《to reach the pinnacle: Etheria》Chapter 9: Starting a conversation


Able drake-

After all the preparations I thought ''Luckily I remmembered that bible as to make sure nobody will be able to use it against me, that's why I have such a good luck stat I guess.' After that I had some small talk with Duke

Duke said "Have you thought of a Goal of some sort?"

I Said "No not yet, why do you ask?" Duke then said "Your drake is sure to ask for it, and a goal is definitely a good way to mantain motivation" Then I said "I'll think about it"

Then I thought 'A goal I haven't thought about that yet, I've just been doing everything for the sake of it. I should start Thinking about it'

Then the first of the visitors came, they where lower nobles under the drake house's rule I never cared enough to remember much about them. I was often matched up with one of them to play with before they realized that I wasn't very a social child. I could see some children glaring at me in resentment, it was a little entertaining that those 5~ year olds think they'll ever even get a chance at revenge. even if they get that chance in the future they will probably not even have the courage to do it even if the still have this grudge, an if they do have the courage they will have an incredibly low chance to succeed. I thought 'They're like little sheep I need to heard them as a shepard, as a ruler'

I had an epiphany 'I shall rule this continent, that is the goal of this life'

After my epiphany more nobles started to show up first all the higher ranked nobles under the drake house arived. At dead last were the 5 other great noble houses, the royal family doesn't come to these events because they consider it below them.

I was a little angry about that but only a little.

After that all the nobles greated me, It wasn't hard to keep my calm. except for louis, He has an extreme talent at iritation. But I kept my facade of a cold and composed but still curious child, I was minorly proud about that.

After that I just walked around while waiting, and there was this kid that kept trying to interact with me. It was annoying, no irritating. The kid, I mean girl was called Hildoara Constania of the Constania house it was a fairly prestigious noble house. But not even close to the 6 great noble houses. She was around 6 years old. I thought 'I'll tell her to go away because I'm thinking about som-', "Hello!" she interupted my thoughts. I said "Sorry but I currently don't want to talk to you. if you're wondering why, its because i'm thinking about somthing important" I was truthfully, it was about how I was going to speak with the drake in the "first conversation". It wasn't really a conversation, but an interview for the contractor to talk to the beast. To convince it to accept the blood contract with words instead of conditioning or what the contractor believes to be caring the beast, which can easily accidentally be torture for the beast. It might sound unnesasary but it increased the chance of acceptance of the blood contract to increase by 10% overall. Hildoara which i'll now cal Hilda. but then she then said "But i'm so bored! please talk to me about somthing intresting" I then said "Why don't you go over there, with your kind by xerxes lion" I was pointing at a blond 7 year old he was the heir to the lion house, and he was handsom, kind and aimiable with people. unlike the heir of the drake house that was while handsom, was heartless, cold and averse to human interaction. Hilda said "I would like to do that and talk to him, but there are to many other so i'll never get the chance to talk to him. So I went with the choice of exploration because I thought you had to have something intresting to talk about!" I thought 'Oh a deluded soul, thinking I would talk to her on her level of intelligence. What should I talk about? einstein's law of relativity, e=mc2, newton's law of motion, heisenberg's uncertainty principal, evolution and natural selection? In a world rulled by beasts I think evolution would be the most usefull topic in this world's science to have and I don't want to even have the slim chance that she uses it in the future so i'll talk about gravity' "Fine i'll talk to you" I said Hilda looked happy and surprised, then I continued "But you better keep up with the conversation because I won't simplify it for you" She was shocked when I said that, I guessed for fun what she was thinking about "Are you thinking somthing like, what kind of topic would make me not be able to not keep up with someone younger than, me just then?" She then got flustered, I then said "I hit it right on the mark" with a confident smile. You might be asking your self how I was able to read Hilda like a book with 8 cha. Cha is your atractiveness, your abillity to convince others to do what you want, and your genaral likeability someone like xerxes would have around 20-25 cha. that does not include reading someone else, but does influence your abillity to say things on the correct times, or knowing if something is over the line of things to say someone. Like that of line from able, if there was something like a likeability meter and went from -100 - 100 then Hilda was at 20 which was at the level of an acqaintance to a 10, which was at the level of someone you talked to for like 20 minutes overall


I then started talking again "If you want to leave you can" after waiting for 20 seconds I started what she would call in the future "The Reckoning" I started talking "I'll then say the topic, The universal law of gravity. As you know when you drop something it falls, why is that you ask? The reason is gravity, now we'll start the discusion" What really happened was, 1 say something about gravity and ask Hilda if she disagreed 2 Hilda then just said confused "N-n-n-n-no" 3 repeat. Well one time she said yes saying it went against the churches teachings that the goddess gives gravity not this thing called a planet against that I said "The goddess is the planet, because planet is just a fancy way of saying world and who is that "world'?" I asked, Hilda then said "T-the g-goddess" She said as if defeated. Oh yea the goddesses name is gaia the litteral will of the world


"That's my que" I said to Hilda that was in a daze, then I said "Bye!" while while pointing my index and middle finger forward while I put my thumb, ring finger and little finger to the middle of my hand as if a fist with all 5 fingers. Then made a casual sallut while doing a 160 degree jump-turn which i'll call the godspeed salut

When I reached the poduim where the Saintess stood when I entered the cathedral now on the left side of the poduim was a cage a bit larger and comfortable than the last cage it was in (Author note:From chapter 5). It was currently laying down on its belly and feet like the sphinx's of egypt but with its head on the floor. Completely showing its dark scales that were black with a slight tinge of purple. I called it unceremoniously "Drake!" When it heard me call it like that it woke up irritatedly without looking at me. It closed its eyes and turned to face me getting ready to roar at being below it that dared wake it up. Just before it roared it opened its eyes and saw that it was me, the person that beat it up and was under its care for a year. And kept its life stable and not afraid of not getting food for the day. Well I did make it fight every day for its food to make sure it doesn't get complacent. But I wasn't worried that it would be angry at me for that as I am the one who feeds it and I have been using and practicing my taming skill every day for the entire year, most would say its a waste of time to practice a skill after its evolved and no longer gets exp for it. But i don't think that. I find it best to make a skill trully part of you to the point were you use and train it without thinking about it

Stoping that tangent and going back to the story. After the drake noticed it was me it became docile and looked at me asking what is going to happen "it is time" I said to it, It looked like it realized. on the side I tought it to think of "It is time" as the time for when the start of its use to is going to be. Which is to follow my orders and be my blood beast. 'It is surpisingly inteligent for a beast that is in its first evolutionary state, I guess it got lucky and did some special actions that increased its INT by accident' the average inteligence is that of a around a 2 year old, if it's a darkness element monster wich are known to be very inteligent among monsters. after I said that it became excited, I guessed that it was that it could finally get to talk to me coherently like I did with other humans. And just for future times I reference special actions, special action can give increased stats but are very difficult to do. Like STR you would need to put you muscles to their limits and feel extreme pain because of it, same with the others what you need to do is go to the limit and stay there for a while or go past that limit


After that I made a quick speech without all the nessecary "Hello everyone, i'm Able Drake heir of the drake house as most of you already know. Today is my 'Blood Contract Ritual', I belive most of you allready know wat it is. But just for ceirtainty I'll explain what it is. A blood contract ritual is where you make a blood contract infront of an audiance, there are a couple extra steps like the first conversation or the outh a noble can make to always follow the church's orders and rules to get their benifits. but the oath only happens with very poor nobles that can't take care of all the materials, so obviously i'm not making that oath. what it gives me is the amount of my pocket money, and I like free will more then pocket money" A couple of children laughed at how I wasn't taking this serious at all "Actually why do nobles do this?" I paused for a moment, people thought it was a joke again "No this isn't a joke, why do we do this. Its the perfect time to have a terrorist attack and frame someone else because its so well known when its going to happen, and if there was an attack there would be incredible chaos and panic which is the perfect time to secretly kill someone. and when we do this our life could easily be ended by the church, or they can make the saintess use the "Caretaker of beasts" to make the monster chosen to become their blood beast hate them and make it not make a contract with them." it may sound harsh against the church but I really thought it, I started covering my tracks so that the church couldn't use it against me"Oh yeah I'm not saying the church would actually do that but it's possible and i'm not going to trust something the first day I met it including orginations like the church, I'm just peranoid." When they didn't understand I said "Its a personal quirk" Then I realized that I wen on a tangent, I made a face artificially that looked shocked then apoligetic "Sorry I went on a tangent, but yeah let's start the blood contract ritual!" I said the last part like a boxing announcer introducing the boxer's with enthusiasm

Then the guards while afraid of what would happen reluctantly opened the cage. The drake then leaped out of its cage very quickly and enthusiastically. When that happened all the guards got ready to attact at a moments notice, and some palidins called their blood beasts and they sat beside them like the guards. but the drake suddenly stopped infront of me everyone was a little shocked, but saintess maryll who wasn't shocked at all when the drake jumped out was downtrodden when nothing happened. she probably tried something with her "Caretaker of beasts" skill, but didn't work because I made sure to take care of my beast well

I waited for the saintess to say her thing, it was taking to long so I said "Sorry saintess maryll but can you please do your job" I said the end of the end of the sentance coldly while cracking my knuckels, she got the hint and started saying "I pray for your success in gaining your first blood beast" while looking at me and saying it bitterly, Then she turned around and said grandly "May the blood contract ritual begin, and let us give a small prayer for his success" every one then closed their eyes for 5 seconds. Then a blue screen popped up

You have been asked to start the "First conversation"

Do you accept?


I pressed yes with my finger physically, you could do it with your mind but choosing to do it with your finger has a lower chance of accidentaly making a mistake and automatically choosing no

Then a transparent ball went around Me and The drake , it was like one way glass. I could see them but they couldn't see me

I was currently having a weird feeling that I could send out my thoughts, feelings, concepts, memories, information and much more to The drake, it was a strange feeling.

while I was coaxing my instincts how to use this connection safely or if it has any drawbacks. It was perfectly silent, exept our breathing and many uncontrolable movements that made sound. The drake was probably waiting for me to say somthing like our past encounters

After a while I heard a voice in my mind but it wasn't my thoughts, even my mind registered it meaning that it wont effect my mind


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