《to reach the pinnacle: Etheria》Chapter 22: Twist's and turns
"Fuck" Realizing that there were a bunch of monsters everywhere, goblins, cobolds. The kind that you could kill without a gigantic hassle, if you're calm. And the populace was not calm, and who would be when fantasy creatures come to the real world to kill you?
Luckily there weren't a lot of monsters, only around 10 or so goblins close enough for me to worry about them.
not knowing what to do, I started thinking of what had the highest chance for me to keep living 'What should I do? Running is a basic and well known choice, but it won't be a good choice. There are monsters everywhere, being alone would be a death sentance. The two ways I could get a group with me will be either, getting lucky and finding a group of idiots that will let me enter their group, or rallying the people around me to fight back against the monsters. Both are unlikely to work, but the second choice is the better one. My chance at survival will be higher if I rally the masses, I won't have to be alone against a horde for some time while searching for the group of idiots. But the best thing will be me being the leader of the group, making good decisions instead of the idiotic ones of the group I would enter.'
Choosing to rally instead of run, I started looking around. Because of that I saw that an extra 2 goblins got close enough for me to worry about them, and that my son started sneaking up on a goblin, I believe it was to break it's neck. I was slightly happy that the dissapointment wasn't being dead weight, but then continued looking for a useable weapon. I noticed that the goblins had stone weapons knives, axes, guardless swords, wooden clubs, primitive weapons. I also found a sharp rock that had a good size for me to hold it in my hand, not far away from me. This was all I needed to get a good weapon.
I quickly planed 'Pick up the sharp rock, run up behind the closest goblin, and beat the back of its head so it can't fight back, steal it's weapon, save a person from a goblin, give the person a weapon, encourage the person to fight back, loop the last three goals till a big group is made then a better plan will be made. It'll work, but its not to the level that I want, but begars can't be choosers. Well they can, but I won't.' A quick and rough plan.
At the moment non of the goblins weren't really focused on me, and why would they? I Look like an old guy, I had white hair. a small amount of wrinkels too, far less then then before the coma, but still a bit of wrinkels. They probably think that I won't be a threat, and won't be able to run. To use that I ran toward the rock in a fearful way, I was never really good at the scared look, anyone that has comunicated with me for more than an hour would see that it's fake. But they're goblins that I'll never communicate with.
When I reached the rock I fell down on purpose to reinforce the idea that I'm to weak to make a strong attack, and to make the goblins focus less on me to make a bigger opening for my sneak attack. When I was laying on the ground I quickly picked up the rock and hid it in the sleave of the hospital gowns, and kept it in place with my arm. I slowly stood up with an afraid look, like how an older person would.
When I got in a postistion where I can quickly start running, I started to cough fakely making me look even weaker. A goblin noticed that I was coughing and started laughing like my life was its toy, but then started looking somewhere else being afraid that its more expressive and healthy toy would be taken away by another goblin. This showed me that my acting worked, making a big enough opening for me to kill a goblin.
I knew that what I was doing was not part of the plan, but it was a bare bones plan with only the big plot points, with me winging it by the in betweens.
I chose to run in the middle of a cough, because for normal humans a cough interupts what they're doing. While I was showing what acting classes could do, my son was getting close to a goblin and got ready to kill it silently with a knife hidden in one of his pants pockets. I just noticed the knife so I changed the way I thought he would kill the goblin.
Choosing that I need to start the chaos I made my final cough, and ran at the closest goblin as quick as possible. I smashed the rock at the back at its head, it made a cry of pain not the same as a humans, but I could get the message behind what it was comunicating with this sound. Before it could stand up, I again hit the back of its head "Thud" and again "Thud" and again "Thud" till it died "gaick!" and its skull colapsed "crack".
At that moment I didn't fully realize it, but I was partialy covered in goblin blood. I had a lot of adrenalin in my veins at the moment.
In the heat of the moment I didn't have any time to think about comfort, so I quickly reached for the weapon in the goblin's hand while being wet. The goblin's weapon was a stone axe with some twine keeping the axe together and hide straps to making it easier to hold, at least it was something, I was hoping for a spear though.
Making a quick desicion, I threw the bloody stone against the head of the closest goblin. It hit and I started runing towards the stunned goblin, and got ready to chop at the back of the goblin's neck. While I was running at the goblin, another goblin close to the stunned goblin said something in their 'gobo language'. The other goblins got a bit more serious in what they were doing, playing less with their 'toys' and more focused on killing the humans.
Not that it mattered though, it didn't change the effect of the axe or my momentum. when the axe's strike came true I heard a crack, and the goblin's head didn't come of but the goblin fell over with a good part of the attack's force. At first I thought that it had died, but the goblin twitched while being colapsed on the floor. The moment that I saw that I readied the axe to chop the goblins head of in one fell swoop.
But before I could kill it, in the middle of my swing a goblin ran at me with a dagger. I could dodge, but then the fallen goblin would still live and may stand back up while fighting the new enemy. Luckily a woman got the courage to run at that goblin, I don't know what gave her the courage though. The woman didn't do much in the scheme of things, but was able to push the goblin to the ground. After that I don't know what she did, after the danger was gone for the moment so I focused on killing the goblin on the floor.
I made a big forceful swing and Nothing got in the way again, and it went well. Again the head didn't get sliced off, again a good crack and a broken spine this time.
Instantly starting to loot, finding a primitive wooden spear spear. The thing I wanted, something that can pierce through the skull and instanly kill the enemy.
When I looked around again, I saw that the woman was struggling with the goblin 'She was able to gain courage in a weird situation so she'll probably be useful in the future, so it'll be best to keep her alive.'
I chose to save her, to save her I threw the axe at the goblin. The back of the axe head was the point of contact, at least it was able to make it lose focus, even for a second. The woman understood what I wanted to do and took the chance to grab and hold the goblin for my spear stab, I was planing on pushing it to the grond and then but I this would make it quicker.
I saw even more use in her 'What a great deal.' Looking at her as a cheap product that is very valuable, but the owner doesn't realize it.
She held the goblin's arms in check so they can't protect it's life, which again raised the value I saw. But I didnn't focus on that, right away I rushed forward with the spear, with the sharp part aimed towards the throat of the goblin.
When the spear hit its mark, it was anti-climatic. I was expecting another problem to pop up while killing the goblin, but it went through the throat with no problems and the woman let go of the goblin. And the goblin laid down on the floor, choking on its own blood.
The woman was obviously uncomfortable with the blood, trying to motivate her to keep on fighting. I found the dagger and took it for my self, it was far better than my spear. I gave the woman the wooden spear with blood on its tip, and said "Up and at 'em, we still have a horde on our hands." Opening my hand and pointing somewhere in the horde with that open hand.
Then time passed by, the horde of goblins and kobolds went somewere else and I survived, I rallyed the suvivors with me as the leader. It was found out that magic existed and I did my best to learn it, and I did. my son had found sombody they like enough to marry, and it was the usefull woman in the original battle. I started to get farms up and running, and made a society. I tried to find more knowledge on mechanics and the likes, but no one wanted to teach me and I wasn't able to find a book with something I didn't know. An idiotic group showed up and made chaos, so I threw them in jail and just made them sit there, getting someone to make fun of them as a their job. But they escaped, I let them go because it wasn't worth it to chase after them.
I was in my office looking at a painting, my son entered my office and said "Why are you looking at that?"
I made a small laugh "Old memories."
He cracked his neck and said "Yea, its so boring now. but its been 13 years now, get over it."
"Yea, your right about that." I turned and looked at my son, he grew a small beard, he's gotten some wrinkels, and has become less easily pushed around. I started talking "Report."
"Yes,yes." he said "Bad news, the messaiha group has started making trouble again."
I stood up from my chair and fell down and I screamed dramaticaly "Noo! Damn it all to hell!" stopping that little outburst "Sorry, I just had a bad experience because of them."
My son made an annoyed face "Both of us, I didn't sleep for a week fixing the mess they made."
Sitting back on my chair, I said "Let's not make this conversation about complaining about the idiot brigade. Just use one of the fake outs, and don't tell them what will happen or make a sound that tells them that. And don't be in the building when it happens, that's just stupid." I was talking about explosives and was not saying what it was, you can't be sure when someone is listening.
he listened and said "Yea, I'll make sure it happens. Bye, I need to talk with my wife. How it pains me to say this, she may be helping the messaiha group."
I made an exaggerated smile and said "Make sure to kill her if its true, ok." I made a cold face "Do it on the spot so she can't talk her way out of it, I'm not making a joke. I want you to bring her severed head when you come back, if you don't I'll get a good part of the order's detectives to look at it too. If I find out you're lying, I will kill you instantly."
"I already thought that, I don't like her enough to go against you and lose my power, ok." And he walked away.
And I just looked at the paintings that depicted all my greatest achievements, people no longer really appreciate paintings, thinking that the digital is immortal, but paintings need no special devices to see, only your eyes. The only thing to do is waiting until my plans finish and another painting will be made for a great acomplishment, or making more plans.
I set on some music on the record player and started looking through reports from most urgent to least urgent, The sorting was done by a division that I made to make my life easier.
But then suddenly the door was kicked in and look who it is, its the idiot brigade. And they even said an idiotic things too "Howard! I will vanquish you and free the city from your tyrrany!"
The idiot brigade was your classic hero party, a hero/warrior, a mage, a rogue, and a ranger. this brigade was an isekai one, with the hero being male and the others being hot women making a harem. The kind were nothing actually happens.
I was angry and I showed it on my face "No what you're doing is collapsing a civilisation, I am the glue that keeps this unstable group together, the thing that stops infighting, even through fear if needed."
The 'hero' was slightly swayed by that but then one of the girls said "Don't trust him James (The most common english name for the last 100 years)! Remember what he did to my parents!" She looked at me and screamed "We will kill you, you demon! For all you did to us!" that girl was definitely the main love intrest, she had big tits and was a blondie. If she wasn't, I don't know who is.
Not really knowing what I did and not caring enough about them to know more then they are the 'idiot brigade', I asked "Who are you?"
The blondie cleched her fist and yelled "How dare you say you don't recognize me! You personally ordered the murder of my entire family, I'm the only heir to the Sallow name!"
"What are the blond talking about? I ordered the murder of the Sallow's? Am I suffering from dementia? The Sallows were super useful, if I ordered their death I must've needed to have them killed to get something far more valuable." I said to myself, I looked at the blond and again said "Who are you." in a forcefull tone, before she could again throw a tantrum I said "Not your tragic backstory what I want is, name, last name, goals, afiliations, overall history, personality, intelegence, talents, and anything actually useful to know and is not said to tug at somebody's heartstrings." I made an angry face and said "And to awnser your little question, I don't know who you are. why would I ask you if I knew!? All I know is that your a fucking idiot, that's part of the idiot brigade."
before the blond could throw their tantrum, the mage whose only recognizable feature is that she has glasses. Before she could yell at me I said "Oh, do you also have some grudge towards me? What did I do? Did I torture you infront of your family? Did I experiment on you, which is the thing that gives you your talent for magic? What other tropes are there? Uhhhh, ah-ha I got it! You where a slave that was abused by somebody entirely unrelated to me but the abuse was possible because of corrution in my ranks that looked the other way for some cash, and you think my leadership is what caused the corrution and you want to dippose me to slay the evil corrution! Well sorry corruption is harder to get rid of than just killing somebody, if it was there wouldn't be corruption in my ranks at all." four-eyes backed off after I guessed her tragic backstory
I looked at the rogue badly trying to steal something "And you were probably hired, but you fell in love with that james dude, that was just such a 'good' guy" and the pickpocket backed off too sputtering things like "I don't love him!" "Idiot!" and "Ashole!"
Getting annoyed I secretly set of the silent alarm, calling the order. I had complete control of the situation.
James got angry and said "Who cares if our original goals weren't good! I'm here because of the things you did to me while I was in jail! I will no longer listen to your excuses!" And he rushed at me like an amatuer.
When he tried to punch me I used his momentum against him and pushed him to the ground, I used a spell to increase grip strength. And I opened a drawer and took a potion that increases physical strength, and gulped it down while kicking the the loser on the floor's head.
When I finished the potion, I became stronger for an hour. The thing I did with that increase of strength was put my hand on the loser's head and started crushing the loser's skull. No warning, just started the murder of a nuisance. Before I could finish gifting the loser the sweet release of death, the blond shot an arrow into the right side of my chest, getting lucky and going through the space between ribs. But it didn't do anything fatal, just an annoyance. I took my other arm that I wasn't using, and pulled the arrow out. I pierced the arrow into the throat of the loser to insure death.
My wound was dripping blood, and the loser was also bleeding profusly out of his eyes and ears. I was so happy I commissioned the enchantment of this room to clean itself, made my life so much easier, It's such a pain to clean blood.
After I was sertain that he was dead I looked at the losers possie, saying "Are you going to be as, unreasonable as him?" They were shocked, probably from me being able to kill their friend so easily. I looked at the blond and said "Oh yea, I'll look into the death of your family. If you're questioning why I didn't know they died, it's because I was told that they left on an adventure and they died on the journey."
At that moment a blade pierced my chest and my heart from behind, When I looked around I saw that james came back from what I thought was certain death. I was shocked, but knowing that being shocked would do nothing, I used mana to artificialy keep my blood flowing and blood not to get out of the wound made by james. Making a split second desicion, I flowed some blood in to my mouth and coughed it out onto my hands.
At that moment James let go of the sword in my chest and said "Your finished howard, your tyrrany has come to an end." And James's possie started celebrating.
I slowly started taking steps forward, while saying "No, I won't let it end like this! My work! My legacy! My aspirations! I won't let you destroy a decade of paranoia, sleepless nights, learning, and hard work for your petty revenge!" James and his possie was shocked that I could move, they were frozen by fear. but when I got close to them I purposefully fell down and stopped moving. I can't kill them, I'm not that strong, my thing is planing. my raw strength is far lower than my son's, I get my strength through potions, enchantments, arrays, weapons, research, and the element of suprise. That potion that increased my physical strength cost's in the equivalent of dollars, 582 million dollars.
James said "Is he dead?"
The blond said "He's not moving, I think the wound got to him"
The pickpocket said "But it's weird that there's no blood."
Four-eyes said "There is an enchantment here that will remove all blood." And the others made understanding sounds, four-eyes looked proud through that.
They were taking to long so I used some magic to make the sound of rushing foot steps that are trying to keep silent. and the normie reacted by saying "The order is here we need to go!"
The pickpocket said "Come oon, can't we loot this room?"
And the normie instantly shook his head saying "We have no chance against the order, we need to go now." and he jumped through my window saying "Follow me!" and his possie followed. first the pickpocket, then the blond, then the four-eyes.
To make sure they left I made an illusion of order soldiers going through the door, rushing to the broken window, when they looked out the window they yelled "After them!" and went back inside with more footstep noise and another shout saying "Leave someone here to diagnose him!" And I made a lot more rushing footsteps this time not caring if they are making noise.
After waiting 30 seconds I believed that the terrorists were gone, I stood up without difficulties. I moved a drawer to expose the safe hidden behind it, I again was happy that cure also fixed memory problems, and opened the safe. There were a bunch of high class healing potions that could regrow any lost or damaged organs and limbs, including the heart. and a couple mana potions, that increase the time I can circulate my blood with my mana.
I first took a mana potion, I had used a lot of my mana to get rid of the idiots. I chuged it right away, It was disgusting. It was just potions 101, any potion not made with taste in mind would taste like garbage. I wasn't fased by it with the last potion's taste, because I was in the heat of the moment and had no time to complain.
After refilling my mana I took out a health potion from the safe and placed it on the table, and opened it. But to heal a wound with this potion there would need to be nothing in the way, like a sword piercing through the organ you want to fix.
What was my solution? Isn't that obvious? I pulled out the sword with my still strengthend hands, it hurt like hell but pain means nothing in the face of death. I picked up the open flask on the counter and drunk it right away.
I coughed, again and again. When it came onto my hand I saw that my blood turned black, I was poisoned. Someone betrayed me.
But that didn't matter at that moment, I was slowly losing control of my body and my mana. I soon collapsed onto the ground, slowly losing my senses and my mind fell into anger "I will kill them all! All of them! Torture them all!"
Symtoms slowly increasing, till I felt my body leaving me.
When I came to, I was in a white plane.
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