《to reach the pinnacle: Etheria》chapter 5: man vs beast


name Able drake race: homeo-sapien (human from icarus) blood contracts: none hp ((vit x end+perks) x 10) 150/150 mp (wis x (int+(intx0.6))) 435/435 mp regen (wis x 10) 160 /h strength: 7 agility: 3 vitality: 3 endurance: 5 wisdom: 16 intelegence: 17 charisma: 8 luck: 20 Skills:

Inspect lvl 4 7986/100000 exp E

inspect the chosen target

lvl 4 = intermidiate basic infomation

note-if target is stronger than you in overall stats or a apraisal blocker of equel or of higher level, rank or hight in the evolutionary lader then inspect doesn't work if the target doens't allow and if target is twice as strong in stats as you or has a apraisal blocker 5 lvl's higher or more then target is able to new that it is being inspected

mp: cost 120

beginner QCQ lvl 3 253642/345600 E

Gives low beginner knowledge and muscle memory on base CQC

1.6% increase to all damage with CQC

-Novice Golaith style lvl 2 150085/1638400 C

gives advanced beginner knowledge and muscle memory of the Golaith style.

"To use all of your power, to kill with overwhelming force" -Able drake

+ 14 str + 7 end while active

+ 4 str + 2 end permenantly

Blood contract perks: None skill points: 1 essence: 0

Today's my birthday it was going started like every other birthday

My father said "Thank you all for coming to my son's fouth birthday at the end of the birthday there will be a special suprise that you all know all ready. But my son doesn't"

The end of that sentance shocked me, and my thoughts was going into overdrive. But i didn't show it.

Then out of the crowd a young voice yelled "That's a total lie, he wasn't shocked at all when you said it!" It was the 3rd son of the paitriach of the lion house Louis

My father said "That's an od quirk of my son, that you would have known if you actualy focused at him all the times you saw him!"

Louis was very flustered and angry but just before he was about to talk , his father reprimanded and started what I believe was scolding

'He's realy annoying I should have him assasinated.' I thought

While I was wondering how I should make Louis "Sleep with the fishes" my innocent facade dropped

When I put it back on i saw that some children and Louis peed their pants, Louis was still getting scolded by his father when it happened. When i saw what happened I gave a small smile.


And after that most people stayed away from me.

Close to the end of the party my father went back up the poduim and said "Ladies and gentleman we will now show the special suprise, it will be done outside so follow us"

We walked outside and I saw 6 cages linedup with blankets over them to obscure the creatures inside

My father said while walking with his back infront of the cages "As you all know in the last 3 years fighting your future monster to make them more obiediant in the future is very populair and when you don't do it you are seen as a coward" And then the blankets were removed and it showed a fire,water,earth,water,light and darkness drake, well that's what i believe because i couldn't see inside the cage. Then my father began talking again "My son shall pick one of these drakes to fight" Then he turned to me and said "Son pick one"

I acted hesitant for 30 seconds then acted like I steeled myself said "I choose the darkness drake"

My father said "It's your own coice right?"

I acted confused and said "Yes?"

My father then said "Well then darkness drake it is" He looked a bit sad but he quickly got his composure back then he led me to the cage with the darkness drake and said "Are you sure"

I found it weird but said "yes" I found it weird but didn't give it any mind. but i after that is asked "Where will I fight the drake?"

My father then said "Inside the cage?" He was confused why I asked

"Why fight it inside a cage, why not fight it in the wild to truly show it who's boss?" I said

My father said "Are you sure?"

"Yes" I said

He looked disapointed "Fine" Then said "Get someone to move this cage to a field and around it make a parimeter. and get a transmision stone"

After 5 minutes a servant came with a light red crystal with a dot on it. My father said "Take it and put it on this" He took out a belt, I took it and put it around my left shoulder and under my right arm. Then put on the crystal on it, Immediately I inspected it


Transmission crystal

transmits a 180 degree's with the red dot at the center

I thought 'this will be dangerous'

After an hour of waiting a servant ran over and said "everything has been set!"

My father said "follow me" I did as he said like an unassuming child. We entered a caraige to "the paremeter" after another 30 minutes we arivved by an area surounded by soldiers and baricades it was around 20 km2, it had a forest, a desert, a rain forest and a savvana

My father said "Somewhere here inside the area my soldiers have datained the darkness drake is hidden, is there anything you want to ask for before you enter for five days?"

I said "Yes I want 20 throwing knives, 20 5m ropes and enough food and water for 10 days. "

My father said "its exceptible"

After an hour a servant came with a white ring, my father said "this is a spatial ring with everything you asked for"

i put it on and a blue screen popped up

you have obtained a spatial ring

-20 throwing knives, 20 5m ropes, enough food and water for 10 days and".

'Good' I thought 'This will be uselfull'

I walked into the perimeter and went straight to the raid forrest to start my plans

Before I started my plans I chose a skill to buy, its called detective's record

Detective's record lvl 1 0/1 E

Allows to record things inside your personal record

After that I found bendable sticks good for bows, then i found the place I would lay my trap, i slowly started to hide a rope under the earth, then I started to use the bendable sticks to create a trigger, then i used the throwing knives cut trees to get logs for the trap, I made a pitfall trap with stakes,-

- the trap finnaly finished after 3 days

I choose to activate the trap tomorrow.

-next day

I started to search for the darkness drake, I found it hidden inside of it's nest, eating. It was the 1.8 meters high and 3 meters long

I threw a knife at it, it didn't do anything but angered it.

Then I ran away the drake ran after me, I ran to the trap

Then the trap activated, the drake fell inside the pitfall the stakes went through the drake's scales and blood flowed, while that was happening I ran and triggered another trap. I cut some rope tied to 4 trees with every rope cut two logs fell causing blunt force trauma on the drake. And then I activated the ready to launch primitive cross bow's to shoot the drake, after that I started trying to use a primitive bow to shoot the drake's eye's. It then seemed to get knockedout from blood loss, after making sure by throwing a knife. Then I jumped down to start tempararily incapasitate it by puting stakes through it's limbs. While I did that the drake oppened its eyes but it didn't move, it couldn't.

After i incapacitated i started to inspect it. and record inside the "detective's record."

name Able drake race: homeo-sapien (human from icarus) blood contracts: none hp ((vit x end+perks) x 10) 150/150 mp (wis x (int+(intx0.6))) 435/435 mp regen (wis x 10) 160 /h strength: 7 agility: 3 vitality: 3 endurance: 5 wisdom: 16 intelegence: 17 charisma: 8 luck: 20 Skills:

Inspect lvl 4 7986/100000 exp E

inspect the chosen target

lvl 4 = intermidiate basic infomation

note-if target is stronger than you in overall stats or a apraisal blocker of equel or of higher level, rank or hight in the evolutionary lader then inspect doesn't work if the target doens't allow and if target is twice as strong in stats as you or has a apraisal blocker 5 lvl's higher or more then target is able to new that it is being inspected

mp: cost 120

beginner QCQ lvl 3 253642/345600 E

Gives low beginner knowledge and muscle memory on base CQC

1.6% increase to all damage with CQC

-Novice Golaith style lvl 2 150085/1638400 C

gives advanced beginner knowledge and muscle memory of the Golaith style.

"To use all of your power, to kill with overwhelming force" -Able drake

+ 14 str + 7 end while active

+ 4 str + 2 end permenantly

Detective's record lvl 1 0/1 E

Allows to record things inside your personal record

Blood contract perks: None skill points: 1 essence: 0

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