《Yuri life! In Another World》Chapter – 3 : Transported In Another World


A warm, soft breeze caresses the girl's cheeks. Birds chirp in the sunlight on the trees, and the sound of a murmuring river comes from somewhere.


In such a bright and peaceful forest, Yui Kusaka woke up. Her pearly black eyes and well-groomed long black hair shone darkly in the sunlight.

"Oh, ......" she said, "I'm ......? Where am I ...... where is .........where?" Yui asked to herself in a confused state. Being stranded and waking up abandoned in a forest is the least she expected would happen in her life.

‘My head is somehow terribly foggy. Perhaps it is natural since I woke up from sleep, but my mind feels hazy and my thoughts are not coherent.’ Yui thought to herself as she drummed her head with circled fists in hopes of recovering her memory from just before.

However, as soon as the girl lying next to her comes into view, her consciousness is awakened at once, and she shakes the girl's shoulder hurriedly.

“Airi! Airi! Wake up!" She spoke worriedly as premonitions of what happened before falling unconscious slowly started coming to her.

The one lying on the ground was her childhood friend and girlfriend, Airi Mochizuki. The moment she sees Airi, the memory of what happened just a moment ago comes back to her vividly.

"umu......... umm........." Airi’s lips were sealed as they moved on their own with difficulty.

“Airi! Are you okay, Airi, say something?” Yui got worried by every second as she saw Airi lying flat. It was a relief that her voluptuous breast did a perfect job in depicting she was breathing, as it went up and down with her warm breath slowly drifting off from her mouth as Yui felt it on her face.

But still there was appeared to be a blockage in her wind pipe as her face appeared hurt and expression constricted. Most probably Airi had inhaled a lot of smoke and Yui needed to think of a way to get Airi rid of the carbon monoxide form the fire.

Yui looked around and except for dense trees and forest, she found no one nearby to call for help.

Yui bringing her lips close to her to give oral respiration, just in case in regards to her previous condition and pale body colour, which was actually her natural colour. She felt relived on feeling the warm air that left Airi’s small mouth.

Yui being on the sports team was already an expert in such emergency cases and knew what the best course of action would be. And went for the CPR…

Wetting Airi lips she pushed in as much oxygen as she could, holding her by her body and warming it with her own affection.


Yui grimaced as she got to feel Airi’s sweet lips again which she thought she would never be able to after the fire broke out. And after a few rounds of CPR, Airi finally started coughing up.

Yui turned her head to the side so she wouldn’t choke on it again. From an outside perspective it looked like Yui was kissing her passionately, which she was actually doing simultaneously while saving Airi’s life.

Airi sleepily opens her eyes. She wakes up with a startled look and looks at the Yui with drowsy eyes.

“Is that ......you, Yui .........” A feeble voice came from the bottom.

“Oh, Airi ......... thank goodness Airi ......!” Yui looked thoroughly relieved as she stopped her kiss.

Airi felt uncomfortable and before Yui could move away from over her top. Suddenly, Airi interrupted her by throwing her arms around her and giving Yui a deep kiss. It was so unexpected that Yui didn’t have any time to move out of the way.

“Mmmf!? Mmmmm!!!”

”Mmmpch... Mmm...”

Airi wrapped her arms and legs around Yui, locking her in place while she mercilessly ravaged her mouth with her tongue. With Yui’s strength and the leverage in her position she could have easily broken away.

A beautiful illustrations of Yui and Airi kissing - https://www.patreon.com/posts/chapter-1-yours-65225644?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare

But rather she felt alive doing this and much more relieved than when Airi was simply lying. It was just like her to be so submissive but forceful when least expected. Yui thought without wasting a single drop to fall from their kiss as they exchanged their saliva and taste, making this their own taste known to each other at the very same time.

Yui just simply wanted to be Airi’s breath if that’s what real love meant. To be living in her every breath and be her life-support.

Somehow, Airi had been aware of all the “kisses” Yui had given her while she was performing CPR. Perhaps it was a special condition brought on by the fact that Airi was in deep love with Yui and it was that connection that made her aware of it. Or, so Airi thought to herself.

Regardless, Yui’s repeated kisses had flung her into full overdrive mode. She kept Yui firmly pinned in place while she returned her kisses a hundredfold all over the face.

Airi now was still half-delirious from passion and near-death euphoria. She panted heavily as she kissed Yui.

Yui then grabbed Airi’s plump butt, giving it a firm squeeze.

“Aahn!” She let out a garbled moan. In that second, her ironclad grip loosened.

Airi now satisfied and let goes off Yui.

Yui in turn hugs Airi tightly. Her eyes were full of tears.

“Yui ......? What's wrong .........?" Airi unable to understand the reason on seeing tears in Yui’s eyes.


“'Uuuh ......... don't you remember what happened to us?” Yui asks Airi, recalling she fell unconscious sooner than her.

Yui is wailing in Airi's chest. It's no wonder, they had just been caught in a fire at a love hotel and inhaled a lot of smoke. They fell to the floor and let go of their consciousness.

For Yui, who remembers the moment just before the fire, it was a miracle that they were alive. It is hard to believe that they escaped from a situation in which they could have otherwise never been able to survive.

"Let's see,...... what was it,...... we had sex at a love hotel.........." Yui puts a finger to her lips and licked some of the saliva that Yui left back in a very erotic manner.

“You remember that part!" Yui felt relieved, that it wasn’t a case of Amnesia and Airi was still the same girl she knew who could show such a saucy disposition only to her.

“And because it felt good,......... and afterwards,...... we took a bath and I really wanted to have sex with you there too underwater." Airi rubbed her red cheeks in excitement.

“I'm not sure. I really wanted to do that in the bath ...... but that doesn't matter now!" Yui said embarrassedly as she noted down one of Airi’s fantasies and would later try to fulfill it for her.

“And then…” A strange silence fell on Airi’s face as bad memories poured in her brain too. She held her chest tight and her eyes scrunched. Airi possessed a strong memory so the images of such painful memories left her devastated when she did actually remember them.

“Airi don’t force yourselves… I will tell you what happened.” Yui took Airi’s head and putting it on her lap she gently pats her head. Airi felt relieved again as her heartbeat slowed down.

From there, Yui explained everything to Airi how they were trapped in between the four walls and fire and then the final blast should have taken them out.

After that much explanation, Airi finally remembered it all.

“Yui did you shield me from the blast?” Airi asked worriedly as all her face proportions of a cute young girl who cuddled in the arms of another cute girl was disembodied.

“Yeah I think I did. My body kind of moved on its own there. Nothing to worry about.”

“That’s not it!” Airi took off from Yui’s lap something which she wouldn’t do usually and went to look at Yui’s back. The back part of her dress was burnt and the most horrific burn marks were there on her back.

Airi broke in tears on seeing this, “Yui tell me are you really alright. Then what’s this burn mark on your back.”

“Yeah! There’s a tingling feeling but nothing serious.” Yui laughed it off as she felt herself worried now.

“Fine then I am going to solve this mystery of our enigmatic situation.” Airi declared.

Airi took off her white hoodie and was now in her school uniform. In a fashionable manner Airi now gave her hoodie to Yui and made it wear her.

“Put this on to cover the burn mark. I am going to analyse our situation and find the best possible way out now.”

Yui was shocked to see Airi so fired up. Yui knew Airi was a highly intelligent girl but she always avoided to use it because it only brought trouble for her.

But if it was for Yui, she would be willing to find a way to the farthest bright star and pluck it from the sky just for Yui to adore it.

“First it looks like we are not in our country anymore. The vegetation and the trees growing here are of different variety that are not found in our home country; but usually in rain-forest areas with evergreen trees. Also, the weather is much more humid and warm. It reminds me of something like the forest in Amazon. Second it’s highly unlikely that someone would first rescue us from the hotel and then throw us out here. We really need to work out our location. As for your treatment I guess we should wash it off with clean water first.” Airi explained.

“Wowwww!!” Yui clapped in amazement.

Airi then explained how she heard a water body flowing nearby and if they walk alongside it they would surely come across a settlement and learn more about this place.

“We might have survived right now. But the real challenge comes now because we don’t have any food or fresh water to drink. In this summer heat we need to procure these items quick and find out how we were saved from the fire blast and who brought us and threw us in the middle of nowhere.” Airi was frustrated because if someone did really save them they were probably also the one who threw them here. Not to forget they did not leave a proper way to treat Yui’s burn marks.

Hence the two finally decided to set out in the direction from where they could hear the water rumbling.

Yui knew following Airi’s plan would bring them the best results and if she trusted anyone more than herself in this entire world then it was only ⸺ Airi.

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