《Beast King now a Mage》Chapter 17- Invasion


The residual winter chill still remained in the North Eastern region. The Black Castle stood strong on the Eastern Border for over 200 years. There was a massive mountain, the Chilran Mountain range separating Argon from Elion acting as a natural border between the two powers. The existing gaps in the Chilran Mountain range were protected by forts and castles like the Black Castle here. Argon had established both a massive and powerful ground army, while some of the other powers like Lome focused on a powerful navy. Elion hadn't been sitting around preparing to surrender either, we have established a powerful mage force that can at least contend with Argon's. The only problem we had was the actual deployment of our troops. The Red Tower was established at the border between Renee and the Ancient Forest. The forest itself was a mysterious yet frightful existence. The resources gathered from the forest allowed Elion to prosper in many ways, but it was a constant threat and danger at the same time. Occasional monster waves and the creatures that came from the forest were more of a threat than Argon had been. A monster wave that had threatened Elion's existence twenty years ago fueled the decision to build the Red Tower and the city of Renee bordering that mysterious forest. The distance from the Tower to here spanned the entire width of Elion which made deploying our largest mage force very difficult. I would send word the moment Argon started their attack, and within one week we'd get reinforcements.

"We're almost there Lord!"


The Black Castle was chaotic when we arrived. People were rushing to and fro all over the place preparing for a battle soon to come.


"I'm Darien! I've come to hold this location until reinforcements arrive!"


I took out my seal from my pocket and used a little bit of wind magic to throw it to the top of the castle walls. The commander at the top grabbed it from the air and inspected it for a few seconds before saying, "SLIGHT OPEN!" The gate opened just enough to let our carriage through before closing again.

When I entered the castle gate, Lord Winthrop came down to greet me. "So they sent the Red Tower Master. Hah! I honestly thought they'd give up on this location!"


"Victor, there were some who wished to delay any action at all in hopes that after Elion is conquered, we might find some strategy to take it back. Of course, James and Ernest aren't stupid, the moment this Castle falls it'll be an uphill battle just preventing Argon from sweeping through everything."

"Darien, I'm incredibly happy that you've made the choice to come here personally, but even so our chances of holding the fortress aren't great. Take a look right here." He handed me a telescope as we made it to the other side of the castle walls facing Eastward toward Argon's forces. My heart grew heavy at the sight. It was hard to imagine the sheer mass that 200,000 soldiers made up. Their army was simply uncountable.

"You see those two flags, Darien? The one in the middle is Argon's Imperial flag, and the other to the right is the Brown Towers coat of arms. They brought a Tower Master with them. Their army isn't made up of just numbers, they brought an expert with them."

"They sent the Turtle Lord here with an Imperial family member?"

"Yes, we have to prepare for the worst."

"Are they underestimating us?"

"Excuse me?"

"The moment either I or the Mud Lord falls the entire situation changes. If one of us dies or gets incapacitated the other side will have to contend with a Grand Mage, with Castle walls and a thousand men, I could hold this fort alone. Che, I was expecting them to send at least two Tower Masters, not to mention the Iron Turtle of all choices! Victor, give me a status report."

"Argon has been preparing for siege warfare for the last 6 hours. We've prepared all of our Castles defenses from hot oil to heavy rocks. Our arrow reserves are stocked and ready, and our cannons are loaded, manned, and ready."

"How's the food reserves?"

"We can last a month if we ration."

"Good, don't start rationing yet, it's important everyone is well fed for not only their strength but for their endurance as well. I can't participate fully in case the Turtle makes a move. If he so much as gets in range of the walls I'll kill him. Elijah and Tobias will help with the Castle's defenses."


"Yes, sir!" "Yes!"

I walked around the watchtowers and soldiers stationed at the ramparts. Each and every one of them looked so nervous they had trouble breathing. I tried to calm them and ease their worries, but words could only do so much. We left the top of the walls and went to strategize in the war room before we heard it. We were halfway down the stairs when the warning bell rang. Ding! Ding! Ding!


The Commander ran back up the stairs, and I followed behind him. He got to the wall and howled, "GET READY! DEFENSES AT THE READY!"

I looked out from the top of the watchtower and saw the enemy forces moving in the distance. They were marching in unison, one step at a time in our direction. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Elijah, you're to be stationed here at the East front. Tobias, to the West. They're spreading out to surround us."

Elijah grabbed his hilt and stood at the center of the Castle's defenses. I could tell he was nervous. Tobias had already made his way to the Western wall. I didn't get to see his face before he left. I didn't have a lot of time so I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote a quick note.

"We need reinforcements now."

Ernest was right they were attacking right away. We need those retarded nobles to get off their asses or Elion will cease to be its own nation. The clock was ticking. I walked over to the Commander who was preparing the soldiers for battle.

"Who's the most reliable messenger stationed here."

"Excuse me?"

"Winthrop, the moment we get surrounded it'll be incredibly difficult to send a letter out. We need to inform the Capital that Argon has made its move. If we don't they'll take their sweet time and we'll all be dead by the time reinforcements arrive."

He nodded and yelled, "Adrian! get your ass over here!"

A young man ran up the stairs in less than a minute.

"Y-Y-Yes, Lord!"

"The Tower Master has a task for you!"

The young man looked at me with watery and clear eyes. He seemed as though he'd pass out if I looked at him too strongly.

"Adrian, is it? Take this letter directly to the Steaming Onion and nowhere else. Tell no one where you're going. The tavern is located in the Southern District, less than a block away from the inner gates. Don't be stupid and run into the city flailing your arms in panic. When you enter the tavern ask for a drink and a Mutton Pie without onions from the bartender, and when it's time to pay for your meal give him this letter. If you act suspicious in any way or if you act urgently in any way you'll probably end up dead so please keep that in mind." I could see him gulping back his saliva as replied, "Yes, T-T_Tower Master! I'll get it there as quickly as possible."

He ran down the stairs and took one of the fastest Herals before heading out.

"God help us."

I shook my head before taking my place behind Lord Winthrop. "I'll support you in this endeavor Lord Winthrop, so don't worry too much. I can help defend without having to tap into my mana supply, but I would like to make one suggestion."

"Oh, go right ahead."

"I'd spread out the mages a little more. Group the soldiers five per section with one mage per group. Even the weaker mages can be helpful when it comes to defense."

"I'll take it into consideration." I saw him scratch his head before whispering in an adjutant's ear. The formations quickly changed, and the soldiers were ready. I climbed up to the top of the Eastern watchtower and sat with my legs crossed. As I looked out at what would be a deadly battlefield, I naturally thought of my son, Darius. I couldn't help but think of my family.

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