《Day-to-Day Kindred》Chapter 17: Braiding Streams
Wess’ head crashed to her pillow, ready to sleep until she was dead, despite still being kept awake by the adrenaline flowing through her veins after such a busy day.
Julia emerged from the balcony, leaning on their shared bed frame. “How was your day?”
“Exhausting…” Wess replied. “Two presentations, a social event at the tournament stadium, a clothes shopping appointment with Saxin and Lenin I’d forgotten about, and a notice from my bank that I’d missed a bill payment, which evolved into an hour-long argument over my tablet with the bank about what constitutes ‘a payment.’”
“Yikes.” Julia let out, patting her back. “At least it’s over.”
“On the contrary.” Wess moped. “I had to push some events from today, so I’m just as busy tomorrow…”
“Double yikes.” Julia added. “Can you still make it to trivia?”
“…yes. I can handle it all just fine.” Wess declared, yawning to herself. “I’m…great at…”
She nodded off to sleep, Julia smiling and pulling up her sheets for her, as Wess found comfort how she normally did in a well-earned sleep, letting herself be enveloped by the warmth that brought her to a much-needed rest.
*bzzt* *bzzt* *bzzt* *bzzt* *bz-
“Ow! Dammit!”
Wess woke up with the sun blinding her face, grabbing her tablet and shutting off the alarm, with Julia jumping around holding her foot in the air.
“Mother flipping…!”
“…dear gods…” Wess groaned, pulling her pillow over her head.
Julia slowly stopped hopping, picking up the dropped pan from the floor, and grabbing some ice for her foot.
“It’s always on a Sunday…” She lamented, noticing Wess forcing herself out of bed. “Sorry, did I wake you?”
“When you make that much of a racket, you don’t get to apologise.” Wess pointed out, ducking into the study to change, before re-emerging in a tomboyish outfit. “And yes, you partly did.”
“My bad. I was gonna make you some breakfast, but then I dropped the stupid pan on my foot.” Julia admitted. “Knocked out by lightning, perfectly fine, metal to the foot, worst pain ever.”
Wess cleaned up and brushed her hair in the bathroom mirror. “Please. That day has nothing on today for me.”
Julia looked at her incredulously.
“…no, you’re right. I’m sorry.” Wess apologised, stepping out of the bathroom. “But today is still a real doozy.”
“Wess saying doozy? How sleep deprived are you?” Julia giggled, knowing it would get a rise out of her.
“Oh, haha. A woman can’t colour her vocabulary now and again?” Wess retorted, stuffing her face with some leftovers, as Julia noticed and stopped preparing her breakfast. “You could afford to do the same. The Daiquiri Lounge trivia game’s bound to have a language section.”
“Don’t worry. I’m…vehement about our chances.” Julia teased, Wess rolling her eyes, as Julia grabbed some food for herself and headed out the door. “I‘ll see you at midday!”
“You’re welcome!” Wess answered back, finishing her food and stuffing her bag.
It was a full day ahead. Her and Cyrus had been meaning to go on a date for weeks, but numerous assignments from both parties, and certain team obligations meant no such luck, until Sunday, where they happened to both be free. On top of that, Wess was having a little book club with Joleicia, catching up on a few classic novels they’d yet to read, some slashing weapon practice with Essex and Chops, and the afore mentioned bar trivia game with Julia and Sola, all taking place over a single Sunday.
“You can do this, Wess.” She told herself, applying a touch of makeup in the mirror. “It’s one day of many, and you’re incredible. Social obligations are nothing compared to your tenacity.”
She finished up her eyelashes, fluffing her hair, and grabbing her bag, before heading out the dorm toward the forest clearing she frequented.
She strode down the hall, checking her watch for the time while re-assessing her schedule on her tablet.
“Trivia starts at 11:00…and Joleicia’s only expecting me at 10:00.” She muttered, still rubbing some sleep from her eye. “But first up, dear Cyrus.”
She ducked out the dorm, heading down to the Weapon Reserve, before digging through the foliage and noticing a figure setting up a picnic blanket under the large oak in the middle of the clearing.
He turned around and smiled. “Hey W-“
Cyrus went to set down the blanket, before a strong gust of wind blew it back into his face, drawing an ashamed laugh from Wess on the sidelines.
He struggled to get it back down, weighing it with their basket and a couple rocks, while trying not to look too embarrassed. “Great, this was meant to be totally romantic.”
“I guess now it’s a romantic comedy instead.” Wess replied, sitting down with him. “But you hate those, don’t you?”
“So do you.” He said. “But you know…doesn’t mean I can’t make the effort.”
Wess smiled back to him. “You’re awfully cute.” She reached over to the basket, grabbing a plate of finger foods. “Want some?”
“Since I made them, yeah.” Cyrus replied, leaning in to kiss Wess before grabbing a couple. “Had anything in mind for today?”
“I figured you could tell me about your semester so far.” Wess suggested, reaching for her bag. “But I’ll have to be careful. I’ve only an hour free, so I-“
“An hour?” Cyrus complained. “But we haven’t seen each other for weeks.”
“Yes, well, I have obligations.” Wess reasoned. “I’m sure you’re just as busy.”
“Yeah, but I know what stuff to blow off.” Cyrus argued. “You really can’t hang back for a few hours?”
A few hours? That would set off everything else I have planned. Wess realised, before looking back at a forlorn Cyrus. He’s so patient.
“…maybe a half hour.” She said. “I’ll see if I can’t find time later in the day as well.”
Cyrus smirked playfully, before laying his head in her lap. “I think you take the phrase ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’ too s-“
Wess shoved some food in his mouth, giggling to herself as he struggled to talk and swallow, before he sat back up and cleared his throat.
“I guess you don’t want to hear about my semester.” Cyrus said, Wess rolling her eyes.
“Come on, you know I do.” She reasoned, resting on his arm. “Don’t be a baby.”
“I’m not bei-!” He yelled, before calming himself gently. “…well, semester started, I remember, with you being just terrible in bed…”
“No embellishing.” Wess critiqued, now dropping her head in his lap. “From the top.”
“…but, you know, that’s Cam for ya. If he doesn’t get front row seats, he’ll throw things until it’s not a problem anymore.” Cyrus said, casually stroking Wess’ hair, as they leaned back against the large oak together. “You still with me?”
“Just appreciating the atmosphere…” Wess let out, eyes closed and arms on her chest, hiding that she’d gotten some light sleep in to make up for the sleep she’d lost.
“The wind’s a little choppy though.” Cyrus said.
“Well, it clearly didn’t bother me.” Wess pointed out.
“How could you know? I might’ve bored you into unconsciousness.” Cyrus lamented. “I know my voice is angelic, but it’d hurt my ego if you slept through my heartfelt life story.”
“Oh, please. You couldn’t be heartfe-“
Wess was stopped mid-sentence, sunlight cracking over the forest, ripping Wess from her rest, as she frantically checked for her watch and found it was already 10:40am.
“Dammit.” Wess complained. “You were supposed to wake me fifteen minutes ago!”
“So you were sleeping!” Cyrus cried back. “I’m actually offended right now!”
Wess grabbed her bag in a hurry. “I don’t have time to apologise properly, so, I’m sorry.”
“Nope, that’s not cutting it.” Cyrus refuted. “You can apologise for real when you come back later today. And…maybe after an hour of hanging out.”
“…you’re a cunning negotiator, Mr Vesper.” Wess said, closing in on him. “But don’t start something you can’t hope to finish.”
They eyed each other up menacingly, before Cyrus leaned in and kissed her. “Love you too.”
Wess grunted, leaving the scene in a hurry, hoping Cyrus really meant that kiss, before hurrying up the building stairs to the academy library.
The sun cracked through the stairway, reminding Wess of the rest of the day ahead, as she cleared through the hallway toward the library, before noticing Joleicia outside heading away from the library, novel in hand.
“Wait!” Wess called out, catching Joleicia’s attention. “My apologies for being late!”
“Wess!” Joleicia called back, Wess running up to her, a little out of breath. “I was worried you’d forgotten about our book club.”
“Admittedly, I nearly had.” Wess confessed. “But I’ve got some time, so if you want to stil-“
“Oh, you!” Joleicia cheered, hugging Wess. “Of course! Come on, I think our table’s still gonna be free. I’ve got a lot to say about this week’s chapter!”
“…how much, would you say?” Wess asked, subtly grabbing her tablet. “Say, half an hour’s worth?”
“Make that an hour!” Joleicia clarified. “I couldn’t stop reading the moment I picked it up!”
That does sound like you. Wess thought, texting Julia and Sola about being late, before following Joleicia to a small table by one of the windows.
“So, as always, I want to start our discussion of ‘Riches and Starlight…’” Joleicia said, holding up the book for emphasis. “…with a moment of silence and respect for the departed author.”
“Okay! This was the best chapter yet!” Joleicia exclaimed, Wess having nearly fallen asleep again during their silence. “I mean, looking back it was super obvious they were doing this, but who would’ve guessed Chapter 25 would totally change up the status quo?”
25? Wess realised, starting to sweat. B-but weren’t we only up to 24?
“Looking back, Demitri and Anderson were clearly in love from the start. I mean, the fishing scene says it all.” Joleicia explained. “Talk about ‘subtle.’”
There was a love confession?! Wess thought, poker face intact.
“Anyway, I thought it was brilliant, but what’d you think of the whole thing?” Joleicia asked, waiting for Wess’ reply, as she nervously held her copy of the novel in her hand.
“…w-w-well, I’d have to agree that it was good.” Wess managed. “B-but…uhh…”
Joleicia hung onto the sentence, waiting for Wess’ point to be made.
“The, uhh, the confession…scene…felt…rushed?” Wess asked, before clearing her throat and restating her remark. “Yes. It was rushed. I felt.”
Joleicia nodded along. “I guess when it happened, it was a little fast and loose with details.”
“Y-yeah, right. Exactly.” Wess covered expertly.
“How did you think it related to the narrative overall?” Joleicia asked, freezing Wess in place again.
Dammit. Wess thought. What’re the chances I can sneak into the bathroom the skim the chapter there?
She looked back at an expectant Joleicia, staring at her impatiently.
…bite the bullet, Wess.
“I…think it played with the themes of difference…interestingly.”
Joleicia blinked.
“…yeah! It makes a ton of sense, since the whole stories been about different perspectives colliding, before realising they’re not that different, so all that dialogue ab…”
I finally gave her an excuse to gush about the chapter.
Wess sighed and sat back, watching Joleicia passionately recount the story and ideas so far, casually checking her watch to make sure the time wasn’t elapsing.
Joleicia kept up the explanation, talking about character arcs, narrative structure, the unseen betrayal behind it all, a couple of her theories, and what it all really meant in the grand sche…
Joleicia shook her shoulder. “Wess…wake up!”
“What?” Wess said, stumbling from her sleep. “I’m sorry, did I nod off?”
“Yeah. I was right in the middle of my colour analysis of the characters, and then I look over, and you’re slumped into the seat.” Joleicia said. “I guess I did talk a while, but you could’ve stopped me if I was boring you.”
Wess rubbed her eyes. “No, you weren’t boring me. I lost some sleep last night and must’ve dozed off to make up for it.”
“Oh, that’s good. I thought I was stretching it with the analysis of elephant symbolism, but I guess it got in just under the radar.” Joleicia remarked.
Wess smiled, before a realisation hit her suddenly. “How long was I out?”
“Uhh, not sure.” Joleicia said, pulling out her tablet. “It’s only 11:32, s-“
Dammit, I did it again! Wess complained, quickly scooping up her bag.
“I’m sorry, but we’re going to have to cut this short.” Wess said. “I have some prior engagements, but I promise to come back later. I’ll be back around one.”
Joleicia nodded cheerily. “No problem! You go take care of things. Then you can tell me your theories so far.”
“…great.” Wess said, rushing out of the library, while still being conscious of the other students who might notice her in the halls.
She managed to fix up her hair while walking, the sunlight catching her off guard as she hurried back down the stairs, all while checking her calendar.
I’m expected by Chops and Essex at 12:00, so I’ll need to duck out as soon as trivia’s over. She thought. We can still make this.
Once out the building, she bee-lined for the Academy Daiquiri Lounge, a large sandwich board out front advertising the trivia game had already started.
“Of course…” She groaned, heading inside.
The Daiquiri Lounge was much brighter during the middle of the day, less bar and more social venue, with tables set up around the stage, all housing various groups with hands to buzzers.
The bartender, Seears, was up on stage, reading out each trivia question, as the groups waited desperately for his next.
I forgot the academy’s PR manager worked here. Wess thought, looking around for her team. I wonder if he ever has to run through hallways to keep his appointments.
“Next question! What is Team Saturnalia’s favourite drink?” Seears announced. “And yes, I mean the whole team. Those folks know how to party. You’ve got five minutes.”
“Wess! Wess!” Julia exclaimed, waving frantically to their table, Sola joining in too.
Wess hurried along, as Julia pulled out a chair.
“Thank goodness you’re here! You’ve gotta help us!” Julia cried. “Team Beefcake’s totally been killing it! They’ve gotten ten of the questions right so far, and it wasn’t just Efrem answering them!”
Wess noticed Team Beefcake in the corner, cheering each other on ecstatically, the least buff member Efrem joining in as well.
“I thought all their power was in their muscles!” Sola panicked as well. “But it’s in their brains too!”
“You know Venator stuff, right?” Julia asked. “I know enough to get by, but they’ve been really specific.”
“Of course I do.” Wess replied, sitting in between her and Sola, before ringing the buzzer on the table.
Seears moved away from the mic. “You got the answer?”
“It’s brandy. Any type, really.” Wess answered, Seears checking his answers.
“That’s…correct. Huh. First point to ‘Spectrum Harmony.’” Seears answered, Wess turning to Julia and Sola.
“First point?”
“…we’re really bad at this.” Sola replied, getting onto the table. “You know me! I’m not good at remembering this kinda stuff!”
“Hey. Off the table.” Seears asked. “I have to clean those later. I’ll deduct your point if I want to.”
Sola jumped back into her seat, before leaning over to Wess again. “You reckon we can rig it?”
Wess looked around, before leaning in and humouring Sola. “If we’re desperate.”
“We’re not rigging it, Sola.” Julia complained, huddling them together. “We’re gonna do our best, and if we lose, then we lose.”
She looked back over at Team Beefcake, Brad casually flexing to the rest of his team. “But I still really wanna win.”
“Next question!” Seears announced. “What recent movie was about the exploits of Team Vivisect and the Wayg-“
Wess hit the buzzer mid-question. “The Waygone Wailing Strikes: Vivisect in Arms.” She answered dryly.
“Correct. And for bonus points, what was its average reception online?”
“Bad, and deservedly so.” Wess replied, as Seears clapped to their table, Julia and Sola high fiving behind her.
“And with that, we’ll be taking a short break. Currently in the lead is ‘Muscle Posse’ with 10 points.” Seears announced, before leaving the stage to take a call on his tablet.
“We’re so winning this!” Julia cheered, as Wess sat back down, rubbing her forehead. “Are you good, Wess?”
“My lack of sleep is catching up to me.” Wess confessed. “I’m in that state of needing sleep, but not being able to rest properly.”
“Have you tried meditation?” Sola suggested. “I hate it, but Harley’s really keen on it. It sorta helped when Essex was having those bad dreams.”
“…perhaps. I’ll see what she thinks after this.” Wess said. “Is she back at the dorm?”
Sola shook her head. “She’s at that job fair going on. I was gonna go too, but then I realised a job fair’s different to a normal fair, and it didn’t sound very fun.” Sola replied, as Wess turned pale white. “You look kinda dead.”
“Julia, what’s today’s date?” Wess asked, clearly trying to maintain her composure.
“Uhh, the…thirteenth, I think.” Julia said.
“…right.” Wess let out, standing up in somewhat of a struggle. “…my apologies, but I must attend that job fair as soon as possible. I completely forgot it was happening today, and I now feel like a complete idiot.”
“But you just got here! We’re gonna get crushed without you!” Julia professed. “Can’t you stay for a little longer?”
“Julia, if this didn’t concern my career, I would.” Wess admitted. “I can’t waste this opportunity to make industry connections. This is a prime opportunity to get my name out there.”
Sola stood dynamically. “Just leave it up to Harley! I’m sure she’ll make a good impression for all of us.”
Wess looked to the side awkwardly.
“Don’t you trust her?” Julia asked.
“…it’s not about trust. I just think…” Wess said, wording her sentence very carefully. “…while she is very personable, she is not the most…professional.”
“She’s plenty professional!” Sola exclaimed, climbing back on the table.
“Hey! Last warning, kid!” Seears yelled, coming back onto stage.
Sola pouted and leaned back, as Wess recollected her things once again.
“If I can make it back in time, I will. Just…” Wess started, before realising she had no advice to give. “…wait…for me to get back.”
“No problem. We’ll stall if we can.” Julia said, as Wess hurried back out the door. “H-hey, Seears?”
“Huh?” Seears said, lifting up his head from his tablet.
“N-nice shoes. Where’d, uhh, you get them?” Julia asked, Sola encouraging her.
Seears looked down at his feet. “The HyperMall sneaker outlet, and no, your stalling tactic isn’t gonna work.”
“Dammit…” Julia let out, as Wess hurried back up the main building’s stairs, losing her breath, before hurrying again, reconfirming her appointments.
Cyrus…Joleicia…trivia…job fair…oh, I still have to meet Essex and Chops for training. She remembered, stamping her foot. Oh, Whilit. Why did you make me so charismatic?
She took a breather around the twentieth floor, mentally thanking Essex for helping her train her physical endurance, and looked out the window, spotting the sun now solidly in the middle of the sky.
It was already midday.
As the sunlight hit her eyes again, she snapped out of her trance and remembered how non-negotiable her time was, standing back up and continuing her hurried rush up the stairs to the job fair.
If the courtyard wasn’t still being repaired after the attack, Wess would’ve had a much easier time getting to the fair. Instead, the fair was now being hosted inside the main building, mostly for everyone’s protection in case of a repeat incident. As the yearly combat tournament was nearing its final events, the job fair acted as a gateway for any students competing who wanted to make connections in the industry early.
Of course, the tournament was only open to second and third years, so Wess was understandably surprised that Harley, of all people, wanted to come along.
“I suppose…we all have our hobbies…” Wess mumbled to herself, out of breath, and crossing the threshold between hallway and job fair.
Plenty of vendors from different industries and businesses were set up, some government, some private, a couple clearly just looking for grunt work. Wess was already planning a route out in her mind, before noticing Harley standing gormlessly in the middle of the room floor, looking around at each vendor idly with a couple bags slung around each arm.
Wess wandered over to her, before tapping her on the shoulder.
Harley turned. “Oh, hey Wess.”
“You didn’t…tell me this…was on today.” Wess panted.
Harley shrugged. “I thought you knew. You look really pale.” She handed Wess a spare bag. “In case you need to throw up.”
“I’m…not sick.” Wess said, regaining some composure. “I had to run up the stairs…from the ground floor.”
“Why didn’t you take the elevator?” Harley asked.
Wess blinked. “…I forgot there was one.”
“Ouch.” Harley snickered.
“I didn’t get much sleep! Honestly!” Wess complained. “You’re lucky I’m here to help you.”
“One, didn’t ask for your help, two, don’t need it.” Harley said, flexing her arms out. “I know how to sell myself.”
“Oh yes?”
“Oh yes indeed.” Harley teased. “I’ve already talked with a couple of the vendors.”
“You know, shot the shit. Made some connections.” Harley said.
Wess folded her arms. “Did you get any contact details from them?”
Harley’s confidence slowly dropped away. “I don’t think so.”
“Business cards?”
“…I guess not.”
“Did you at least tell them your name? Or the team’s name?”
“…well…no.” Harley admitted. “This one vendor gave me some chocolate though…”
“Chocolate does not a career make, Harley.” Wess advised, rubbing her temple. “I was worried this sort of thing might happen.”
Harley gave her the stink-eye. “Alright, Queen Marketing, if you’re so good at this, show me how it’s done.”
“I was planning to.” Wess clarified, readjusting her outfit. “Watch and learn.”
“…watch and learn…” Harley mumbled to herself, following behind Wess, as she scoped out a potential vendor.
I have to be quick about this. Wess thought to herself. I’ll just show Harley the ropes, then let her handle the networking once she knows what to do. Then I can make my other appointments…well, not on time…
Wess felt a headache coming on, before spotting a potential vendor that looked appropriate.
Harley stopped next to her and looked over the display. “What?”
“What do you mean ‘what?’ Look.” Wess said, pointing to the stall, standing out due to its sharpness, with a few students dotted around. “This is perfect. Look how professional it is.”
“Professional or dull?” Harley remarked, Wess glaring her. “Fine, professional. Can we go over now?”
“Hold on, we need an entry and exit strategy.” Wess said.
“What, are we planning a heist now?”
“No. Just…something to break the ice always helps…” Wess explained, looking over the stall.
Harley propped herself against the wall, as a figure sidled up to her, looking in Wess’ direction.
“Having fun?” He asked.
Harley turned her head and recognised Mr Cecil from Venator History, a lanyard around his neck and a couple pamphlets sticking out of his pocket. “Oh, hey sir. Wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
“I come every year. So many willing recruits hungry for a job.” Cecil said. “You two wouldn’t happen to be looking, would you?”
“Well, Wess is.” Harley said, looking back at her. “Very intensely.”
An idea finally hit Wess, as she snapped her fingers and spun around back to Harley. “I’ve got it. They’re a manufacturing company and they’ve got newly developed swords on display.” She explained, guiding Harley through it. “They’re expecting second and third-years to try them out, so if we show off that we’re just as good as them as first-years, if not better, we’ll suddenly be the team to look out for.”
“That’s…” Harley started, before thinking it over and exciting herself. “Damn, Wess, way to go! Using your big ol’ brain for good!”
“When have I used it for evil?” Wess questioned, as she noticed Mr Cecil by Harley, raising his eyebrows.
“You may wanna be careful.” He advised. “I know that company well, and they don’t like amateurs damaging the goods, so to speak. If you’re going over there, you better know how to use a sword.”
Wess seemed offended by the comment. “…I know my way around one, sir. I’m incredibly well versed i-“
“Whoa, calm down. I didn’t mean it in a rude way.” He said. “Just, don’t count your chickens before they hatch, you know?”
“I’ve had enough sayings from you.” Wess said, grabbing Harley’s arm. “Let’s go sell ourselves, Harley.”
“Could you not phrase it like that?” Harley asked, freeing herself, as Wess confidently strode over to the swords on display.
One of the attendants noticed and strode over to her in return. “I see you’re interested in our latest development.”
“Who wouldn’t be? These are the newest B-48’s, right?” Wess rhetorically asked, leaning into them. “With the platinum base?”
“Someone did their research.” He said, tapping his clipboard. “We’re very proud of this development. Several students participating in the tournament have even borrowed them for their matches, so it’s fair to say we know what we’re doing.”
Wess looked him over. “That’s a clever up sell…” Wess acknowledged, checking the attendants name badge. “…Dennis.”
Dennis replied with his own incredulous look. “What if it is? Are you saying they’re not worth your time?” Dennis asked, as Wess broke a small sweat.
“Of course not. In fact…” She prefaced. “…I would like to try one…if it’s alright.”
“…we don’t really let first-years handle our stock.” Dennis clarified. “Don’t want one poking their eye out, you know?”
“Poking their eye out? I can assure you I know what I’m doing.” Wess baited, as Dennis looked back at a couple of his assistants, all busy with other students.
He sighed out loud. “I guess…you could try it briefly. But don’t scuff it, okay?”
“Oh, please. You don’t need to worry about me.” Wess cleared up, waving to Harley to come join her, as she picked up the B-48 and was reminded of what a two-handed sword really weighed. “I-If there’s anything I know, it’s sword handling and…style.”
She attempted to hold it up and swing it casually, the weight nearly knocking her over, as Harley joined her and picked up one effortlessly.
“Are you…” Dennis asked, as Wess nearly dropped it on her foot. “You know…we do have lighter models.”
Wess resisted glaring at him, as she slowly found her balance. “An expert sword-fighter such as I can handle any…model!”
She rested her hands on the tip, holding it in front of her like a statue, finally getting a grip, as Harley swung her model around impressively.
“Damn. If I knew swords could be this ligh-“ She said, before Wess stared back at her hurriedly. “…durable, I would’ve been using one for ages now.”
“Are you sure you wouldn’t just punch the Wailing to death?” Dennis asked, eyeing up her physique. “Sword wielding is a pretty advanced field.”
“Indeed, it is!” Wess replied, as Dennis and Harley turned to see her standing on the nearby booth, holding her sword out both shakily and confidently. “So why not show off our talents, Harley?”
“Me?!” Harley exclaimed.
“U-uhh, miss, you aren’t allowed on that.” Dennis advised, encouraging her off. “I’d be really responsible if you injured yourself.”
“Oh, please. This is hardly any effort for me!” Wess cried, subtly winking to Harley, as a crowd started to gather. “Now watch, as I best the Great Harley Baroke in a true comba-“
In her impassioned speech, Wess’ manic flailing of the sword was meant to dictate her point, all until it flew out of her hands, sailed behind her, crashed through the skyscraper’s window, and plummeted to the ground, all in the blink of an eye.
Wess took a second to register why the sword’s weight was no longer a problem, before quickly piecing together what’d happened and looking out the window.
Dennis stood over her as she peered, stamping his foot.
She looked back up at him.
“You’re getting that.” He said.
“…I had a feeling.” She responded, growing redder and redder with embarrassment, as Harley decided to join her.
“So…” Harley said, looking down to the ground. “The Great Harley Baroke?”
“Shut up!” Wess complained, grabbing her bag and rushing out of the job fair. “I’ll retrieve the sword, you handle the aftercare!”
“Aftercare?” Harley asked, as Dennis was staring at her now.
“So, if the B-48 comes back damaged, which of you is paying to repair it?” Dennis asked, avoiding eye contact with his snickering assistants.
Harley looked around awkwardly, then back at the broken window.
“Wess is.”
Wess dashed out of the fair, heading for the stairway, before stopping herself immediately and taking the elevator instead.
Her foot tapped impatiently as the elevator made its way down, before finally stopping at the ground floor and letting Wess off, as she dashed out the building in a desperate search.
Please don’t let it be in someone. She begged. There’s enough cleanup for me to handle today.
After some more searching, admittedly getting her outfit far dirtier than she liked, she finally found the sword standing upright, jutting out of the ground, as a large pool of water spilled out of the hole it had pierced into the ground.
Wess made a careful attempt to manoeuvre the sword out of the quickly forming pool, managing to get a good handle on it, before pulling it out and worriedly inspecting it for damage.
“Wow, Harley was right. These are very durable.” Wess remarked, acknowledging the still perfect sheen the blade possessed, as a small pebble knocked her in the back of the head.
“Yo!” Called a voice, as another pebble came her way. “Why’re you playing in the mud?”
“Mud?” Wess asked, looking down at her feet, and realising the very simple equation of water plus dirt. “…curse you Whilit…”
She looked to the outside of the puddle, and noticed Chops getting ready to throw another pebble, with Essex beside her, laying her scythe across the puddle to form a makeshift bridge for Wess to cross.
“We’ve been waiting for ages! It’s already one! What took you so long?” Chops added, once Wess made her way across.
“I’m sorry, but my day has been absolutely hectic.” Wess admitting, Essex picking up her scythe again. “Thank you, Essex.”
“It is no problem.” Essex said. “But I ask that if you planned to arrive to practice late, you would let us know.”
“I didn’t know I’d be late. I wasn’t planning on throwing a sword out of a window today.” Wess remarked, as Chops chuckled to herself.
“Seriously? Was it at that job fair…whatever?” She asked, Wess nodding. “Man, that’s good. Did you piss off the guy presenting them?”
“…you’re a very sadistic person.” Wess commented, grabbing her forehead.
“Are you okay? Are you not in the right health to train?” Essex asked.
“No, I just haven’t eaten anything since breakfast. I mean, Cyrus planned a picnic, but I never go-“ Wess started, before panicking all over again. “Oh crap! I completely forgot about Cyrus!”
Wess ran off again, sword in tow, to the clearing in the forest, having entirely thrown out her schedule by this point.
“Hey! Where’re you going?!” Chops yelled. “We still have practice!”
Oh Cyrus, please still be there. Wess hoped, managing her way into the clearing, and desperately regretting bringing the sword that was only weighing her down, arriving far more exhausted than she planned.
Fortunately, Cyrus was still on the picnic blanket, waiting patiently, as Wess made her way up the hill, desperately out of breath.
“Whoa, you look half-dead.” Cyrus said, Wess joining him slowly after. “What’ve you been up to? And what’s with the new sword?”
Wess panted loudly, before barely lifting up the sword. “…job fair…souvenir…”
“Didn’t know they handed that kinda stuff out for free. I might actually go next time.” Cyrus suggested, as Wess lay back tiredly. “Do you want anything?”
“I want…to hear about…your semester…” Wess managed, sitting up slightly. “I…made a promise to you…”
Cyrus laughed a little. “I mean, you did, but if you’re too out of it, we don’t hav-“
“Oh, thank the gods!” Wess exclaimed, lying back down.
Cyrus rolled his eyes, and offered Wess a scone, as Wess graciously accepted, finally letting herself take a breather and a bite…
…before catching a glimpse of her watch.
One thirty! I promised Joleicia I’d be back by now! Wess freaked out, still trying to maintain her composure on the surface. But I can’t abandon Cyrus again. He went to all this effort.
She looked back at Cyrus, confused as to why she wasn’t eating.
But I’ve already rescheduled with Joleicia twice, and I made a promise to her too. What good is my word if I can’t maintain it?
Cyrus leaned into her. “Is the food bad?”
Wess had found an out.
“Y-yes!” She cried, finally swallowing and standing up. “I-I mean, it tastes great, but something about it doesn’t agree with me. I’m having some terrible indigestion.”
Cyrus blinked. “But it’s a scone.”
“I know, so many processed sugars.” Wess sympathised, grabbing her bag and the sword. “I must excuse myself. I need to find the bathroom.”
Cyrus’ mouth hung open. “Uhh, okay, but be back soon, alright? I can’t wait around all day.”
“Of course!” Wess cried, hobbling back out the clearing. “I love you!”
“Yeah…” Cyrus sighed, lying back on the blanket, as the clouds passed over him. “It was her recipe…”
Got to find her…got to find her…got to find her…
Wess hurried up to the library, swiftly trudging through the hallways, while carrying and speed-reading her copy of Riches and Starlight, half paying attention to where she was going.
She passed several students, all side-glancing her as she sped by, with Wess ignoring them all for the sake of keeping up social obligations.
Don’t panic, Wess. You’re a natural at this. Any slight time delays can be smoothed over with much…
She stopped midway through the hall.
“He confessed already?” She remarked, staring blankly at the book.
“…oh, right!” She exclaimed, continuing her dash down the hall, before turning a sharp corner and bumping into Sola of all people.
“Oh, great. I’m sorry, but I don’t have t…Sola?” Wess said.
“Wess! We found you!” Sola cheered, turning back to Julia. “Julia, I found Wess!”
“Hey!” Julia called, rushing up to her. “We tried texting you, bu-why do you have a sword?”
“…long story.” Wess replied, pulling out her tablet and realising just how many texts she’d missed.
“Well, good news! They had to postpone trivia for a bit. Apparently, the water main burst outside, so we’re waiting until it’s repaired.” Julia explained.
Wess blinked awkwardly, as she now wished she’d changed out of her guilty, muddy shoes during her hectic routine.
That certainly clears things up.
“I heard a repair guy say it was weirdly burst too, like a cut or something.” Sola chimed in. “What if a Wailing got in and slashed the pipeline?”
“Will their ruthlessness never end?” Wess dryly remarked, continuing down the hall. “Thank you for informing me, but I must get going.”
“Okay, but be ready! We’ll text when it’s back on!” Julia said, watching Wess disappear down the hall again.
She swung up the stairwell, quickly making her way to the library, as she caught Joleicia right outside the entrance and just about to leave again.
Joleicia turned her head and waved.
“I have opinions!”
“I’m sure you do…” Joleicia quietly remarked, as Wess caught up with her.
“I-it was rushed! Chapter 25! I thought it was rushed!” Wess exclaimed, somewhat out of breath again.
Joleicia cocked her head. “You already told me that.”
“Yes! But now I…really mean it.” Wess said, straightening her back. “The confession scene itself was very well handled, but the events leading up were too audacious.”
“Yeah, what was with the tap dance contest?” Joleicia asked, as Wess displayed her hands.
“However, I do think it played with the themes of perspective very well, even if the confession happening in a hall of mirrors was horribly on the nose.” Wess continued.
Joleicia displayed her hands. “But the hall is there to reflect their previous mistakes. How else was Demitri going to confront his grandfathers’ scandalous affair?” Joleicia argued, grabbing some papers from her bag. “Hold up, I’ve got my real good reasoning written down here…”
Wess felt a buzz in her pocket, acknowledging a new text from Julia as Joleicia searched for her material.
Julia [Trivia’s already back on! They fixed the pipes way quicker than we thought they would! Don’t panic too much!]
What sort of advice is that Julia? Wess thought, watching Joleicia pull out her papers again.
“There we go! Alright, where to start…”
“Wait, hold that thought again.” Wess interrupted. “I know I just joined back up with you, but I’m required somewhere else.”
Joleicia rested her hands on her hips. “Again? How busy is your day?”
“Very.” Wess said, grabbing her shoulders. “Very busy.”
“…okay, but I can’t wait around forever. I’ve got a schedule too, you know.” Joleicia said, watching Wess grab her stuff again.
“Yes, thank you! I’ll be back as soon as this is over!” Wess cried, disappearing around the corner, Joleicia letting out a good-natured sigh in her honour.
Fortunately, Wess had been mapping out the best possible routes through the academy in her head, and was able to arrive at trivia impressively fast, even if she had to make awkward eye-contact with Chops and Essex on the training grounds while she did so.
“In the season twelve finale of ‘The Beggar’s Heart,’ who was revealed to be a reincarnated Wailing after spending the rest of the season as a ghost haunting the manor?”
“Oh! Oh oh!” Julia yelled, waving her hand, before remembering she had to push the buzzer. “Ricky Rick Ricardo, the bachelor philanthropist!”
“Surprisingly, yes.” Seears replied, turning back to the microphone. “That’s one more point for Spectrum Harmony.”
“Woo!” Sola cheered, high-fiving Julia, before Wess burst through the door, quickly joining them again.
“Hey, leave weapons at the door!” Seears called to Wess. “Your scythe friend gets a pass, but you don’t.”
Wess looked down at her anchor-like sword, quickly cursing it, and ducked back to drop it off, before sliding into the free seat near Julia and Sola.
“Wess!” Julia cried, hugging Wess immediately. “Seears finally dropped some questions we can answer, and we’ve been doing really good!”
Wess glared at Julia. “Then you didn’t need me?”
“Oh no, we’re still losing like crazy to Team Beefcake.” Julia admitted, pointing back at them still celebrating. “We’ve only been winning for a few rounds now…”
“What was the name of the first ever Venator team, and for a bonus point, what year were they formed?”
“I know this one! Harley told me!” Sola cried, getting on the table and hitting the buzzer. “It was Team Alpha in 4920!”
“Correct, now get off my table.” Seears complained, Sola promptly doing so.
“By the way, since you’ve been running around all day, I figured you were really hungry, and…”
Julia pulled out a bowl of seasoned chips and tartare sauce. “I got a little something from th-“
Wess’ dove for the bowl, stuffing her face efficiently and carelessly, leaving Julia with some dead-air.
“Or just…have at it.” Julia professed, as Sola snuck a couple chips when no one was looking, waiting patiently for the next question.
“So…” Julia said, trying to ignore Wess’ carnivorous eating. “You’re not planning on replacing Belvedere, are you?”
“No. Why wou-“ Wess asked, still stuffing her face with more chips, before looking back at the sword by the doorway mid-chew and slapping her forehead. “The job fair!”
“Do you need to go somewhere?” Sola asked, her attention now fully on Wess.
Wess put her foot down. “No. I’ve been moving around too much. I need to finish at least one thing today, and that’s that.”
Julia grabbed a chip. “Do you need to go back?”
Wess swallowed, before turning to the side. “…yes.”
“…alright, fine.” Wess let out. “You’ve successfully guilted me. I’ll return the sword, come back here, finish up this trivia, finally join Chops and Essex, discuss more with Joleicia…oh gods, I’m a mess…”
She fell back onto the table, as Julia patted her back.
“At least your hair’s still really pretty.”
“…I know…” Wess confessed, finally lifting herself up. “Alright, no more moping! I’m finishing this day properly!”
And out the door she went.
Sola turned back to Julia. “Those chips were really good.”
“I can get some more, if you want.” Julia suggested, Sola nodding to her.
“Also, didn’t Wess forget the sword?” Sola said.
Julia blinked, before noticing the sword still laying by the entrance.
She hit her head on the table. “Dammit, Wess…”
Wess burst back into the main building, relocating the stairs in a hurry, before stopping and climbing back down to take the elevator instead. She constantly tapped her foot as she rode up, feverishly watching the floor number tick up, before jumping onto the job fair floor and relocating Harley and Dennis, still waiting for her return.
“Oh, there you are!” Dennis called. “It’s not damaged, is it?”
“No, I must commend your compan…” Wess started, reaching for the sword again, before re-registering why the sword’s weight was no longer a problem.
“Wess, where’s the sword?” Harley whispered. “It didn’t actually break, did it?”
Wess realised her guilt, looking around to avoid addressing Dennis directly, while also feeling what she assumed to be a text from Julia in her pocket about the sword, before throwing up her hands in a desperate bid.
“What sword?”
This clearly didn’t work.
“I hope you can afford damages.” Dennis threatened, pointing to the window. “Not just for the sword.”
Wess pupils shrank, as she immediately ran out of the job fair again, in search of the misplaced sword, trying to ignore all the people that were now staring at the farce she’d unwittingly created.
She headed for the stairs, making a fair way down a few more flights, before noticing the elevator she’d elected to miss and stamping her foot.
“Come on!” Wess cried, stopping in the stairwell. “Why can’t I manage this?!”
She slumped against the wall, head in her hands, as she tried to slow her ragged breathing, over and over, acknowledging just how stressed out this day had made her.
I used to be great at time management. She thought, running her hands through her hair. Then again, I used to be more focused on myself. Schedules are easy to plan when they’re just your own. I don’t remember having this many…
The word hung in the air.
She sat against the stairs and rested her head against the wall.
I guess that’s what you’d call them…was I so lonely back in Mareau?
She finally let herself breath after such a long day and took as much time as she wanted on the stairs, watching the afternoon sunlight run its course down the wall.
I feel like the archetypical princess locked in her tower, and now she wants to experience the world all at once. She thought. Am I not built for this?
She acknowledged the lessened number of floors she had to descend, and progressively made her way down, leaving the building opening out toward the bar.
She slipped back over, pulling the sword out from behind the bar’s main door, and caught two familiar figures off in the distance, clashing steel to ice.
“Ha! Blocked ya.” Chops teased, standing behind her impressive ice wall, before hearing cracking sounds from behind it, and watching Essex climb up with her scythe, leap over the top and pin her to the ground, seizing the victory.
“Do not become complacent. There are elements to consider that you may forget.” Essex advised, pulling her up and looking back at the wall. “But your Whil is impressive.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty self-sufficient.” Chops remarked, noticing Wess arriving in the distance. “Hey! Finally joining us?”
Wess walked over, before finding a nearby log seat and collapsing onto it, letting out a pathetic sigh.
“This day has conquered me…”
“Yeah, I can tell.” Chops said, sitting by her feet.
“Did your events not go as planned?” Essex asked.
“I wouldn’t know! I’ve too many to keep track of!” Wess yelled. “I’m never around long enough for anyone, and I can’t keep up! I ruined my impression at the job fair, Julia and Sola will never trust my know-how again, Joleicia’s probably sick of me, and Cyrus!” Wess cried, grabbing Essex’s collar. “I don’t know what to do.”
Chops picked up her sword and tapped it to the ground. “If you ask me, I say let this day die out. Deal with the consequences later when you’re less frazzled.”
“Avoiding a problem will not solve it.” Essex argued. “There are solutions to this.”
“Well, yeah, if you want to waste more time.” Chops continued. “At the end of the day, you’re only capable of what you’re capable of. Some people can’t climb mountains, some people can’t keep track of twenty different people’s lives on top of their own. It’s not in our nature.”
Essex sat by Wess’ head, as they both heard Chops out, expounding on what a solution might entail.
“I’m sure it’ll work itself out, if you finally let go a little.” Chops added.
Wess slowly sat up, taking in everything Chops had advised her, before leaning over and smacking Chops’ sword out of her hands and onto the ground.
“Absolutely not!”
Chops blinked. “Huh?”
“How dare you assume I can’t handle this!” Wess cried. “I’m incredible! Nothing stands in my way if I don’t allow it to! I’m a Renaissance woman, through and through!”
Chops rolled her eyes. “Ego, much?”
“Deride me all you want, either I’m conquering this day with brilliance and style, or it won’t end!” Wess declared. “This diamond refuses to crack!”
“Wess, is this a sm-“ Essex started, before Wess pressed a finger to her lips.
“I’m a trained socialite. I’m not going to end this day perfectly, I can’t, but I’ll be holding my head high throughout!” Wess said, grabbing her bag again.
“Will you not be training with us?” Essex asked, watching Wess hype herself up.
“There will always be more training sessions, Essex, but there won’t be more todays.” Wess declared. “I’ll do what I can to fix what I’ve already done.”
She grabbed Essex by the arms.
“Because I’m Wess and I’m incredible!”
Wess ran off excitedly, as Chops pulled up her sketch book and directly avoided looking at her. “Good luck with that, weirdo.”
“Returning the sword is top priority, followed by catching the tail-end of trivia, and seeing if I can offer any helpful incites…” Wess mumbled to herself, as the elevator carried her back to the job fair. “I doubt Joleicia’s still at the library, so it might be smart to check the dorms again, but not before swinging by Cyrus again, and…apologising…”
The elevator ride felt short, considering how laborious it’d been the last few rides, as upon entering the fair, she was greeted by the pleasant faces of a nervous Harley and fuming Dennis.
As soon as Wess was close enough, Dennis grabbed the sword back from her. “It’s about time! Oh, look, it’s got scratches all over it!”
“It fell out of a skyscraper. What can you expect?” Wess reasoned. “They can be buffed out.”
“…I guess.” Dennis replied, putting the sword back. “But I still expect some compensation! You damaged company property, deliberately held up operations for our stall, disrespected company stock, a-“
“Of course, I’d hate for certain higher-ups to know you lost, and nearly damaged, important company property because you let clumsy first-years handle it.” Wess suggested.
Dennis stopped his ranting, as Harley gave Wess a look of recognition.
“But fortunately, no one here, expect me of course, has the right connections to get in contact with them.” Wess said. “And needless to say, my silence won’t be free.”
Dennis began to sweat, as Harley joined Wess’ side confidently. “Y-you’re bluffing. I’m not falling for that. And besides, my bosses trust me enough to not throw me under the bus.”
Wess stared back at him.
He looked back at her.
“…what do you want?”
“Nothing much.” Wess said. “Just a potential sponsorship for the next yearly tournament.”
“S-sponsorship?” Dennis asked, looking around him nervously, before leaning in. “I can’t just hand those out.”
“Then find someone who can. And make sure they look up Team Valiant.” Wess reasoned, walking off proudly, as Harley hung back.
“Actually…” Harley said, picking up the sword. “We might just take this too. I mean, it’s clearly so scratched up and busted. It’d be smarter to say you sold it.” Harley bargained. “And we’ll also take a business card.”
Dennis took a great amount of effort swallowing his pride, before getting out a pen and writing down a couple notes on a company card, as Harley turned to Wess and gave a proud thumbs up.
Wess laughed to herself. You wily devil.
“That’s…the name of one my superiors.” Dennis admitted. “Talk to him if you want a sponsorship. But please, don’t tell him I was the one who referred you.”
“Thanks.” Harley said, before dropping off a few hundred capitals. “For the sword.”
Dennis looked a bit surprised, as Harley joined up with Wess, leaving the job fair entrance with a noticeable stride.
“That was awfully nice of you.” Wess said. “But you did just pay for a sword no one will use.”
“You can use it.” Harley suggested, Wess immediately turning her nose to it.
“Are you kidding? I’m not giving up Belvedere for my life.” Wess declared, taking the sword. “But it would look good hanging over my bed.”
“Well, I payed for it. Why not my bed?” Harley argued, taking it back.
“You wouldn’t have gotten to haggled him out of it if I hadn’t dropped it out the window.” Wess reasoned, trying to take it back. “Why’re you so damn tall?”
“It makes it easier to hang things on walls.” Harley teased, before deciding to hand the sword back. “You can have it. You were awesome with that whole sponsorship deal.”
“Oh.” Wess said, taking it graciously. “…thank you.”
They continued walking, taking the elevator back down, standing together in an understanding silence.
Wess looked back down at the sword. “…I don’t receive gifts that often…”
“Then this can be your first.” Harley grinned.
Wess looked back up at her with an endearing gaze, before the elevator’s ‘ding’ brought her back to reality and brought her attention to the Academy Daiquiri Lounge.
“You coming back to the dorm?” Harley asked, Wess heading over to the bar.
“Maybe later. I’ve a few more appointments to take care of.” Wess reasoned, leaving the sword with Harley, before re-entering the bar and locating Julia and Sola, heads in their hands.
“Wess!” Sola cried, grabbing onto her. “We’re desperate! We’ve only got 40.5 points and Team Beefcake are nine and a half points ahead of us!”
“How did you get half a point?” Wess asked.
“I corrected the grammar on one of the questions.” Julia replied, biting her nails. “But it’s nowhere near enough.”
Julia grabbed Wess too. “We’ve only got one chance to win this! There’s a lightning round with ten questions! If we answer all ten of them correctly before Team Beefcake, we can actually win this!”
Wess looked back at Seears, approaching the mic again, and grabbed the teams buzzer.
“I’ll handle this.”
“Alright, everyone. Last round. I’m gonna fire off ten more questions, and whoever’s first, and right, gets a point. Got it? Good. Let’s see who’s coming out on top.”
“Me. I am.” Wess muttered to herself, before Julia and Sola both looked at her. “I mean us, sorry.”
“First question: who’s the leader of the famous Team Spectr-“
Wess slammed the buzzer. “X-Ray, full name Ray Modell.”
Seears checked his notes. “Correct, good job.”
Julia looked at Wess affectionately. “You were listening…”
“Second: who played Lord Monturne in Keepers o-“
“Sir George V. Hendrix.” Wess answered.
“Third: approximate height of Mt Cavalier.”
“8850 metres.”
“The movie awarded best screenplay in 4986?”
“‘Marry Me, I’m Choking.’”
“The main ingredient used in Hayfith ice cream?”
“Seaweed extract.”
“Deepest ocean?”
“The Great Myvolos Sea.”
“Widest ocean?”
“Same answer.”
“Mareau’s sister city?”
“Coureta, unfortunately.”
“What year was the Reun Cathedral finished construction…”
“…after it was set ablaze during a Wailing attack?”
Seears looked back at Wess, before loosening his tie and grabbing the mic more fervently. “Alright, last question. What magic did the infamous Waygone Wailing possess?”
Wess hit the table. “Trick question. The Waygone Wailing’s the only Wailing in recorded history to have TWO types of magic. Metal Manipulation and Heat Transfer.”
Seears looked back down at his cards, before breathing in through his teeth. “I’m sorry, but you needed both types of magic to be right.” He said. “It was Metal Manipulation and Deep Burrow.”
Wess stared blankly, hitting herself for not getting that sooner, and sitting back down after her impassioned battle of wits.
“Can we give a round of applause for that brilliant display?” Seears insisted, as the bar rang out with a polite clap for Wess’ show of talent, Wess appreciating it to herself.
“However, while that was impressive, today’s overall victory goes to…Muscle Posse!” Seears announced, as all of Team Beefcake got up and cheered, high fiving, bumping chests, hugging like crazy, with Brad laying his hand in the middle.
“Beefcake now and Beefcake proud!!!” He exclaimed, as the others placed their hands in too, lifting them up in celebration. “Who are we?!”
“BEEFCAKE!!!” They yelled.
“Indeed!” Efrem added, joining them in celebration.
Seears cleared his throat into the microphone. “Well done, guys.”
“So…” Wess said, sighing sadly. “I guess we just lost.”
“Whatever.” Julia replied. “Thanks for coming anyway.”
“You totally could have won if that trick question hadn’t been so tricky.” Sola argued.
“No, that was a failing on my part.” Wess admitted. “I suppose I’m not as infallible as I want to believe.”
“I’m just glad you were here for any of it.” Julia said. “You never would have come here when we first met, so…it means a lot to me.”
“Me too.” Sola agreed. “You would’ve killed us for dragging you somewhere like this.”
“Well…” Wess started, before agreeing that Sola was right on some level. “Just…don’t take that for granted in the future. My time is very valuable.”
“Okay!” Sola cheered, getting up from her seat. “This day’s been really long. I wanna sleep forever now.”
Wess chuckled to herself. “I’d have to agree. Unfortunately, I’ve still a few more things to take care of before the day is over…”
“…she loves me…she loves me not…she’s ignoring me…she’s putting me off…”
Cyrus lay back patiently, head against the picnic blanket as he stared at the clouds, watching the day slowly end.
“I stayed here all day waiting for her to come back.” He reflected. “I guess I’m playing second fiddle to the rest of her life…”
He sighed to himself, before a rustling came from the bushes, Cyrus lifting his head in hopes of Wess finally making her return.
Wait…Wess isn’t a brunette.
Getting caught on a small root, Joleicia stumbled a bit into the clearing, cleaning herself off, before spotting Cyrus on the top of the hill, looking back at her in surprise.
“Oh, hi Cyrus.” Joleicia said.
“Do…I know you?” Cyrus asked, as Joleicia joined up with him.
“…oh, right! We haven’t met yet.” She laughed, before stretching out her hand. “Joleicia. Wess told me about you, and I pieced some things together.”
“Ah.” Cyrus replied, shaking it. “I thought you were just some stranger here to kick me out of the clearing.”
Joleicia shook her head. “Only a couple people know about this place, so it’s fine if you wanna stay a bit longer.”
Cyrus smirked to himself. “I’ve already been here the whole day. Wess kept me waiting for no real reason, then ditched me again.”
“Ditc…” Joleicia started, before a realisation hit. “…oh.”
“We…had a book club today.” Joleicia said, sitting down with him. “We had to reschedule a bunch. She also had training with Essex and Chops, and a couple other things too.”
Cyrus was left aghast, as he blinked a few times. “She was really that busy?”
Joleicia nodded.
“And she didn’t tell me?”
Joleicia looked just as surprised. “She didn’t?”
“I…guess not.” Cyrus shrugged. “But why should I know anything? I only put in the effort that she couldn’t muster for me.”
He rested his head in his lap, as Joleicia rubbed his back. She looked around at the half-eaten food taking up space on the blanket.
“Did you prepare this for her?”
Joleicia grabbed one of the uneaten sandwiches. “Well, there’s no point letting it go to waste.”
She handed one to Cyrus, who took it reluctantly and sat next to her.
Joleicia took a bite, before audibly gasping. “This is delicious! Did you make these?”
“Yeah, but Wess gave me the recipes.” Cyrus admitted. “I was gonna surprise her…”
“She’s a very social person. No matter what you do, she’ll be splitting her time up with someone.” Joleicia explained, taking another bite.
“But why do I get so little of it?” Cyrus asked. “I thought boyfriend and girlfriend meant something! I don’t need all that romantic crap, just the time of day, enough for a decent conversation. Heck, I could just be her convenient booty call at this point.”
Joleicia snickered into her hand. “Some days, I’m just so glad I’m ace.” Joleicia giggled. “There’s no point getting angry at Wess without her getting to defend her side. You’ll just make her out to be a villain when she’s anything but.”
Cyrus sat back up, before turning around and knocking his head against the large oak. “…I’m not angry at her…I just miss hanging out with her, and the fact that we AREN’T talking this out is exactly the problem.”
“…well, you can blame her for that.” Joleicia confessed.
Joleicia patted his shoulder, as both of them heard more rustling from the foliage, with Wess emerging, somewhat exhausted, but hardly showing it.
“Cyrus! My apologies again, but thi-“
“How dare you leave him waiting, Wess!” Joleicia complained. “He planned a lovely day for the two of you, and you ditched him over and over!”
Wess took a second to register that Joleicia was now with them too. “Uh…you know how busy I was. I took as much time as I co-“
“No, you didn’t! And don’t say you did, cause we totally could’ve moved our book club again!” Joleicia pointed out, Cyrus lifting his head. “Stop burning yourself out and take care of this lovely boy!”
“We already moved it fr-“ Wess started, before looking at how upset Cyrus clearly was, and feeling the unfortunate pang of guilt in her stomach.
…I really have overlooked him. She admitted.
“I know you don’t have all the time in the world, but boyfriend and girlfriend mean something!” Joleicia professed, now trying to calm herself.
Wess shuffled her feet. “Can…I have a moment with Cyrus? Just us two?”
Joleicia took a big breath, before nodding, getting up and ducking out, as Wess sat back down with Cyrus, still clearly upset with her.
“…you could’ve told me.” Cyrus said. “I get it if you’re that busy, but don’t plan things behind my back.”
Wess sighed out and looked at the changing clouds. “When I was with my parents, I could never plan personal events without them refusing to let me go. So, if I never told them, they couldn’t say no.” Wess admitted. “Old habits die hard, I suppose.”
“Is that meant to be an excuse?” Cyrus asked, clearly angry. “I really want to see you, but if you have other plans, I’ll just say no so I can have you all to myself? How selfish! I’m just like your parents!”
“No, Cyrus…” Wess said, pulling him down to the blanket. “I know we haven’t had much time together, but you’re nothing like them. You want to spend time with me, not hold me back.”
Cyrus refused eye contact, leaving Wess in the dark as to his intentions, before he turned to her suddenly.
“Is this gonna be a problem going forward?”
Wess stared blankly.
“Cause if it is, then…” Cyrus tried to say. “…I need to know if I have a place in your life. If you can’t make time for me, then I don’t want to put in more effort than you feel you can.”
“Cy…” Wess said, stuttering. “I-I don’t…”
“It’s a simple yes or no.” Cyrus replied.
Wess took a minute, playing with responses in her mind, trying to come up with whatever Cyrus wanted to hear, before deciding to just be earnest.
“I’ll try. I’ll try to make more time for us.” Wess decided. “This is entirely on me. I’m still…new to these relationships…and I’m doing my best, I promise. But if my best isn’t enough, then…I guess…”
“…yeah.” Cyrus said, a little unsure after Wess’ declaration. “…if it’s not enough.”
The duo sat in silence, assessing what the other had suggested, and trying to decide where to go from here, as Joleicia kept quiet on the sidelines, having eavesdropped without intending to.
“Oh, Wess…”
It was a short walk back to her dorm, but Wess appreciated the breather after what turned out to be a pretty heavy conversation. The sun finally considered its job finished for the day, and Wess caught the last glimpse of it as it ducked behind the Eldos mountains and headed into her dorm.
Wess’ head crashed to her pillow again, ready to sleep until she was dead, but still being kept awake as Julia continued to make noise in the kitchen.
“Son of a…not again!”
Julia hobbled into the main room, sitting on her bed while grabbing her foot, before looking up at Wess on her top bunk, visibly exhausted.
“Sorry, do you want me to be quiet?” Julia asked.
“…it’s fine.” Wess said, slowly sitting up. “I have a few things to mull over anyway.”
“Hey,” Julia said, leaning on the bed frame. “Harley told me about what you did at the job fair.”
She indicated to the B-48 sword mounted on the wall, just above Wess’ broken fish tank. “You’re building up a real collection here.”
Wess jumped out of her bunk. “It was mostly a consolation prize.”
“Be that as it may, getting us a sponsorship for next year is so worth celebrating.” Julia said, pulling out one of the more expensive wine bottles from the pantry. “How does the 5008 Chardonnay sound?”
“You’re a woman after my own heart.” Wess remarked, following her into the kitchen, before stopping just in front of the sword mounted on the wall.
She stared at it fixedly, catching her own reflection in the blades metal sheen, with a couple of the scratches covering up parts of herself, leaving a somewhat incomplete image, before she adjusted her hair a little and headed into the kitchen to celebrate her relatively successful venture.
- In Serial155 Chapters
Reaper of The Wizarding World
This is a copy of my Webnovel fan-fic. I don't know if I'll keep the ones off Webnovel as up to date but I'll try. Death? It is often described as the embodiment of fear, man or God alike. But to Soren, it is the beginning, middle, and end of his journey. To this young man, Death is the start of his struggles through life. Watch as Soren fights to save his family from the grips of Death and struggles to live a happy life.
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Schwarzesmarken '86
3 years after the dramatic conclusion of the Stasi coup attempt, Theodor Eberbach, who had made a new life for himself in the United Kingdom, returns to mainland Europe following rumors of the survival of Katia Waldheim as humanity is pushed back to a few strongholds by the BETA. Originally written for Muv Luv threads on a certain imageboard, I'm posting it here so I don't lose it. Don't expect me to finish this as it has been around 2 years since I worked on it and I am working on an original writing project, but some feedback would be appreciated.
8 79 - In Serial51 Chapters
139: In Evening
Timothy Kleve is a seemingly ordinary 17 years old still reeling back from the death of his mother. When a deadly phenomenon that causes people to die from their dreams called the Vashmir Pandemic throws society into chaos, Tim is forced to fight for his life and the lives of his loved ones. As Somnidin, a controversially addictive drug starts to run out, he finds himself dragged further into a world where fear is power, desperately trying to protect his best friends, Clay and Stella Barber, from death. The world ending. The death toll rising. Hunted by dream monsters, criminals, law enforcement, and civilians alike, the outcast trio must find a way to stop the pandemic or risk a sleep that lasts an eternity.
8 86 - In Serial59 Chapters
Otome game in a reality
She died and found herself in a world of a game. The japanese game called 'Only mine' otome game. She thought it was a simple dating game so didn't take it seriously. She simply thought making the capture targets fall in love with her will lead her to victory. But soon she realized just how dangerous it is to not know anything about the word 'yandere'. A simple word she didn't pay any mind to when reading the informations of capture targets will lead her to a disastrous road. What will she who knows nothing about otome game or even a yandere would do to win the game? And who is the capture targets? Will she be able to go back to her world? Read to find out more.#1 in obsession 07/31/2020#1 in yanderemale 08/01/2020#2 in possessive 08/02/2020
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More than Friends (Dipcifica)
Its a dipcifica story.
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broken-hearted; jeongcheol
jeonghan is broken-heartedand seungcheol tears his heart up for him.©-darkseouls 2017(im currently editing this, because I have reread it and yikes)
8 172