《Sword of Cho Nisi the Saga》Aftermath


Arell handed the reins to the groom once they returned to the courtyard. Once inside the castle they dripped water and sand all over the hall, but none of the servants seemed to notice, nor did anyone notice the closeness by which they walked. The servants were too respectful to meddle in the king’s affairs, Arell’s smile too wide as he nodded to a valet.

“I’ll have Serena come and fix you a warm bath,” he said when they got to her room. It had been the most pleasant day in his life. He’d lost his heart to this woman. No matter what happens now, he will fight to keep her. Erika opened her mouth to speak, but before she could say anything a page came running to them.

“King Arell, Chief Silas is asking for you. There are ships coming from the north. A fleet.”

“I’ll go with you,” Erika whispered.


The indignation he had seen in her before showed on her face. “I’m a warrior.”

“This may be your father. If he has an army, he may not wait to talk before he strikes. Stay here and freshen up. I’ll send for you. When it’s time to take up arms, I’ll let you know. You can fight alongside me anytime you want. But I have no intention of wielding a sword against your father.”

He didn’t give her time to answer but took her chin in his hand and kissed her. It was a simple kiss, but she pressed against his lips and then their tongues met, and she tasted sweet, her fragrance overpowering. Had not the Caller cleared his throat, Arell may have never stopped.

He pulled away, resisting his own urges more than hers. “I must go.”

Several warriors waited for Arell, and they hurried him out of the castle to the courtyard where Chief Silas had another horse saddled and spoke as soon as Arell mounted.

“You’re all wet.”

Arell held back a smile and changed the subject

“Did you see their banner?”

“A destrier. Red and gold.”

“Tobias!” Perturbed, Arell looked over his shoulder at the castle. The king will want his daughter back, and Arell wasn’t quite ready to give her up. Hopefully, Tobias will relinquish the name of his father’s murderer without a battle.

“We didn’t know how you wanted to proceed, so our men are shifting the sands, disguising the island. Several ships approach, and they may be familiar with our shores and able to navigate, regardless. We could call the winds…”

“No. We will destroy none of King Tobias’ ships. If he’s come for his daughter, we can settle this peacefully. Where is Kairos the Wizard? I want him down there with us.”

Silas spoke in his language to one of his men who rode back to the castle.

“We’ll parlay first. Perhaps we can convince Tobias to bring the murderer to us with no resistance.”

“Yes. Trade the princess for the murderer. You think like a king, now.”

Arell only nodded his mind now on King Tobias’ fleet. He hadn’t any notion of trading Erika for the murderer. He would like to keep her on the island. At least until she said she wanted to leave. If ever she did. “I’ll do the talking,” he said, her kiss still moist on his lips, the taste of her still sharp in his mind.


They rode quietly after that. Kairos and the warrior who fetched him galloped to catch up just before they descended the hillside toward the beach.

A magical wind swirled along the coast, shifting the sands. Arell dismounted as soon as the drummers came into view. “No cyclones. Do not destroy any of their ships,” he ordered. Silas relayed the message. The wind died slightly. Arell pulled out his spyglass, looking for the lead ship.”

“That one,” Arell pointed. The ship bore three masts: the tallest heralded the King’s insignia beating forcefully in the breeze. Many people were aboard. Soldiers, sailors, and two women. “Let that one in only but keep your guard up. There are soldiers. Chant a prayer.”

The ship entered the calm and pulled down its sails, mooring in deep waters near shore. While the other ships turned about because the windstorm had blown them off course and away from the island, this one lowered a longboat. Soldiers climbed the rope ladders into it and then assisted a woman.

Arell tucked away his spyglass and called for Kairos and the warrior guarding him.

“What do you want of me?” Kairos asked.

“You’re my leverage, Wizard. Say nothing. Do nothing.” They watched together as the longboat made its way to shore. No one on the boat had a bow drawn, so Arell presumed he’d have time to talk.

“Holy idols, it’s Rhea!” Kairos breathed. “It’s my woman, my fiancé! She’s come for me with her father’s fleet! Do you know what this means? He approves. He approves of our love!” The wizard shook with excitement and would have jumped into the water to meet the boat had not the warriors held him back.

“Easy there, Kairos, not so fast. There’s some negotiating to do first,” Arell cautioned.

Natives took formation alongside Arell and held their spears on guard as Tobias’ men-at-arms beached the longboat. A woman stepped out into the water, assisted by a soldier. She held her silk skirt up, though it skimmed the gentle breakers, anyway. She lifted her chin proudly as she strode up the beach. Her eyes lit when she saw Kairos, and then a frown crossed her face as she considered the warriors and Arell.

“I’ve come for my man,” she announced.

“You saved us a trip, then.” Arell signaled to Silas to call his warriors to stand down. Arell regarded this woman who garnered no resemblance to Erika, although equally pretty. She dressed as a royal princess and had the air of an elitist.

“Where is my sister? I have a score to settle with her,” The woman asked. She surveyed the beach and her eyes lit up when she saw Kairos.

“And who is your sister?” Arell put on his cynical smile.

“You have Kairos, you ought to know who my sister is.”

“Well, then, who are you?”

“Rhea, twin daughter of King Tobias. And if you don’t return Kairos and Erika, our nation will declare war against yours.”

“You’re presuming a bit much, considering you haven’t asked who I am.” Arell enjoyed the dialogue and that the woman’s face turned red.

She focused on him, her eyes meeting his. “Who are you?”


“Arell son of Rolland High King of Cho Nisi.”

“Very well, Arell son of Rolland High King of Cho Nisi. Where is my sister Erika?”


She frowned.

“As far as your request regarding the release of ‘your man’, no one will leave this island without something in return. Something that rightfully belongs to us.”

Kairos struggled with his guard and gained a few feet toward Rhea.

“Hold him back,” Arell whispered to the sentry. Another warrior helped restrain Kairos.

“Vasil, you promised!” the wizard complained. “Release me!”

“I did not promise. I told you I would see. Now hold your tongue!”

Kairos grunted but stood quietly after that.

“What could we possibly have that belongs to you?” Rhea asked, somewhat muddled.

“The murderer of my father. The Cho Nisi elders demand to know his name and that your king release him into our hands. Should you meet that demand, I assure you that your wizard and your sister will go home with you, as will all of your sailors.”

Rhea laughed. Not a joyous, amused laugh, but a bitter one. She wiped her eyes from the tears that came from her mirth. “You fool,” she said. “She didn’t tell you?”

Arell straightened, offended. Who is she to call him a fool? Kairos struggled to get away. “Rhea, don’t.”

“Why not, Kairos? He wants to know. It’s in his best interest to know.”

“Rhea, they want revenge.”

Arell listened intently to their exchange. Perhaps in this struggle, the Cho Nisi will finally get the truth.

“And why shouldn’t they have their retribution?” Rhea asked.

“No, Rhea!” Kairos begged. “Think about what you’re doing!”

Arell eyed Silas. He and the warriors remained calm, but their ears were sharp.

Rhea ignored the wizard. “King Arell of Cho Nisi, might I inform you that your murderer is already on your island. If it were a skura, it would have eaten you.” Arell locked eyes with Silas and then glared at Kairos.

“Not me,” the wizard argued.

“Who? Tell me who,” Arell demanded of Kairos. Had someone stolen on shore while the princess had distracted Arell? Surely the warriors would have seen him. Unless he swam ashore before Erika’s skiff beached. When the wizard wouldn’t answer, Arell turned to Rhea.

“Release Kairos, it’s not him,” she demanded. “I’ll be happy to tell you who killed your father.”

“Let him go,” Arell commanded his men. Kairos broke away and hurried to Rhea. She held out her hand, and he took it but stepped away from her embrace.

“Rhea, don’t,” he begged. “They’ll execute her.”

Rhea ignored him. Speaking to Arell with a grin, she answered. “The murderer of your father isn’t a man at all. It’s Erika!”

“You lie.” Arell’s body slowly froze. He could not accept this news.

Rhea shook her head. “Unfortunately, it’s the truth.”

A rumble of discontent came from the warriors as they exchanged angry glares. Rhea pulled Kairos toward her and led him back to the longboat. She waved at her soldiers to follow. The wizard looked over his shoulder at Arell with a sorrowful grimace.

Arell, stunned, watched as the Potamians pushed the longboat out of the shallows.

“It can’t be,” he whispered. He clenched his fist and dug his nails into his palms so that the pain kept him coherent.

“It can very well be,” Chief Silas answered. “I did not trust her.”

“No!” Arell turned to him. “She would have told me,” And then he remembered she did. He backed away. “Remain here,” he ordered the chief and his men. “Allow no other ships to come to shore. These people may attack regardless.”

Other ships were not his concern. Confronting Erika before the warriors arrested her, was. He scrambled up the hill and took the reins from the man holding Honor. “Do not follow me,” he ordered. “None of you.”

Arell galloped Honor over the mountain trail, the horse kicking dust and working a sweat. He did not stop once, not even in Moaton. Lanterns in the village glowed against the twilight sky as the clatter of hoof beats on cobblestone brought villagers running to the walkways, asking questions of him as he raced on.

“What is it, Vasil?”

“Are we under attack?”

He sailed by them, answering none.

“Open the gate,” he shouted well before he arrived at the iron portcullis. The gate flew open in time for him to lope into the courtyard. Stable boys ran to him as he dismounted. Panting, he raced into the castle and skipped up the stairs two at a time. He did not wait for Bena to announce his arrival but threw open Erika’s door. She jumped up, having been at her dresser combing her hair.

“Vasil,” she said.

“You killed my father!”

She dropped the brush and stepped back. The moment before she answered, her silence said everything. The truth stung as painfully as if someone had smashed a halberd against his chest.

“I tried to tell you. It was an accident, Arell. I didn’t see him in the bushes. I thought the skura…” Tears welled in her eyes. “I can’t tell you how guilt stricken I’ve been. How sorry I am! When I heard that the elders were going to execute the murderer, I feared the worse.”

Arell stood motionless—his insides bled as if a double-edge sword had sliced his heart in two. His eyes feasted on her splendor for what might be the last time. He didn’t know which cut his soul more deeply—that she had killed his father, or what the elders would do to her.

Time stood still. All that had been beautiful, that had blossomed, that so recently sang a chorus of hope for him, shattered. Like the last sand sifting through the bottleneck of an hourglass, his hopes vanished. Like hail hammering on spring blossoms—tearing delicate petals to shreds and leaving nothing but dull and lifeless browns—withered and faded into a muddy earth.

“I could have loved you,” he choked.

He stepped back, repelled by her presence, and with all the strength he had, he pivoted and left her room.

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