《He has descended》The descent


It started as a 2 dimensional crack in a part of the universe, and it started growing at a speed bilions of times the speed of light, connecting nowhere to nowhere, fabric of time and space itself started bending more than what any matter be it star or planet could bend. It seemed like it wanted to merge the past present and future, everything was starting to slow down, the planets' rotation & revolution the revolution of stars around the nebulae, the movement of gas giants, all collisions were slowing down. The crack sped through hundreds of thousands of lightyears of nebulae in each galaxy in its path, opposing gravity of the clouds. This caused a cyclone of sorts in each galaxy pulling the palentary bodies to eye which was the 'Crack'.

The seven lower lokas viz. atala, vitala, sutala, rasataal, talatal, matatal and pataal started to push into the bhuloka. The Danavas and daityas on realizing this couldn't believe their eyes. In the darkness of Patala Loka where the air is so dense humans on earth would feel as if he were stuck in cement, water is so viscous that even glass moves faster when allowed to fall, where the food is as hard blocks of steel, lies castle whose surface area is larger than milky way itself. In the lowermost floor of the castle there was a throne on which sat, with closed eyes, a humanoid being whose toe was big as the solar system itself. On noticing the 8 of the 14 lokas being pushed towards each other, he frowned, this disaster could destroy billions of lives on his loka and for sure spell the end of all the other lokas.

Hmm...... Who will they send to stop this one? he thought. No one came to his mind, who could stop the destruction. That freaking giant tortoise could carry Bhuloka and head up, but that would only delay the inevitable, plus looks like pull to the lokas is from within Bhuloka itself, anything not protected by 'Daiviya' shield is being pulled towards it. Something like this would probably need...... suddenly cold sweat ran down his back drenching the throne even, he lost control of his 'Asur' power which split the sky in 'Patal' in half, for as far as the eyes could see, beings in pataalok lost control of their bowels, their knees gave out due to the awesome power of the 'Asuraja'. He brought his powers under control and opened his green eyes, only to see his soldiers cowering in fear. "Brother!!" came the voice from the gate of the court, "what happened brother???". In came a hulking figure who was 1.5 time taller than the 'Asuraja'. Concern in his voice was not unfounded, because never had his brother lost control of his powers as such and whatever happened to 'Bhuloka' or any other lower Lokas was none of their concerns and they had enough strength to protect the 'Asuras' from this disaster. Suddenly the 'Asuraja' starts laughing "Hahahahahahahahahahahah", seeing his generally calm brother's violent laughter scared the new entrant. After calming down the 'Asuraja' says "younger brother it has been 100000 Yug already". Confused the younger brother still didn't understand the significance of this, the 'Asuraja' thinks to himself "It is time for him to des......."

In 'Bhuloka' universe, in a corner farthest from the origin of the crack, their was a planet named Bhumi. It was full of living organisms, trees as far the eyes could see, water so abundant that never had their been dry spell in any corner of the planet. Humans were at the top of the food chain here. Pruthu the ruler of the entire planet was considered a wise king, beyond ages. It was said that he could look into the future and knew all about the past, hence could drive the empire in the correct direction in the present.


It was late in the night, Pruthu standing on banks of a river was looking at the sky. He had noticed that the days and nights were getting longer ever so slightly, this was an impossible event, atleast not until some 'Daiviya' or 'Asur' power intentionally interferred with this. But he also knew that these were divine interventions and only occured following a time mentioned in the sacred texts and it was not yet time, infact descent of Asur for this yug had already been solved. As he was lost in thought, the sky started turing purple tinge, the purple pigment started increasing till the whole sky looked like large lavender flower petal and if a celestial shower had been opened if started raining heavily, an earthquake occured of a scale never recorded before cracks started originating from the river, being filled with the now turbulent water from the river. Pruthu on seeing this strengthened his already prevalent perception all over Bhumi to identify at any cost what or who could be cause of this event this was the end, end of all the life forms, that he promised to protect, end of his subjects and end of all. He had to do something.

In the another part of Bhumi there was child running in the streets of his village without any care in the world. He was playing tag with his friends trying to get away from the person who was 'It'. He was skillfully running ducking and dogging the girl chasing him trying to tag him. They were Naman and Seema, childhood friends grew up together in the same village. Seeing them engaged with one another, their friends:

"Their they go again"

"I told you it wont be any fun if they are here"

"But i wanted to play with her, that's why i called her"

"But then why did you call him!!!"

"Cause she wouldn't come if he's not there"




Just as they talk among each other Naman jumps from a rock and dashes towards a tree climbing like a monkey, Seema seeing this stops in her tracks and picks up a stone to throw at Naman

"Woah there, you nuts or what?"

"I am not nuts and Naman if you dont step down from there right this instant i am gonna start throwing these rocks"

" that's cheating, no rules allow you to throw rocks"

"Climbing up a tree is not fair as well"

"It is, you climb up as well if you wan.. hey... i said its cheating to throw rocks"

She starts throwing stones at him.

Meanwhile among the friends in the corner

"wish she was throwing those rock at me"

"i know what you mean"

With a sour face "now i wish he drops dead"

It is said that 'you should watch what you wish for it might just come true', just as he said those words the sky turned purple. Seeing this Seema stopped the pelting, with her mouth agape she stared at the lavender-eque sky which looked odly enticing and beautiful. Then the came the rain and earthquake, the quaking of the tree caused Naman to drop into a crack which split open i the ground. He fell on a spike which impaled him and he died instantly. Seeing this Seema cried loudly "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" tears rolling down her cheeks. The friends in the corner seeing this came running towards her and grabbed her wrist, they started running towards their village to their home, the only place they could register as their home. Little did they realise that the tree was shrinking as if growing smaller and the Naman's body rotting at speed visible to naked and in half a minute his body disappeared as if their never existed before. The children were running towards their village, but they realised they were growing increasingly tired and their knees and backs were starting to ache, a feeling unfamiliar to children their age, they stopped when they realised wrinkles all over their body. They had grown old, just then the one holding Seema's wrist screamed, all he had in his hand was a skeletal palm and bones left in their trail. After a couple of seconds they seemed too tired to notice that the village gate pillar had broken down and walls of the houses had broken down as well. They dropped to the ground dead and couple of seconds later they were dust in the wind.


The earthquake had continued for a few minutes now leaving death and destruction in its wake when suddenly all matter stopped, the earth stopper tearing apart, the earthquake had paused, the wind had stopped, people got a moment of respite. They could feel Pruthu's awesome power circulating through them preventing them from aging or regressing, they could feel plants starting to hold the ground preventing the earth from splitting up they could see the ocean waves subsiding, they were standing their dumbfounded soaking in the rain unable to make head or tail of the situation, all they knew that their saviour had called upon a miracle again. All over the world all the species bowed their head to the ground and prayed. "all hail pruthu" never had been a chant so powerfull and in unison, rain could not drown out th enthusiasm of the people all over the world. People thought they were saved.

Somewhere a 100000 m below the surface of the ocean, a small fissure occured. The ocean water rapidly flowing into it, trying to calm the a potetial rapid torrent of lavawhich was about to come. But nothing was going to stop it.

Pruthu on realising the fissure couldn't hold his anxiety back, it was taking his all just to hold back everything and this was beyond his capability, steam arose from his body from every drop of rain falling on him, skin was beet red from exertion. He realised it was the end.

Somewhere in Kailash, the plane above all planes, the abode of God of Gods.

From His asana he opened his lotus-eque eyes, which showed all the knowledge of the world within it, the hand which held the all powerfull trident "The Trishul", around his neck was the snake which could encircle all creation in itself, He spoke to a person

"On your way, will you take care of this please"

"As you decree, Almighty. I will then take my leave with your permission"


Then from a certain plane unknow to others came a rock. There was nothing in its path which could stop it, while it travelled all the 14 planes reverbrated in fear and the crack in Bhuloka as if sending the impending doom paused its travel. As if a bright shooting star in the sky the rock kept falling until it reached 'Bhuloka' and said


Crack started receding. The space time aray started healing itself, adjusting to the remaining planetary bodies. Disarray had been left in a part of the universe, with planets becoming humogous meteor travelling in path they had been left in. Countless stars turned into black holes splitting the prevalent galaxies in to parts and moving away with their own share of stars into the ends of the universe. Rock paused and a human hand sort of shape started protruding from the rock and took grip as if turning a knob on the door, Just as this was happening, in came a shout

"Please stay your hand, or else you will tear me apart. please dont reverse time" It was the 'Deva' of time 'Samay' 'Stenographer of Gods'. He who held the records of events in his fabric of time.

The rock paused

"Oh Almighty, please guide me" he said

Then came a voice from Vaikunth "Dont do it, this part of the universe of devoid of life and planets will realign and re-arrange themselves as per the laws of this world"

"As you decree, Almighty"

The rock continued on it journey

Samay sighed in relief. "Thought for sure i was goner, so its been 100000 Yugs already huh. I am slipping, to forget the greatest event to occur in this world. Oh well, atleast while he is there he will follow the laws of the world here"

On the planet Bhumi. Pruthu was struggling keeping destroyed planet intact. "Looks like the core the has been split apart. Seems i have to decend into the core to hold the planet together"

"Sigh...... so this is it eh."

"What are you sighing about Pruthu, you have lived for a good few centuries now. Lets let the kids take over eh...."

Just as he was about of descend he saw a shooting star in the sky and he prayed. He prayed for mercy for his subjects and absolution to his soul.

It is said when you ask for something with a clean heart then the entire universe puts its effort together to help you. The star, rock descending from the plane unknown fell into crater formerly the fissure in the sea floor. Load on Pruthu vanished, he could now release his hold and let go and from the fissure out grew a mountain. A never before seen mountain of immense height it kept on raising up, steeply and in but a few seconds it reached the surface of ocean where it looked as if an island had been formed.




Reverbrated the cries of the baby on the island. It was over. He had descended

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