《Letting Go...》My First Novel


This is cover art I did for my low fantasy novel, FAND. I hope to start posting it this summer. FAND was the first full length novel I ever attempted. There were a lot of starts and stops. I got completely lost several times. I had never written a long sustained story in my life, so I had a lot to learn. I always thought I would just write poetry and illustrate children's books, writing a novel was never on my radar. One morning while sitting in my college German class, we were going over our vocabulary words. The word, fand, leapt out at me. Only it wasn't just a word, it became a name, FAND. It was my first experience with a character appearing fully in my head and I didn't quite know what to make of her. I could see her, I could hear her. She had a story that she wanted me to tell.

That evening at home, I got out a notebook and a pen and I began to write. Over the next few weels I wrote 75 pages and then it stopped. Nothing came. I had written myself into a corner and I didn't know how to get out. I put it aside and began another novel. I had gained some skill and this one progressed much more smoothly. From time to time I would go back to FAND, but the problems seemed insurmountable. More time passed. It wasn't until I started doing research for Eternal Beloved that I began to find threads in actual history that would help me work through my writing issues and story issues with FAND. It has been a long journey. I am looking forward to sharing Fand's story with you.

I will keep you posted as to the actual date I will start posting FAND. For now, I am still pegging along working on Lolly's story and Lydia's story. I have a few more weeks to go before I complete Lolly. As for Eternal Beloved I'm not sure yet. I hope to hav it completed by May.

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