《Astral Mage》On the Road to Start the Journey and A Nuisance Creature


"I shall never fear, never again shall I witness my legs shiver", these thoughts reverberated inside my head as I welcome the brightness of the early morning sun shower upon my face. It was my first morning outside the hiding place after seven years since I was three years old.

"I prefer the lampshade," I spoke to myself remembering the huge lampshade at the hideout library. "But of course, I have no choice." I close the hideout door shut and with a wave of my staff, it sank to the bottom of the ground leaving no trace behind. Buried underneath with it are the memories I had with mother as she taught me everything about magic as well as the history between magic and humans. I felt a hint of pain in my chest when I saw the figure of my frail mother trapped within my eyesight as a mere memory, her gorgeous smile like that of the lampshade, giving me the smallest light yet the brightest hope. To top it up, I had flowers of many kind (specifically poppies since they're cute) sprout and bloom to decorate what seemed to look like a graveyard. Well, indeed it was. I bid goodbye in my mind and left towards my destination. With only a bag full of magical items, healing herbs, and a magic book from my mother, I started my very long journey with pride and confidence. Although I cannot really deny that I felt nervous (of course I felt nervous I've been in there for five years, but not that nervous), I braced myself for whatever dangers that might lurk in every corner of this path I took.

My staff, which is two hand palms taller than me (I'm not short), stayed within my hand, gripping tightly the lessons I have learned all those years together with it as I walked this road destined towards my goal.

My destination is what is known as the Tomb of Origin. Some would prefer to call it the Tomb of Ancients but it mattered not. According to my mother, only mages know it's true location, which is the road towards all light begins. It took me two days before I understood that it meant to follow the road where the sun rises. All I need to have now is the necessary strength, courage, and determination (as well as nutrition) to get to the sole purpose of this life of mine.

Looking up the clear blue sky towards the chirping birds from afar which seemed to mock my underground existence, I frowned at it as I remembered that specific time where it was completely dark from the smoke rising up towards the sky. The endless wails of those who desired salvation from the hands of humans disabled my ears from receiving these chirps of today. Those vile scumbags who fear our capacity to control the elements mercilessly slaughtered us during the time of the great god "Jhurai" where magic is temporarily cut off from the world. The time where all the nations decided to rid the world of mages for the reason of us being a threat to all of humanity. Humans do fear what they cannot have and what they cannot be, thus resulting to cruelty of those who have.

Indeed, that was the time my mother took me away to be safe inside the hiding place she and my father had already worked on since I was born. They had already predicted such an event to occur and told others about what they know, only to be branded by the public as crazy or too overacting. If only they had listened, if only...


I shook the past off of my head and faced the present in front of me. And that present is to be an Astral Mage and change the world. I will never doubt myself for I truly believe I could do it. Things may seem impossible, but not for someone with the will to clench their fists and punch with the force of the entire gut.

Today I am on the road to start my journey. Wait for me world, soon you shall beg in front of the fingers of my foot.

* * * * *

"I can feel it", every single being of existence has their own energy flowing out from them. Energy which symbolizes individuality of a person, or a category of a certain state of matter. This energy, which somehow illustrates an existence's very being, cycles within its host, keeping it a piece of reality. For humans, this energy means nothing but for us mages, we call it "realea".

This energy is what we used to create magical phenomena, our very fuel for magic. Through the use of realea identification, classification, and usage, we mages mold it, shape it in accordance to whatever it can be converted, then release it as a new form of existence. Realea is everywhere, leaking about every existence, as it mostly circulates its host while tiny pieces of it are scattered all over the place, mixing with other realea particles.

"I can really feel it," the realea flowage of the trees around me, the rocks, the birds, the soil, as well as, the tiny and huge creatures behind leaves or shrubs. However, there seems to be realea flow which stood out from the rest. This realea flow seemed to follow my movements. Every step that I make, I can feel realea flow from its gaze. This made me uncomfortable (and creeped out) for it may become dangerous to let this being follow me.

I have been walking for three days now, and recently felt this gaze from something about an hour ago. To give it a sign of confidence, I halted my walk and fixated my eyes towards the source. Past behind those shrubs, under a tree, there it swayed together with the leaves and grasses as the wind passed by it so gently. Indeed it swayed very visibly, those strands of dark brown hair hiding behind the bushes. Looking closely, I can even see shoes in a pale dark green color. There that creature hid, perhaps it's eyes still fixated on me with great hopes that I am foolish enough to not see it. For some reason this annoyed (and somehow entertained) me, yet decided to just merely let the creature be, for perhaps it may just be hungry or curious about me. If this creature would attack, I can easily fend it off without a single worry for myself. Therefore I decided to just leave it be.

A few hours of walking finally made that creature leave which gave me the satisfaction of solitude once again. Based on its realea, it definitely was a human, a male human almost my age I think. If I were to encounter it, I may not hold myself back if it attacked and might end up killing it, thus leaving it be truly was the best decision. With that thing off of my mind, I continued towards my destination free of worry from humans' harmful effects on my goal. During the past three days since my departure, I have already passed by two villages on my way as I merely went around them to not get seen. Any form of human encounter will surely endanger my existence as a mage thus precaution is very required. With extra carefulness, I continued on with my journey.


After another few hours of walking, I heard a sound which changed my usual demeanor. This sound reverberated inside my head. Tracing the sound, I ended up in my own stomach which seemingly begged to be fed. "Well it's past lunch time," as I looked for a place to eat. That was when I realized that my final portion of food was indeed, my final portion of food. Scurrying my bag, I only found vials with roots, leaves, and powders which doesn't seem to fit to what we can call as edible. "Now this is a bother," I thought to myself as another growl came from the honest feelings of my stomach. Without anything in mind on what to do, I stood up and decided to continue walking with hopes of encountering a certain solution to serve as my salvation. Even a single fruit-bearing tree is enough for I could just use magic to make it bear fruit. Although in my mother's perspective, magic shouldn't be used for selfish reasons, except on emergencies like self defense or to aid someone in need. However for me, this is merely self defense against hunger and death, which is an emergency (right?). With that in mind, I continued walking.

* * * * *

There is not a single fruit-bearing tree in sight. "At this rate I'll be very weak from hunger, too weak that I won't have the capacity to defend myself if humans see me." With a worried state of mind, I started dashing at random directions in hopes of finding anything worth value to be eaten. I started regretting not paying attention to food on the road.

"It's ok," I started taking deep breathes. "I can still survive for a few more days without food." Deep inside I was hoping food will show itself to me eventually. I started slowing down my pace as I walked while eyeing my surroundings. However, the hunger would always capture my attention.

Slowly my mind shifted towards images of food. I started remembering the food prepared by my mother when she was still alive. Tracing back my memory, I was brought to my most favorite dish of all, the dish which I thought was heaven sent even the gods would worship it - Flamebelly Lizard kebabs.

Ah, I started visualizing everything about that dish. It's slight golden brown color with the lizard's belly still living up to its name, the sound of cracks on the first bite up to the smooth texture of the inside, the smell of lemon sets itself free from the belly exploding in your nose, (oh gods I love it) everything about its existence was an excellent piece of art.

The vision of Flamebelly Lizard kebabs was still imprinted on my eyes. After a few blinks I thought it would go away, but it didn't. The sight of Flamebelly Lizard kebabs was still on my eyes, resulting to me continuously blinking and rubbing it. But to no avail, the vision of Flamebelly Lizard kebabs (ah, I love pronouncing it) was still there.

That was when I noticed, "Ah, this isn't a vision." Flamebelly Lizard kebabs were really weirdly there in front of me; in the middle of the road, on a wooden plate, placed on a cut down tree trunk. To make it worse, it's still releasing steam as proof of being freshly cooked, and had a handkerchief prepared.

"This can't be trap, could it?" I mean this is too obvious. Who in the right mind would use Flamebelly Lizard kebabs as a bait to lure someone? (well o-of course I knew it was a trap to begin with). I examined my surroundings to see who could lay such a foolish trap. To make it worse, in front 'me', and to use my favorite dish of all.

I finally ended up looking upwards and saw an object swaying back and forth on top of a tree, an object one could probably guess as a cage made out of branches and twigs. Yet to me it looked more like a chicken coop after a horrible hurricane labeled as a cage.

"Seriously? 'This' is a trap?" I began to question myself, perhaps an understanding would occur from my head to at least say 'yes, it is'. Perhaps the 'creator' of this trap is hiding somewhere, waiting for me to eat. "Just what kind of idiot would do this humiliation to my existence."

I started tracing the rope to which the 'cage' above was attached. My eyes carefully followed towards finding the end of the rope and after stepping exactly seven steps, there I saw it.

A human was asleep behind a bush lying face down on the ground. Looking closely at it, "Ah! It's you!". This dark brown hair was exactly the same as that human stalking me. Within his grasp was the end of the rope attached to the 'cage' intended to capture whoever would fall for that trap. This boy was completely snuggling the rope like a teddy bear while drool was tiptoeing down his chubby cheeks.

"No... no, no more kisses mother... hehe..." this rope-hugging, drool-dropping, trap-snoring human boy mumbled as he slept under my presence as if to insult my very existence.

However, I thought this opportunity to quench my stomach of its plead of hunger with my most favorite dish in the easiest way possible (like a blessing from the gods) should not be bypassed. Leaving the snoozing boy behind, I went back to the Flamebelly Lizard kebabs waiting to enter my seemingly salivating mouth and without further ado, delightfully savored the meal prepared before me. I should probably praise him for at least choosing the perfect dish to prepare, as well as the perfect timing I required it to.

Wiping my face with the handkerchief, I thanked the gods for such a delight, stood up, and took my leave without even looking back (yes it was mean but you know). With a full stomach, I had my energy completely refilled. Like all living creatures, we mages need food for nutrition, but requires more than the usual amount a human could intake. This is to supply our body and mind enough nutrients for mage craft. Even the tiniest lack of nutrient could topple our balance in controlling the natural elements.

Continuous walking led me to a small brick road in front of the small forest path I took, yet since following a human-made road will surely lead to an encounter of humans, I decided to take another path through the forest.

However, at that moment, the weirdest feeling that I've ever felt came upon me. All of a sudden, I felt very dizzy; my head was like spinning, my eyesight got very blurry, I felt no motion coming from my legs, and a strong feeling of fear enveloped me. I felt like I wasn't me anymore. That was when I saw from a distance what looked like horses coming towards me, with what looked like a carriage behind it. I already had a guess what this might be and to clarify, I tried to focus my eyes as clear as I can to identify what's coming, and yes, they were humans. Human soldiers as if going to war. With swords on hands, they were hurrying towards me, shouting to each other as they were coming closer.

"Dang it!" with the smallest strength that I had, I at least took a fighting stance to try and defend myself. Despite my wobbly body, I held my staff and at the right timing, smashed the tip of it to the ground. My intention was to crack open the ground and stop them from getting to me, yet my body was too confused on what to do. My eyes fully fixated on the ground as if I was not myself.

"Was it the food that I ate? Did he put something there?" My head was killing me for I could've sensed poison or something yet was unable to. "I don't have anything else to blame, but that boy." As I looked up, what greeted me was a strong punch from one of the humans which made me flew a bit before I hit the ground. The pain from being punched was hurtful yet not as equal as the pain I felt in my chest due to my naivety. How could I have let this happen? I just let myself be tricked by humans and this is the result. This is too frustrating.

Just then, as one of the soldiers was about to grab me, a small figure leaped out of the bushes and into the air, tackling the soldier down. Everything for me somehow went slow as I heard the figure speak in a loud voice, "That's my prey!!". The figure took out a wooden sword and started attacking the soldiers which were slightly confused but fought back. That instant, I took all of my strength and raised my staff on the air.

"Come forth, twister!!" I waved my staff in front of me and instantly a huge wind blew and whirled around me, carrying my weakened body up in the air. It also managed to blow everyone below away from me. That moment, the soldiers started using bows and arrows but to no avail, did not hit me due to the strong wind blowing them away. As I was being carried away from them, I heard a small voice shout, "Hey! Wait for me!!" When I saw that it was that small figure from earlier, I hastened my escape.

"I said wait you...!!" was the last thing I heard from him as I was being carried away to safety.

* * * * *

"Hey, Friesha wake up... I already prepared breakfast."

"Mother? Is it really you..."

"Look here, Flamebelly Lizard kebabs. They're your favorite right?"

"Mother.... mother! Huh? Y-your chest, it's bleeding..."

"Hmmh?? Ah... Yes, it is... Probably because I'm dea-"

"Huugghh!!!" I let out a gasp as I woke up from a dream. I had always dreamt about my mother almost every night since she died. Those were nights I wished to never have awakened from. Yet somehow today's dream was quite weird than the previous ones. "What was that all about?"

I surveyed my surroundings and found myself somewhere atop a small grassy hill. It seemed like the twister wandered randomly the moment I fell unconscious to give it a command.

Magic is dictated by the caster, which may become unstable if by any chance the caster falls unconscious or under a strong mind spell. However, if the caster dies, immediately the magic becomes ineffective or stops from existence. That was why the twister remained existing despite my slumber due to my continuous supply of realea towards it. However, most magic is bounded by a time limit, which was the reason I soon landed when the twister vanished.

I remembered what happened before I came here and instantly got enraged about the fact that I almost got caught. I remembered those human soldiers and the feeling I just had, that feeling of having my senses in confusion and my body in a very heavy condition. However, I refused to believe my favorite dish was the culprit behind it. Hungry as I can be, I could still smell poison or spell that near if there really was one. "That feeling of having no strength, it was so frightening," was the fact that kept me curious as to how that happened. In addition to it all, the mark those soldiers had on their cloaks and armor was very familiar. A shield with two crosses intersecting at the center with white wings behind. "Oh no, the twister could have left a trail," with that in mind I hurriedly ran towards somewhere far to lose possible humans tracking me.

It mattered not if I get lost. As long as I head towards where the sun rises, I could reach the Tomb of Origin even if it will take me years. Mages' lives are longer than average human years of seventy to a hundred or so. Our standard age limit is about two hundred eighty to three hundred years old, more than half of a human 's. "This is no time to delay myself with rest," was what I thought when I realized the sun was already nearing its nap time behind the tall mountains. I let out a sigh and started finding firewood to start camping under the cover of the night.

Soon the light faded from the face of the land and like a lady in a pitch-black dress, the night danced all over the sky. It's graceful flowing dress covered up to the edges of the sky and soon, stars were birthed from her icy breath thanks to the coldness of the night. Her pale skin then morphed into one, thus forming the moon. This was the legend of the birth of the night my mother told me about. Ever since then, I envisioned the day and night as women dancing all over the sky. I would sometimes hum a song to myself when I was little every sunrise and sunset, imagining the ladies dancing along with my song.

With a wave of my staff, flames ignited from my pile of firewood. Next to it was a lizard I caught recently pierced with a long tree branch. It wasn't the Flamebelly Lizard (which I adore so much) but what mattered was nutrition, not the taste. For a moment, it looked almost like the perfect campfire as I sat down a rock and faced the bright flames warming me up. My eyes fully fixated upon the flames; I remembered the same amount of light provided by the huge lampshade back at the hiding place. Under it would be my mother and a frail figure she would hum songs to as she caressed its hair. That frail figure would often ask her questions about the outside where it would receive answers relating to fresh air and breath-taking sceneries, yet would always lead to the dangers that lurk within. That small frail figure would only understand through pictures it envisioned on its head, thinking of the possibility to venture outside someday. That weak figure, which was taught, nurtured, and strengthened to what now will be facing lots of dangers ahead on its journey, must look at the campfire tonight with courage to face tomorrow. "Mother, please watch over me," were like whispers to the wind carried to nowhere as I looked up the dark yet starry night sky.

Morning came fast as I was awoken by a doe sniffling inside my huge bag. Its tongue seemed to lick something inside before it scrammed on its own. When I looked at the bag," That stupid thing!!" were the words which came out of my mouth after I saw the now empty vials of magical items. Those were all essentials which I required to strengthen myself as I study more about magic. I took a deep breath and welcomed the new morning with a huge, "GRRRRRRRAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!", as birds flew away in fear. I walked grumpily with heavy footsteps stomping the ground which I felt like wasn't enough to release my frustration, thus I started kicking the soil on the road.

Then all of a sudden, I felt realea stand out within the forest. "This realea is very familiar," was what I thought when I felt it coming closer and closer, tree to tree then bush to bush. Its familiar gaze went past the bushes it was hiding in. I decided to pretend not to notice and continued walking in a standard pace while still feeling the realea emerging from it.

Just then, a familiar figure jumped out of that bush leaping on the air and with a loud voice exclaimed, "I finally found you!!" It was the boy from yesterday. That same dark brown hair, same pale dark green outfit, now with an annoying half smirk as it took out its wooden sword ready for combat.

"Today I shall capture you myself mage! Prepare yourself, for I shall defeat you and then become king of this land!" were his spoken words which left me a wide-open mouth.

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