《He has descended》The first unsupervised outing 3


Somewhere along the coast…

The beach was empty as it gets with only a few families there with their children, the light cool breeze flowing from ocean to the beach carried with it a mist of cool fresh water. When it dropped on your naked flesh its cool temperature gave you feeling of bliss. Among the few families present there was a woman couple, they were friends, out here on the beach to enjoy themselves, right now they were sleeping on a mat under the sun. Both had pretty faces. The one the right had huge breasts covered in thick red strap just over her nipples going round her back where they were tied and another thin strap which went over her shoulders and tied behind her back. Her breasts were spilling over from all the sides of her top and pink nipples tastefully slipped below the top. Het tall body was almost all in display as her huggable waist made people want to kiss her perfectly placed t-shaped navel, maybe bite into it. To her waist was tied a tiny thin string from which a tiny triangle whose base the thicker end started at the string tapering into a string when it reached between her legs. The string from the tip of the triangle extended into the gully between her, dipping the heavenly nectar of the pink heaves, it crossed the gap between the butts crossing the butt hole and finally tying upto the thin string around her waist. Her heavenly ass not at all being contained by here beach wear. Her long legs which had here creamy thighs were connected to the here milky shins and then her foot. She was in fair in complexion with hair as golden as the morning rays of the sun. The girl on the left had red lips and the perfect sharp nose. Her almond eyes reflected her intelligence enhanced by the way her hair was tied behind her head and parted in the middle. Between her eyebrows was a red bindi, it was like the most beautiful jewel on her, it was what brought out her beauty the most. She had her eyes closed with her head resting on both her hands, her shoulders were small making others want to protect her, her breasts again were similarly heavy supported by a white top similar to her friend. The fabric was thin but her nipples were covered entirely, you could see their outline, they were erect. She thoroughly enjoyed her time on the beach, stretching her body extending it to release her pent up fatigue. Her stretched belly would make people want to eat off of it and lick it all over to enhance the flavour to their food. The bottom half of her beach wear too was stretched, the white string around her waist was pulled up, this in turn pulled the string which went in between her butt and pulled the triangular patch of fabric down. Slowly it was pulled down so much that it slipped between legs allowing the tip of pink heaven to peek out from above the triangular fabric. Just at a right time the cool breeze brought along with it a many tiny droplets of water. One of the heavenly pearl like drops of water managed to drop on the tip of pink heaven, sending wave after wave of shivers of pleasure up her spine, she stretched her body, writhing in pleasure “AAAh…” she said lightly. Anyone who saw this tranced by the display, seemed like an invitation to pull the person towards the cocoa coloured skinned Goddess. Just then fair Goddess lightly smacked the cocoa skinned Goddess across her head saying “Too much” annoyance in her voice palpable, “oh cmon!! This isn’t something i get to enjoy really often” unfazed by the leering of men and women on the beach, the cocoa Goddess turned towards compatriots. The fair Goddess sigh and let her friend enjoy the beach, she raised her upper body just a bit and looked towards the horizon in the ocean, when she saw a 10 ft high wave coming towards them from the distance. The wave slowed as it reached the and died down as it reached the shore, as if it had come to do a certain work and now it time for it to punch out. The ocean once again became quiet peaceful the way it was before. A body was left ashore on the island, it was that of tall 6 feet 2 inches tall, bronze skinned muscular man. His right arm seemed to be buried in the sand and left hand held an axe, a dark ominous axe. His torso entirely naked while his wet dhoti clung to body covering his lower body while still showing silhouette of his tree trunk like thighs and thick calf and big foot. Kush had fallen face down, his dhoti clinging to his butt showing its outline, all women would have wanted to grab a handful of his ass and dig their nails in it or bite into it.


The two Goddesses came to his side. Seeing them go to body the others on the beach did not approach it. The Goddesses came to body and started to poke around.

“Is he dead?” asked the fair Goddess

The cocoa Goddess was poking at him with her beautiful toe, every man be it man or woman would have wanted to be be son the other end of the toe, being disgraced by, sucking it clean. She the dug her foot under the body and turned it around.

“Aaaahh…” screamed the Goddess duo when they realised the right hand which they thought was buried in sand was actually severed. The stub seems to have healed, indicating it was an old wound. “Is he one your soldiers?” asked the cocoa Goddess as she squated next to his face, aahh… he would have wanted to see the scene of beauty, but right now he passed out from not eating anything for 16 hrs and travelling at supersonic speed wearing his giant weights and tumbling in the waves unable to control his body, as the waves rolled him over throughout the journey.

“I am not sure” seeing the dark ominous axe in the persons left hand “That doesn’t resemble anything we use in our army” pointing at the axe. She tried picking it only realising then that the axe was substantially heavy and grip of the unconscious man’s left hand was very tight, so much she had to use substantial force just to make it slip in his grip by a few centimetres. She then let go, “He’s not an ordinary person. His characteristic should be strength.” The cocoa Goddess traced the abs of the man with her fingers and continued down then traced her fingers along his dhoti’s rim, lifting it up enough to get a peek inside and let go. She then licked her lips a picture which would people swooping in pleasure. “Tara!!” exclaimed the fair Goddess “Of oh Silvy, why are you so uptight all the time? I was just pretending to have some fun.” The man’s chest was moving though slightly indicating he was still alive. The two tied a translucent cloth around their waist red and white respectively, this barely changed anything in their attire. They then walked to the huge bag which had been thrown ashore with the man. On searching the contents, they found a huge brown box with lid, it was locked and was really heavy for its size, other than that they found his clothes lying around all wet and a few miscellaneous things of little value. “Did this idiot travel alone without any necessities?” asked Tara taking a small interest in him. Silvy satisfied with her inspection clapped her hands and instantly, as if materializing out of thin air three black clothed figures came into view. Silvy then ordered them “Take this man to our guest room and order the green unit to guard outside his gate and inform me the minute he wakes up” saying so the fair Goddess turned to her friend and asked “Tara, lets head back” we do something to pass the time around. The cocoa Goddess acquiesced without hesitation and followed the guards as they took the man to guest room.

Form his perspective he was going faster than bullet, rolling like a top about the axis connecting his head and feet, travelling at a height of 20 m high wave, this was too much for him. The contents of his empty stomach were churning and he was puking water and stomach acid. He was dreaming about his time on the wave when suddenly he woke up with surprise rolling to his right as if dodging a projectile, but was only a reflex action to rolling motion, he woke up and crashed right into something. In order to prevent in from breaking tried to catch the tall soft thing, by the time he landed on the ground, his face was buried in something soft, soft as cushion, soft as a water bed, soft as bliss. His hand… his hand too grabbing onto something, something soft, soft as cushion, soft as a water bed, soft as marshmallow only too big to fit one’s hand. On top of his hand soft smooth fabric rested, Kush on enjoying the feeling nustled his head and pressed the contents of his hand unconsciously moving it along the length of smooth soft feeling, his little finger entered a warm wet and soft place. Kush’s eyes were still shut when he heard a voice “Mhm-hmm” (clearing of throat) “I consider myself to be quiet open to sexual invitations, don’t you think this is a bit too forward?” the sweet voice pulled Kush out of his reverie as he realized his face was buried in the bosom of a heavily breasted woman and his hand was grabbing onto her ample ass and his little finger had ever so slightly entered her pussy. He unwillingly let go of the bundle joy from his hand pressed his hand on the floor and pushed himself off the woman. The woman was beauty personified, her cocoa skin huge breast, her lithe body, her supple breasts. She was sitting spread legged on the floor, she was wearing a grey dress which was basically strap of cloth wrapped around her ass just barely covering it up, it was suspended on the straps of thin grey silk cloth pieces which rose parallel from the front of the ass strap and tied behind her neck. The way she sat there spread legged in front of Kush, Kush was able to see everything between legs, he was dumbstruck, unable to peel his eye off the marvel of nature, he only came to when the sight in front of him was blocked by a sexy pair of legs which crossed themselves in front of him.


“You know its rude to stare” said the woman. The voice loosened any tension within Kush’s body, it was like melody of heavens. “Hey” said the woman now, her pitch lowered a bit. This pulled Kush’s attention from molten caramel-esque thighs and he looked up at the woman’s face (lol) and said “I am really sorry for my ill behaviour; please trust me I am not a pervert or a voyeur though my actions would suggest otherwise. I am Kush, pleased to make your acquaintance”

“Hmph… all perverts say the same thing, and here I was sitting innocently waiting for you to wake up, taking care of you while you were asleep” she said, Kush looked at her awkwardly she then continued “Though I do like the fact that you seem honest so I will forgive you for this discretion, I am Tara, where did you come from?”

“Umm… we have a private island in the Ganga Ocean, i don’t know where I am, so I can’t point you the way… but yeah… we were originally from Kishunpali a village on the west coast of Bharat”

“Huhu… I don’t really know where Kishunpali is… but you are on an island nation near the western coast of Bharat called Bhasmachal”

“On the western coast!!! I had to go all the way south to Kashi!!! Oh cmon!! the old tortoise sending me all the way up here, now I will have to travel all the way south again” swinging his fist around to show his frustration, he would now have swim long distance again now, then he thought “Nah… I will just swim ashore and walk rest of the distance” Just as he was thinking, he felt his body was a bit lighter, and it struck him “aaa… my braces!! my weights!!! Miss Tara have you seen my weights, please tell me you have seen my ankle, wrist and torso weights” he was on his knees. Tara was amused by his reaction and said “use the pieces on junk in your bag?? They are right there” pointing in the direction of a closet in the room. Kush crawled on 3 limbs in a hurry towards the closet and opened it and found his bag. It stood up to inspect its contents and it here he realised that he was buck naked. The bed sheet covering him had come off and fallen behind him when he crawled to the closet. There he was standing six feet two inches tall, tree trunk like thick legs, legs which looked powerful enough to crush a mountain in on kick, a massive v shaped torso and 10 pack abs which were aligned like an arrow pointing towards bottom wards. On his abs were set massive chest with strong looking pecs and titan shoulders. His massive arm connected to his massive shoulders. On his massive shoulders sat a thick sturdy neck which was supported a decent face, dark hair, short cropped formal haircut, bristly eye brows the shape of a scythe, the almond shaped black eyes looked mature for his age, his skin tan from the long hours in the sun, his half dome cheek bones sat above an oaken jaw. In between his legs hung his penis, presenting himself in front of Tara as if the world was his for the taking. Seeing his Herculean figure in all its glory Tara let out a high pitched low volume whistle “Fweeet… fwee, man that’s one delicious snack I would love to have!!”. Realizing he was naked, he hid behind his bag and closed the closet doors, his face was red hidden due to his swarthy skin. He brought out his dhoti and wore it, he was going to get out of the closet when he thought of the woman outside and brought out another dhoti and wore it like an angvastram and covered his torso. He then opened the gate of closet with his head bowed and like a kid punished by his teacher he came out. Seeing him come out of the closet head bowed and covered from head to toe sent Tara into a fit of laughter “hahahahahahahahaha” she was rolling on the floor, she held her stomach and continued laughing “hahahahahahahahaha”. She rolled to her four limbs, this gave Kush a view of her from rear, he got an erection from the view unconsciously, the silhouette of his erection was clearly visible against his garments. When Tara saw this, she went into another of laughter “hahahahahahahahaha” pausing to catch her breath “You are precious!!!” when she saw Kush’s bowed head she continued again “hahahahahahahahaha”.

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