《Day-to-Day Kindred》Chapter 9: Getting Even
“…ut the root cause is still unknown. While most Wailing retain an animalistic appearance, closely resembling ursine and canines, recent breeds of Wailing have been understood as fully gelatinous, like if a bag of water were somehow given autonomy and consciousness.” Cecil explained, as his class took steady notes while he spoke. “Despite our best efforts, it’s near impossible to capture one for study, let alone attempt an autopsy. We don’t even know something as basic as their eating habits.”
Cecil put down the whiteboard marker, as he walked about the lecture hall studiously, assessing everyone he passed. “Now, I know a few students here have encountered a Wailing before, but has anyone here seen a ‘gelatinous’ Wailing in person?”
Immediately, Essex raised her hand, drawing the attention of the class, and a surprised Florey sitting right next to her.
“Okay, Ms…Essex?”
She nodded. “I have seen one in person.”
“Can you describe the experience?”
Despite not needing to, Essex stood up to address her peers. “During an expedition through the Aishanara forest, the Segaru Clan was attacked by a gelatinous Wailing during the night. I fought while the other members recovered, and was able to kill it within eleven minutes.”
“Fascinating.” Cecil muttered, stroking his chin and leaning against his desk. “How was the experience different?”
“Physical attacks proved to not be effective, but my Whil was, as it reacted poorly when coming into contact.” Essex explained, as Cecil took a few hurried notes.
“…react…Whils…that’s really interesting, Essex. Thank you for sharing.”
“Grelo.” Essex thanked, sitting back down, as Florey leaned over to her.
“You’ve actually seen one in person?” He asked.
“Several, of varied breed and physique.” Essex elaborated.
Florey was left wide-eyed. “No kidding…”
Cecil headed back to the board and picked up the marker again. “We’re nearly done today, so I’ll write this week’s problem on the board.” Cecil said, as he finished writing. “‘If a Wailing is presently living within a few kilometres of you, how can you tell just from looking at your surroundings?’ You’ll have until the end of the week, but I’ll give you some time t-“
In an instant, Florey raised his hand to answer.
Cecil noticed and laughed to himself a little. “I guess I should’ve expected this from you, Florey. Don’t tell you’ve already got the solution?”
Florey slowly lowered his hand in embarrassment. “Am I not supposed to?”
The class collectively laughed, as Cecil approached his seat. “Quite the opposite. Care to give the answer?”
Florey started counting on his fingers. “First, impurities in the water. If a Wailing is losing its composure, the water will contain parts of its now gelatinous flesh.”
Cecil raised a finger and urged him to continue.
“In order to test their habitat, Wailing scratch the sides of nearby trees to assess their strength and durability.” Florey continued, as Cecil raised another finger. “And lastly, coming from their namesake, Wailing can occasionally be heard wailing late into the night.”
Cecil proudly raised the last digit and joined his hands together. “I think that deserves an applause, everyone.”
The class started politely clapping for Florey, who was taking the praise incredibly well, as Cecil returned to his desk and wiped the problem off the board.
“Now Florey had to go and ruin all the fun.” Cecil joked, getting a giggle from the rest of the class. “I’m only kidding. You’re exceeding my expectations already, Florey.”
Florey grinned to himself awkwardly, not used to receiving this much admiration for his work, as Essex looked to him with an interested curiosity.
He appears to be far more gifted than I thought.
“With that out of the way, we can finish up class, but if anyone’s got questions, feel free to ask while I’m here.” Cecil said, as he leaned on his desk and noticed a hand raise in the crowd. “Yes?”
“Uhh…I was wondering…” The student asked, a little hesitant. “Do you…know how the Wailing conflict started?”
Cecil paused briefly, before getting up and pacing. “Do I know? Well, no one really knows. It was too long ago for any of us to remember, but there has been some speculation…”
“I meant…what do you think happened?”
“Oh.” Cecil said. “That’s a very different question.”
“It’s just you’re the head of the science department, so if anyone had an idea…”
Cecil raised his hand. “It’s understandable. Alright, everyone. What I’m talking about isn’t strictly class related, so if you want to head out now, by all means.”
Cecil waited, as everyone seated remained, and a playful smile grew against his face.
“Glad to see I’ve grabbed your attention.” He remarked, before starting his pacing again. “…from what we’ve gathered, the Wailing conflict started around to time of our colonisation of Central Point. Records were scarce, but from analysis of writings and religions formed around the time, we believe the Wailing were envious of humanities abilities to construct and communicate, and that the early settlers of Daysend were set upon by the Wailing at night, as they attacked violently and destroyed anything the settlers managed to create.”
“Humanity fought back, but was woefully unequipped, until the First Wailing War was declared and shortly after, the Venator system was established, leading to humanity finally getting the upper hand.” Cecil explained, as the audience listened enraptured, a few taking notes, but most just memorising. “Of course, Wailing evolved to compensate, and as a result, the conflict continued for two more wars, and has yet to end. We get stronger, but Wailing keep showing up…”
Cecil turned to the class again. “Why do you think humanity fought back?”
The class was left silent, as no one wanted to be the first to answer, not even Florey, before Essex raised her hand.
“…to defend their lifestyle.”
“…yes, to an extent.” Cecil clarified. “While that’s a valid assessment, I would argue humanity wanted something back. They wanted to show the Wailing what they’d done to us.”
Cecil waved his hand. “I know, that’s just revenge, revenge is wrong, plain and simple. But when negotiation can’t be reached, what else is left but revenge? I wouldn’t be suggesting this if the Wailing weren’t forcing our hands, but considering our history with them, you don’t need to second-guess their intentions.” Cecil explained. “Destruction. All they’ve ever done is taken and hurt. They’re creatures of unfeeling hatred built on their jealousy of humanities prowess. To me, at least, we’re taking revenge to level the playing field and finally make them pay for what they’ve done to us. And in that case, I say revenge is the only appropriate response.”
The audience gave him silence, as Florey rested his head in his hands. “Wow…”
Cecil returned to his desk, as the end of class ticked over on his watch. “Now please, take that with a grain of salt. These are theories built on outdated, and inconsistent, evidence, as well as personal hearsay. Feel free to draw your own conclusions. That’s all for today.”
Essex and Florey grabbed their equipment and left with the rest of the class, as on their way back to the dorms, Florey was visibly buzzing.
“Wasn’t that fantastic?”
Essex turned to him. “Are you referring to his speech?”
“Yes! He’s just so right! Everyone’s thinking it, but he’s the only one who’s said it!” Florey beamed, as Essex continued on her way.
“He managed to express some valid points.”
“Valid points. Come on, Essex. Mr Cecil’s the only lecturer who’s made sense so far. All the others keep babbling on about industry practices and guidelines.” Florey complained, still running back and forth. “He’s talking about real history, real victories, real results.”
Essex stayed silent, watching Florey dance around as they walked, reflecting on Cecil’s lecture in her head and trying to come to her own conclusion.
It was rare to find the training grounds both sunny and pleasant. Usually, whenever the weather was lovely, the grounds would compensate by being blisteringly hot, but as Team Valiant spent their afternoon working on their combat, the only thing they felt was a crisp wind passing over them.
Essex took another swing at Wess, as she blocked the scythe with her sword, deflecting Essex off to the side, as both took a second to recover.
“You are improving with hand-eye coordination.” Essex stated.
“As are you. You’ve made this match worth my time.” Wess said back, redrawing her sword. “Let’s keep up the momentum.”
“Understood.” Essex said, as she repositioned to swing at Wess once again. Julia watched on from a distance, as her and Harley were sparring in their own way too. Harley threw punches toward Julia, which instead of blocking, she would slow down with her Whil, reducing their velocity enough to dodge out of the way. Of course, the point of this was to get Julia used to choosing whether she slowed something down or sped it up on command, which meant that a lot of punches…
“Oh, shit!” Harley said, as she crouched to check on Julia. “You good?”
“Yeah. Luckily, my nose took most of the damage.” Julia remarked. “Maybe speeding up punches heading towards me isn’t the best way to learn.”
“But it’s good incentive to slow them on purpose.” Harley grinned, as she raised her fists again. “I’ll go a little slower.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll probably speed them up anyway.” Julia joked, as just before they started, she spotted Sola to the side, a little hesitant in her own practice. Harley noticed too, as they both took notice and headed over.
“How’s training going, Sola?” Julia asked.
“Okay. Kinda.” Sola said. “No, I’m lying. I can’t use my Whil right now.”
“Why can’t you use it now? You’ve done it before.”
“Only cause everyone was watching!” Sola pointed out. “Now I’ve got no reason to. I don’t wanna hurt you guys.”
Harley waved her hand. “It’ll be fine! So far, you haven’t hurt anyone with your lightning that you’re not supposed to.”
“That’s so not true!” Sola complained. “Back in Year 9, I bumped into Miss Higgins and zapped her by accident, and she got a lazy eye! She kept giving me funny looks all year cause of that!”
Harley cocked her head. “Are you sure that wasn’t cause of the eye?”
Sola blinked, before reflecting back on it more thoroughly. “Oh yeah…”
“Come on, Sola, you’re eighteen now. Just because your Whil’s more powerful doesn’t mean it controls you.” Julia reasoned. “You’ve got way more experience, and you know what to avoid. It’s just about getting used to it more and more.”
Sola hesitated a little, but opened up from Julia’s smile and assurance, as she pumped her fist in the air determinedly. “I’m gonna get this over with really really quick!”
“Woo! Go Sola!” Harley cheered, as Sola stepped out properly onto the field, stretching her limbs, then specifically her hands, as she pointed them out in front of her, ready to use her Whil, ready to shoot some lightning, ready to…ready…any time now…
“Sola, what’s the hold up?”
Sola turned back around slowly, with a clear look of distraught. “I’m scared again…”
“Oh geez…” Harley bemoaned, jogging over to her, as Julia let out a sigh of expectance.
“It’s not like we’re in danger.” Julia mumbled, as she headed back over to Sola, who finally worked up the nerve again, and pointed her fingers out in front of her.
Harley and Julia stepped back, watching Sola take her pose, as they turned to each other with excited grins.
Sola focused on the clear distance in front of her, and the slight breeze blowing through the grounds, as she felt sparks appear and disappear around her fingers, before connecting together and finally building up into not just one, but two, soon three, soon several strands of lightning soaring every which way.
“That’s it Sola! You’re doing it!” Harley cheered, jumping up and down excitedly, as Julia joined in beside her.
Wess and Essex took a brief break to watch Sola’s efforts, as the lighting became havocking in appearance. Wess stared with typical shock and awe at Sola’s immense power, Essex watching with intense focus, as a strand or two started flying off here and there.
Even Sola started to impress herself, feeling a well of confidence inside her she wasn’t used to, before breaking concentration for a second, what should’ve been a harmless second, and losing composure of the giant mass in front of her.
She did her best to control it, trying to direct it into the sky or anywhere less harmful, before one of the many lightning strands separated and flew off to the side, just missing the forest, just missing Harley, Julia and Wess, and flying directly into…
Essex was hit.
The lightning went straight toward her, hitting her directly and nearly electrocuting her body, until her scythe took the brunt of the force and the lightning veered off to the side, leaving Essex virtually unharmed, saved for some scorch marks.
“Essex!” Sola called out, as she finally forced the electricity to die down and ran up to her, both still in shock. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know what I was doing! Are you hurt?”
Essex took a second to look down at her burnt shirt, then slowly back up at a concerned Sola, before her eyes widened and she grabbed her scythe and bag, running directly toward the forest without another hesitation.
“Hey, wher-“ Harley asked, Essex dashing past her and further into the forest, before the rest of the team couldn’t see her anymore.
“Essex! Come back! I’m really sorry!” Sola cried out, before hearing nothing and accepting the lack of response.
“Where’d she run off to?” Harley asked, trying to get a glimpse of her, Julia coming over to comfort Sola. “I can’t see her in there.”
“She might be in shock. Figuratively, of course.” Wess suggested.
Julia patted Sola’s back. “She might get hurt if she’s in there too long.”
Sola shook her head. “She hangs out in the forest a lot. That’s where we first met for the second time.” Sola explained, stepping into the foliage. “I’m gonna find her.”
“I’m coming to.” Harley added, as the duo headed further in.
“We’ll grab supplies from the infirmary in case she needs them.” Julia explained, as her and Wess headed off to the infirmary together, and Sola and Harley delved into the depths of the forest in search of their teammate.
At this point, Essex was running on pure instinct. She could still feel a residual pain throughout her chest, clutching the fabric to her, as she used her scythe to swing against the side of a nearby tree and climb to a high-up hanging branch.
She lay against the trunk, letting herself focus on breathing and calming herself down, as the panic from earlier started to dissipate. She stared down at the buttons on her dress-shirt, now melted to the cotton, which in turn was charred black and torn. She took a minute to lament it, running her fingers over the once white fabric, before opening up her bag and pulling out the only spare shirt she had on hand, which she now regretted packing as a just-in-case wardrobe change.
She groaned slightly, as she pulled off her ruined dress-shirt and replaced it with her novelty Team Vivisect shirt from the mall, which as she guessed, felt as cheaply made as it looked.
Essex froze, hugging tighter against the trunk, slowing her breath to near nothing, as she noticed Sola and Harley down by the forest floor.
“Essex! I wanna talk!” Sola yelled, Essex consciously staying out of sight. “Please come out! I’m sorry about hitting you!”
“We got some stuff from the infirmary! If you’re hurt, we can help!” Harley added, to further silence. “You can hit Sola back if you want!”
Sola turned around to complain to Harley, as Essex patiently waited for them to pass, before hearing them off in the distance and letting go of her breath.
Essex lay her head back and decided to sit there for a few minutes, letting the natural sounds of the forest around her drown out her invasive and frustrating thoughts. She knew better then to act on her impulses like this, and considering what she wanted to do to Sola, this was clearly a bigger issue than she understood.
She opened her eyes and cautiously inspected under her shirt for any permanent damage. Against her skin were the various marks and scars from her personal training back with the Segaru Clan, as well as the row of bite marks that still ran across both sides of her left hand, but other than that, her body was unscathed by the lightning.
But the pain was still there.
And it wasn’t going away.
“…muer tinusa…selamorta no…” She muttered to herself. “…the body is a vessel…pain is temporary…”
She lay back again and stared through the leafage, spotting a strand or two of sunlight cracking through, before blocking them out and nodding off to sleep.
Julia paced back and forth, still waiting outside the forest for Harley and Sola to come back, hopefully with Essex. Wess sat by the medical supplies, as Julia began muttering options to herself.
“…maybe…she might want to…but she…”
Wess breathed out her nose. “Stop panicking.”
“Because I might join you if I’m not careful.” Wess admitted. “I have a date with Cyrus later and I’d rather not get all…agitated beforehand.”
Julia looked a bit surprised. “You didn’t tell me yo-“
Mid-sentence, Harley and Sola finally appeared, clearly without Essex, and a fair bit dejected.
“Was she in there?” Julia asked.
“Couldn’t tell ya. She’s slipperier than a greased pig.” Harley sighed.
“I think she was still there. But…she was hiding from us.” Sola said, with a clear look of shame.
“Perhaps her pride means she wants to hide rather than show pain.” Wess wondered.
“Wess, don’t be so clinical.” Julia criticised. “She doesn’t want us to see her as weak. Nobody wants to look bad around their friends.”
Harley sat with Wess and stretched her legs. “Should we call Dulce over to get her out?”
Julia shook her head. “If she’s hiding, then she probably doesn’t want to be found.”
“Well, we shouldn’t leave her there.” Wess complained. “She can’t live in the forest.”
“Actually, since she’s from the Segaru Clan, she’s probably lived in the forest her whole life.” Harley reminded her. “From what I’ve read, they’re all nomadic and tend to avoid large cities.”
Wess blinked in befuddlement at Harley’s cultural knowledge, as Sola headed back into the forest.
“I’m gonna try to get her again.” Sola said, stepping back into the forest’s shade.
“Okay, but be back soon!” Julia called out, as Sola left her sight. “At least Essex has experience in the forest. While she’s processing this, we don’t have to worry about her surviving on her own.”
Once Sola was a proper distance away, Wess cleared her throat and got the attention of Harley and Julia. “…may I suggest something?”
The other two looked to each other and shrugged in response.
Wess straightened her back. “…as I’m spending more time with this team, I realise there may be benefits to staying that I hadn’t noticed, and might have dismissed early on…”
“That’s an understatement.” Harley remarked, as Julia elbowed her and insisted Wess continue.
“…however, despite my ‘change of heart,’ as it were, I’m worried that certain members of the team may not be cut out for what the industry expects.”
“Certain members? You mean Essex?” Julia asked.
Wess shook her head.
Harley squinted. “What’s wrong with Sola?”
“…I think Sola should leave.” Wess stated. “Not just the team, but the academy.”
“What?” Harley asked, now standing firmly. “Sorry, what?!”
“Wess, what’re you suggesting?” Julia asked, clearly just as stunned.
Wess stood her ground. “She’s not cut out for being a professional Venator. We’ve seen what Wailing are capable of, and so far, her only ability has been dangerous and uncontrollable, not to mention impractical. Without any other skills, what good would she be?”
“Other skills?! Sola has every right to be here, just like us! And she’s working on getting her Whil under control!” Harley argued.
“And yet, she’s barely made any progress. In case you forgot, she just injured a teammate.” Wess shot back.
“I can’t believe this! You threaten to leave the team, and now that you like it, you wanna kick out the other members cause it’s better for you?”
“I’m not forcing her out, and this is about our careers, not personal feelings or growin-“
“No, I’m not listening to you and your bullshit. This isn’t even your decision, right Julia?” Harley said, as Julia gave no response, clearly deep in thought. “Julia, please don’t agree with her.”
“…you’re right that this isn’t our decision…but it does concern the team.” Julia unfortunately admitted. “Harley, she might not be right for the industry. It’s a business built by warriors, and as much as I like Sola, she…isn’t one. Not in a combative way, at least.”
Harley kept quiet, but really wanted to speak up.
“But, Sola’s out teammate no matter what, and that’s no reason to speak for her.” Julia declared. “I refuse to discuss this further behind her back. If you want, Wess, you can raise your concerns, but the outcome is hers to choose. And we aren’t kicking her out.” Julia stated, staring at Wess.
Wess looked offended. “I wasn’t suggesting…” She grabbed her nose. “…I agree that this is her decision. If she got into the academy, she must be worth it on some level.”
“Worth it.” Harley scoffed. “According to your standards?”
“Guys, come on. Can we not argue? We’re helping Essex right now, first and foremost.” Julia mediated, before looking to Wess. “But you really picked the worst time to bring this up.”
“If I delayed any further, I might’ve been the one hiding in the forest next.” Wess pointed out, Harley folding her arms.
“This is just cause you don’t like Sola…”
“Harley…” Julia bemoaned. “We all trust her, but if she’s really not ready, this might turn into a Gamma situation.”
Wess and Harley both cocked their heads at the unfamiliar term. “Gamma?”
“Gamma was one of the first members of Team Spectrum.” Julia explained, to no reaction.
“I don’t know much about Team Spectrum.” Harley admitted, as Wess nodded beside her.
“Well, because of his negligence, he got expelled for getting a teammate killed.” Julia explained.
“Really?” Harley asked, sitting down with Julia.
“Yeah. They went out on an expedition…actually, I’ll start earlier so you get some context. Alright, so the team started out as complete strangers, but each one had a fascination with light…”
Wess rolled her eyes and grabbed her bags to head off to her date, as Julia explained to Harley about Team Spectrum and Gamma, waiting patiently for Sola to get back.
“Essex? Are you here somewhere?” Sola called out, her throat starting to dry up. “My throat’s scratchy, so I don’t wanna yell anymore!”
Sola stopped in place and desperately looked around, still seeing no sign of Essex, though at this point that was clearly intentional.
“You’re making it hard to apologise!” Sola complained. “Just let me say sorry already!”
A bird chirped in the distance, as Sola leaned against an errant branch to catch her breath, fairly overheated.
“…stupid…jacket…” Sola said, slowly unbuttoning it, before stopping suddenly and sighing. “…stupid me.”
She took it off and walked to the middle of the nearby clearing.
“I know I’m the last person you want to see right now, but you were the first really nice person I talked to here.” Sola admitted, looking to the ground solemnly. “And I get why you wouldn’t forgive me, cause I did a totally reckless thing and you got hurt as a result.”
“But it was an accident! And I want to get better so this doesn’t happen again!” Sola confessed.
The forest hung with an earned silence, as Sola kicked the dirt as a result.
“…just please don’t hate me after all this.” Sola let out.
Sola cleared her throat. “If you need some time in the forest, then you can go ahead.” Sola allowed. “I get needing to duck off and work some things out.”
With that, Sola took her leave, hoping dearly that Essex caught what she had said, not realising that Essex had been hiding right above her, taking in every word and trying to come to the right conclusion.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“I love you.”
“Well, I love you.”
“I love that you love me.”
“I love that I can spend this beautiful day with you.”
Rose took another sip of her drink. “What’s your favourite thing about me, Liddy?”
“Everything.” Liddy replied, as she lay in Rose’s lap. “What’s your favourite thing about me?”
“Your hair.” Rose replied, as Liddy felt a bit underwhelmed by the answer.
Rose twirled a finger through Liddy’s hair. “I’m glad we have this time together.”
“I’m glad the forest isn’t trying to kill us anymore.” Liddy pointed out, calmly appreciating the forest backdrop. “And I can’t believe the campus security didn’t take us seriously. Some help they were…”
“Don’t worry, Liddy.” Rose said, as she brushed a strand of hair from her eyes. “I promise I’ll protect you with all m-“
Liddy jumped up in fright, as a giant tree trunk came crashing down beside them.
“What the heck was that?! Rose, we got-“
Liddy looked around and spotted Rose booking it out of the forest, and not looking back.
“Rose! You utter scoundrel!” Liddy yelled, running up after her, as another tree collided with the ground, sending out a small tremor as it did so.
It had been a few days since Essex left for the forest, a few days that had gone by smoothly for her. All her experience surviving in the forest was reflected not only in her being well fed and hydrated, but fairly clean, and with a makeshift shelter atop the forest. No change of shirt was frustrating on a personal level, but she’d gone through much worse with far less.
However, she wasn’t about to neglect her training routine, not if she still had her scythe and energy running through her body.
With another measured swing, she cleaved right through a third tree’s base, leaving it to topple over on its own, before inspecting the side of her scythe and noticing a slight dullness developing on the blade. Fortunately, sharpening a blade was nothing, as she headed back eastward to what she was calling home.
The side of the tree had clear grooves in it where she’d used her scythe to climb, as she added some more grooves and made it to the widest branch at the top of the massive tree, where she’d set up her supplies, bedding and shelter. Grabbing an errant stone, she climbed a bit higher up the tree, until she was passed the bed of leaves and could see across the entire forest, specifically at the dormitory, spotting the rest of Team Valiant through the large window adjacent to the balcony. They looked to be having a good time.
…I should be with them.
However, Sola came into view, and immediately drew out unpleasantness for Essex. The feeling wasn’t easily described; some kind of mix between anger, concern, fear and…another one she couldn’t describe. Either way, Essex wasn’t ready to confront it.
She slipped back down to the branch and began to sharpen her scythe, taking methodical strokes with the stone as not to damage the metal, before slipping into a rhythmic set of motions that ensured an efficient work routi-
“Essex, darling! Yoo hoo!”
Essex was snapped from her trance, cautiously looking down and spotting Saxin by the forest floor, holding a book and waving up at her.
“Essex! What’re you doing up there?” She called out.
Essex grabbed her scythe and bag and scaled down the tree, meeting Saxin’s gaze down the bottom.
“There you are.” Saxin greeted. “This is quite the surprise. Here I am enjoying some solitude from Team Vanguard, and all of a sudden, you appear.” She spotted the Team Vivisect shirt. “And with a change in wardrobe to boot.”
“Why are you in the forest?” Essex asked, as Saxin wagged her finger.
“Oh no, I asked you first. And you clearly have the more interesting answer.”
Essex blinked. “I…was in an accident during team training.”
Saxin’s expression changed immediately. “My goodness, are you alright?” Saxin worried, ready to inspect her for injuries.
“I am fine. The injuries were minor, but I am now unable to talk to Sola about the event. Why are you here?”
“Oh.” Saxin said. “I had the afternoon free, and now I’m looking for a good spot to read.” She waved the novel in her hand, as she sat against a nearby rock. “But I have a feeling you need someone to talk to. There’s clearly something troubling you.”
Essex grabbed her bag and scythe again. “I will work on this by myself.” Essex assured her.
“If that were true, you wouldn’t be hiding in a forest.” Saxin pointed out, patting beside her. “If you aren’t talking to your team, at least talk to me.”
Essex turned around, planning out a route of escape if she needed to relocate, before looking back at Saxin and knowing she posed no threat, as she took the seat beside her.
“Now, catch me up please.”
“You took it head on?!”
Essex shook her head. “The electricity was deflected and only partially harmed my body.” Essex explained, pulling her burnt dress-shirt from her bag. “It would appear worse than it was. Then I left for the forest and have hidden away from the team.”
“I can see why.” Saxin replied, inspecting the shirt’s hole with her finger. “I can mend this for you, if you want. It’ll take some work, of course.”
“I possess more. It is of little concern.” Essex said, bagging the shirt again, but with a clear delicacy that suggested the opposite of her words. “…but I wish to confess something to you, and I do not wish for you to think ill of me.”
“Honey, you‘ve been struck by lightning. I imagine you’d be justified in whatever you suggest.” Saxin excused, as Essex took a deep breath out.
“After I was…struck, and had realised what had happened, when I looked to Sola…” Essex found the next few words difficult to admit to. “…I wished to hurt her back.” Essex muttered.
Saxin was left silent, mulling over Essex’ admission, with Essex worried she might have scared her off.
“Let’s be thankful you didn’t act on that.”
Essex nodded. “That is why I ran. To avoid hurting her.”
Saxin rested her head against her hand. “Revenge is a horrid thing. Poor Sola would have been crushed…”
“I would not hurt her severely. Only enough to make us even.” Essex explained.
“I meant she would have felt crushed. Imagine a close friend taking revenge on another…” Saxin clarified, a little woeful by the end. “Violence isn’t solved with more violence, especially when the first act was an accident.”
“But how do I make us even?” Essex asked, slightly impassioned. “I do not want to hurt her, but I cannot bare this burden.”
“Then how do you think she feels?” Saxin retaliated. “She hurt her friend, and now you’re refusing to talk to her about it.”
“But how will talking make us even?”
“It won’t. You have to accept that she made a mistake and that repeating it won’t fix the problem.” Saxin professed. “You don’t need to hurt her too.”
Essex stayed silent, clearly going over ideas in her head, as she grabbed her scythe and swung it into the side of the tree.
“This poor forest…” Saxin remarked, before getting up from the rock. “I want you to promise that you won’t do anything to Sola, alright?”
Essex looked up to her determined gaze and nodded, as Saxin leaned down and grabbed her book again. “I’ve given all the advice I can.”
She leaned down and booped Essex’s nose. “You are quite the odd character, but I do enjoy your company.”
Essex backed away a little, as Saxin giggled into her hand. “I insist we have more of these chats in the future, possibly over drinks, or back at my place if you feel inclined.” Saxin winked, waving her book. “Only once I’m done with this, of course.”
She sauntered off, continuing her search for a good reading spot, as Essex removed her scythe from the tree, scanning down the blades edge, and deciding in her head what must be done.
“Alright, everyone. Dinner’s just about…ready!” Julia announced, heading to the main room with the other’s dishes. Harley and Wess graciously accepted theirs, having their meal in the lounge area, as Sola took hers with half interest, gazing out across the balcony at the forest.
Julia patted her shoulder. “Staring at it won’t help her. Come on, let’s have dinner together.”
Julia indicated to the other two in front of the TV, as Sola took a seat on the floor in front of them and watched along with the news programming.
“…ut in more recent news, the previously Wailing populated north of Aishinara Forest has seen a noticeable loss in Wailing numbers over the last few weeks. Local Venator team, Team Avalanche, have reported less attacks overall, including no clear indicators of Wailing present near local towns.”
“It’s incredible. You never see a recession of their numbers like this. Maybe it’s some kinda migration, or like they’re assembling somewhere else?”
“I don’t trust it. If Wailing are anything, they’re crafty. If those ‘gelatinous’ Wailing are anything to go off of, then they know how to adapt to us.”
“My worst fear is they’re planning an attack, or some kind of invasion. It’s not unheard of.”
“Either way, the time off is appreciated. Just don’t tell our leader I said that.”
“Could this be a sign of changes to come, or merely another ploy by the Wailing to lower our guard? And if so, could this be the sign of a large-scale Wailing attack?”
“Maybe the Wailing are invisible.” Sola suggested, before turning to Harley. “I wouldn’t put it past them.”
Harley patted her head comfortingly, as Sola returned her attention to the news, and Harley looked to Wess beside her on the couch. “Ready to kick her out yet?”
Wess rolled her eyes. “I’m not heartless, Harley. Stop treating me like a divorce lawyer tearing a family apart.”
Harley took another bite of her food. “Werr, if ruh arsk me…I’d say the fact you haven’t talked to her yet means you’re having doubts.”
“Oh, honestly!” Wess projected, still keeping her voice down behind a very distracted Sola. “I’m concerned for her safety, and because I still respect her, I’m choosing the right moment!”
“Liar. You’re just another Gamma, and you won’t stop causing trouble.”
“I don’t know what that means!”
“Guys!” Julia interjected. “Shoosh!”
She pointed back at Sola, idly bobbing along with the TV, before Julia folded her arms in disapproval, as Harley and Wess went back to their dinners quietly, licking their wounds.
“…jerk…” Harley mumbled, before shutting up by Julia glaring her into silence.
“…this just in, a robbery is currently in progress at the Gold Lelvow Bank in Detu City. Reports suggest two suspects, possibly armed, are currently holding employee’s hostage with intent to attack if their demands aren’t met.”
“Whoa.” Julia let out, the group’s attention glued to the screen.
“Police are preparing to make their way in to apprehend the suspects, but it’s unclear whether…wait, I’m just hearing the police raid has been compromised and that the assailants have burst through the barricade t-“
Just then, the door opened shudderingly, the team collectively jumping, before realising it was just Essex and being overcome with a sense of relief.
“Essex! You’re back! How’re you doing?” Julia greeted, as Essex raised a hand to silence her, and the others watched on in anticipation.
Essex turned on her heel to face Sola. “I need for you to come to the forest by 9:00pm tonight. We will be sparring.”
Sola blinked, then blinked again. “Wha?”
“If you do not come, I will be forced to spend the remainder of my education living within the forest. Dovono.”
Essex left just as quickly as she arrived, as the others looked to Sola worryingly, who was staring at the floor in contemplation.
Wess checked her watch. “Well, it’s already 8:50pm. You don’t have much time to decide.”
Sola had realised that, as Julia leaned down to her eye level. “Do you want us to come with you?”
Sola nodded slowly, before getting up and grabbing her jacket.
The comforting sunlight from a few days prior had all but disappeared, as the sun had set a while ago and a deep cold had taken its place. The forest’s interior only dropped the temperature further, as Team Valiant waited for Essex, and Sola held her breath.
Wess checked her watch impatiently, acknowledging they still had a minute until nine. “That Essex…only she would have us freeze to death just to make a point.”
Harley wrapped another layer around herself. “You gonna kick her out too?”
Wess’ eyebrows furrowed. “You’re really getting on my nerves…if I could feel them, that is.”
Julia would’ve plugged her ears if she wasn’t bundling herself up, looking to Sola, seemingly fine in the cold on account of her oversized jacket.
As the time ticked over to nine, Essex hopped down from one of the trees nearby, scythe by her side, and her hand outstretched, beckoning Sola over.
Sola felt like a deer eating from a hunter’s palm, but followed along anyway, as the two were now only a few metres apart, and the rest of Team Valiant far off to the side.
Essex closed her eyes.
“Essex? Can you please come back?” Sola begged. “I really didn’t mean what I did, and I ca-“
Essex raised her hand again.
“We are not yet even.”
“Even?” Sola questioned.
Essex nodded, as she entered a combative stance, sending Sola’s nerves up in an instant.
“This will make us even.”
“Essex, this is too far! Just come back to the dorm already!” Harley called out.
Sola felt her legs giving out, ready to sprint off if prompted, but as she looked back at Essex, it was clear that Essex would only attack if warranted, and that she needed this as much as Sola did.
“I-if this will make us even, then so be it!” Sola yelled, posing like Essex, despite not having a scythe, and still shivering like crazy. “This is gonna be a fair fight!”
Essex nodded, starting to tap her foot rhythmically, waiting for the right moment, before hooking her scythe to a nearby tree and escaping upward into the foliage.
Sola held her ground, as the others looked on, wondering if they should intervene.
Harley started walking. “I can’t take this. Someone’s gonna get hurt aga-“
Wess held out an arm, stopping her suddenly. “Let them work this out.”
Harley stared back in disbelief and silence.
“I thought you trusted them.” Wess asked.
Harley bit her tongue and stood back with her and Julia, as Sola finally noticed some movement in the trees, before narrowly avoiding Essex slashing down toward her, then dodging as Essex jumped against another trunk and back at Sola, just catching the end of her jacket with her scythe.
Essex ducked back into the leaves again, leaving Sola’s eyes darting back and forth, scanning for any sign of her.
Just gotta knock her down…gotta wait for the right time…
Sola noticed a leaf fall to the ground, before stepping to the side and dodging Essex again, and stretching her leg out in an attempt to trip Essex during her fall.
However, Essex predicted this and knocked the leg back with hers, bruising Sola’s thigh in the process, and hiding amongst the leaves again.
“What’s she doing?” Harley asked frantically, struggling to stay in place. “Sola just wants to talk.”
“I think Essex is trying to talk.” Julia explained, equally as engaged. “Just in her own way.”
Sola managed to stand back up, shaking off the pain in her leg, as she noticed small branches flying toward her, breaking against the ground as she avoided them, each making her movements less elegant, until Sola was left diving to the ground in a heap on the last one.
Sola brushed the dust off her face, as her loss was only becoming more of an inevitability.
As she spotted the leaves rustle once again, she knew that there was only one option left if she was going to win, as she raised her hand toward the branch, forming sparks between her fingers.
She turned away and closed her eyes, hoping to not see a repeat of her earlier accident, before Essex burst from the leaves right before the lightning formed, swinging in front of Sola, and holding her scythe just below her chin.
Sola froze, too scared to try anything self-preserving, before Essex swung her scythe behind her, re-strapping it to her back, and reached out a finger to tap Sola on the nose.
Sola fell backwards in confusion, the threat of her legs giving out finally taking hold.
Essex looked back down at her.
“Pain is temporary. It is all healed with time.” Essex declared, holding out a hand to pull Sola back up. “You do not need to apologise, but I should.”
Sola took the hand, standing up properly, just for Essex to enter an apologetic bow.
“While I am proficient in combat, I am not proficient in people. I did not accept your apology, as I wished to hurt you back for your actions, and as I have been taught, ‘Revenge is a horrid thing.’”
Sola was still coming down from her adrenaline high. “Uhuh.”
“Your wounds will heal in time.” Essex declared, before bowing again. “And your skills will improve as well. I will not make us even with violence, but I will by helping you with your Whil.”
Sola’s eyes snapped to Essex in recognition. “Really?”
“I did not always use my scythe well, but I have ‘sharpened’ over time with aid from others.” Essex stated. “My scythe is for aiding others, and I will lend its aid to you.”
She held out the handle for Sola, as Sola wrapped her hand around it with Essex gladly. “Thank you.”
“Can we please go back to the dorm now?” Julia asked, huddled up in her coat.
“Oh, right.” Sola said, forgetting how cold it was, as she looked back to Essex to make sure she was coming with.
“I will need to collect my belongings before returning.” Essex explained.
Sola nodded, before finally getting a good look at Essex and her new shirt. “I like the shirt.”
Essex looked down, groaning slightly, before heading back into the trees one last time, as Team Valiant huddled back to their dorm to escape the cold.
“…nd with one of the assailants going into custody, and the hostages being set free as we speak, it’s fair to say the conflict has been resolved for now. The criminals intentions, while made clear, are still no excuse when it comes to the quick hand of justi-“
Wess grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. “We really shouldn’t leave this on while we’re out.”
“Can we not fight in places that might freeze us to death?” Harley suggested, collapsing onto the couch, the others coming into the room one by one, Essex arriving last with her bag in tow.
“I’m glad you’re back, Essex, but can you just talk things out next time?” Julia asked.
“I will do so. However, I was part of a conversation with Saxin while in the forest, which allowed me to come to my conclusion.” Essex said, pulling out her ruined dress shirt from her bag. “Relias, but I must see her about getting this fixed.”
The team waved as she headed from Team Vanguard’s room across the hall, and Sola took a seat on her bed.
“Oh boy, what a day. I don’t wanna do that again.” She remarked, kicking her feet, as Wess felt the need to speak up hit her.
“Sola.” She stated, Sola popping her head up. “…I think you should know something.”
Harley groaned to herself, as Wess shuffled her feet.
“For the last few days, I was worried you weren’t prepared for the industry, and suggested…asking you to leave the team…with your permission.” Wess explained, Sola just staring in fixation. “But, after seeing your match with Essex, I think my earlier assessment was wrong. You not only held your own, but employed quick thinking, and innovative…”
Wess trailed off, before bowing like Essex had done earlier. “Regardless, I’m sorry.”
Sola took a minute to process what had happened behind her back for the last few days, before approaching Wess, taking her hand, and flicking her knuckle.
Wess held her tongue. “…I deserved that.”
“Don’t worry. Pain is temporary.” Sola said, hopping back to her bed after making her point, Harley giggling to herself on the couch.
Wess rubbed her hand sadly, as she joined Harley on the couch, who slung an arm around her neck.
“Guess you picked the right time.” Harley joked.
Wess wanted to flip her off, but…you know…as Harley hugged Wess to herself. “But thanks for changing your mind.”
“You can thank Sola. She’s the one who changed it.” Wess explained, looking back at Sola on her bed, still kicking her feet.
An hour or two passed, as the need to sleep hit the team. They spent their time going through their routine, before all of them headed to bed with the exception of Essex, who quietly came through the door to see the rest of the team asleep.
She attempted to head to the study quietly as not to disturb the others, until she noticed Sola stir from her sleep and spot her coming in.
Essex waved, as Sola rubbed her eyes happily. “It’s good to have you back, Essex.”
“The feeling is mutual.” Essex smiled, heading back to her room, and appreciating the returned warmth.
- In Serial43 Chapters
Seeds of Magic
A world of wonder with eight paths of living. Six paths seeded with magic, fire, water, earth, wind, light or dark. One path of many, the unsown, born without a seed but able to grow one of the six. And then those races called unsown without the gift of magic in their blood.Tal is the only Human living in the great tree known as Linumbra's Hollow Home. The tree has been sealed within a barrier of light for hundreds of years, for reasons unknown to Tal and not fully understood to its residents. But fate placed Tal in this place for a reason and before he knows it that fate has him fighting for his life.
8 248 - In Serial13 Chapters
The Divine Traits
During the dark of night in a small town, a golden glow can be seen a moment later a baby wrapped in a golden blanket made out of an unknown fabric softer than silk. Unknown to the world this was the birth of a new godling a holder of the divine traits. Given god-like powers. This is a story about a fantasy world where at the age of 16 people will go through a change and unlock dormant "traits" these traits cause powers known as classes the severity of the traits control how rare or powerful these classes are. the main character is a godling an offspring of a god their traits are classified as Divine Traits and are the most powerful traits and contain the best classes and powers. The main character Jericho Stormblood is the first godling in this world and will be a tester for the gods to see if this world is worthy of their children's presence. This is my first story and is inspired by the story Dantes Immortality which is on this website as well please go check it out Discord: jV8vWAx P.s I do not own the top picture if you are the one who owns it pm me and I will change it I will change it anyways when I can create a better cover picture
8 200 - In Serial37 Chapters
Smoldering Embers
Unjustly, he was put in prison. He carefully managed the spark within, waiting for a chance when it suddenly appeared. Towers sprang up all around the world, without any disturbance, as though they had always been there. A change was coming but for him, it was a chance to get his revenge. Release schedule: For now I will be trying 3 chapters/ week. Chapter Size: Around 2k words. The cover is not mine. Shout out to the artist who made the amazing thing: https://unsplash.com/photos/xXj3ctfRmvw
8 59 - In Serial142 Chapters
One Versus Destiny
Arjun Singh, a ten-year old from Chennai, India, is sucked into another universe. He has to fight extremists, get clothes, and defeat monsters. Magic also exists to help fight monsters. And that's only the first day. What will he do? How will he survive?Releases will be every weekday, and times are 7:15 PM Eastern Time. This is a serial that will never be taken down. If you read the first few chapters and think I copied He Who Fights With Monsters, the first three chapters are similar to the start of He Who Fights With Monsters, but it branches out in Chapter 4. [Participant in the Royalroad writathon challenge].The content warnings are more for minor things, minor enough that a fourth-or maybe third grader could read.A lot of chapters, particularly in the first 3 books, are unedited, and I'll try to get more edited soon.Covers credit to Asviloka.NOTE: I only publish this on Royalroad.com, and if you read it somewhere else, it is pirated and you suck.
8 236 - In Serial44 Chapters
The vengeful invoker
What will you be able to do for revenge? "I want power, the power to destroy all my enemies!" shouted Law "HAHAHAHA kid you truly are interesting but give you power just like that won't be funny, everything has a price you know?" "I don't care" "Well said!" This is a story of vengeance. a story of how I became the troublemaker that the bored Goddess was looking for. This is a story of a normal kid who suddenly became the Magus who would throw the world upside-down. The most powerful invoker!
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SEVENTEEN'S twin sister
there's a twin sister who is joyful and always smile to every one they see and always play with their parents and her brother's but one day a tragedy happed there parents car has crash that's when thier brother doesn't care about them and the twin sister became quiet and unjoyful
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