《Astral Mage》Not a Mage


There was no time to think of anything else. The flames were fast increasing and burning strong. I had no other choice but to counter attack but chanting will take time.

"Water Bomb!" I focused and expected water to form into a sphere and scatter to put the flames out. Yet instead, it only summoned bubbles, which immediately popped due to the heat. "Curses!"

"Miss Fifirisha, what is happening?" Sebas asked. "The way how the room burned wasn't normal."

"There seems to be another mage here besides me," I replied. "Although I have the feeling this mage is not as powerful as a standard mage, it's still a bother."

Seeing how the flames were engulfing the portrait, Milla immediately ran towards it.

"Miss Millavuenoghatthendillia!" Sebas ran after her.

She swayed, pranced, and waltzed her way towards the painting, dodging debris that were falling from above. She immediately took the urn and went backwards. Sebas then swiftly carried her away and ran back towards us in the middle of the room.

"Dearest mother..." Milla caressed the urn as she could only watch the portrait being burned.

"Ahh! I must really stop the flames!" I was angry at how useless I was.

"Miss Fifirisha, how about magic?" one of the maids suddenly suggested. "Maybe some teleportation magic or something?"

"I'll try," I said, despite knowing how depleting teleportation magic can be, especially in my current state. Seeing how the flames were getting stronger, chanting is a no go.

I then raised my right hand to the air and slammed it on the ground, expecting some sort of portal to appear. It mattered not where, as long as we'll be out of here.

However, what happened instead was the ceiling collapsed in front of us. Thankfully, the debris formed what could be identified as a way up and we immediately went up that room. Fortunately there was no fire there. The caster must have not thought about exiting above.However, the fire was burning its way towards us.

One maid immediately opened the door only to find it locked. "What should we do?"

"Oh, oh! Miss Fifirisha, can you please do something! The heat is intense! My head is hurting! Ah, painkillers please..." Milla then nearly collapsed as gentle as she could be when one maid tended to her.

I must do this, the flames are taking their time coming up this room. Therefore I immediately chanted a spell, "Oh great spirits of waters, gather within me, immerse my soul, drown me in wisdom and power, become a flood and cleanse out my sins."

I then released the realea I gathered and, "Water Bomb!"

As expected, water formed into a sphere before me. Only it was a lot bigger than expected, yet helpful.

"Release!" the huge water sphere splashed and fell down the room below, extinguishing the fire completely, as well as drowning half of the entire room.


"Yay! The flames are gone!" the maids happily hugged each other.

I immediately ran towards the curtain-closed windows.

"The caster is outside," I sensed more flame realea gathering outside the mansion. I then dragged the curtain over to the left as Milla did so to the other one on the right.

Outside, there was someone floating on the air. Based on its physical appearance, the person was a man. Despite the hood he was wearing, I can see white beard from his face, therefore implying he was old.

"Hey, what do you think your doing?!" I shouted.

He was casting another flame magic and not answered.

"Hey! I'm a mage too! Look!" I removed the wide-brimmed hat on my head, exposing my ears. To no avail, he just continued casting his spell.

Just then, down below him, soldiers started arriving one after another. They readied their bows and arrows for firing.

"Hey! They'll hit you! You have to run!" I tried talking to him as the soldiers might attack. "Human soldiers below you!!"

"So what?!" he then replied in a deep voice. He then let his hood down, revealing to me his face which shocked me to the bones. "It's not like they'll hit someone of their kind."

I looked at his ears and fell to rage.

"How, how?.." I clenched my fists tightly as I felt my anger take over. "How could a human like you use magic?!!"

The old human merely gave me a smirk as he summoned with his staff a huge ball of flames. It wasn't as big as my Sun Child but it was enough to burn us all.

The ball of flames he was producing got bigger by the moment. In time we won't be able to escape from it.

"Oh, oh! We suggestively need to get out of here!" Milla got panicked and began prancing around in circles as Sebas desperately stopped her.

I was so much in rage that I felt the need to kill him. However, what's important as of now was the safety of Milla and the rest.

"Hey, aren't you human?! These people with me... They're my hostages!" I need to play the evil one for their safety.

"Hm! Ahahahahahahahaha!" the fool merely laughed at me. "There is no point in lying to me. I should be the one saying that, to the public of course."

"You fiend!" so he was planning to tell everyone that I really did held them hostage. What's worse, he could be sent to kill Milla too, and put the blame on me, a mage which no one shall believe in.

"I also need to get rid of that brat. It's one thing that I was paid greatly for," he looked at Milla.

"Milla again?! What's wrong with this family?!"


"Miss Fifirisha!" Milla called, but I was too angry to respond.

"Now, die!!" He was about to release his spell when all of a sudden...

A small figure came down from the rooftop and hit the old fool on the head which cancelled the spell, making it vanish into thin air; proof of how inexperienced he was. The figure hit the old man's head with only a wooden sword as they both were falling to the ground.

"Felgard?!" I looked down to confirm.

"You called?!" he just flashed his irritating half smile as he was falling down with the old man.

The soldiers below gathered to catch their falling filth while Felgard just flipped over and stepped on one of the soldiers' head before landing to the ground.

"You fools! Get that kid!" the old fool commanded as he held his head.

Felgard then stood on a fighting stance despite the horrible situation he was in.

"The stupid foolish ingrate!" I then prepared myself to jump down. However, Milla instantly grabbed my hand.

"Miss Fifirisha, we have to go while he's down. Sebas managed to open the door for us. My brother Xandelphinuaronnie can definitely help in this situation."

"It's dangerous for you miss Fifirisha, please come with us!" Sebas supported her.

True, while they were busy with Felgard, I could escape with Milla and the rest. This was one big opportunity. As much as I was desperate to come...

"Sebas!" I called out behind Milla where Sebastian turned his head. "Make sure Milla is safe. I trust you on that!"

"Definitely without fail! I shall do my task as greatly as-"

"Miss Fifirisha!" Milla held on to me tight with slight tears in her eyes.

Seeing how adorable she was, I kissed her on the forehead.

"Live as graceful as you are now."

I then jumped down forgetting I was in a fifth floor window. Wobbly, I landed safe just right next to Felgard.

"Oi, where have you been? I've been looking all over for you. Such a huge place this is you know!"

"None of your business! I just enjoyed some leisurely time, that's all."

"Oi, it's unfair. You get to be treated well while I was running for my life? Plus I was hungry, too!"

"Focus on what's in front of you fool," I looked at the number of soldiers there were.

"Okay okay... Wait, you called my name, right?!"

"No I didn't."

"Really? I was quite sure you did, when I was falling down..."

"You're hearing things."

Just then, the soldiers began coming to us in numbers. Now with only Felgard with me, I didn't care how unstable I was. Even if he was to get hit by my magic, he'll definitely be fine.

"Sun Child!" I poured out my thought and an unstable amount of realea to the spell. Fortunately, the only side effect was the shape, where instead of a sphere...

"Ahahaha! Oi, what's that? A duck?" I blushed as the airhead laughed at my proud power.

"Sh-shut up! It's an eagle! An eagle!"

"Fools!" the old man then floated on air with a lump on his head. "You both shall pay for humiliating me!"

"Here I go! Flame Child! Release!" by that the huge bird-like ball of flames attacked the soldiers, exploding at the center and burning the ground with massive amount of flames. "Heh! Bet you like that don't you, faker?"

With the flames between us, I can faintly see the old man just smirked and raised his staff. "Gather flames!" just as he said that, the flames in front of us began moving and was being sucked towards his staff. After about a few seconds, there were no more flames.

"This faker Is good," still, it bothered me how he acquired the capacity to control the elements. Humans never had that, and that's what I believed until now.

"Cursed being, it appears to me that you are quite weakened. Could the loss of your staff had any contributions to that?" he smiled as he was insulting me. "Perhaps you creatures were of no threat at all. Too bad I didn't have this years ago. I could've just eliminated your filthy kind myself."

"You!" I got lost in control and went to rage. "Die-"

"Oi oi oi! Calm down," Felgard grabbed hold of my arm before I could lose control. "He wants to anger you to let your guard down."

"Hahaha, boy. Why are you helping that mage? What is the benefit of siding to their kind when they're almost gone?" the old man secretly chanted a spell. "We are of the higher race. They are merely creatures lower than cattle, no, lower than cattle food!"

"Shut up! I don't listen to old farts in white robes," Felgard pointed his wooden sword at him. "Plus, if you're really that high of a race, why bring yourself down to cattle food level by learning magic?"

"Indeed, I have brought myself down. However this is for a purpose. I have to lower myself to gain something of worth from cattle food," the fiend then smiled insultingly. "Without that worth, they become nothing but cattle feces."

Just then, he raised his staff and summoned a ball of void and darkness magic. Again, I could've produced something bigger than that, just not now.

"Feast on your own magic, disgusting worm!!!"

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