.

The Finla Empire is a real empire unlike the one she in which can only be said to be kingdom not Empire. Just the king declared himself as emperor.

The Finla Empire has five kingdoms under it and covered nearly half of the continent. The other half being under the control of Mican Empire which is ruled by Gustav Mican.

Mican empire also has 5 kingdoms under them. There were small conflicts between the empires from time to time. But nothing major occurred yet keeping the balance.

Sachi called out the horses from the rebirth island. After one month being in a cocoon they broke out. One of them became a Pegasus while the other one became a unicorn.

Sachi named the Pegasus as Silverwind and the unicorn as Ice beauty, as the unicorn transformed taking in Queens's ability and features. Its skin was pure white like snow. She remembered a lesson from her childhood on earth about a black horse and its adventures and how it saved it's masters. So, she named her unicorn as Ice beauty.


The Unicorn and Pegasus very much liked their names.

The Pegasus was her mother's where as Ice beauty was her companion.

Her mother rode the Pegasus and Sachi rode the Unicorn as they passed through the forest and two villages towards the border.

In-between they fought some beasts, but they easily fended them off. They made a feast with few of them.

Her mother carried necessary ingredients for cooking in the space box. In the mansion her mother cooked very few times as there were always servants to take care.

But this really felt amazing for her. These days of travel with her mother showed her some new sides which she never saw before in the Poalm mansion, their bonds got even closer than before.

She learned some new fighting styles from her mother as well.

"Mom I really want to know the real you" she said while having dinner.

Her mother raised an eyebrow in inquiry.

"You see the mother I saw in the mansion is different from the one I'm travelling that is why."

Lori laughed at Sachi's words.

"What, you thought your mother was a helpless, obedient, calm housewife who doesn't go against her husband's and family's words" She questioned smiling.

Sachi was little embarrassed.

"Like I said, I was a rebel in my family at your age?" she said smiling.

"Really?" Sachi asked with a curious and unbelieving look.

"Hehe…Yes I was a big rebel in my family. When we reach my family do not be surprised by somethings and words, just be calm okay"

"Also do not underestimate your father; he was not like this in the past. After your grandfather passed away and your father took the position he became like this. No, to say precisely it was after you were born."

Sachi was surprised at this revelation "ME?"

Sachi was shocked due to this new revelation. Because she never thought she was responsible for her father's trouble. This made Sachi wanted to know the other side of the story.

"Do not take it negatively" her mother said. "I just want you to know that your father is not bad, he is just complicated."

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