《The Animo Saga》Episode 1- The Tournament: Chapter 3


“Animo, reporting for duty.”

“Good. You’re dismissed, Erzi,” the oldest wolf prince’s bodyguard, Captain Dun, ordered quietly, and a young soldier Callida had only met briefly stepped forward to leave. “Take his position, Animo.”

“Yes, sir.” Callida moved to stand at attention in the space Erzi had just vacated, taking in her surroundings in silence. She groaned internally to realize that Naixin was in a meeting with Duoqing to discuss which of the day’s competitors to invite to the Wolf Tribe for a military apprenticeship. Maybe he won’t notice that I’m here, Callida hoped, knowing that the odds were not in her favor.

“Callida, who do you think we ought to invite?”

She grit her teeth. Seriously?! Right out of the gate? She was mortified to see Duoqing and Naixin looking up at her expectantly.

“You fought a number of the competitors today. Who do you think we ought to offer an apprenticeship to?” Duoqing probed again.

“I couldn’t say,” Callida said, shaking her head.

“Ah, come on, Callida,” Duoqing insisted, standing up to approach her. “You can’t think of a single person?”

Callida felt herself starting to panic. She wasn’t allowed to move, and Duoqing was getting close… too close. “Uh, Jangalee. From the Dragon Tribe. He was pretty good.”

Duoqing stopped advancing. He grinned at her and turned to Naixin. “What do you think?”

Naixin stood up to join Duoqing in a small circle with Callida. “Why him, Animo?”

“He’s familiar with multiple fighting disciplines and executes them all fairly well. But he’s cocky and could stand to develop more self-discipline and patience.”

Naixin nodded thoughtfully. “What do you think the Wolf Tribe could offer him?”

“Perspective. An opportunity to think and fight as a member of a team. That would help him think more about survival than showmanship, making him more effective and reining him in a little.”

“And what do you think he can offer us?”

“Like I said, he’s competent in multiple fighting disciplines, some of which I wasn’t familiar with. And he’s creative. He has a unique style.”

Naixin smiled gently. “Thank you, Animo. I overlooked Jangalee.” Naixin put a hand on Duoqing’s shoulder to steer him, somewhat unwillingly, back to the table. “Let’s add Jangalee to the short list.” Callida breathed a small sigh of relief and returned to standing at attention until the meeting was over and Duoqing got up to leave.

“Callida, what are you doing after dinner?”

She squirmed. “‘Going to bed.”

“You’re not going to participate in the bonfire with the other competitors?”

“No. My commanding officer ordered me to get some rest.”

“You mean your brother,” Duoqing grinned. Callida opted not to respond, instead averting her eyes to stare blankly at the far wall. “Well, I suppose that’s for the best. You were injured recently.”

Her heart jumped into her throat as Duoqing’s hand moved to brush her hair behind her ears, stopping to linger for a moment on her shoulder. “I’m on duty, Alpha,” she reminded him quietly.

“So you are,” he smiled back at her, a hint of hurt hidden behind his smile, but his hand dropped just the same. “Well done in the tournament so far. You’ve made the Wolf Tribe proud.”

“Thank you.”

“And good luck tomorrow.” He moved to touch her again but stopped short seeing the mistrust in her eyes.

“Thank you,” she repeated, perhaps more sternly than she’d intended.

Duoqing cleared his throat and turned to leave. “I’ll see you later, Naixin.”


“Bye!” Naixin said, trying to pretend that he hadn’t noticed the awkward exchange. Sparing a last glance at Callida, Duoqing left followed by his guards, and Naixin got up from his seat to stretch, decompressing with a slight groan. “I know it’s not exactly protocol, Animo, but come talk to me.”


“Have a seat, soldier.” Feeling nervous, Callida took the offered seat. “Captain Dun, take the rest of the guards to wait just outside the door,” Naixin ordered his bodyguard.

“Sir,” Dun acknowledged with a slight bow before leading the other soldiers out.

Naixin took the seat across from Callida once the door was shut. “I want to hear your side of the story.” Callida stared at him blankly. “Why did you break-up with Duoqing?”

“Your highness, forgive me, but I don’t want to talk about it.”

Naixin sighed and leaned back into his chair. “Duoqing said the breakup was his fault.” Callida looked down at her hands, ashamed to be choking up already. “He said he broke your trust.” Sniffing slightly, Callida nodded. “And you can’t forgive him?”

“I’m working on it.”

“But you won’t get back together,” Naixin read between the lines.


“Why not? Do you think you won’t be able to trust him again?”

“It’s more complicated than that.”

“You love him, don’t you?” Callida responded by wiping away a breakaway tear. “Then what’s so complicated?”

“Please, your highness, I really don’t want to talk about it. Duoqing knows my reasons.”

Naixin sighed again, getting frustrated. This was the same wall he’d run into with Duoqing. “He’s the next Alpha, Callida. He’s going to need a Beta, and he is dead set on you.”

“I know,” Callida replied weakly.

“This was terrible timing,” Naixin pressed.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t be his Beta,” her voice wavered as more tears fell.

Naixin frowned, unsure of how to continue. He eventually gave up, rising from his seat to offer Callida a handkerchief. “Take a minute to collect yourself. Then we need to go get some dinner.”

“Thank you.”


“Keit, good luck in the finals,” Germanus grinned, “but I’m afraid I can’t root for you.”

“Rude! Everybody just loves the underdog. Our years of friendship mean so little to you.” Keit exclaimed in mock offense. “You’re sure that Animo kid isn’t your cousin or something? He certainly has the same Animo spirit: only eighteen, fighting in the semi-finals of the first tournament division.” The stadium erupted with cheers and applause, some of the more enthusiastic fans screaming. “Make that the finals,” Keit said with a grin, joining in with the applause.

Callida waved at the stands as she walked quickly back to the tent. “That’s your cue, Keit,” Germanus grinned, visibly excited. “I’ll see you after the finals.”

“Even though you refuse to cheer for me?” Keit teased.

“Ah, don’t take it personally, man.”

“I’ll try not to.”


“Where were you?!” Callida scolded Germanus as soon as he walked into the tent.

“‘Ribbing Keit.”

“Of course you were…. It’s almost time for me to go up against him. Any last advice?”

“Nothing you don’t already know. He’s a lot bigger than you are though, so fight smarter not harder.”

“Such tired advice,” Callida rolled her eyes. “From what I’ve seen of his fights today, he fights smart too. Being smarter might not be enough.”

“You’re not nervous, are you?”


“No. Well, maybe nervous about disappointing you, but not about the fight.”

“You’ll do great. I’ll be proud even if you lose,” Germanus said, pulling her into a quick hug.

“Animo, you’re up,” the guard at the door poked his head in. Callida exhaled a sharp breath and pulled her helmet back on.

“You’ve got this, kid.”

Germanus followed her out and found a spot on the sidelines to watch Callida and Keit meet in the middle of the field and bow to each other. Keit said something to Callida who shrugged, and they both took a fighting stance. The flag dropped and the fight began. Keit seemed to think that a fast and furious early attack was the best way to take Callida down. Not a bad strategy. Callida was having to work hard to dodge and deflect, but her stance never broke. Keit eventually stepped back to reevaluate, and Callida immediately switched to offense. Their roles reversed. Callida’s assault was vicious, and Keit was forced backwards. Suddenly, Callida dropped her shoulder and rushed him, slamming up under his ribcage and launching him backwards. That’s not what I was expecting, Germanus thought with an impressed grin. Obviously, Keit wasn’t expecting it either, because his stance broke and he tumbled to the ground. To his credit, Keit recovered quickly, rolling to the side and scrambling back up to his feet before Callida could force him to yield. Callida chased after him, and in a last ditch effort to force her back, Keit whipped around, throwing his elbow. Clang!

Callida went down hard.

While Germanus rushed the field, Keit and the stands full of spectators struggled to understand what just happened.

“I-I didn’t hit him that hard,” Keit stammered as Germanus skidded to his knees, scooping an unconscious Callida into his lap.

“Kid, talk to me!” In a panic, Germanus pulled her helmet off, triggering a low buzz through the stands as her long, golden hair spilled onto the ground.

Keit dropped to his knees next to Germanus. “You sneaky dog! She’s your sister, isn’t she? I thought she was still too young!”

“Keit, I need to get her to the medical tent,” Germanus waved him off, the fun of the surprise lost. “Excuse me.” Keit helped Germanus hoist Callida up and followed him off the field.

“Well, um, Tragen from the Bear Tribe takes the tournament,” the announcer declared behind them, and the stands applauded half-heartedly.

“I’m sorry, Germanus. I swear, I didn’t hit her that hard. In fact, I thought she had me!”

“It’s not your fault. She had a concussion a few days ago. You got lucky.”

Keit’s eyes went wide, remembering the events from earlier in the week. “The person you were looking for… the young woman they pulled out of the river… that was her?!” Germanus’s sigh served as an answer. “How did she get the concussion?”


“Wait!” Keit moved to get in front of Germanus and look him in the face. “Those bodies they dragged out of the river…?”

“Yes,” Germanus answered tersely and moved around Keit to continue on to the medical tent.

“But there were over thirty of them!”


Behind him, Keit started laughing, but Germanus was too worked up to see much humor in the situation. “I can’t believe I didn’t put all the pieces together sooner! They were staring me in the face! Here, let me get the door for you.”


“How long was I out?” Callida asked almost as soon as her eyes opened.

“A few hours,” Germanus answered. “It’s already dark out.”

“I’m guessing you put my armor away for me?” Germanus nodded. “Thanks.” Callida pulled herself up into a sitting position and almost instantly regretted it. Her head was pounding, and Callida began massaging her temples in a vain effort to soothe the pain before looking up again. “It’s Keit, isn’t it?”

“Tapferkeit Tragen, but yes, Keit for short.” Keit extended his hand.

“Callida Animo,” Callida said, accepting his hand. “Congratulations on the win, Keit. And it’s good to finally meet you. Germanus has told me a lot about you.”

“And I you,” Keit smiled easily and took a seat on a chair next to her cot.

“How’s your head?” Germanus asked.

“Sore, as you’d expect. But I think I’m otherwise alright.”

“You scared me, kid,” he accused.

“I’m sorry! It’s not as though I did it on purpose.”

The medic rounded a corner. “You’re up! Good. Apart from a headache, how do you feel?”

“Tired. A little dizzy. But that’s about it.”

The medic nodded. “Well, you’re free to go. No rush though. Now that the tournament’s over, we don’t have any new patients, so you can stay as long as you need to.”

“I think I’m good,” Callida said, standing up and swaying slightly.

Germanus leapt out of his chair to catch her arm and steady her. “Are you sure about that?”

“I’m fine, Germanus, but I am tired. I think I’ll just go to bed.”

“I’ll walk you back.”

“So fussy!” Callida smiled up at her brother. “I’m fine, Germanus. Go hang out with Keit.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. And Keit,” Callida turned as Keit rose to his feet again to follow her out, “we’ll have to have a rematch sometime.”

“I’ll look forward to it.”

The relatively cool night air felt good on her face and had a soporific effect that contributed to her drowsiness. It took a minute to orient herself in the darkness with the handful of scattered braziers and torches casting long shadows that made the tournament grounds appear distorted and vaguely spooky. “Well, goodnight, guys,” Callida said with a wave over her shoulder.


Callida wandered through the rows of cabins and tightly packed tents, stretching her neck and shoulders as her head continued to ache. She came to a narrow road through the middle of the cabins and something collided into her, lifting her off her feet in a controlled spin. It happened too quickly for her to really understand what was going on, but her back was now resting against a cabin with someone’s arm holding her in place. “WHOA!” someone was shouting, and a horse pulling a small cart barreled down the road right where she’d been walking.

“Are you alright?”

“What? Uh, yeah, I’m fine.” Callida turned to look her rescuer in the face. “Thank you.”

“Just passing by,” his face lit up with a smile that would make most girls swoon, but Callida was too distracted by his voice. “Where are you heading?”

“To bed,” Callida said and extracted herself from his protective arm only to stagger a little from her dizziness. His arm caught her waist to steady her, and Callida fell against him, her face hitting his shoulder. Spices. He smells of spices! She almost laughed.

“Do you need help getting there? You seem to be struggling.”

“Actually, if you wouldn’t mind….” He offered her his arm, and Callida accepted it. “I guess, thank you again?” The walk to her cabin was awkward and silent. Fortunately, it wasn’t a particularly long walk. “Would you mind coming inside for a minute?” Callida asked, and her escort shrugged and followed her in. Walking over to the chest of drawers, Callida collected the cloak that matched his scent and offered it to him. “Yours, I believe.”

"What makes you think that's mine?"

"It smells like you."

"It smells like me?"

Callida smirked. "Thank you for lending it to me… and for the rest of it." He shook his head, a grin playing at the corners of his mouth. "What's your name?"

Strangely, he hesitated. "Verum. My name is Verum."

“‘Lion Tribe name,” she recognized.

"So is yours, Callida Animo, but I don't recognize you."

"You found out my name?!"

Verum just shrugged. "It wasn't hard."

"Well,” Callida grinned, “are you going to take your cloak back? My arm is getting tired."

Again, Verum hesitated before accepting the cloak, noting that she’d washed the bloodstains out of it for him. He then turned back toward Callida suspiciously. "What do you want?"

"Nothing. You've saved my life twice now. I should be asking you what you want."

His eyes narrowed. "What can you even offer me?" he asked, backing her into a wall as though trying to intimidate her into confessing something. "You don't know anything about me. We're alone here. You're injured-- vulnerable. I could finish what those bandits started. No one would hear you scream."

She saw right through his bluff, and Callida started to laugh at his ridiculous posturing. Li is going to get a kick out of this, she thought before wrapping her arms around Verum’s neck, spinning him around to pin him against the wall and plant an intense kiss directly on his stupid, smug smile.

Her confused and startled victim pulled away spluttering. "W-what are you doing?!"

"’Calling your bluff. If you were that kind of person, you'd have done that while I was semi-conscious a few days ago."

He scowled, appearing to be deliberating something. When he made his decision, Verum whipped her back around, trading places with her against the wall and returning her kiss in an obvious effort to be threatening. After a moment though, Verum realized that she wasn’t backing down and stepped away, somewhere between offended and confused. "Why aren't you fighting me?"

She shrugged. "Are you trying to provoke me?" He didn’t have an answer for her, so Callida continued. "I don't have to fight you. You have no intention of hurting me for real. You're just trying to prove that I should take your threat seriously. Or perhaps you are trying to prove to yourself that you could follow through on your threat if you really wanted to?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, his sensibilities thoroughly needled.

Amusement evident in her voice, Callida explained, "your body language is all wrong. You're stiff, your hands aren't moving, and your kisses lack all emotion or even a vague interest or... hunger? Maybe?"


"Next time you want to threaten someone, try this." Verum’s back hit the wall again as Callida lifted up onto her tiptoes, kissing him hard, her body pressing into his, her hands roaming up his arms and down his chest and sides. Before Verum could collect his bearings, let alone react, Callida grabbed his face, spinning him around to shove him onto the bed, allowing herself to fall on top of him. There, she placed a series of delicious kisses down his throat and across his jawline until he shuddered. "See the difference?" she whispered before standing back up with a smirk.

He was dazed, reeling, and struggling to find any kind of response. "Where did you learn that?" Quirking her head, she simply shrugged. Verum stood up trying to scrape together his dignity. "I've never met a girl like you before."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment or a curse?" she teased.

Chuckling, Verum collected his cloak up off the ground and caught Callida’s face, kissing her with a sincerity and tenderness that left her a little unbalanced. "I'll be seeing you again soon, Callida Animo,” he said, walking to the door.

She spun around, feeling confused and strangely exposed, wondering what he knew that she didn’t. "What do you mean by that?" Having finally achieved the upper hand, Verum opened the door without a word. "What do you mean?" she asked again. Looking back with a cheeky grin, Verum walked out and shut the door.

Callida dropped onto the bed trying to process Verum’s parting words. Li had suggested that a fling at the tournament would have no major consequences because she wouldn’t be seeing them again, but Verum seemed to think that wasn’t the case. Either Verum was toying with her, or I’m going to kill Li!

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