《The Fox Girl From The White Plains》Chapter 4: The naked me


The night gallantly fell, spreading its blackened self throughout the vast skies and lands below. Underneath its nocturnal veil, I was under pure white linens, embarrassed at the unknown touch of slender hands surrounding my naked waistline.

My eyes glanced in front of me, finding a chest of drawers with a lightened red candle on it. It included a metal protection below, holding on to any wax that melted away. Then my emeralds lowered, allowing me to perceive that I was inside a cheap-looking room of sorts.

A moaning sound repleted with hot air tickled the right side of my neck, causing my fluffy tail to have a mind of its own, jiggling itself, rubbing between the tights of the one behind me.

My cheeks became red at the louder moaning that followed, ascertaining my poor heart that they came in a soft feminine voice, causing my mind to picture Sofia, the girl who carefully wiped my hair and ears.

Embarrassed, I turned my head softly with wide eyes and an open mouth, showing the white teeth within.

"Ah..." I took a glimpse of her slender, milky skin, of the peculiar yet beautifully silver hair that extended all the way to her round and soft-looking breasts.

'But, why is she naked?' My own wondering haunted me with confusion, having her fingers clutch onto my skin, causing a hot wave of sensations to crawl throughout my every inch.

'On a second thought, it sure is hot in here,' I waved my left hand, fawning at my rosy cheeks that heated at every moment that passed on.

"Mhm... so good," her mumbling reached deeply into my eardrums, causing me to return my face to the candle, half drowning my warmth in the pillow.

'Is this really happening?' My heart rate popped to higher heights, making me even more nervous and my tail wave faster. Despite absorbing the memories of this soul, there was a long way for me to get a proper hold over this body, and to unveil such fragments. One thing was to see and another to actually do through my own experience. This became worse when speaking of an extra part like my furry self, something that naturally reacted to my emotions, and in a way, it felt reasonable.

And with it came a fruitful reaction. My devious tail allowed me to feel a drenched crotch, causing my legs to rub onto one another, a feeling far more intense than ever before, possibly provided for being a fox girl. One could even go as far as to call it a maternal instinct or the lustful will to get into some action. Nonetheless for an old virgin, both in my past life and in this one, as this body purity remained, I felt things going out of control both mentally, and worse physically.


'What do I do if she wakes up? I don't want to hurt her...' Despite my thoughts, not only did I own curiosity about it, but also the knowledge from romantic and erotic novels, yet, what if she didn't feel the same, what if her body didn't want it? Those worries became the wall between the two of us, and they stopped me from taking the next step. Plus we had just met, and I wanted to get to know her. That was the way my parents would've wanted it to be.

'My parents...' A droplet flowed out of my right green eye, avoiding the stray lines of my blonde strawberry hair. It was at this point that my life events fell on me and reality embraced my mind. With the unsettling sadness and newly found calmness, my tail came to slow itself down, stopping even, giving some peace to the poor girl who managed to sleep throughout it all. Without wanting to be a nuisance, or even bother her my nakedness left the warmth of the linens, sliding out of it softly, avoiding loud noises that could disrupt Sofia's peacefulness. My carefulness betrayed me shortly after, having my feet touch the old wood on the floor, causing a soft cracking.

The girl muttered something inaudible spooking me.

"Shh, everything's alright," I whispered, in an attempt to impede her awakening. And to my surprise, her body turned in the opposite direction, causing a relieved expression to surge on me.

"Phew," I passed my arm through my forehead, wiping the nonexistent sweat below its fringe. My bottom took a seat at the newly-found chair, by a desk, possibly the place where this girl would study, an observation upon the thin yellow papers on it, the familiar scent of black ink, the many books, and of course, the feather that rested horizontally with its golden tip on the table.

My finger touched it, giving me a calming sensation from its softness. 'My last memory...' I placed my left hand in front of my mouth to avoid the whimpering of my voice, allowing the following tears to drop, drenching the wood that surely did not wish to be blackened.

I remembered of some words, a thought per se, 'will we be alright?' It was the day we drove out of our hometown, far from the cherry trees and my grandma's shrine, far from my friends and everyone I once met. All the strings of fate I once built, snapped one after another with the way we left. Far away from the war and its consequences. There was only madness and destruction to be met by staying and yet, my heart had trembled with sharp pain when I was forced to abandon everything by my parents. It had been an unanimous decision by the two of them, after all, a teen like me had no place in it, thus their will was my will, and their future was my future.


However to my surprise, I remembered of a sound that felt like it pierced the skies, and when it hit the road, a loud bang followed, one so powerful that I became deaf. And my eyes turned blind at the sudden brightness that took over the three of us in seconds.

"Boom," I mumbled with a darkened expression, loathing the ones who unloaded devastation upon my country. Yet by the will of destiny, or perhaps the remnants of the beliefs that my grandmother held onto for those many years, the car in front of ours, ended up vertically stuck sheltering our own from what was meant to be our death. A struck of luck in the middle of the unfortunate incident. We survived, I believed firmly onto it, till the large piece of metal onto us squished the two in front of me, smashing their meaty figures and lives.

The dripping went on as my memories unfolded, one after another, mercilessly of my tampered and corrupted self, of all the unfairness and sadness they brought. They who were stuck for a while now, they who demanded to burst my mind, obliterating my sanity and serenity.

During those last moments, I grieved and cried while the survivors behind my parents' car didn't bother with rescuing me, but sadly for them, similar sounds repeated shortly after, and fierce bangs followed. As the last one came around, my eyes glanced over the window at my right, taking a final look at the mountain where her shrine remained, intact. It gave me the tranquility necessary to accept what was about to unfold and instead of loathing the cringe people who attacked us, or the choices my parents thought were right, I gave one last prayer.

My hands rubbed onto one another, disciplined like my grandmother taught me, and tender words followed throughout my soft voice, "thank you god tree for blessing my family till this day. You are now free to do anything you want."

Thus, I who didn't abandon anyone, but had everyone leaving me behind one way or another remained there until my soul got spirited away.

With the last of my past life memories coming to an end I closed my eyes no longer crying, having my hands rubbing in front of me.

"Thank you, god, for granting me a second chance."

After breathing deeply, I took hold of my body walking forth and back, stretching my arms and legs, getting used to these new proportions. Finally, upon gaining some stability and somewhat sufficient control, I took on some clothing from her wardrobe. To my surprise, most of her clothing was unlike the daughter of someone so rich. I found it strange as most of it looked like clothing that servants, mainly maids would wear.

Thus, my hands reached out for the simplest outfit, a white shirt, similarly toned panties, and brown pants. It took me a bit of a struggle to wear them in a way that allowed my tail to remain outside, as its color and fluff brought great amazement and curiosity to my mind. 'It's like the old tales of the foxes who could speak with humans!' In a country without television and computers, novels and books was one of my hobbies. To read and imagine in my own mind the worlds created by other people, their products, and swiftly made stories. The way their characters came to life, the way it felt like their skin became our skin, and their actions turned out to be our own. It was the greatest of feelings, often accompanied by one of the best scents in the world, second only to the cherry trees, the smell of the yellow pages mixed with a hint of dust often resting on its covers.

I found my right hand caressing a blue book on her desk causing me to smile faintly.

'It would be nice to check it out...' My head turned around finding the darkness around and the lone light coming out of the candle, but it felt like it wouldn't last for a long time, so it took me a disagreeing nod towards my thought. It was not a good idea to read something in the dark, something my human mother once taught me. There were proper times to do things, and this rightfulness was but a simplistic ideal conveyed by her.

'Perhaps tomorrow morning,' my body took me to the candle, lifting it softly, and then I took a glimpse at Sofia, pulling the linens all the way to her neck to avoid the cold seeping onto her skin, potentially causing her to get sick. Satisfied with my gesture, I walked over to the exit.

With a creaking sound from the room's door, I slipped past through, remembering that the place I was most likely in was Sofia's father's house, a person whose name I didn't get to hear.

Therefore, my nocturnal journey began.

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