《Beast King now a Mage》Chapter 13- Going Home


The carriage ride home was surprisingly calm just as the trip to the Renee forest was calm. Looking out of the carriage window would show us moving over many bumps and curves in the road; however, sitting inside of the carriage I could barely feel them. There was some sort of enchantment on the side of the carriage that did something, but I got distracted before I could ask about it. "The forest of Renee is one of my favorite spots!" "No one asked Casper!"

Our trip to the mountains was over. The feeling of something unknown and unseen being wrong continued to echo in my mind as we traveled home. "Did you like practicing with mom, Darius?" "Yes, I had lots of fun." "You need to keep practicing every day no matter what." Her choice of words got me worried. My mother brushed my hair before saying, "Little dragon, I have to go somewhere for a few hours." Fear and dread couldn't help but creep in. "What? Where?!" "I need to check on the Tower before going home." My instincts screamed that something was going on; something dangerous that required attention from both my parents. I wasn't strong enough to protect them yet, I couldn't let them both go. "Don't go!" "I have to go, Darius." She replied with a stern and focused stare. "If you have to go mom let me go with you!" My mother sighed at me, "We'll see Darius, I'd love to take you, but there are things you aren't old enough to see or hear quite yet." My mother silenced the topic and we returned to looking at the trees lining the forest. I was getting frustrated and annoyed over my lack of control over the current state of things.

The carriage ride afterward was quiet. Even Casper was quiet for once. "Young master do not worry! I will protect you no matter what may come our way!" Well... quiet for him. His typical nonsense was left intact. It didn't take more than a few hours to see the city of Renee in the distance. We drew close to the city when the carriage door suddenly opened. My mother leaped out of the carriage while we were passing the city. "Mom!?" "I'll be back in a few hours! Caspian, you better watch him like a hawk!" "Yes, mam!" She ran off with Linda before I could respond. Caspian grabbed me before I could jump out of the carriage and follow them. I was forced to stay. "If I'm forced to go home why does it have to be with Casper!" "Hahaha, young master it's because our bond is simply unshakeable!".


When we arrived at the manor I ran to the training ground to practice. I learned long ago that training was always the best tool to distract oneself when the mind was in chaos. I was practicing multicasting when Caspian showed me a new spell. "Young master I think you should learn Earth Ear. It is a useful reconnaissance spell that is often used for spying or scouting. I doubt you'll need to spy on anyone young master, but it's a great spell to learn." Casper taught me the incantation, and we practiced by listening to the people going to and fro in the mansion. After a few hours, Rhea came into the training grounds with snacks, and drinks and brought me a new set of books to study. "Thank you, Rhea!" "Your welcome, Young Master. Make sure you are careful and don't train too hard." "Yes, Rhea."

While eating some cookies I looked at Casadin swing his sword. I could tell there were 100 ways to improve his form, but it was always best to struggle through something and figure it out on your own. At least that was the case for Caspian. I asked him, "Where did you learn Earth Ear?"

“I learned it from one of my seniors when I patrolled the border region. The Red Tower conscripted me for border duty one year before I ended up here. All the elements have detection spells: wind, earth, water, and fire. Argon and Elion have methods to bypass most detections spells, but this spell is easy to use and still useful.” He swung his sword down after answering me. “So even fire magic has detection magic?” That was unexpected. “Of course, there is heat detection, which is an advanced spell that isn’t readily available allowing one to detect or even see body heat. It’s a rare spell outside of the Red Tower.” He looked proud of that fact as he swung his sword again.

The more magic I learned the more questions I had. I was only just starting to learn, and it felt fresh and new daily just like when I first started cultivating. I had far more advantages in my life now than I've ever had before. The resources were nice, but the knowledge my parents bring is far more valuable. With enough time, even if I started in the slums, I'd grow strong enough through cultivation to steal any resource I lack.

The hands-on knowledge and wisdom my parents give is something that can't be stolen. They give me everything they have and do so with a burning passion; that isn't something you can get from someone by threatening them. I know that personally from experience.


If I were to lose them... I'd let this world know the reason I was once called the Beast King...

I practiced with Caspian until late in the night. I tried to stay up to wait for my mother to get home, but once the sunset I had difficulties just keeping my eyes open. When I was blinking in and out of consciousness I heard her enter the manor.

"Darius, I'm home! I'll be up to sleep with you in a minute! Mom just has some paperwork to finish before bed." She entered my room in a hurry and kissed my head. "Mom." I barely managed to squeak out a drowsy response. My mother lifted me into her arms and carried me to my father's study. I tried to fight off my drowsiness and stay awake, but I lost that battle in the end and fell asleep in my mother’s arms. “Sleep well little dragon, I’ll take you with me tomorrow when I go to the tower.” I didn’t quite hear the last part before my consciousness ended, and I was in the land of dreams.

Elaine POV

A few hours earlier...

"Linda! Speed up or I'm leaving your ass behind!" "Yes, M'lady!"

I didn't have time for lagging around. I rushed to the tower with Linda in tow, before storming up the stairs. "Halt!" The guards tried to set up protections, but I simply waved my hand and the both of them flew in opposite directions. "Don't slow me down! That's a warning." I dashed up the stairs going past the numerous floors and people before reaching the top floor. I went past my own room and Darien's before moving towards the door directly to the left of Darien's.

I knocked and gave what I felt was a gentle inquiry, "Joseph open the door or you'll be paying for a new one." "Elaine! wa- wait one second I'm coming over!" That always got him off his ass.

The door opened and a plump gentle looking man appeared. "You've gained more weight Joseph, at this rate you'll have trouble fitting through the door." "I could learn something from you then, what is it you said last time? I think it was, 'If there is no door just make one?'" I glared at him and he smiled back. This witty bastard was always difficult to joke with. "Joseph, I'm not here to joke around today, what's the situation?" He sighed, "Come on in and take a seat so we can talk."

I sat on the couch on the left-hand side of the office while he sat at his conference table. "Elaine, the situations changed."The back of my neck grew cold. "This wasn't some simple testing of the waters like Argon has done a thousand times before, they are making real moves. The last message we received from the north was two days ago, Argon's setting up a front in the north near the Black Castle. A real war is finally brewing." "How's Darien?" "He's fine." "Fine? Have they attacked yet?" "Not yet. Argon's setting up and preparing to siege the northern fortress. Depending on the situation the Red Tower will fully participate in the coming battle. We are on high alert and have made all preparations. When the war begins, we'll be there." "What do you mean when the war begins we'll be there? Why haven't we sent anyone to support the north now? You don't seriously think it's a good idea to just let them freely set up their siege and attack do you?!" "I agree, but the Tower Master gave explicit orders not to interfere and to be on standby. I don't understand the command either, but Elaine Darien's never made a rash or unguided judgment." I bit my lips, "I want to go, but Darius..." He needed me. My son needed me, but so did my husband.

"The moment the battle starts I'm heading for the north! Joseph when the time comes I need you to watch Darius. I can't trust anyone else with my son." "Elaine I.." "In this Tower, If both Darien and I fall the only one that can guide this place is you. The only one that can protect my son is also you. Promise me, Joseph! Promise me you'll protect this place and my son!" I could see his eyes flash for a second before his forehead wrinkled. I knew his personality better than anyone, Darien trusted Joseph with his life. Joseph was the type of man you'd expect to stab you in the back, but when the time came he'd never actually go through with it. He was a schemer, an ambitious man that would sell his body parts off to get further ahead, but despite that, he had never betrayed a friend or tower member. He had had his chance to do so in the past. Joseph Keller was a good bad man. He was a man I could reluctantly trust with my son.

"I promise Elaine, I'll take care of your son. I'll protect my position here with my dying breath. I promise this, and Elaine you know I don't break my promises." "Thank you, Joseph. I really mean it." I could finally rest easy.

War was coming, and I needed to prepare.

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