《Beast King now a Mage》Chapter 3.5- The Great Escape (Darien Northwood POV)


“Tower Master! The young master has disappeared! We can’t find him anywhere sir!” That brat of mine is a little troublemaker, he’s always running around all over the place. I mean he was walking and talking at just 6 months old! I couldn’t help but smile when thinking about it. “Thank you, Alman, I’ll go check on the rascal right now.” I just got out of an emergency meeting so It had been nearly two hours since he went missing.

When I made it home there was a blockade surrounding the nearby area as if I had just entered an active war zone. My wife must’ve taken over. “Lord, we've checked everywhere! Lady Elaine wants to set up a blockade spanning the entire region.” When I walked into the manor I saw cushions on the floor, flower pots uprooted, servants scampering around with panicked looks, and my wife biting her fingernails with fierce and sharp winds swirling around. I walked up to my nervous-looking wife and asked, “You couldn’t find him either?” “No, I already searched the whole damned place.” “What places haven’t been checked?” “Darien we've checked every damn room, the roof, the yard, the flower pots, honey I’ve looked everywhere.” I grabbed my chin and thought for a moment, “Have you checked the library?” “That was the very first place I looked.” She glared at me. “How about my study? He's been asking about it for a while.” “Where would he even get the key?” My wife looked at me in surprise and was about to rush towards the study when I said, “I’ll go check just wait outside the door for a while.” I walked up the stairs and went over to my study. I opened the door and found Darius splayed out on the floor on his stomach with one hand holding his head and the other flipping through the pages. I called off the search, my wife looked as though she was ready to maim our son. I calmed her down and said I’d take over from here, she'd discipline him later.


He was kicking his feet in the air while humming a little tune. We almost shut down the entire territory, every servant, knight, and guard was sweating bullets thinking he was kidnapped and his mother looked as though she would have a panic attack for the first time in her life and here he is without a care in the world. I was about to walk up to him and grab him when I noticed he was looking through a book. At first, I thought he was just quickly flipping through the pages, but I soon saw that his head was moving up and down scrolling through the words.

Instead of stopping him, I decided to watch a bit as he still hadn’t noticed me. I watched him for 25 minutes before I called out to him. He had been chanting fire wick, fire wick for almost half an hour and I finally lost my patience. “So Darius I’ve heard you’ve made a great escape?” Darius turned around like a scared bunny. He looked as though he was caught red-handed putting his hands on a maid or stealing some priceless treasure, he’s adorable sometimes this son of mine. “Y-Yes father.” His voice was a bit shaky. “Can you read?” “Yes! I can.” “Who taught you?” It's not as though he could have learned it on his own. Rhea, his maid, must have been teaching him. “No one.” Strange, I don’t think he’s lying, but there is no way he could have taught himself. “Really? Why don’t you show me then.” I spent the next few hours reading with him getting flabbergasted over and over. He was learning at an astonishing speed. “Well, what about this word then?” “Relinquish means to relieve or give something up right?” He had been asking to learn magic for a long time. It might be rash and Elaine might kill me but I decided he was ready to learn a bit. “This is the 1st circle spell flame wick, a spell that creates a small flame that's usually used to start a fire or give out a small light to see in the dark.” I made the flame appear above my palm and had it spin around a little. His eyes shined like chubby little diamonds. “Whoa, that's amazing!” “This is the magic circle for it, you'll need to memorize it first. This is the incantation portion which acts as its activation, you’ll need to learn it before you can cast it chantless like me.” “Oh spirit of fire, let yourself be manifest, flame wick!” A small flame appears. My son got excited and tried imitating me, but obviously, nothing happened. I showed him a few more times waiting for him to get discouraged.


“Son it’s normal not to learn this spell for a mon...” before I could finish my sentence, a flame appeared in my son's hand after he chanted it for the 30th time. “Like this dad?” I could not help but double back. I couldn't believe my eyes. I had Darius try it again and he failed. Maybe it was beginner's luck. “It’s normal son, consistency with magic and success takes time. You just need to keep practici...” However, he quickly got it to work after another try. I clenched my fist and took in a deep breath, my son Darius was a monster. I smiled, he's my adorable little monster.

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