《Beast King now a Mage》Chapter 1- Young Darius


So maybe I underestimated this tall red-haired woman a little bit. I can’t get away from her. She seems to know my every move, she must be an oracle! “Darius get back here right now!” Shit, she found me! I try to crawl away with my chubby little arms and legs, but she is too fast and grabs me. “Aghhhhh nooo!” My freedom! “Stop crying! why do you try to run away all the time anyway?!”

My mother is simply too powerful, I can’t escape from her. I've been trying to discover more things in this world, looking for as much information as possible. I never get far, either Rhea or my mother is watching over me giving me little time to move about. From the moment I was born, I have been full of curiosity. Exploring new places comes naturally to me, especially in an exciting new place like this!

I haven't seen any cultivators yet, but I have seen magic. Magic was an entirely new system to me, formed from a completely different energy than Qi. After seeing my mother fire a flaming arrow at my father I was filled with the desire to learn. I had already learned the language of this new world and could read a few of its words. Now that I'm 6 months old and more mobile, I want to see everything that this new place has to offer.

I had to give up on revenge, that road was blocked off the moment I saw the magic from my mother and began feeling out the energy of this world. This was a different world from the one I came from, and that became crystal clear when I saw a map. I had to settle my grudges deep within myself and over the last 6 months, I've had to bury them.


I had a new goal to make my place in this new world. I had a second chance at life so I had to make new goals. My number one goal right now is to learn magic, it is completely new to me. Cultivators were martial artists, some used strange techniques or practices that resembled spells, but this is different. They use mana here, a completely different form of energy than Qi to form and use magic. Most of the magic I've seen so far is elemental in nature and mostly sent at my dad.

My mother was an incredibly beautiful red-haired woman with sharp eyebrows and crimson eyes that reminds one of a tiger. She was a 4th circle mage which from the little information I’ve gathered is rather impressive. My father Darien Northwood is known as the Red Tower Master, a 5th circle mage in the Elion kingdom. He is one of only two 5th circle mages in the kingdom. I wasn't sure of my parent's status in this new world yet it was something I would have to investigate over time.

Family was new to me. I was an orphan, I had no parents, no brothers or sisters, no aunts and uncles, no one. I was alone. I grew up without anyone to rely on; I had to scrape away for every little thing I’ve ever had, and now I’m the one born with a golden spoon. I must admit it is nice to have a golden spoon, but I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy all of those struggles and hardships.

“Young master it looks as though you just can’t sit still, just look at you running around all over the place.” Rhea was assigned to me as my maid at birth. “You’re only 6 months old and you're already so independent!” Of course, I’m independent I thought, I was and still am the Beast King! I do as I please! I enjoy my freedom over all else! No one can stop me when I’ve decided on something! Of course, I didn't say that out loud, otherwise, I might end up getting spanked by mom. Rhea caught me and took me to my mother. Since I have yet to learn magic, I have been training with internal Qi. I know exactly how much I can push it, especially at this age. If I were to train seriously, it would be detrimental to my growth. I would probably stunt my physical growth, not to mention all the other problems that could occur from cultivating too early.


I was trying to learn magic in the meantime on my own, but my parents told me I was too young to learn and that they would teach me when I was older. I hated waiting, so I tried to practice on my own. I tried to manipulate the mana around me, but nothing in particular happened. I might have a starting point if I could read a book on magic, so I had been sneaking around the house trying to find books to teach myself to read. I could read a little bit but was unable to find any books on actual magic in the manor library. Books on magic seemed to be somewhere else in the manor, probably hidden from any prying eyes. This is frustrating!

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