《He has descended》The exile


After the apocalypse that following the split in ocean floor's crack, was over Pruthu who was protecting the planet's living beings and major geological formations, was fatigued. His hair had thinned out, the top of his scalp entirely bald. He had visibly lost atleast 50-60 kgs of weight, the eyeballs in his eyes had faded to white. His molars had come off, his nail thinned and cracked, his skin had wrinkles all over, it was festering and bleeding at many locations. His bodyguards, who were also popularly known as his sword and shield, were distraught with worry but this was beyond their capabilities.

Barely retaining consciousness, Pruthu sat there in Padmasan, he opened his eyes, as soon as he did this, the layer of power protecting Bhumi withdrew back to him. Despite extreme exhaustion Pruthu, maintained his regal appearance, his posture erect, eye though white were still full of power, he stood from his place without support from his guards and made a steady slow pace towards his chambers.

"My lord, please let us help you"

Pruthu raises his open palm gesturing him to stop "Send someone with food and water to my chambers. I need to rest for a couple of days. Do not disturb me if it is not important."

Knowing his personality, they did not disobey and continued "My lord, it must be those damn fish people revolting against you. Should we prepare for a war against them?”

Hearing this, Pruthu shook his head "A lot of their species died as well and they would have been extinct had I not intervened. It cannot be them" Glaring at them, he continued "I have told you two many times, not to have prejudice against any other species. You should have perceived the disaster through me, how the heck did you come to this conclusion?"

They lowered their heads in indignation and shame, this world and its 'Rules' were built to have peace.

Pruthu went into his chambers, he had left a thin layer of his perception on a few, key strong people he acknowledged, to ensure they were anyway involved in some mischievous activity. This way he was sure none of the major powers were involved in this apocalypse. However, he was surprised about one of them, Sagar, who seemed to be one those tagged beings nearest to the epicentre. Pruthu was sure he was probably the most straight forward man out there, so he was not responsible for the incident, but still before he went to sleep tried to trace Sagar's movement a little.

More than 2 days passed, before Pruthu could wake up. His natural healing had taken care of his external injuries, but his internal injuries still remained as is. Still wobbly on his feet, he reached for a jug of water, pouring himself a glass, he spread his awareness across Bhumi again.

Tan tan tan tan tan..... dropped the glass of water from his hands, he lost all his regal demeanour, his mouth agape, his eyebrows raised, his eyes spread open and his hands wide open. He felt something dark on the black peak, something inhumane, something dark, darker than soot, darker than space, he was aware of the presence of black hole in space but this, this could not be defined,

"Could this be a black hole star, as per the astrophysicists a black hole was the state of a star like 'Surya (the star in Bhumi's solar system)' wherein within the event horizon not even light could escape"

"Had there been a black hole, we would have been done for, it cannot be that. This is not natural, this is something sinister, something darker. This is could be related to the disaster, I should investigate this myself"


Regaining his composure, he shouted loudly "Durandal!!! Aegis!!! arrange the guards we are moving out"

At a moment’s notice Durandal came barging in "My lord, is everything alright?"

Pruthu explained him and Aegis, who followed after him what he saw. Both of them fell silent on learning of the sinister being and said "My lord you need not endanger yourself with this matter. The ordeal from a few days back has put an incredible strain on your body. Your survival is directly linked to the survival of the planet. Moreover, the sinister being must have expended a lot creating this chaos, it very unlikely to endanger yourself with this, let us go and investigate what the presence is"

"I don’t think you'll be able to manage that on your own not something of this scale" Replied Pruthu.

Hearing this the two, known as the sword and shield of the great Pruthu, were stunned. Never had they thought that, there would be a foe they could not defeat. Though individually they were not the strongest, but together if they said they second strongest, then no one would claim to be the strongest.

"Then my lord" continued Durandal " Pardon me but, considering the condition you are in even you won’t be of any help over there. You can barely stand"

They stood firm, determined even, not to allow Pruthu to even go near the being. Soon Pruthu noticed that Sagar was standing there near the source of evil.

"That dumbass is going to die......."

As Sagar was lifting the evil thing in his hand and started frantically swimming around, Pruthu's face tensed up. There's another presence with him, this seems to be that of an ordinary being. Once he reached an island, Sagar stopped along with the evil and third presence. Suddenly, Pruthu feels two immense presences on the same island as Sagar, they seem to be moving towards the three. These presences, one of them seems to be a warrior, don't tell me is it the Hero of this generation, impossible.... Every great being born will come with a divine indication from the sky, which can be a meteorite, a volcanic eruption, a major earthquake anything. Plus Heroes are only born when the universe needs him, following the cycle of Karma, if a being so powerful is born he needs an equivalent reason, else it will shift the balance of power. The other presence seems holy to the extreme, as if feeling it puts him at ease and sped up his healing even. This feeling of comfort, was like that of a mother's embrace "Ah....... how long has it been since I've been this comfortable?" thought Pruthu to himself.

When the two presences neared the evil presence, Pruthu tenses up in anticipation and after a couple of seconds, he loses track of evil presence i.e. the dark evil presence turns into a normal presence. Stunned twice in a single day, Pruthu lost his composure, "What is happening? How the hell did this inexplicable event happen?"

Seeing him lose composure for the first time Durandal and Aegis asked in panic "What it is, My lord?"

Pruthu ignoring them intensified his concentration on the Hero Krishna. Feeling surveillance intensify on himself, Krishna simply waved his hand and broke it off of everybody on the peak-island. He then went ahead with the splitting of seas and disappeared along cow shaped Bhumi. Along the way Krishna said to Bhumi "Thank you for your help"

Bhumi smiled and replied "I did not know I have become the birth place of such a grand figure. Thank you for educating me about it oh Hero Krishna"


Krishna smiled and thought "You still don’t understand the extent of his powers"

They parted ways and Hero Krishna headed towards Pruthu's castle barging in through the main gate, it took next no time to reach Pruthu. As he stood there, everything around him literally stopped in the whole castle, the water in the fountain stopped mid-air, the leaves on the trees and the grass on the ground stopped rustling, the chest of the guards stopped moving, everything lost its colour, turning to the same yellow shade, everything except for The Hero Krishna and Pruthu.

"LAW!!!! the un-opposable power of law. Who is it?" Screamed Pruthu in his head, cause he was too scared to open his mouth. When he saw the entire form of the being in front of him, the untainted dark skinned, clothes, the flute and this power.

"It can't be....... I thought you wouldn't be...."

"Shut up and listen to me you useless old bum of a man. Never touch the presences you felt out there on the island, they are not to be touched by you ever, else........"

Saying so he ascended into a jet of ligth into the sky and disappeared. He left as abruptly as he came.

The people inside the castle did not even realise what had happened. It’s as if the world had paused for them for the few seconds.

Pruthu was on the floor, panting and gasping for breath. Seeing him there Durandal and Aegis came to support

"My lord!!!...."

Pruthu raised his hand asking them to halt. He picked himself up and turned around and started moving towards his chambers, with a subtle hint in his voice he told the two of them "Don't touch Sagar and his wife"

A month had passed for the couple in Kishunpali, the ever popular Sagar and his wife with the power of a sage went along with their life, his company building had been destroyed and few of his employees had died, he was thankful to God that his wife, son and Rhodos. Yes she was the mermaid girl who was rescued by Sagar on this journey. He used gold from his repository and compensated the families of the deceased generously, so much so that he almost did not have money to build himself anything, but he was content, cause anywhere he went his power was enough for him to survive. He used the rest of the jewels and gold to help re-build the village where he and his wife themselves helped with the construction while Rhodos took care of Kush.

Rhodos following the natural cycle of Mermaids lost all her power post shedding of her scales i.e. she lost the ability to use her powers, duration for which she will have her power sealed depends on the amount of power she gets but since no one, in recorded history, had ever gotten to 18 years, except for Poseidon of course, even Alicia had no clue as to when she would get powers, for now out gratefulness to Sagar for saving her life, she had taken the eternal wow to serve him to the utmost of her powers. Considering that a being with the potential to become as strong as the Hero Poseidon, was asking to become his servant made Sagar giddy with happiness, but since she was powerless right now he only asked her to menial tasks like take care of the lawn or take care of baby Kush when they were busy helping the villagers.

When he brought baby Kush to his wife, she was ecstatic. Mermaids seldom reproduced, unlike humans they had a long life span, so the couple were childless for a long time, seeing the boy with few black hairs on his head, untainted bronze skin, sleeping motionless in her husband’s arms as if tired from an ordeal. Well if an ordeal can fuck her husband up this much it must have been something. That night with his head in her lap, he told her all that happened in the sea, she cried when he told her how he lost his arm, but did not scold him, because she knew what he was like when she married him, the person who would never stop at anything to help a person in need. Part of it was because of how he was raised and circumstances around his birth. But the real shocker was a Rhodos, who survived scale removal at the age of 18. “Sigh…… this disaster on the same day as her receiving this power and the baby being born on this day. Looks like fate has something twisted in store for the little guy. Don’t worry my baby, your mother is still strongest person (arguably) in this world, she not let anything happen to you”

The next day, while Rhodos and Sagar were resting up, Alicia took the baby to the best physician in Surat to get his hand checked, as she had feared, they had to amputate the baby’s right hand right below the shoulder, or the necrosis would have killed the little baby. Next day the couple went to the physician who performed the procedure. It was painful to watch the son she had waited for so long to happen that she cried herself to sleep with the baby next to her. “Please oh lord…. Please….” was all she said in tears. A week later they joined efforts of rebuilding the village

A couple of months later, the forces responsible for spreading the message of Pruthu reached Kishunpali. People had heard that Pruthu had arranged them to help citizens and were eternally grateful. They provided villagers with limited amount of money to restart their life. But in Kishunpali they arrived with a grim atmosphere and weapons on their side at the ready. Standing in the central square of the village under the humongous banyan tree, a scholarly looking person came out of the forces and opened a scroll. The scroll on its rear, which was facing the public, had the symbol of Bharat and it read:

“Hear Ye, hear ye,

All who are standing here shall bear witness to this announcement. It is decreed that Sagar, the orphan, and all associated with him have been sentenced to death, for the crime of harbouring the seed of evil responsible for the death and destruction in Bhumi which occurred on Fifth day of Karthik Month in the year 2345. His wife, the sage Alicia, shall has been decreed to serve the great king of Bharat, King Dhana Nanda of the Nanda dynasty. This village has been surrounded by the allied army of Bharat, Mongol, Jared and Europa which 5 million strong. All who oppose the forces will be held compatriot as well and will be sentenced to death right here and right now”

Hearing this people of Kishunpali were stunned, there was pin drop silence in the square where people were moving around, too busy to even take a breath. To re-build their beloved village.

“Just who the fuck thinks they can lay their dirty greasy palms on my family. I will kill any fucking person who even looks towards them” came a roaring female voice, power in the voice caused half the people in the square to literally shit their pants.

The crowd spilt apart allowing the figure of the fearsome sage right in front of the scholarly person, in direct view, the scholarly person couldn’t help but lose his mind for a bit seeing the beauty of the new entrant, the voluptuous figure, the seductive lips, sexy waist and above all the face which someone in the legendary Apsara species would not have he thought. But only for a moment did he let his thoughts run wild, reigning himself in he continued

“Lady Alicia I presume. Talks about your beauty and power precedes you. Thank you for giving me the honour to address you, oh great Sage”

“Shut the fuck up, you fucking lizard, did you really think you pesky plebeians had any chance against me, Alicia. Numbers only work against a weakling, I will slaughter each and every one of you, in a heartbeat if need be”

Hearing this five people from behind him come forward “You are a really arrogant one aren’t you. You think you can win anywhere you are a sage” said a red haired dark skinned woman from behind the scholarly person.

“Now now, miss. Let’s not do something which can’t be undone” he said to red haired woman.

Looking towards he Alicia he continued “Lady Alicia, please don’t be a hurry. We too have five sages, who I will have to use to suppress you if need be. Why do you a sage want to stay with a damn fisherman…….”

Before he could finish

“splat, splat, splat, splat” off came the heads of four of the five sages behind him. The red haired girl stunned fell on her ass. She had shock and awe all over her face. Slowly she started to back up.

“And who the fuck gave you the permission to back away, you fucking bitch she said as she threw a knife which cut her nose off”

“Ahhhhhh……...” cried the red headed sage as she rolled on the ground, her hands over her nose trying to stop the bleeding, even then slowly she was backing away from the Alicia. In all this commotion the scholarly person was dumbstruck to even say anything.

“How did this happen???? What do I do??? I need to run” As he was turning around Alicia grabbed his hair and continued “The fuck you going at? You fucking scum” and threw him to the ground

“Now repeat what you said”

As all this was happening, a man walks into the square, he would stand in any crowd, considering his huge build 6’10” height, barrel chest, muscular arms, thick neck and amputated arm. None other than Sagar had entered the fray. Seeing the commotion had shifted the attention away from her, the red haired woman was making her way out of the village.

Seeing this the scholarly man shouted “You bitch Surpan…..” he got kicked in his groin by Alicia mid-sentence.

“aaaahhhh……” he cried unable to maintain any coherent thought. In pain, his eyes and nose started running. When had he, the prime minister of Bharat, suffered such pain and humiliation. Yes, he was the prime minister of Bharat the great ‘learned’ being Swapandas Himalaya of the great Himalaya clan. When his eyes fell on his on the amputated man, he knew who he was instantly, believing him to be a fisherman he shouted at his guards “The heck are you nincompoops doing. That is Sagar, capture him!!!!!”

Hearing this his personal contingent of 9 half step-sages surrounded Sagar.

“Hahahahha. How do you like that now you bitch? Now fucking strip down and suck my cock in this very co….”

“Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh……….” he cried in pain, he cried in sadness cause this time his nads and cock had been crushed beyond repair. He will never have child again, even the great ‘Devta Ashiwini Kumar’ couldn’t undo this. He was done for.

While this happened he grit his teeth he wanted to see how his guards had killed the fisherman, he felt all his hope lost, around the damn fisherman were puddles to flesh and blood. A scene so horrific that children will be given descriptions of this scene to scare them to sleep.

“Babe, what is happening here?”

Alicia jumps to his side and tells him in a cool voice, as if she had swatted five mosquitoes, nothing “Nothing honey, seems like there’s a hit out on your name by one of those dumbasses again”

Hearing this everybody in the village square were dumbfounded. How is being sentenced to death by four kings a ‘nothing’.

Just they were talking a hundred thousand soldiers arrived at the gate. The general commanding the legion shouted, “Accused Sagar who has been sentenced to …….”

“Like I give a shit about the rules your king or his country makes” hearing the gist of things pissed him off to no end.

He closed his mighty fist which, seemed to encompass the power of the world, raised his only hand (right one) and punched air in front of the legion. As if a crack formed in the space, an awesome power the world not seen for a couple of centuries, re-appeared to the world. The legion of hundred thousand soldiers were wiped out, in but an instant.

Seeing the legion being wiped in but an instant, Swapandas’s eye turned red. The swine used all the power he could muster to lift himself off the ground and move away from the couple. There he was hit by a knife which right into the middle of his palm.

“The fuck you going to, you fucking dung for a human” said Alicia.

“Stop, I am the prime-minister of Bharat, if you kill King Nanda will not spare you”

“you think your king can even touch a hair on our head”

“Stop, even if you are untouchable, we can harass the villagers here. We will murder each and every one of them covertly. They will never survive”

Just as Alicia was about to finish him off she was held back by Sagar, who said “I can’t give up my life for this”

“Agreed agreed”, seeing the flow of talk changing, the swine took a deep breath and continued “I can convince the council, if you are exiled. Away from any contact with any species, we want to make it so that you and your family are the only things out there. This command came from way above the chain”

“This will not end with me. More people will come, even they might not able to hurt you, but everything around you will be turned to dust. I can give you few days to reconsider…..”

Hearing the condition, Sagar thought “The fucking old man wants to push me out, ‘is it because of Kush’”

“The kid was blessed with endurance as his characteristic power, what can he even do???”

But cause of his direct nature, he instantly made the decision “I accept. We will leave at dawn the day after. But I have a condition”

“What is it?”

“I will leave, but if anybody follows me to know where I am going, I will come back and this time it will be war!!!!!!!”


“What?? Do you agree?”

“I agree. I agree. Thank you for your generosity, I myself will pass this message to the council”

Ending the conversation, they turned around and left. What was left in their wake, was the death of 100000 people and sages. Powers of the like would shake any country to their core. The villagers realised for the first time, they were living with a monster. A monster of such a degree that it could single handedly shake the world.

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