《Sword of Cho Nisi the Saga》Erika's Plea


The steward closed the door to the king’s study just as Erika came to the top of the stairs. He started down the hall toward her with quick, confident steps. His silver tray bore an empty decanter and scraps of teacake on a pottery platter.

“Fairest.” The thin man, well dressed in his blue-velvet doublet and matching hat, bowed with a nod as he approached.

“Is my father in his study?” Erika asked.

“He is.”

“Is he alone?”

“He is alone and tending to paperwork.” The steward nodded when she thanked him and went on. Erika took a deep breath, patted stray ends that had escaped from her braid during her confrontation with her sisters, and fixed the laces on her bodice. Dressing in a woman’s attire never appealed to her, and this black gown had morbidity about it. She felt melancholic, though—sorrowful, remorseful, depressed—yet black represented strength also, and she felt strong.

She mustered her courage as she walked the dimly lit halls. She had no fear of speaking to her father directly, but she worried that she would falter with her words and so he wouldn’t understand. She had only so many chances to explain herself to the king before he would consider her a nuisance. After that, no one would ever take what she had to say seriously again. Her aspirations would fade to nothingness. They’d keep her from fighting and make her sit idly about the halls, fanning herself like her sisters did, making excuses for her indifference, doing nothing to help anyone, sipping rose soda, and changing gowns. There she’d remain until a lord married her and stuffed her away in some castle or manor where she’d have to curtsy and smile at his house guests.

She knocked boldly on her father’s door.


“Enter,” came a muffled voice.

Candles lit the room, and myrrh smoldered in a brass burner on her father’s desk. King Tobias enjoyed his incense. It calmed his nerves, he once told her—kept him focused when he had work to do. He glanced over his shoulder and stood when she stepped inside.

“My dear Erika.”

She curtsied. “Father. Are you too busy? Might I have a word with you?”

“Of course, my child.”

Offering her a chair by his desk, he waited, and when she sat down, he fell back into his own chair.

“Are you well, Father?”

“Dizzy for a moment, but I’m fine now. Tell me what’s on your mind.”

“I came to make a request.”

“Does it concern fighting?”

“No. I mean, hopefully not.”

He held his hand up for her to stop. “Before you make your request, and I think I know what it is, let me speak. I’m concerned for you, Erika. Barin tells me things that I can scarcely believe.”

Erika sat upright in her chair. “What sorts of things? “

“Calm yourself, dear. Nothing detrimental to your reputation. Barin loves you and wishes the best for you.”

“If he loves me, he should tell me himself. He’s barely talked to me since we came home. I’m afraid he will not forgive me for what I did.”

“Give him time. He’s a commanding officer. He has responsibilities to his men, and to our allies. He’s going to have to answer for what happened.”

She cringed. “He shouldn’t bear any of the responsibility. Because of me, the Cho Nisi king is dead, and I’m willing to be liable and bear all the consequences. Let me answer for my error. Allow me ships to travel to the island and offer myself as hostage for our kingdom. Perhaps while there, I could persuade the commoners to allow you to rule the island until they find another king.”


“They would hang you.” King Tobias breathed.

“Send me there with soldiers.”

“Erika, understand that this is a sensitive undertaking. I must work out our strategy not only for the issues of a dead king but for the attacks in Tellwater and these giant creatures on Mount Ream. If this Vouchsaver is real, and I’m thinking he is, he’ll discover soon enough that the island has no monarch, no forces to counter an attack. He will easily invade them. Cho Nisi is too short a distance from us. Can you imagine what would happen if this same evil in the north takes over the isle? Our enemies would have surrounded us.”

“I don’t think you’re hearing what I’m saying, Father. Let me go there with soldiers and offer our help. I could do it peacefully. They could hold me, hostage, until you signed a treaty. We could station troops there to protect them.”

King Tobias studied his daughter and then shook his head.

“Why not?”

Her father only grunted, and Erika flushed. “It’s Barin, isn’t it. He told you I’m incompetent because of what happened.”

“No, it’s not that.”

“Then what if not that?”


“What then?”

“You’re my daughter. You’re a beautiful woman. Look at you! You’ve grown into the image of your mother.” He sighed, regarding her with dismay.

“Why would you want to dress like a man, and fight like a soldier? You should court men, not act like them. I approved your venture to Tellwater with Barin. Foolishness on my part. I’m not sending you anywhere else.”

“Father! Let me right the wrong I did. I beg of you! If something happens to that island—to those people—I will be beside myself with grief. I wronged them!”

Her father shook his head. “I sympathize with your feelings and I’m sorry, but I’ve decided. Someone else will go.”


“Erika, do not beg.”

She took a breath and watched him, hoping for another chance to present her case. He focused on the ledger he’d been entering.

“I have something I want you to do. It will keep you busy and get your mind off of all of this.”

Erika sighed. Nothing would keep her mind off the fate of the poor islanders after she killed their king.

“What is it, Father?”

“I’d like you to visit a particular vendor in Prasa Potama. A fisher. They make the best-smoked cod in all the country. Get us some, and order three months’ supply for Barin to take on his journey.” He scribbled a note of order on another ledger. “I’ve written the name of the merchant. “Bring an escort or two. Kairos. He deserves a brief vacation away from your sister.”

King Tobias handed her the ledger and when she received it, he took her chin in his hand and sighed, his eyes gentle.

“I love you, my precious daughter. Don’t fret so. Things will work out.”

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