《Astral Mage》A High Class Friend


"Ah, ah! The terror! Ah!" Milla knelt down as she raised her chest up high. "Now then, proceed! Make use of me until the very bit of my soul! Ah! Climax!!"

Indeed climax came when from behind her, the bandit emerged from the bushes with a knife in hand. He then launched himself towards Milla, "Got you now!"

"Watch out!" I had no time to think and immediately cast a quick wind spell. "Gust!"

My intention was to blow a huge gust of wind to the bandit, sending it away. However, that's not happened, instead a huge tornado came from the bottom of their feet, raising the two of them up, and sucking them towards it. Fortunately enough, Milla was able to grab hold of a tree branch where she grabbed on to dear life.

"Aaah! What force! What power! Oh, oh! Oh oh oh oh oh! Dear me!!" she was barely hanging on (I guess).

"Ah! S-stop! Stop!!" I begged for the tornado to stop but to no avail, it just got even worse. The tornado unintentionally turned into one of my strong spells, Wind Child.

It turned into the shape of a sphere as the wind continued to spin around. The speed and strength of the wind was so strong it uprooted small trees off, shredding them into small pieces upon contact with the Wind Child's exterior. Inside it was a massive amount of wind compressed and ready to explode in any minute. Unlike Sun Child which was nothing more than fire and heat compressed into one, Wind Child contained wind, air, and space magic, allowing wind to be trapped inside a specific space as more wind gather to explode.

If nothing is to be done, Wind Child could kill Milla. "Think Friesha, think!!!" I tried thinking as hard as I could while I too was barely hanging on as Wind Child will suck anything to it.

"Oh! Oh! How come you too are being sucked in? Is this not your power?" Milla just asked.

"It's my spell, but the wind is no longer mine and has its own movement now," I explained to her as both the branches we were the holding on to were slowly being sucked in.

I then felt the price for using a strong magic without a staff. Wounds opened from the palm of my hand, blood gushed out and was sucked into the sphere. Realea burst from my hands which led to this state.

Just then, an idea came to mind and I immediately carried it out. I let go of the branch and went straight towards Wind Child, spinning along the winds' dictation. The moment I got close enough, shredding winds made small cuts on my body, making me groan in pain. Once I was near being shredded into tiny bits, I cast a strong force spell enough to cancel the Wind Child. Surely enough, it cancelled Wind Child and we fell to the ground; Milla unto her butt as gentle as can be while I was face first. Afterwards, she just got up and patted dust off her dress and went to me as ladylike and as gentle as can be. She found me lying flat on the ground bleeding more as the force explosion took another toll on my body, this time my arms bled.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh! Blood! Blood! Oh! Fifirisha! Are you okay!" she was desperate to help as she spun around me like a ritual traditional dance. "Oh, oh! Whatever should I do? Whatever should I do?"


Eventually, the bandit stood up in joy of having its target hurt itself.

"Hehe, you'll pay for that you wench..." the bandit got closer and closer dragging one of his bleeding foot as he walked.

"Oh, oh! Good heavens! Oh!" Milla stepped forward trying to shield me. "Of what reason could be driving you this far?"

"M-milla, they were sent to kill you," despite my painful wounds, I tried standing up yet failed to even move my legs. I just used a large amount of realea, and it damaged my very self.

"Oh, oh! Kill me? Who so desire such intent? What gain is there?"

"I don't fully know the details," I secretly chanted a small spell by my thoughts. "B-but your butler asked them once. They said they were sent by your father."

"Ooh! Oh oh oh! Goodness gracious! Dear Father?" she was completely shocked.

"Hehehe, indeed your father wants you dead," the bandit got closer. "So I'll kill you, just fulfilling my task. We were paid big, you know."

"Merciless brute, harming a little girl. Since you were paid already, " my spell was quite long to complete. "Why not just leave her be? There is no longer any purpose. You already have your cash, right?

"Heh! You wouldn't understand dirty mage. We bandits have dignity to our job, too."

"Screw that dignity! You just want to hurt others! Do you not even feel pain as you harm those who didn't harm you?" for an instant my mind reminded me of what happened seven years ago.

"Shut up filth. You don't even have the right to talk, you pathetic low maggot."

Milla suddenly went to rage, "Oh, oh! You insolent fool! Oh, my head! Ah! What right do you have to disgrace someone you don't even know? Dear heavens! Have some respect to others!!"

"Shut the hell up!!" the bandit went forward with his knife to stab Milla. I had to do this now. Forgive me bandit, for this might kill you.

"Hell Howl!" I projected my hand towards the bandit as force went out and directly hit him.

"Gaaaah!!" was all he could say before falling into the illusion.

My spell, Glimpse of Hell is a combination of fire, space, time, and life magic all applied with darkness and compressed in the form of mind magic. This skill, which was one of my original creations, places an illusion of hell to the target. This illusion is so vivid they would even hurt themselves thinking that hell creatures are really crawling and biting them. This vividness was because of the other elements included which were all turned to their negative form once applied with darkness magic; fire into hell flames, space into emptiness, time into loop, and life into corruption.

I looked at how successful my spell was as the bandit screamed and wailed in so much pain, wriggling like a worm. He then tore off his clothes and began scratching his own body with his fingernails. Then he stood up and kept hitting his head on a tree, shaking its innocent leaves off. Blood began splattering all over.

"NO! NO MORE! LEAVE ME BEEEEE!!!" the bandit was crying with blood as he screamed from the top of his lungs. "NO! NOOOO! AAAHHH!"

Milla stood there in shock of what she was watching. She stared at the bandit for quite some time. Then all of a sudden...

"Oh! He's crazy?! What in dear goodness is he doing to himself?! Oh, oh! The horror!" she then went to me like nothing happened. "Can you stand?"


"I can't..." indeed after casting massive unstable spells, I felt like my body was being ripped off.

"Oh goodness! What must I do?" she then grabbed my hand. "Oh, how excruciating! To be this helpless! Oh!"

Eventually, the bandit fell to the ground unconscious and bleeding all over his body from self inflicted wounds. The horror of seeing hell for even a short while. I made this spell out of hatred to the humans. To be sure of its strength, I even tried it on myself since there was no one else with me after my mother died. Therefore I know exactly what the bandit went through.

I looked at the overly distressed Milla and the thought of horror came to me. In my unstable state, it was a near miracle the spell hit the bandit. The possibility that it might hit her instead lingered at that time. If it did happened, I don't know what I'll do... for some reason.

"Ah! I forgot something very crucial!" suddenly Milla got up as she said this. "No need to worry now miss Fifirisha! Wait for a while okaaay?"

She then took a deep breath, like a while. Then with her hummingbird pitch voice, she shouted with her soul.


Her voice somehow shook the earth as birds flew away startled. Afterwards, there was a long moment of silence (about thirty seconds) until trees can be heard being shaken and trampled down. The sound was coming towards us as the ground shook with might. Then, a voice was heard from a distance.

"Miss Millavuenoghatthendillia Edelvoughahndi Mayoubhoughergoise!!!" Sebas came jumping from a tree, "Are you alright??!!"

All of a sudden, I was slowly losing my consciousness as I felt my body weakened intensely. At the same time, I did my best to hide the pain. Slowly my vision became blurry and my hearing got blocked probably from blood I felt leaking out of my ears. I could see a faint figure of Milla trying to talk to me as my consciousness gradually faded and I embraced the warmth of slumber.

"Friesha?.. Friesha my dear?"

"Mother?.. Is that you...?"

"So, what would your first own magic spell be like?"

"Mother? I'm here! Where are you?"

"Hmm, I see. Indeed that is such a lovely spell."

"Mother? Can you hear me? Mother?"

"Be sure to learn it okay?"

I opened my eyes desperate to see her. Only to see a beautifully decorated ceiling above me. The artistry of angels dancing amongst the clouds seemed to block my memory of that dream I just had. I looked around the well decorated large room I was in.Everything looked so fancy and grand. From the floors to the curtains, up to the ceiling, it was like every little girl's dream room. I felt quite embarrassed to be in such a well-designed place. I looked outside and saw that it was already night time. I stood up and noticed my change of clothes. I was wearing a pink girly dress designed with red ribbons and white laces. I suddenly came to shock as I noticed my ears were as exposed as can be.

"Oh, no... Where'd my clothes go?"

Just then, a few knocks were heard from that huge door along with a gentle princess voice, "Oh dear me. Could she still be sleeping until now?" followed by a deep manly voice, "it's only been a few hours..."

Without warning my stomach gave a loud noise, "Ah, yeah. I haven't had any lunch…”

Suddenly the huge door slammed open along with, "Oh! Oh! She's awake! Sebaaaaas!" There she was with her trusty Sebas and two more gorgeous looking maids.

"Prepare food right now!"

"With great haste, I shall fulfill any tasks given to-"

"Yes, yes, now go on! And don't forget to have it here instead! The dining table is oh so out of class as of now. I can't believe they haven't changed the furniture this week. Oh dear heavens!"

With that, Sebastian left as fast as he could. Milla then entered the room with her maids and slammed it tight. She then patted her new looking bright yellow colored dress with golden patterns and ribbons. She spun elegantly as she pranced towards me with her usual high class demeanor as her maids trailed alongside her.

"Now then miss Fifirisha, are you enjoying your new clothes?" she then gave me the brightest smile she had ever given as if not wanting a negative response. "These are made by expert tailors designed by expert designers using the highest quality of silk and jewelry."

She then took out a marvelously made fan and covered her mouth, "Handpicked by yours truly, of course. Ohohoho! Ah! Bravo to I! Bravooo!!"

Immediately after, the two maids next to her applauded in grace.

"Yes miss Millavuenoghatthendillia!"

"Truly no one else in this world is more gorgeous than you!"

"So miss Fifirisha, huh, miss Fifirisha?" she then stared at me. "Why are you covering your ears?"

I can't believe she didn't know. My ears were the only distinctions I had as a mage, which is in danger of being revealed in front of two normal humans.

"Hmmm, Oh! Oh oh oh! Could it be your mage ears?" Milla just giggled after I nodded quietly completely defenseless. "Oh, oh! How frightened do you feel so? That is a matter less to be taken notice of."

"Huh? What do you mean?" I was quite confused by her statement. Then the two maids spoke.

"Ah that. No need to worry miss Fifirisha we won't tell anyone."

"Indeed, miss Millavuenoghatthendillia's friend is also a friend to us."

Milla then smiled, "Truly nothing to worry about. If by any chance these two betray me, I'll have them executed. Ohohoho!"

For some reason, I felt myself extremely light. Hearing those words were completely different. I did remember my mother told me not to judge all of humanity, in which I was slowly doing so. However, I was still not obliged to be friends with them for a human's heart was said to be made to have plenty of faces. Just then, one maid spoke.

"But miss Millavuenoghatthendillia, your siblings doesn't know about her. Especially sir Leovhanduchiarrano, he's afraid of mages, remember?"

Milla thought long for herself, "Ooooh! Oh! What conflict! Ah, what the shame for me to forget about my darling siblings. Which means we truly have a problem about your mage ears. Ah! My head, painkillers please..."

I quite liked the new dress I wore but it doesn't suit me, "Sorry but I need my old clothes back. Those were made with magic items to protect me in the slightest way you see."

"Oh, those are still being washed as of now. No need to worry," Milla gave me a warm smile. One which I never knew I could gain from someone else besides my mother. I felt, quite relieved and happy as I slowly let go of my reddening ears, revealing to them it's complete deer-like form.

However, I immediately sensed someone walking the hallway outside this room. Whoever this could be, he/she has quite the realea. Then, a few loud knocks sounded past the gigantic wooden door along with a voice.

"Millavuenoghatthendillia! Open the door?!" it was the sound of a teenage man. "The whole family wants to see you. Hurry!"

"Ah!! Brother Xandelphinuaronnie!! Him of all! Oh oh, what terribleness!! What bad luck!!" Milla then grabbed hold on my arms. "Hide under the bed..."

"No miss Millavuenoghatthendillia, he would still know," one of the maids said as the other randomly took out a huge wide brimmed hat from the closet and placed it on my head. The hat barely managed to hide my ears but was quite enough. Immediately a few seconds later, the door opened, revealing to me the person behind it.

"Millavuenoghatthendillia, hurry now towards the dining hall," the man stood in a noble demeanor.

About twice (or more) as tall as my height, he looked to be about twenty years of age. Unlike Milla, he had black hair. His fierce gray eyes beyond those rectangular glasses were focused and serious as if to read anything about you. His face was indeed handsome but the serious look made it less charming. His physique was obviously trained behind those well designed clothing.

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