《Beast King now a Mage》Chapter 4- Darius Learns Magic


My family’s specialty was fire magic. The Red Tower was the authority on the continent when it came to fire magic and my father was the Red Tower's master. Fire magic seemed to be the magic I was most talented in and would have the most access to. I was still learning about the hierarchical structures of the mages and kingdoms so I wasn’t quite sure how impressive a tower master was, or how common 4th or 5th circle mages were. It was something I would learn just by existing in this new world so I put it off as nonessential knowledge.

The very first spell I learned was flame wick, a 1st circle spell after which I learned another dozen fire spells and one earth spell after one week of learning. The 1st circle earth shift spell was very frustrating to learn, it took me nearly half a day to successfully cast it.

Practicing magic wasn’t the only thing I did throughout the week. I also read nine books of varying difficulty levels on spells, spell structure, incantations, and mana usage. My mother even taught me training techniques for mages. The most common method for mages to advance was using up all of their mana in a short period of time before letting it recover naturally. This was apparently a basic training method that most beginner mages would learn. It was similar to overloading muscles and letting them recover to build up strength.

I grew addicted to training mana just as I was once addicted to training my muscles. I could only cultivate my internal Qi 2 hours a day at this point, but I could train with mana all day long. During the boring lessons with Rhea, I learned that Mages were the cornerstone of power for all the continental powers, and knights like Tobias were the most powerful combat force in the country right after mages.


Almost all knights were magic swordsmen. They would use magic to increase their combat potential with swords or spears or whatever weapon they were trained to use. Knights usually specialized in defensive magic as their duty was the protection of their lords.

According to my father, Elijah could use 3rd circle magic, knights that could use 3rd circle magic were some of the greatest knights in the kingdom and were incredibly valuable. Elijah and Tobias were the only two knights in the red tower that could use 3rd circle magic which made the spars they had some of the most exciting to watch.

Mother was even more impressive; she was a 4th circle mage and the interim tower master for my father. When my mother demonstrated her magic with her knights and Tobias the only word that came to mind was fierce. The way my mother used her magic was aggressive and fast, looking at her visage she resembled a red storm.

We were currently at the training field. We had already finished our family breakfast so my mother was teaching me now.“Ok, Darius, I want you to try to shoot a flame wick at the straw man over there, do you think you can do it?” “I’ll try mom.” I looked over at the straw figure at the center of the training field and concentrated. I closed my eyes and visualized the flame wicks mana circle in my head, then pointed my hand and imagined a small wick of fire shooting out to the straw figure standing directly in the middle of the training field. I felt the warmth in my chest spread to my fingertips and opened my eyes, the candle flame shot out at the speed of an underhand stone toss. The straw man was set on fire and my mom had a blooming smile. “Alright Darius, let's do it again, but a little faster this time.” I had cast it chantless, but my mom was looking forward to more improvements rather than being completely satisfied. “Yes, Mom!” I was excited to try again. Tobias came to check on us at the training field and mom spotted him.


Mother had me practice on Tobias next. “Try hitting Sir Tobias at least once today Darius.” Tobias had a look of shock on his face, "What?" “Uncle here I go!” I tried to send my little wicks of fire or fire bubbles or snakes at Tobias from many different angles but he was able to parry or dodge everything easily. I wasn’t expecting to hit him, but it was still fun. Uncle Tobias would come by almost every day so I was able to train with him as well. He always made funny faces while we trained. My mother wasn’t the only one happy and excited to see improvements, I was just as excited and I think Tobias was too. I readied the spell once again and tried to activate it even faster.

Tobias Waters POV

“Darius, now try to cast two at once at two different targets!” “Ok!” “Good, good now try three!” What the hell was I seeing? Lady Elaine is one thing to watch, but little Darius completely breaks common sense. He’s learning remarkably fast, learning magic as quickly as one would pick potatoes. Lady Elaine shows him some magic and Darius just figures it out within a few minutes. He’s only two years old! He should be sucking on his thumb or pooping himself! And how is he casting magic without an incantation? That’s supposed to be an advanced technique! I can barely do it for most of my magic and I’ve been learning magic for over twenty years! The young master is similar to Lady Elaine... They both are passionate about magic and training. I just hope he doesn't inherit some of my lady's other qualities such as… well aggression.

“Darius, let's see if we can get three more first circle magic’s chantless before you go with your father later!” What the fu… Well, it’s nice to see my future lord is going to be competent. “Boom!”

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