《DEALS》Chapter 22 - A Dealer's calling
Peyton Griffin's POV
"You look like you just got hit by a bus while performing a blowjob on some hobo from the Simpsons!"
"Nice to hear from you too, Danny." I roll my eyes while I try in vain to tame my unruly bed hair.
I have officially now felt the feeling everyone feels when they fall asleep with someone, and wake up alone in bed.
I might not be saying that I haven't grown a little attached to my music theme employer, but I thought after seeing me so vulnerable last night, he would at least check up on me this morning, but a girl could dream.
"Penny, are you ready to tell me who had the honour of deflowering you so I can rent a deep enough hole and a shovel?" He says while silently daring me to lie to him.
Only if he knew.
"Were you by any chance in your office last night?" I switch topics, but Danny doesn't let it drop just yet.
"Yes, why?" He asks.
I feel my breathing heighten, "Was Lola and Charlie there as well?"
"Yes, are you ready to tell me where you are getting at with this?"
"Seems like our Mafia friend was wiser than we give him credit for," I muttered.
Danny swore hotly, "He found you, didn't he?"
"Unfortunately," I say with grim coating my tone, "He had a gun and a bomb with you guys in that office to use as leverage," I say while tapping my chin.
"It couldn't have been last night because Charlie and Lola fell asleep while I wrote off some documents. Troy doesn't want anyone kidnapping his second and favourite daughter; since you went off the grid." Danny adds as we try to figure this out.
"That means you guys are heavily guarded 24/7?" I ask as the pieces of the puzzle come together.
"Yes, so if Kendall wanted to get to Lola or me, he would have had to bring the whole mafia into this. You know, his name leaves a bad taste in Troy's mouth."
It's my turn to have the diction of an angry sheriff in the west, "That old puss took me for a fool. I swear to God, I thought you guys were being held at gunpoint. He even had the borrowed balls to demand I admit that I crossed our deal."
"Penny, I think you should come home. Safe to say, Jordan must love being your stalker. Since it took him only two months to pinpoint your exact location in Miami."
I don't know what piped up inside of me, but I wasn't having it. I can't go back now when I don't have the solution to get my other half out of the marriage, she was stuck in.
And marrying Danny is not an option. Since my best friend is head over feet for him, as Shawn kindly put it.
I don't even know what I would hold over Father Dearest's head. If I go back with no plan, it won't end in my favour. At least I forget I still need to find my mom's lawyer.
Striking a deal; he can't refuse won't be enough. I'm going to need blackmail, a secret so deep that my Father, would gladly forfeit the empire or the parts he owns to keep it under wraps. But till I get my hands on such a piece of information, I believe my ass will stay in Miami.
"Sorry, brother, but that option is off the table. I have to stay, I think I'm getting closer to getting a solution, but I need total concentration, but constantly bumping into the Don of Mafia is not going to speed up the process, is it?" I'd be damned if I would go down without a fight.
"Penny, don't be a stubborn donkey. Get your ass on the next plane or so help me; I will get over there and drag your ass back here!" He threatens me.
"Danny, how about a Deal?" I suggest.
"No way. Even if you offer Charlie in red lingerie in my bed. I would take her fast and still come over there to hoist you over my shoulder and leave."
Cue gagging noises.
"Thanks for fighting off the brother falling for the best friend stereotype; you made your country proud," I sarcastically rolled my eyes, "Seeing as you have had your hands busy. I was going to say that I will allow you to come over for Thanksgiving weekend and if things are looking bad, I'll go home with you."
"And if otherwise?"
"I'll stay while you get back home and buy me some time." I dismiss bluntly.
"Fine, make sure to greet your new bedmate for me. I expect to see a wedding ring on your finger when I visit you next month, comprendre?"
"Si, now go suck out someone else's joy. I have more digging to do," I go to press the end call button when Danny decides to ruin my innocence further by saying,
"Speaking of sucking,"
"Goodbye, brother." I hit the button fast and rest my phone screen down.
While getting dressed, a part of me couldn't help but think; about the real reason, I didn't want to leave. I still want to know what happened to Gail's parents.
And I may or may not have started warming up to Caleb.
I dismiss such thoughts and remind myself for what felt like the hundredth time that my affinity for romance is as plausible as Gus the mouse losing weight.
That aside, I wear an orange jersey with black leggings and a pair of clogs as my outfit for today. I plan on spending my day in the orphanage, so comfort is key.
As I open my door, I see a small ball of sunshine grinning at me that soon engulfs me in a hug.
"Hey, Gail," I hug her back with just as much force; it feels nice to have a younger one. "What are you doing today?"
We walk hand in hand towards the stairs. In order words, I'm walking while Gail tried to dislocate my hand with her constant skipping.
"Caleb, Jack and Shawn went off to meet Marcel. Marci said she wanted to visit her mom. Caleb said I could stay with you." She smiles.
"And me." I look down and see Jacob resting by the landing.
"Do you have a death wish?" I say as Gail and I reach the last step, and he blocks our path.
"If I didn't know any better, I would say that you and Caleb share more than great minds." He wiggles his eyebrows at me.
I had a tight-lipped smile "Abigail, go get ready. We're going to the orphanage."
Gail nods and goes back the stairs. When I'm sure she is out of earshot. I have a harsh glare directed at the Goofy in front of me.
Jacob steps back and raises his hands in mock surrender, "Easy there, Fire princess," my glare becomes heated, "I only want to talk."
"If you value your sperm containment unit, I suggest that you go over your words carefully before they come out of your mouth." I push past him and go into the kitchen to find something to eat.
"I know I may come off as an idiot at times,"
He flares at me as I let out a snort to his claim.
"I feel like I need someone to talk to that doesn't know that much about me. You fit the role because, from what I've seen so far, you speak your mind the way you see things. So your opinion won't be biased."
I settled onto the counter with a bowl of cereal, "Keep talking." I take a spoon of cereal and put it in my mouth.
"Let's go." Gail comes back down the stairs and joins Jacob and me in the kitchen.
I mouth to Jacob, 'We will continue this later.'
And he nods in response.
While I eat, Gail babbles about how her school is organizing a Halloween theme party and the costumes she and her best friend Skylar are wearing.
By the time I was done eating, we'd made it into the elevator. I can assure you, she had talked a decade out of my life span.
We come out of the elevator, and the presses are on my neck. Asked why my Father is looking for me and what are my intentions in coming here. I am on the verge of flipping them the bird until Jacob helps me and Abigail navigate out of the hobby and into an uber.
Jacob gives the man the directions to the Parks orphanage. During the ride, Gail takes on the role of the annoying kid next door.
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
I look at Jacob and mouth, 'Kill me now.'
He laughs and turns to Abigail, "If you can keep quiet, we will get there."
She pouts and turns to me as if to snitch Jacob to me. "If you can keep your lips together till we get to the Orphanage, I'll give you that puppy you wanted when we first met."
Her eyes sparkle with excitement, and she finally cans it. I huff a sigh of relief.
We reach the orphanage, and Jacob pays the driver while Gail and I walk in. The nurses are busy making lunch, so when we walk in, the aroma of a home-cooked meal waft in my nose, and I make a mental note to go grocery shopping before thanksgiving.
"Gail!" The orphans run towards us, led by Lucy, as they engulf Gail in a group hug.
Abigail hugs them individually, and they drag her away. I feel my heartstrings tug at the sight. Caleb had taught her the value of family because she hugged them with so much love.
Jacob joins me, and we walk toward the kitchen to say hello to the nurses. Then we head over to my office.
I see that some people have come intending to adopt some of the orphans. While I debrief them about the main characteristics of the children they want to adopt, Jacob helps the nurses.
After what felt like hours, Jacob walks back in with a plate of Lasagna. It's a bit over five, so I had been trapped in this room for about eight hours, and I have only eaten the cereal from this morning.
"You look like you could eat a whole truck of food." He humours me as he lays the plate down on the table.
"If I had Jack's appetite, then yes," I say as I begin eating, "So what were you saying about earlier?"
"You remember how you and the guys had cornered me in the kitchen the other day?"
I nod and continue eating.
"Well, I need advice about how to prove to a girl that I can remain faithful." I resist the urge to do a spit take. Believe me when I say that I was in the process of drinking water when he said that.
The struggle is real.
"Come again?" I drop the glass on the table and give him my undivided attention; my food is now forgotten.
He squirms in his seat with my full attention, but I don't let it up. He sighs before he continues speaking.
"My mom made me promise that for her upcoming birthday, I would come to her house with a woman, I am ready to settle down with."
"Just so we're clear. I am not coming with you to fool your mom."
He gives me a dry look, and I return a favour, "You may deny it, but I know that you were thinking it."
"So you need advice on how to win a girl?" I ask to clarify. I know where this conversation is going. He nods in the affirmative.
"Well, Jacob, as much as I hate to admit it, you are sort of charming. I mean, you have a very unusual sense of humour and are adamant."
I see his face falling, and I mentally roll my eyes, "Bottom line is that you are a catch, and any girl would be lucky to have you." His face stops crumbling, and he stares me in the eye anticipating the 'but' in my words.
"But you could work on filtering your words,"
"You're one to talk," He snorts.
"Do you want my advice? Or would you rather end up old and alone?"
When he didn't answer, I went on.
"Thought so. Try thinking before you talk, and remember not every girl wants to get in bed with you. Also, be yourself. I'm not saying change completely because your jokes are sometimes funny but try to be more bearable."
His expression was stoic, "Lastly, try not to get her in bed until you put a ring on her finger." He offers me a shy smile while I grin at him.
Who would have thought that I would be giving dating advice to Jacob while my dating skills are as exceptional as Ariel's fashion sense?
"Now, can you please tell me why people see you like the runaway tramp from the British Empire?" I avoided doing another spit take for the second time today.
"Long story," I mutter. I wiped down my chin, having lost appetite.
"We have another hour till we have to go back." He kicks his feet onto the table with a grin on his face. "There is still time."
My brain starts running with six lies a second per brain cell, and as I think about how I dodge this. Mother Nature heard my prayer because Jacob's phone rang at that exact moment.
He shoots me a sly smirk and answers his phone. Whoever it was on the line, wiped that smirk right off his face faster than I could say 'bow peep'.
When he was done with the phone call. He started to find interest in the office. I'm sure that he has been in more times than I.
"So are we going to address the elephant in the room? Or wait for it to get married and have grandkids?" A rhetorical question that will get a blunt answer.
"If I tell you what's on my mind, will you tell me more about the British Empire you are seemingly missing from?"
"No Deal," I say with a dry tone.
"In that case, can you be my date for the birthday? It will be rude if we don't show up." He got a grin from me.
"Not a word of this to Caleb,"
"Why is that princess?" He mocks.
I ignore his nickname for me and continue, "Let's just say that things will turn ugly if he knew."
Jacob rolls his eyes, "You guys will only end up hurting each other, but I'll seal my mouth as tight as your legs."
I facepalm. It would be a miracle if he could get a date.
It was getting late, so we decided to head back to the Penthouse. After I had signed one more set of adoption papers.
About ten kids got adopted today, which is a good thing, but there are still three dozen more waiting. And Lucy was among them.
I know it's cruel of me to be happy that she is yet to find a family, but I did vow to come back for her when I found a way out of this mess.
Gail was fast asleep on one of the beds, so Jacob picked her up, and we got into an Uber that already had Marci in it.
"You're coming for the Halloween party, right?" Marci asked me from the front seat.
"What Halloween party?" I vaguely remember Gail saying something like this earlier today.
"The school holds parties for every holiday and we the students must attend, no matter how boring and sleep threatening it is. Gail will want you to be there because Taryn normally goes with her. So prepare yourself for the begging of the century." Marci smirks at me as she says that last part.
There's that girl's name again. I might thank her when I meet her. I would be hiding somewhere in China with Shane; if not for her absence.
"Can Shawn or Jacob come along?" I ask, not wanting to face Miss Beatrice alone.
"Depends on Caleb and Gail. That same night my dad is throwing a Halloween party, and Caleb is performing." She offered.
I raise a brow with an amused expression, "So you chose your school's lame party over your dad's Halloween party?"
Marci narrowed her eyes into stilts, "When he heard it was mandatory, my absence was not even negotiable."
"Oh, cruel world."
"You're one to talk," She said with a sly smile.
"Why is that, dear Marci?"
Why do I have the feeling, that I won't like where this conversation is headed.
"You will be stuck in that same party, while Caleb will be at the awesome one with supermodels and whatever it is you old people do these days." She waved her hand dismissively.
"Hey! I'm twenty. Not old enough to be classified old." It's my turn to glare at her.
"That's the beginning of old age, Peyton. Get used to it." Marci called off her shoulder as she opened the door.
My banter with Marci must have been longer than I thought because we arrived at the building sooner than I expected.
This time I made sure to take a leaf out of Lola's book and wear a hat and some shades.
When we finally pushed through the press and made it into the elevator, Gail was still asleep.
"She could sleep through a tsunami if it were up to her." Marci snorted as she noticed my incredulous look focused on Gail.
We walked into the Penthouse, and the sight I saw was not part of my job description.
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