《Astral Mage》Childish Thinking


"Mama! I told you not to reveal yourself in front of other people!" the little boy shouted as he ran closer towards the slime lake. Felgard tailed behind him.

The slime, in response, shifted its attention towards the running boy. It then moved its head towards him, disregarding the two suspicious beings.

"Now we make a run for it," whispered one voice as he rustled his way out of the scene.

"Yeah!! Let's go!!" screamed the other.

"Just shut it!"

"Hey!! Don't shout!! They'll hear us!!"

"Aah! They're running away!" Felgard shouted.

"We better chase them!" commanded the boy. "They'll tell the town about the lake."

"Hey! Friesha!" the fool shouted at me as he ran towards my direction. "Toss me my sword!"

"Hah?! Are you giving me orders?!" I shouted back.

"Hurry!" shouted the fool, as if not hearing me.

I felt my temples twitch in anger before taking the sword off my bag. How come I forgot it was here? I should've just thrown it away as soon as I got my bag back. The moment the sword was out, was when I noticed.

"My magic book," I checked again. "It's not here."

"Oh yeah, Friesha!" I heard from below the cliff I was on. "If by any chance you are looking for a book! I have it with me!"

"What?! You!!"

"Sorry! I was trying to read it!"

The fool, humans aren't taught the language of mages. I bet his stupid curiosity made him do the impossible. Either way, just looking at his half smirk at me as he ran towards where the two suspicious people went, was enough to convince me that he was trying to strike a deal. If I am not to toss him his sword, he obviously won't give me back my magic book. True, I have already learned everything written on it. However, it held memories with my dear mother.

"Here! Catch!" I angrily tossed the wooden sword down towards where he was. "Don't blame me if you don't catch it!"

One huge jump was all it took for the airhead to snatch his sword from falling, "Got it! Thank you!"

"I don't need your gratitude! I need my magic book!"

"Later!" he shouted as he ran after the little boy.

"You!!!" was all I could shout back after feeling like I've been deceived.

I turned at the massive slime which looked like it was sulking after the trouble it caused. I then let out a huge sigh before wearing my bag. I waved my staff in front which pushed a small force away from me before I levitated on air. I road on my staff and immediately chased after the two.

From a distance, the two suspicious characters were running quickly towards a small town farther ahead.

"Hey, run faster," the one taking the lead said to the one behind.

"I'm doing my best!!" shouted the other.

"Like I said! Stop shouting!"


"You're the one shouting!!"

"Wait!" the little boy shouted a short distance away from the two, panting heavily since his legs and stamina, as short as his age, were weighing on him. "Stop!"

From behind him, leaped Felgard and went on chasing the two for the tiny boy's sake. His speed was enough to shock the two runners as they looked back behind the one chasing them.

"Gotcha!" Felgard jumped high above and landed in front of the two. Dust rose from the ground which then subsided as the airhead stood up with his back facing the runners. With a flash of his filthy half smirk as he faced the two, he boasted, "Amazing, aren't I?"

Without a care, the two just ran past him at his side and further into the forest.

"Oi!" was his only dumbfounded reaction.

From above, I watched the entire thing. I merely disregarded his existence and pursued the two runners myself. Perhaps I should just do to these two what I did to those monkeys earlier. However, I soon noticed the town to be a few distance ahead. Using strong magic would definitely alert the town's attention.

"In that case," I stopped on air before raising my right hand facing forward, and my left hand facing backwards behind me. This might take quite a lot of realea but... "Warp!"

Two huge purplish pink magic circles emerged from both my hands. The one in front of me, I threw it towards the two runners as it became a ray of purplish pink light. With great speed, it quickly passed by the two and landed a few feet ahead of the them. It then expanded back to its magic circle form beneath their feet the moment they stepped on it, and shone bright. Surprised, the two were then running on air, facing my open left hand behind me.

"What in the worl-"

"What in the world?!!"

"Why so shock? I just teleported you here. That's all," I bragged as I faced the two.

* * *

Each tied to trees with magic, the two stopped struggling after a few serious yet futile attempts. It was like the tree itself was hugging them.

"A mage huh," the more quiet one said. He was a man about his mid 30s, with a long skinny face, blonde hair, wearing simple-looking long sleeved white shirt and long pants.

"A mage huh?!" screamed the other one. He was another man who looked quite peculiar with his white tuxedo and pants, a mustache curled to the same shape as his round glasses, and pink hair curled into a roll behind his head.

"Wow! Your awesome big sis!" cheered the little boy.

"Hehe, well of course!" in response, I raised my chin in desperation to show the difference between our heights (I'm taller okay?).

"Oi! I was awesome too! I caught up to them first," pouted the useless airhead.

"Catching up to them is completely different from catching them," it was my turn to smirk back.


"No it's not!" he argued. "They both have the word 'catch' so it makes no huge difference."

The little boy then walked towards the two captives. He looked at them with eager solemn eyes.

"Wh-what are you going to do to us?" asked the quiet man.

"What are you going to do to us?!!" and screamed the other.

"Will you just lower your voice?!"

"You're the one not lowering your voice!!"

The two began arguing against each other. Looking at humans having a conflict against themselves felt amusing.

"So, what will you do to them Xez?" asked Felgard to probably the tiny boy.

"I'll make sure they'll never tell the town about the lake," he answered with an even serious look in his eyes. That look coming from such a tiny body made the two captives shiver in fear. They gulped down whatever bravery they could muster, yet couldn't hide their sweat from forming on their foreheads.

All of a sudden, the tiny boy fell to the ground in a begging position as he pleaded, "Please don't tell anyone about the lake being a slime!"

"What?!" was my only reaction.

"Ooh! I see," nodded the airhead next to me.

"We won't!" immediately responded the two. That was fast.

The tiny boy then got up, shook dust from his knees, before going to me and asked, "Please release them."

"What?!" was my second reaction.

"They said they won't tell anyone," smiled the tiny boy.


"He's right Friesha," supported the airhead.


"Yes, release us!" demanded the two.

"Please big sis," begged the tiny boy with sparkling eyes.

"Please big sis," imitated the airhead with his annoying face.

"Please big sis," went along the two.

I got confused, mad, and annoyed at the same time. And thus...

"Yay!" celebrated the two captives.

"Thank you big sis!" smiled the tiny boy.

"Indeed," nodded the airhead.

"Indeed, thank you big sis," cheered the two.

"Now be sure to not tell anyone okay?" the tiny boy faced the two with such innocence written all over his joyful trusting smile.

"Yes, don't worry!" smiled back the two before skipping away from the scene.

"Are you sure those two will keep their word?" I asked, fully knowing that they won't. Well, it's not really my problem to begin with.

The tiny boy looked at me with a confused look before saying, "They said they won't tell so they won't... Right?"

I sighed before looking at Felgard and asked, "Hey you."

"I can't hear you," was his stupid reply as he was swinging his sword.

"Hah?! Then why'd you reply?"

"I don't hear my name being called. Is there someone calling me?"

"Why you! I just want my magic book back."

"Yep, I don't hear my name," he continued swinging his sword.

I was about to burst into maximum rage, my fingers on the verge of casting a spell on his annoying half smirk.

"Ah, that weird book big brother Felgard brought with him?" the tiny boy asked from behind me. "It's back in my hideout. He said he got it from an ugly-faced, ill-tempered, filthy-smelling, bad-mouthing, shorty old witch."

Upon hearing what the honest tiny boy had said, I slowly creepily turned my head towards the lying lump of existence with my aura emitting darker than usual. My gaze spelled death upon my malicious observation of his sudden change in mood. Perhaps he sensed my anger, or did not expect the little one to say it. He just continued to swing his wooden sword more quickly, with obvious sweat creeping down from his forehead.

"Short, you say?" I slowly walked towards the existence of lies and deceit.

"No it's not like that Friesha," he finally faced me with a stupid worried look on his filthy face. "I uhh, was talking about the monkeys that took your bag, and-"

"Monkey?!" I came closer with the thirst for murder.

"Aaah! No! I meant-"

"What is it that you meant?.."

"Aaah..! Ah!"

"Anyway, you're amazing big sis!" the fool was saved by Xez who complimented me. "The thing that you did with those humans, like woosh! And fwoop! It was awesome!"

"W-well yes," I smiled back to the tiny boy. Of course I won't let a compliment pass me by. "Wait, why do you call them humans?"

"Hm? Aren't they humans?"

"Well yes, but you calling them that..."

"Oh! Perhaps you think I am one of them."

"Uhh..." I was confused. This tiny bundle of honestly is definitely not lying. However, I knew fully well that he was human. "Oh, come to think of it. You did call that gigantic slime as mama."

"Well yes, I mean she is my mama," the tiny honest boy replied.

I do not know how to respond to him. It would seem that he is in a delusion that he was a slime. Also, slimes do not have the capacity to do magic, especially something like mind control.

"Hey, explain. You met him first," I turned to Felgard.

"Eh? I don't know. I just met him this morning when I was chasing after the monkeys which stole your bag," was his response.

Oh yeah. I still have to ask him why the monkeys had my bag without the magic book in it. Now my mind is in tatters. There is still this slime being too big, plus a child claiming to be a slime, plus some goons who will definitely cause trouble. Also, what he meant by trying to read my magic book even though he's human. Arrgh! Now I'm confused as I could only scratch my head from thinking, accidentally revealing my doe-like ears.

"Aah! So cute!" the tiny boy laughed.

"Ooh! Indeed!" smirked the airhead.

"Shut Up!" screamed me.

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