《DEALS》Chapter 17 - 'Keep it up and I'll give your arm a twin with one of your legs.'
If you can dream about it, you can make it happen.
Caleb Parks' POV
Being an orphan in my early life was not a life I'd wish on my foes. I got bullied, humiliated and had many near-death experiences. Besides that, I try my best not to dwell on my lack of parental love when I was a kid and not to focus on those horrid memories. If it will keep me sane.
To say the least, I was not surprised when Marci ditched me on the stairs and ran into her parents' open arms.
What did surprise me was when Peyton walked up the stairs. Sadness that should be in my eyes was in hers. Her silver-blue eyes made held one emotion.
"You okay?" I asked her as she got nearer to me.
"Just peachy," She says without looking at me and continues going up.
"Peyton?" Dinah calls, "Can you come back here for a minute?"
Peyton puts on a fake smile and walks down the stairs with me.
"So this is the reason for the sound check gone wrong?" Marcel states as he looks Peyton up and down.
Peyton crosses her arms on her chest, "You must be the reason why makeup was invented."
Dinah and Marci snickered as Marcel and Peyton continued to banter.
"What did you just say to me?" Marcel says as his eyebrows struggle to climb to his hairline or scrunch together.
"I said I could do a better job than your mirror." A smirk rests perfectly on her face as she looks him up and down, and it seems like the tables have turned.
Marcel raised his hands as if to strangle her but dropped them, "Shawn! Jacob! Get your asses out here before I get convicted of murder."
"I'd like to see you try," Peyton said with a grim look on her face.
Shawn came down the stairs carrying some luggage with ease while Jacob struggled to bring his. The cast on his hand clearly bothers him. The cause of that cast has a smirk on her face growing wider by the minute.
"What the hell happened to your arm?" Marcel looked at the bridge exploding.
"Two words, Pickup and lines," Jack grinned as he ate popcorn while Gail trailed behind him from the kitchen.
Shawn and Jacob finally got the luggage down. Gail ran towards me, and I squatted down to her height and gave her a big hug.
"Do you really have to go?" She cupped my face, her big green eyes coated with sadness.
It pains me to see her this way. I didn't want history to repeat itself, so I had to leave.
"Don't worry, I'll be back soon. Meanwhile, Peyton will look after you." I gave her a pointed look. She avoided my stare, clearly not wanting to listen to any instructions; I would have for her.
"Here won't be that fun without you two trying to eat each other's faces off." She said and sniffed.
Only if she knew what those words really mean.
"If she did that," Dinah points at Jacob's hand, "I like her even more. If it helps you boys sleep better, I'll stay here with Marci. I have some catching up to do with the runaway Britain anyway." She grins.
With one more hug and a kiss on the cheek, Gail leaves my arms and tugs at Peyton to pick her up. Peyton agrees to her request, and she nuzzles her head into Peyton's neck. I form a slight smile at the scene before me.
"Let's get this show on the road. When does the plane arrive?" Jack asks with a mouthful of popcorn.
"When some sense drops into Jacob's head, we are using the tour bus." Marcel declares.
"Why in heaven's name are we spending thirty-four hours on the road when we can just take a plane?" Jack argued.
I wouldn't blame him. If you ever get stuck in a car with Jacob for more than thirty minutes. Trust me when I say that the nut house won't know who among the two of you they should admit.
"Are you this scared of flying? I always thought you liked to be on top." Jacob grins.
"Keep it up, and I'll give your arm a twin with one of your legs," Peyton says as she carries Gail to her room.
"Yup, it's official. I love her." Dinah grins, but her grin drops when her eyes dart to my outfit, "Please tell me you have a better thing to wear in that bag of yours." She narrowed her eyes, her fashion spirit springing to life.
"Seriously, I thought after I groomed you into a gentleman, I inflicted fashion sense in there. Clearly, I was wrong." She pulled out a bag from the elevator and handed it to me, "Here, if we're lucky, one of those Mexican girls will agree to warm up your bed the same way you'll warm up their town after your performance."
I opened the bag and saw a pair of white jeans, a grey undershirt with a black leather jacket. There were coral beads and a pair of converse to complete the look.
"Whoa," I zipped the bag back up and hugged Dinah, my second mom.
"Thank you." Though we were sharing height because of her heels, she wrapped her hands around my torso and hugged me back.
"So, are we going by plane or by car?" Our quiet friend speaks up, running the family time between Dinah and me
Marcel and Jack voice out their opinions on our transportation.
"I'd say take a plane there and have a road trip back, save us all the months we are wasting listening to you guys arguing like school girls who have the same crush." Dinah yawns but still rolls her eyes while she's at it.
"Baby, you know I'm not a fan of heights." Marcel whines.
"Baby, you know how I don't give a damn about your preferences," Dinah says and goes to stand by the elevator and opens it.
"Out you lot go, don't let Mother Nature treat you better than us." She pointed towards the now open doors.
Jack, Jacob, Shawn, Me and Marcel made our way towards it.
Dinah hits Jacob on the side of his head and gives the rest of us kisses on the cheek.
As for Marcel, they mull each other's mouths, and he gropes her as if she is the last slice of pizza in a box.
When they finally break away, he whispers onto her lips, "When I get back, we'll talk about what I said earlier."
She nods and places a quick kiss on his mouth, "Stay safe and come back."
Marcel grins and slaps her behind again before joining us on the elevator. All through their display, Marci was making gagging noises behind them.
Before the door closes, Jacob says, "I wonder why you have indigestion, Marcella. You and Nathan did the same thing in your room last week."
Shawn, Jack and I laughed. The bloodhound beside us yelled, "WHAT!"
Lucky for Marci, the elevator doors closed. Saving us from bailing Marcel out of prison the second time tonight.
Marcel was quiet all through the ride to the airport. Jack and Jacob filled the car with friendly banter while I tried my best not to have a heart attack from the number of laughs I had in the last half hour.
Soon we reached the airport. Marcel seemed jittering as he resumed his usual intimidating self. That lasted until we began boarding the private jet; Marcel looked like a boxer when he gave the airport officials jabs and kicks when they tried to make him get into the plane.
Getting tired of having the stuffing beat out of them, one of the officials pulled out a needle and sedated Marcel and carried him on board.
"Say, do you know where I can get a lawyer? Cause, baby, you just stole my heart." Jacob lays out his charm thickly to the air hostess that served us our drinks.
We've only been up in the air for a couple of hours; the drug seemed to have worn off because Marcel had woken up.
"Remind me again, why can't we just throw him out of the plane? It's not like anyone would notice." Jack mutters next to me.
"Cause what would I tell my momma?" Shawn says.
"He does have a point. I think only your mom would notice." Marcel strokes his beard, clearly considering Jack's proposition while trying to shake off the rest of the drug.
I choke on my drink, "He may be annoying, but I think it's unfair if I did the same to any of you." I state.
"Your point, boy?" Marcel raises an unimpressed brow.
"My point is, how would you guys feel if I opened the latch just because Jack has an affinity for food?"
"Leave my food out of this." Jack whines.
"Or when Shawn barely adds in our conversations," Shawn snorts a laugh.
"Or even you, for blinding my eyes every time you and Dinah are in the same vicinity." It's time for me to raise my own brow at him.
Marcel strokes his beard once more, "You've grown into quite a wise person, Son."
"Why don't we continue this when they are fast asleep?" Jacob suggests rather too loudly because he and the hostess on his lap are a bit drunk.
"On second thought, I might take you up on that offer, Jack." I sigh.
Soon Jacob and the hostess are fast asleep. Shawn has his head buried in a book while Jack and Marcel entertain themselves by watching WWE, Leaving me to my own antics.
If I'm being honest, I'm kind of nervous. Sure I had already performed in another town with no sweat, but the thing is, that town was purely English speaking. I would not want to offend the locals because my Spanish is rusty.
My backup dancers went ahead of us to practice individually and get used to the place. With more thoughts ramming into my head, I fell asleep.
"You okay, son?" Marcel asks as he surveys my outlook.
Jack is massaging my shoulders while Shawn and Jacob have their 'back off' faces out. Looking like the intimidating bodyguards that Marcel hired.
"Yea, I'm good, just the jitters." I ran my hand through my hair like I had been doing all night.
Jack turned me around so I could look him straight in the eye, "You'll be fine, just keep dancing and avoiding stray bras." He grins.
"Real comforting," Marcel rolls his eyes, "Remember like how we practiced, Hola a todos, soy Caleb Parks. Es bueno de su parte tenerme, Voy a cantar una canción para ustedes Y espero que te quste."
Translation: Hi everyone, I'm Caleb Parks. It's nice of you guys to have me, I'm gonna sing a song for you guys, and I hope you like it.
Jack's jaw dropped while I visibly gulped, tension making its way into my chest.
"I think I'm gonna be sick." I swallow.
"If you throw up here, I'll make sure to throw you out of the car on our way back." He warns.
I try my best to repeat what he just said, although I doubt I wouldn't stammer when I get onto the stage.
"If all else fails. Imagine yourself in Gail's room singing her to sleep." Jack patted my back, "As your best friend, I will personally whoop your ass if you puke your guts out on that stage." He concluded sternly.
My pep talkers went quiet when my name was called onto the stage.
"Knock 'em dead but don't use puke." Jack humoured me.
I smiled appreciatively at my friend as I connected my fists with his and made my way onto the stage.
There were a few cheers of encouragement from the few people who knew me, but the place was a bit eerily quiet.
I took the earpiece like a microphone and fixed it around my head. I sat down on the stool provided for me and strapped the guitar onto my back.
"Hola a todos, soy Caleb Parks. Es bueno de su parte tenerme, Voy a cantar una canción para ustedes Y espero que te quste." I nodded to the dancers and began strumming.
When I finished the intro, they began dancing. Then, someone caught my guitar when I threw it into the crowd. The crowd started becoming hysterical as I began to dance along with the backup dancers.
My favourite part of this performance was when I stopped singing and the electro beats that followed. I got to try out a new move that I was working on.
Soon the performance came to an end.
"Muchas gracias par tenerme esta noche. Espero poder hacer algunas amigos aquí antes de regresar." With a playful wink, I bow to the crowd and leave.
Translation: Thank you so much for having me tonight. I hope that I can make some friends here before I go back. Goodnight Mexico.
Surprisingly the girls don't attack me until we get to the limousine.
"You did good, boy. How do you feel?" Marcel asked as the Limo began to move towards our hotel.
The backup dancers were in another limo behind us, "Honestly fulfilled." I smile.
"Good because we are going to drink your liver away." Jacob hollers as he slings an arm around my shoulders, his earlier stoic façade clearly gone.
Shawn nods at me, "Good work."
"Mission accomplished." Jack grins.
Arriving at the hotel, I strip down to some plaid pants. I stay in a crossed-legged position on the floor of the balcony in my room.
Shawn taps the glass and walks in to join me with a glass of juice.
"How did you know I wouldn't partake in the drinking spree?" I take the glass from him and take a sip from it.
He sits on the recliner beside me, "As far as Jacob would be in charge of the booze, I knew you wouldn't dare be within two feet, plus Jack disappeared to his room as well." He replies like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"Meanwhile, how are you holding up?" Were it not that he already had the job of making sure that I don't go missing, Shawn would have made a great Doc Phil.
"Good, just admiring the stars." I hesitate before asking, "Do you think they're happy at what I have become?"
"If you mean your cell donors, I'd say they can rot wherever they are for giving you away. But if you mean Carol and Peter, I'd tell you they couldn't be happier about what a good person you became." He grins.
"Thanks, Shawn. I feel bad that you have to babysit me when you could be enjoying it with the others." I say and look onto the dazzling sky with an even brighter moon.
In response, Shawn sighs, "Alcohol is not my forte, plus I came here to continue this book that Gail made me read to her."
He holds up a big book that could rival all Ben Carson's books put together.
"You enjoy that." Shawn tips his glass to me and focuses on his book while I stare out into the sky with my songbook in hand.
The next day reminded me of a hospital, specifically the ward that holds all the pregnant women who just went into labour.
"I will never drink again," Jacob whines as he climbs onto the tour bus that Marcel got for us.
"You say that every time you wake up with a hangover." I retorted.
"Now you're just being mean," Jacob whines while holding his head.
It was barely six am; the dancers were already in and were fast asleep. Shawn was still reading his book from last night; Jack was chatting with the driver while eating a pack of chips.
Marcel was seated next to me, watching my performance from last night with his phone.
"You know if you drool all over me, I could take Dinah's place," I say.
Marcel kissed his teeth and looked at me, "Nice joke. I forgot to laugh." He remarks.
"So when are you and Dinah going to rechristen your marriage properly?"
"When will you teach Gail the difference between kissing and mulling people's faces?"
"Speaking of Gail, I haven't called her yet." I reach for my phone that Jacob found for me this morning.
Of course, Jacob being Jacob, didn't even bother to charge it.
I rested my head on my chair, "You wouldn't have a power bank, now would you?" I ask.
"Unfortunately, Jacob ruined mine while playing shots with the dancers."
The car ride was boring as everyone was fast asleep, but as we got closer to Miami. They woke up one by one, and the air was filled with jokes and jabs as the dancers and I chatted while Marcel fell asleep.
When we walked into the penthouse, I was welcomed with an apple coming for my head which I successfully dodged.
To say that Peyton was seething would be an understatement, "I knew all men were a bunch of crap, but you are the crappiest of them all."
"Jack get the popcorn," Shawn murmured from behind me, "This is gonna be good."
Abigail Parks' POV
There is nothing I love more than Mulan, but I'm not happy.
I'm not happy because Peyton and Caleb keep avoiding each other. And no one would allow me to bother them, which explains why after I finished my homework. I crossed the hall, entered Marci's room and jumped onto her bed.
I don't know why but Marci knows, and she won't tell me.
"But why?!" I have been asking her that same question for what felt like years.
She stops brushing her hair and glares at me through the mirror, "If I tell you, do you promise to scram?" She turns around from her dressing table to look at me.
Whenever Marci wants to say something important, she gets this funny look in her eyes.
I nod eagerly at her and get up from her bed and go closer to her.
Marci grins as she lowers her lips to my ear, "The tooth fairy promised to allow you to keep your teeth if you stop bugging me and brush them." She swipes her hand in front of her face.
"No fair, you're lying, and that's not what I asked you." I frown.
Marci shrugs, not even bothered about lying to me. She turns back to her dressing table and continues brushing her hair.
I smile evilly when an idea pops into my head; I reach my hand into Marci's head and drag as much hair my hand would let me.
Marci screams and glowers at me, "Now you've done it."
I laugh as she chases after me, I make a beeline to her door, but she blocks my way. On a split decision, I turn around and dive over her bed and land on my feet.
"You better get back here," I mirror her movements so the bed is evenly dividing us apart.
I grin as I start moving left, and she follows my lead. Before she knows it, I am in front of the door.
"You'll never catch me alive, sucker," I say and swing the door open and dash through it.
Unlucky for me, I crashed into a set of legs.
"Save me, Caleb." I squeal and start climbing onto him.
He picks me up and puts me on his hip, I turn and stick my tongue out at Marci, and she frowns further.
"I don't know why you always baby her."
With one more glare sent in my direction, Marci returns to her dressing table.
"Says the girl that has brushed her hair more times than she can count," Caleb says with a teasing tone.
Marci gaps dramatically, clearly pretending to be offended. She stops brushing her hair to face us.
"You are mean, and that's a lie. I can count way further than a thousand." She pouts.
Caleb laughs and walks into the room and stands beside her in front of her mirror, making us look at each other's reflections.
"What do you see?" Caleb gestures to the mirror.
"Three people who have better things to be doing," Marci said as her mouth took on a funny shape.
"I see the three of us," I replied.
"Correct, Gail. Remember what I said about family?"
He reminds us about this almost every night before I go to sleep.
"There is no family without loyalty." Marci and I say to our reflections.
"Good work, soldiers." Caleb grins and kisses Marci's head. "Nathan is in the arcade waiting for you. Shawn is the chaperon until I put this little crumpet in bed." Caleb tickles my tummy as he carries me out of the room.
He walks through the hall, intent on putting me in bed, but I tap his shoulder, "Wait, I want a glass of milk." I request.
"Okay, get in bed while I go get it," He makes to put me down, but I grip onto his forearm before he does.
"No, I want to come along," I pout.
Caleb groans but still carries me towards the kitchen where Peyton is having dinner while reading a big, brown book.
They avoid looking at each other as Caleb walks towards the fridge, pulls out the carton, and starts pouring me a glass of milk.
Peyton smiles at me before she goes back to reading, "What are you reading?" I bend my neck a bit to look at her.
She looks up from her book, "Just a story my mom wrote to me." She says.
"Can you read it to me?" Caleb drops the glass of milk in front of me, and I begin to drink it while waiting for Peyton to begin the story.
When I finish the glass of milk, Caleb takes the glass and drops it in the sink while saying.
"Gail, it's past your bedtime. She'll read it to you another time."
"Are you coming to my talent show?" I ask her.
"When is it?" She looks up again from her book and focuses her full attention on me.
"Next week, I want you and Caleb there with happy faces."
They both stared at me as If I had something on my face.
"Goodnight," I wave lazily at them and make my way to my room before I get there. I see Jack and Jacob sharing a bowl of popcorn while leaning onto the rails of the stairs watching the kitchen.
I walk up to them and tap Jacob's leg; he looks down and smiles at me before picking me up.
"Look who we have here, Ed," He calls Jack's attention to me; "Did you do it?"
I nod, "I left them in the kitchen. Now can I sleep?" I rub my eyes.
"Sure thing, Squirt," I stop rubbing my eyes and look at him getting angry.
I don't like being the shortest around here, but I have no choice. I also don't like being called short.
I rested my head on his shoulder so that he would stop keeping me away from my bed.
I hear him stop stepping on his words as he takes me to my room and puts me in my bed.
"When will I get to see your garden?" I ask before he turns off my lamp.
"Soon, Gail. Goodnight." He kisses my forehead.
"Night," I yawn and fall asleep, dreaming about saving China and making my parents proud.
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