《The book of forever》Chapter 2.2: The other shore


And so my letter received far away, a letter back urging me not to stay, our paths had split and my heart was now free, the letter answering my long held fears. It was really the end, continue on, replow our fields, and prepare for the fall, the cycle continues again and all. We're back where we started, a untamed land. We're back as wanderers, by our own hands. We've let go of the shackles of old love, we continue to find our final home. We're adventurers, we're nomads you see, we're vagrants, migrants, on this path to see, what is love, what is this feeling to me? Not all of us know the answer, not I, some of us know but still choose to far fly. Not everyone needs love, but do I? A home, a place, where we see eye to eye? That would be nice so I venture 'gain, that would be nice, so we head off like then.

We're on the road again, leaving footprints, we're on the road again leaving a past, we're on the road again with pictures, last. The sides of the roads decrepit figures, giving up their own path to sit alone, on the other warm houses lived in lone. We're on the road again, not found a love, we're on the path with no destinations.

Some happy on their lonesome, some not so, some 'venturers looking, others gave up. "I'm not worth loving" but have they looked down? Sometimes all it takes is their feet on ground.

Some can't find love, some give up far too soon, some never tried, never wanted to move. Others tried, but were knocked down and down 'gain. I the fool, have decided to follow.

And so we're on the road again for long, and so we sing our lonely lonely song, and so we're on the road again, to then, one day find our place in this cold hard world.


It's not time to give up, not time to cry, with a single sigh, I continue forth. I look to the sea and find someone far, I cannot go where they will be and are. I go look at my fields unplowed and dry, another time, another long sad sigh. We pull our boots straps up, we continue. We get ready and so we continue.

This path of love is not easy to some, it was not ever easy to me atleast, this path of love is ruthless and endless, but we'll find a place for it to once end.

And so my letter was sent back, far away, so on this shore I couldn't longer stay. To set my feet to go far far away. A lingering glance, A tearful, quick, run.

And so we continue,

We continue,


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