《Astral Mage》Slime Lake


It was one peaceful early morning as the sun gently rise from the mountains, coloring the entire world with its light. Accepting its radiance are the trees, unable to move, yet showing their gratefulness by dancing their branches in joy. Flowers brightened smile silently in response to the morning light it basked itself upon as butterflies tenderly fluttered to its beauty. Brooks sparkle the best they could to reflect its affection back to where it received its light. Early birds singing their songs of joy as gratitude for the new day. White clouds hover over the newly lightened haven below, carefully observing in the grace of silence. Truly a magnificent atmosphere of beauty and peace... Is what it should've been!

"GRAAAHHHHH!!!" I went passed through the once quiet and solitary place. Riding my staff, I flew over the calm scenery, stirring it up with noise and mayhem. The speed of my flight shook the peace away with great force, leaving behind a trail of nothing but proof of what once was a beautiful scenery. "FELGAAAAARD!!!"

Now to explain why I'm this mad...

I woke up without my bag and immediately went back to where I last left it. The place where the airhead and I had dinner together, together... Grrr! Even the thought made me mad. I left him in a dramatic fashion of flying off with my staff in hatred of humans. Once I reached that place this early morning, he was no longer there. Surprisingly, my bag wasn't there as well. Obviously there is no other logical explanation besides it being dragged away by the fool. I could just imagine how wide his half smirk could be right now. I bet he's going to use it to annoy me in some kind of way.

Heh, too bad for him, I was already familiar with his realea. Every single kind of existence has its own realea structure. The very fact that they have different features is the proof of it. Be it facial features, body figure, voice, and even smell, they all make up the uniqueness of every existence. He irritated me so much that I got familiar with his realea (I mean if you hate something so much, it gets in your head, right?). Its been almost about an hour since I began tracing it. How far could he have gotten?

Suddenly, I noticed some quick realea movements coming towards my direction. The movements were leaping from tree to tree. I paid it no mind since I had my own business. Only that, the moment the movement passed below me, I saw a glimpse of a familiar item. It was my bag!

"How could-" no, it didn't matter for now.

I immediately halted and turned my direction towards my bag. With full throttle, I chased my bag screaming, "Wait!! Felgard!!!"


The small petite figure carrying my bag leaped from branch to branch in haste. Could he have noticed and tried to go back to trick me? No, he had no way of noticing me approach him. I confirmed by sensing the realea around, surely his realea is present. So there is no mistaking it, the one carrying my bag is Felgard. Looking closely, the handle of his wooden sword is sticking out of my bag as it shook upon every movement.

"Give that back Felgard!!!" I shouted. "I'll kill you!!!" I could feel steam come out of my doe-like ears in anger.

Despite my threat, he just kept on leaping without a care. No wonder he could catch up to me, he's fast.

"I-I'm serious! I will kill you!!!"

Still he did not listen, not even taking a glimpse of me. He just leaped and leaped as if he was on a run. Well, he was. And I wasn't patient enough to wait for him to respond.

"Take this!" I had three magic circles circle around me. "Fifteen-ray beam!"

Five rays of light came from each of the magic circles, homing towards the fool. Of course, hitting him would mean destroying my bag so I had it hit the trees in front of him. Multiple explosions emerged from the forest, toppling down a number of trees. Perhaps this would limit his means of escaping. Perhaps from shock, he stopped at a tree near the area I attacked.

"Haha! See that?" I stood on my staff and levitated down behind him. "You should at least be grateful, you monkey!"

Suddenly, he looked in front of me.

"Wha-!" I was shocked. "You really are a monkey!!!"

"Uuraaaaa!!!" screamed the monkey carrying my bag. Along emerged from the branches, more of its kind. It turned out, they were two-tailed monkeys. These are serious trouble makers according to the book I read. They would steal things belonging to someone else and use it for themselves. As long as they see someone or something using an object, they would take it from them and mimic the previous owner. They would go so far that there was once a mother whose child was stolen by one of these creatures. The child was then found a few days later crying in the depths of the forest. Two-tailed monkeys tend to have a short interest span.

"Uraa! Uraa!" The one wearing my bag kept on making noise. As he did, the rest slowly had angry faces towards me, as if I was the one at fault.

"Really now..." I was pissed off by their reactions. "You lifeforms lower than humans... I'll make stew out of all of you!"

The group, besides the thief, then launched themselves towards me in a quick and fierce manner. I grabbed my staff, levitated on myself, and waved my staff in front of me. Before the monkeys could get close, a huge force pushed them all away, each of their backs banging against tree trunks and branches. I pointed my staff at the monkey wearing my bag as I gave my most murderous look. It could only shiver in fear while huge tears were visible enough from its ugly distinct eyes.


The once fierce-looking group of monkeys now knelt down with their heads lying in shame covered in multiple bruises, while I stood in front of them with a huge smile on my face.

"Uraa uraa," one monkey said in a low tone.

"Indeed you should be sorry," I grunted as I raised my chin. "Be grateful I'm kind-hearted."

The monkey at the front seemed to have thought back of what I did and frowned. I stared at it and asked, "Is something the matter?"

It only squeaked and before maintaining its previous pose.

I did not really do much, except for performing my brilliance in magic. If they thought those were painful, I had better ways.

"Now then, I shall leave," I said as I turned my back and wore my bag behind me. "You lot better wish never to encounter me again."

I then walked away without a word, leaving the group of trouble makers behind without a care. All that mattered is that I had my things back.

* * *

Now finally having nothing to think about, I once again hum to myself, cherishing the peace and quiet walk down on my path. For some reason, I was expecting something. I felt something was amiss, that something was supposed to happen. It felt too quiet all of a sudden, that it was deafening.

As I was thinking to myself, I ended up in front of a massive lake. I was on top of a high ground with the lake a few distance below where I was standing. The breeze felt so pure ad refreshing, I took a good long inhale and released a comforting exhale. Still, it was too quiet. Supposedly, there should be birds or squirrels at least.

I closed my eyes and sensed the realea around me. After about a few seconds, I sensed something strange from the water, no, the water itself is strange. However, the realea structure is that of water, only that the components aren't really water.

Just then, the water began to make waves. There was no wind, yet it was waving. I opened my eyes and saw right before it, the lake began raising upwards.

"Th-this is no lake," I murmured to myself as a humongous shadow towered over me. "This is a... slime!"

The massive slime in pretense of a lake formed an arc, where the tip that raised up faced my direction. Gradually, it lowered and went closer to me. I gripped my staff tight, fully prepared for whatever may arise.

Slimes were creatures who have the capacity to change their structure to whatever they see fit. According to the books I've read, some slimes would turn to boulders, trees, and even a grass field. However, not one of those books have ever said anything about a slime this big. And I mean BIG.

I could win against any slime with ease. As for this one, it would probably leave me with a few major injuries, but still a victory. As much as possible, I should avoid fights that would serve no purpose. Hopefully, this creature is docile enough to ignore me. If I won't do anything, it might-

"See? I told you so!" someone screamed from below, hidden under the shadow of the trees. "Now do you believe me?!"

"Yes yes I believe you," replied another one. "But keep your voice down. It might hear us."

"Oh yeah! It might hear us!" continued the screaming.

"Idiot, I said keep your voice down..."

"Oh! Sorry!"

"Just keep your mouth shut..." the other one sounded angry.

The slime turned its head (I mean it was facing me so it must be a head) towards the direction of the voice.

"Oh! It's found us!" screamed the one who sounded first.

"Yes, I know. Because of you!" the other one got mad.

"Lower your voice! It might see us!"

"Oh 'you' tell me to lower my voice?"

"Yes! Because you were screaming!"

"You were the one screaming the entire time!!"

The two voices began arguing, exposing their location behind a tall fig tree. The slime's head began moving towards the two, which I found to be the best moment to escape.

"Hey! Who are you?!" a small voice shouted from across the lake, or should I say slime, maybe slime lake.

I looked and saw a tiny little boy with an angry look. "Why are you here?!"

The boy looked to be about five years old. He had no clothes above besides the green handkerchief wrapped around his slim neck. A huge oversized belt separated his upper body from his grey shorts. His shoes,looked to be twice larger than his feet. On top of his head were a pair of goggles wrapping his blonde hair which sparkled as he held his head high.

"What were you going to do to my Mama?!"

"MAMA?!" shouted all four of us. Wait, four?

I looked behind the boy and there he was, the nuisance which I hated the most.

"My sword!" the nuisance shouted as he pointed at my direction.

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