《Astral Mage》The Mayoubhoughergoise Family


"Ah!! My dear Millavuenoghatthendillia!! I was sooo worried!" a big ugly fatso pig hugged Milla the moment she came into the dining hall. "How dare such low-lives put you in harm!"

"Dear father! P-please do let go!" Milla was struggling to breathe as she squirmed out of her father's embrace.

"Forgive me, I was just sooo happy to see you safe," I could see how wide his smile was, truly filthy. "Oh, and who is this?"

"She is my friend who saved me from them bandits," Milla introduced me. "Miss Fifirisha."

"Ah, hi," letting out a desperate convincing smile, I could only hope if I looked human at least. "Thanks for having me here."

"Ah I see!" he instantly held my hand and shook it. "Thank you sooo much for saving my darling little angel."

His grip was tight, which I could tell from his face was annoyed.

"A-ah, happy to help," I did another convincing human-like smile. I could tell from his realea pattern, he's surely mad at me.

* * *

"Remember, we must act like we know nothing about the Duke's involvement in Millavuenoghatthendillia's kidnapping," Sebas told us while we were still inside Milla's room.

"Why?" I asked.

"We have no enough evidence," one maid said.

"No enough evidence? Didn't you say the bandits were locked in your dungeon? We could use them as witnesses," I suggested.

"It doesn't work that way miss Fifirisha," the other maid said. "When it comes to them high nobles, words from lay people like us mean nothing."

"Worse it could only mean high treason to accuse a high noble," Sebas said in a low tone. "Leading to death..."

"What? That's just..." I was taken aback. What an unreasonable concept. "Then, what if Milla says it herself?"

"Miss Millavuenoghatthendillia is a child. They'll just believe she was brainwashed by those around her," the other maid said. "We'll be the ones facing the consequences."

"What about a detective or something?" I asked.

"We cannot do that," Sebas sighed. "It could instantly mean we were accusing them."

I let out a sigh, "What a world... So, are we just gonna let this slide? What if the same thing happens?"

"The only way is for a royal officer or another trustworthy high noble to see for themselves," Sebas said seriously. "What kind of people they are... But even that might not work, with their power."

* * *

Back to the dining hall, there were already a total of five people, all dressed in fine elegant clothing! There were only two females and three males.

The moment I got closer, everyone's gaze were all fixated towards me. I then remembered the courtesy gesture Milla did on our first encounter, therefore I did the same. I held my dress on both sides, crossed my legs, and bowed in respect.

"F-f-friesha... is my name. I am very happy to meet you all," annoying as it was, I endured the embarrassment.

"Ugh, just some random street girl in an exquisite dress," one lady with the curly blonde, too-red lips, and huge jewelries. (If only she knew I was already pissed off more than she was.)


"Let us just be grateful she didn't bring home a boy or else..." one man with blonde hair, skinny demeanor, and quite the height (probably the oldest) said so calmly.

"Now now, let us not put our lady guest to shame now, shall we?" Another black hair male with a goatee spoke as he stared and winked at me, giving off a creepy vibe.

The other female sibling with scarlet hair just stared at me for a long time before merely looking away.

I then went and sat next to Milla after she sat down first. With Milla on my right side and nothing on my left but the empty seat facing the Duke, I concluded it to be that the duke's wife's seat. In front of me was the handsome Xandel so it was quite the comfortable seat.

"Bring in the food!" bellowed the fatso. "Tonight is such a glorious night!"

Sebas and some butlers came, each with trays of food on each of their hands. Placing it all on the table, I felt hungry as the fragrant smell wafted inside my tiny nose. They also prepared beverages of sorts, all looking so delicious. Butlers then stood at each of our sides and poured us our drinks.

"Now! Let us have a toast!" the fatso raised his wineglass. "For the safety of our little angel! And her... friend." that last part, he sneered at me. "Cheers!"

The rest of the family did the same, only that they were as lifeless as can be. Milla flashed me a smile, which I returned with mine. After that, we had our feast. It was a quiet and awkward (for me at least).

"Sebas," sir handso-I mean Xandel spoke in a serious manner while fixating on his food. "Mind if I ask you why Millavuenoghatthendillia was captured in the first place?"

Sebas immediately knelt down with his head on the ground as he said, "Please forgive my carelessness. Miss Millavuenoghatthendillia told me to stay put and not follow her. She threatened me if I were to disobey, so I was left with no other choice. However, I know that is no excuse for me to neglect my responsibility with her. Please, punish me as you see fit!"

The rest of the family seemed not to care about the matter at hand and merely ignored the situation.

Xandel sighed before facing Milla, "Is Sebas telling the truth?"

"Indeed he is dear brother," Milla just smiled at him. "He was just being an honorable butler to carry out my word. Be that as it may, I couldn't care less."

Milla wiped off her mouth with a fancy-looking tablecloth and looked at her big brother with serious face, "However, I believe no punishment is necessary as he too was part of my rescue, should it not?"

They locked eyes at each other. Seeing Milla like that felt a chill down my spine. Xandel only sighed once more before saying, "So be it."

* * *

"Was that satisfying miss Fifirisha?" Milla asked me as we were heading back to her room with the other two maids. She was holding her dress on each side as she walked as lady-like as can be.


"Yeah," I never had that much food in my life. Although I did my best not to look hungry. "By the way Milla."

"Yes? Do speak your mind," she responded.

"Your mother," I asked. 'Why isn't she there?"

"Oh, oh! How could I have forgotten!" she halted and placed her right arm on her forehead while her left hand to her chest. "Oh how clumsy of me! I should have introduced you to dearest mother first!"

The two maids looked at each other.

"Come come," she grabbed my hand. "You should meet her."

"Aah, okay?" and she immediately dragged me away.

We both stopped in front the entrance of a humongous beautifully decorated door.

"Now without delay, let us enter," Milla then opened the door and light from inside brightened up the hallway. As we enter, there exited one of her siblings, the woman with scarlet hair.

"Ah, dear sister Shammiallannamba Biovustheronnanmiose (seriously?). I did not know you come here often." Milla was quite shocked to see her sister come out of the room.

"Humph!" was all she said before leaving in quite a hurry.

Then, I was again dragged by the arm and entered the room. It was bright inside with furniture which somehow doesn't belong to this world. The craftsmanship of every design was praiseworthy with its nature designed interior. As I was admiring the beauty, we stopped in front of a large painting of a beautiful black-haired woman. Below the painting was a flower-decorated table with a wide lace pillow. Placed on it was a small urn.

"Now miss Fifirisha, meet my dearest mother!" she let go of my hand and danced around, raising her wide dress as she spun. "Ohoho! She is quite the beauty, is she not?"

I see. So Milla's mother is...

"Oh, dear me!" Milla suddenly halted from dancing. "Because of that horrible incident, we did not have tea time! Oh no! How truly tragic!"

"Indeed miss Millavuenoghatthendillia," one maid knelt down before her in despair.

"Whatever shall we do?!" the other did the same.

I wonder what is wrong with these people. Anyway, so inside this urn, is Milla's mother.

"Then let us have tea time right now!" Milla suggested.

"Indeed!" supported her two maids.

"There is no time rule in regards to tea time after all," Milla raised her chin and flaunted her hair. "Indeed, now let us prepare at once!"

"Yes milady!"

By that, the three ran elegantly outside the room. Milla came for a moment and shouted, "Miss Fifirisha! Please entertain dearest mother while I guide these two for the perfect tea celebration!"

"A-ah..." I sighed after she left.

I looked at the painting of Milla's mother. In fact she was beautiful, more beautiful than any woman I have ever seen. I wonder what happened to her.

"She is beautiful, isn't she?" Sebas came inside and walked towards me. "Madam Frioritalinnarama Voinanne Mayoubhoughergoise (ugh, I've had it)."

"Oh, it's you," I replied. "Well, indeed she is."

Sebas stood next to me and we both stared at the large portrait of the lady.

"You should've seen how caring she was," Sebas began to talk. "She was the perfect woman. Beautiful inside and out."

"What happened to her?" I asked.

"That filthy pig," he suddenly looked evil. "To have killed his own wife!"

Looking at how hard he clenched his fists, I felt myself in rage.

"Sebast, tell me," I decided to talk to him. "That time before the bandits took us away, you asked one of them to confirm whether Milla's father really was behind it. The look on your face told me you already knew..."

Sebastian took a deep breathe and sighed heavily, "Unfortunately, I had already seen it coming..."

"Seen what?.." I grew curios.

"For high nobles like the Mayoubhoughergoise family, there is really no rule here in Pheremoor kingdom about sharing of properties to couples. Once two people marry, each of them still has the right to keep their wealth to their own. In this mansion, the one who owns almost everything is Madam Frioritalinnarama. And amongst all her children, Adamanthiniobellandero Shakithvasthiomme, Leovhanduchiarrano Maronikashthamberti, Mariandaveshvloendrina Karmelightiolmu, Shammiallannamba Biovustheronnanmiose, Xandelphinuaronnie Ygdanullionde, and Millavuenoghatthendillia Edelvoughahndi, she favored miss Millavuenoghatthendillia as the apple of her eye. As to Mister Ferdirealm Ashtony Mayoubhoughergoise, he favored his eldest son, sir Adamanthiniobellandero of all."

"Oh, seems like favoritism here is strong," I simply nod as I listened, when in fact the names were killing me.

"Then one night, in front of my very eyes..." Sebas' face grew red in anger. "He poisoned the Madam. The drink I gave her... was poisoned by her own husband. I was there as she struggled..."

Tears began to stream out of his eyes, "There was nothing I could do. And I knew what was to happen, that they will target milady next. So I had no other choice but to go along with their plan..."

He knelt down in front of the portrait, "In front of the dying Madam, her husband was hysterically laughing at her... While I could just watch!" He punched the ground. "I was useless..."

"Nope, you did the right thing," I sighed. "If you fought back, you would've been executed. Milla will be left defenseless. So I believe you did the right thing. It's not like you can fight back against them anyway..."

He raised his face, revealing his teary eyes which made him uglier.

"Dear me Sebas! What are you doing?!" Milla and her two maids were at the door.

"Miss Millavuenoghatthendillia Edelvoughahndi Mayoubhoughergoise," he immediately stood up.

"Clean yourself up," she came inside as the two maids tailed behind her. "Now let us have our delightful tea time!"

As they were arranging the tea set with some cakes and stuff, I stared back at the lady in the portrait. It was as if she was smiling at how happy her daughter looked with the rest.

"Miss Fifirisha," Milla called. "Please join us."

"Okay," I sighed as I walked to her.

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