《Astral Mage》The Culprit


"Feast on your own magic, disgusting worm!!!"

"Seriously, did you really study magic?" I muttered..

"What?" the old faker asked.

Suddenly, the dark ball of void and darkness began to wriggle. It was like there was something trying to get out.

"What is that?" the old faker exclaimed.

I let out a sigh of disbelief, "Darkness magic is a negative form of all magic. Applying void, which is already the darkness form of creation magic, gave it more dark attribute."

"Which means?" the old faker looked frightened.

"Darkness magic needs to be applied to a light form of magic to exist. Since you have an extra darkness without any form to cling on... It finds something else around it to be applied."

I then faced my palms towards his magic, focused my mind, and applied my own changes.

The huge ball of void and darkness magic then burst into dark flames and dissipated into nothingness.

"Wh-what did you do?" the old faker asked in shock.

"Simple," I smirked. "Magic is all about converting realea into a form of existence, basically it meant creation which is light magic. The negative form of magic, darkness magic, does the opposite. It eradicates creation into nothingness."

"What does that mean?" he madly pointed his staff at me. "What did you do to my magic?!"

I then raised my face and smirked, "You produced one negative form of magic; void, and one darkness magic with no light magic to merge on. What I did was applied a light magic, a simple flame magic, to convert it to its negative form, hell flame."

Looking at how confused the old faker looked, I felt overjoyed.

I shrugged my shoulders as I continued," Darkness magic; extinction, negates the existence of light magic; creation. I applied the light magic versions of the two darkness magic. Space magic for void/emptiness magic, and fire magic for hell flame magic. In result, two minus two equals?"

"Y-you..." the old faker looked mad (and I loved it.) "I don't care what you just said, but you're insulting me!"

He raised his staff and summoned a massive ball of fire, he applied darkness and made hell flames for himself.

I was amazed at how good he was able to apply darkness. I wondered how long he had magic.

"Attack them now you worthless garbages!" he commanded the soldiers. "I'm still strengthening this further."

With that, the soldiers began attacking. Each of them slashing the air in desperation of landing a hit on us. Felgard was quick on his feet, looking like he was making fun of them. He would sometimes jump on top of their heads , slide beneath them, and kick them on the crotch.

I though, only pushed them flying away one by one with a faint air and space magic. Dodging was quite the hassle especially with this elegant dress I'm wearing. I stepped on it and fell to the ground, seeing a sword coming down my face, I turned and dodged another swipe of sword from behind.


"Pretty annoying you bunch!" I then snapped my fingers and flames burned from within their armor, making them look like dancing. Then, I held my hands together and concentrated for a while. When the soldiers got near enough, I let go of my hands and placed them forward, "Entangle Roots!"

Tree roots came out from the ground and entangled those who came near to me. "Burn!" I intended to burn the roots with them, instead flames ignited beneath me and sent me flying upwards.

"Aah! Curses!" I flew up the air and barely managed to get down safely. Just then, more soldiers behind me slashed the air I was supposed to be standing. I simply ducked and then, "Water punch!" the soldier got hit on the chin via uppercut and sent him flying upwards by a water geyser. A huge one at that which again, sent me flying upwards too.

Just then arrows came flying down towards me. I was supposed to be hit, yet was protected by a wooden sword in front of me as I landed safely on the ground.

"Haha!" was Felgard 's reaction with yet again, his signature half smirk as he looked at me (irritating as ever.)

"I didn't need your help," I patted dirt off my dress as I stood up. "I could've dodged that."

"Hooo? Really?" for some reason that reaction by him was so annoying.

"I am very much capable of taking care of myself!" I huffed.

"Oi, I just noticed," he looked at me from head to toe and smiled. "You look good in that!"


"Ahahaha! It's finally ready!" the old faker's hell flame was so large, I could feel the intense heat from afar.

"Hah! A very easy to dodge attack!" I mocked, then braced myself despite the fact that I could die if I get hit.

"Are you sure about that?" he then sent it floating further up the air. "Then, dodge this if you will..."


All of a sudden, the ball shapeshifted into a huge hell flame spear and pointed to the direction further behind me. I then looked back and saw a road up ahead. There, a carriage in gold design and red curtains carried by two purely white horses was running away from the mansion.

"No, Milla!" I immediately flew up the air.

Just as the spear strike, I managed to stop it midway on air by a wind and space barrier. However, the spear was too big and strong, it shattered my barrier into pieces and sent me falling. I managed to float myself on the air and using the shattered pieces, I shape-shifted them into four shield pieces made of wind, space, and force magic and instantly fused them together, blocking the spear.


I struggled with all my strength to maintain the armor shield's form. Despite the existing pain and slight scratches and wounds from using magic multiple times without a staff, I struggled with all my might. As soon as I felt my strength losing its grip, "I can't hold on... Hey airhead!!"

"Felgard's the name!" he shouted angrily (heh, you really are an airhead.)

"Be sure to protect me. I'll be casting a spell!"

"Shoot your arrows you stupid fools!! While she's immobilized!" the old man in white robes commanded. Immediately after, arrows began to rain towards me.

"Hah! Plan success!!" by that the arrows which were supposed to hit me, stopped as they got closer. "Now, conversion!" the arrows then shone bright like light itself. "Then, application!" the arrows went towards the shield and fused to it, further strengthening the armor shield as it got bigger.

"What in the..." was all the faker could say after seeing my skills.

"Hehe! Hey faker! I say to you," I then stretched out my hands and the armor shield was stretched like rubber. I placed my hands together and it engulfed the flame spear as I applied fire magic, dissolving it to nothingness. "If you were to use magic, creativity is required!!"

Just then, the ball of light left behind, became unstable (as I was) and exploded in front of me, pushing me down on the ground landing on my back.

"Ah! Friesha! Are you alright?!" Felgard came to me as I was writhing my back in pain, barely managing to stand up.

"No!" I complained the moment I stood my ground. My arms and hands bled further.

"Oi, you're hurt pretty bad!" he exclaimed.

Soldiers began attacking again at us.They were very ready to swing our heads off when...

"What is the meaning of this?!!" a woman shouted from the mansion.

I looked up to see it was coming from Milla's older sister, the one with scarlet hair. She went down from the mansion's huge doorway into the open with us.

"You really are a filthy mage," she looked at me with extreme disgust before turning to the old faker. "I thought I paid you to get rid of her. Why is she on her way now to grandmother's manor?"

"So it was you?" I mumbled.

"How awful!" She stood in anger. "You're no different from the bandits I hired!"

"Don't you there demand too much you red haired wench! I will get to her, even if it means burning her grandmother's manor down to ashes," the old man smiled wickedly.

"Fool! Grandmother is one of Pheremoor kingdom's golden pillars! If you were to attack her manor, death wouldn't even be enough punishme-"

"I said shut up!!" the irritated old man abrupt her. "Do not tell me what to do."

"How dare you!" the red haired sister shouted. "I am a high noble! To interrupt me from speaking is high treaso-"

The old faker then shot a fireball which intentionally missed, hitting the wall behind her. She just fell to her knees from shock and fear.

"I have power, power which not even the king, nor the golden pillars have," the old faker looked at his wriggly hands as he manically smiled. "I fear nothing. Not even death!"

He then faced me with a cruel, evil, demonic, malicious stare.

"You will regret being born..." he said to like strike fear on me.

"Heh! After seeing your ugly face, I truly did," I raised my entire body, yet blood was obviously dropping from my hands.

"You're already very weak..." he whispered as he walked towards me. Surviving soldiers surrounded us, pointing their spears at Felgard and me.

"You don't seem like you are after money..." I then asked. "Why do you take requests to murder an innocent life? Milla didn't do anything wrong!"

"I am happy that I took the job of coming here," the old faker said. "When I heard the request of eliminating a possible mage, I was more than delighted to finally exterminate evil. I feel so kind and responsible!"

"Then leave Milla alone! I'm here!"

"Don't worry, she'll follow you soon after I eradicate all of the golden pillars!" he raised his staff and summoned ice daggers behind him. "Then I'll rule all of Pheremoor kingdom!!"

Just then, a gunshot was fired.The sound reverberated inside and out of the mansion. There on a window, was Milla's other brother, the one with the goaty on his chin, trembling while holding a gun on his hand.

"Ha... Haha! Ahahaha! How'd you like that you mage?!!" it was Leovhan-something, the one who fears mages.

The shot was directed to the old man who was now bleeding right on the chest. He then fell on his face and died on the spot.

"Leovhanduchiarrano?" the red hair asked. "How are you awake? Does that mean..."

"Sir!" some soldiers surrounded the old faker to confirm his death. 'He's dead..."

"Ooh! A-another one!" he then pointed his gun at me and immediately shot.


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