《Day-to-Day Kindred》Chapter 3: Settling Down
“Let’s keep it clean guys. No tripping or hurting.”
“And no spitting too! I saw a kid do that once!”
“No problem. We wouldn’t find out who’s faster if I cheated.” Harley said, readying herself.
“Agreed.” Essex added, lowering herself to a running stance.
“Okay then.” Julia said, standing right beside the running track. “One…two…go!!!”
And just like that, Harley and Essex were off, neck and neck with each step, as the duo started making laps of the training grounds running track. Julia and Sola sat on the sidelines, watching enamoured with the two powerhouses pushing themselves their hardest just to beat the other.
“My money’s on Essex.” Julia said to Sola.
Sola reached into her pocket and pulled out twenty caps. “All on Harley, no doubt!”
Julia wasn’t actually betting, as she slowly pushed Sola’s money away, returning her attention to the track.
Harley started gaining ground with her height advantage, her legs carrying her further, but Essex’s stamina was near impossible to match. Harley started feeling the burn, but wasn’t about to admit to it or give up.
“Lap ten of twenty! Come on guys, you got this!” Julia cheered from the sidelines.
“By the gods, what do you think you’re doing?” Asked Wess, as Julia and Sola turned to see her come out onto the training grounds, raising her hand to block out the harsh sun.
“We thought these two should compete to see who’s faster!” Sola explained, turning right back around to the duo.
Wess drooped her eyes. “What a waste of time…”
Harley and Essex reached lap fifteen right near each other, as Essex seemed to take the lead by just a hair. Harley was starting to feel the sun beat down on her, burning her already overheated joints.
“We’ve been sitting around for days, Wess. I like that we’re all outside doing something fun.” Julia clarified. “You wanna join?”
Wess rolled her eyes. “We all know I would lose in a heartbeat. I’m not nearly as physically capable as either of those two.” She said, dismissively indicating to an exhausted Harley and finally triumphant Essex.
“…nine…teen…I managed…nineteen…” Harley panted, out of breath and lying against the ground.
Julia and Sola clapped from the sidelines, as Essex spotted Harley and strode over, panting a bit herself, and sticking out a hand to pull her up. “Your…effort is appreciated…” Harley graciously took the hand, getting to her feet and patting Essex’s shoulder, as Sola ran over excitedly to congratulate them.
Having seen enough, Wess got up to leave.
“Where are you going?” Julia asked.
“I’m off to visit the academy’s art gallery. I plan to immerse myself in culture rather than play in the dirt.” Wess explained, walking off and brushing some gathered dust off of her dress.
“…okay, but can you be ready for our meeting with Ferris later?” Julia asked from a distance.
“If I must.” Wess muttered, dismissively waving her hand, as she headed out of sight.
“What’s her problem?” Harley asked, now standing behind Julia.
“Well, her luggage still hasn’t arrived…” Julia explained.
“I meant in general.” Harley said, sitting next to Julia. “She’s been dismissive since day one.”
“Day one was three days ago.” Julia pointed out. “It’s fair to say we aren’t the team she expected. I’m sure she’ll come around at some point.”
“She could be nicer about it.” Sola added, now behind Harley. “I was a little surprised by you guys, but I think we get along alright.”
“Team quality should not truncate personal improvement. She confuses the two and refuses to co-operate.” Essex concurred, wiping her sweat away with her towel.
“Alright, alright, let’s not gang up on her.” Julia defended, standing up. “I don’t think this year’s been that kind to any of us. How do you think she feels?”
The team thought back on the ‘Behemoth’ Wailing attack on orientation day, shuddering at the memory.
“She got hurt during that attack, both her leg and her pride. Then she got stuck with a bandaged leg, missing luggage, and a team she didn’t get to have a say in.” Julia pointed out. “Can we give her some time to adjust?”
The others looked a little disappointed in themselves, as they nodded in agreement.
“Okay then.” Julia huffed, before grabbing her drink and wiping her brow. “I think the sun’s starting to get to us…”
“You’re telling me. Let’s head back inside.” Harley agreed, grabbing their bags along with Sola and Essex. “By the way, has anyone thought of a good team name yet?”
Julia blinked. “Team name?”
“It’s gonna be part of the meeting.” Harley explained. “I was talking to Chops and them, and apparently they’re thinking of ‘Team Vanguard.’”
“Holy shit, that’s so cool!” Sola exclaimed, turning to Julia. “Let’s apply first! Then we’ll use it before them!”
“Sola, we’re not gonna do that.” Julia said, resting a finger in her chin. “But we do need a name before the meeting…any ideas, Essex?”
“Branding is wasteful and goes against my values. You may choose a name if you desire, but I will not.” Essex stated, heading off to the dorm room already.
“Well that’s not super helpful.” Julia said, sighing a little. “I kinda want Wess’ input on this…she’d probably think of something good.”
Wess had been wandering the halls for a while. Admittedly, she still barely knew her way around the academy, save for a few familiar locations like the study area and training grounds, but apparently, the academy was putting on several events and activities to lift spirits after the attack. Most of them barely appealed to Wess, but she’d seen there was a makeshift art gallery being displayed in the main building.
Needless to say, Wess was delighted to hear of this little bastion of class and etiquette.
And less delighted by how frustrating it was to get there.
“This academy couldn’t be any harder to navigate…” Wess groaned, going back up another stairwell, before finally arriving at what looked like the gallery. “Honestly…”
The room looked to be a large conference hall taking up a majority of the seventh floor, flooded with students, parents and security alike, as well as plenty of paintings, photos, sculptures? Impressive.
This is what I needed after these last few days. Something to replenish my soul. She thought, taking her time through the gorgeous landscapes on display.
One piece in particular caught her eye, depicting a sword embedded on the edge of a cliff, overlooking a darkened sunset made up of several unnatural colours. She stood staring, trying to make sense of the imagery and come to a conclusion, even as a stranger appeared beside her and stared at the piece as well. Wess payed them no mind, merely appreciating the subtle brushwork of the piece, as the person turned to her to start a dialogue.
“What does it say to you?”
Wess kept her gaze on the artwork. “I see a conflict ended over chaos and integration. Like the end of a war where no side dominates the other, but learn to coexist.” Wess felt compelled. “What about you?”
The guy standing next to her shrugged his shoulders. “Honestly, it feels too busy to me, like it’s tryna say too much all at once. Plus, the brushwork’s kinda shoddy.”
Wess closed her eyes and breathed out. “I suppose that’s one interpretation…”
The guy turned to her and stuck his hand out, tugging on his jacket as he did so. “Cyrus.”
Wess looked him up and down and cautiously shook his hand. “Wess Delacroix Nouvel.”
“No kidding. That’s one hell of a name.” He chuckled.
Wess tried to ignore him, desperately worried he might try to start talking again if she let him, as Wess quickly remembered where she’d seen him before.
He was in the hall a few days ago, surrounded by others of his type. Wess remembered.
He was just as unkept and scruffy looking then as he was now, and seemed to have thrown on his clothes for the sole purpose of comfort. His smile seemed genuine, but the way he presented himself was underwhelming, to say the least. Hardly Venator material.
I’m surrounded by teenagers and children who can’t dress themselves… Wess lamented, feeling a real headache coming on.
“I’ve never been a huge fan of art galleries.” Cyrus explained, clearly not picking up Wess’ disinterest. “I keep trying to like them, but I never know what to do with my hands.”
Wess’ headache just wouldn’t seem to go away. “You could focus on admiring the works.” Wess advised, her attention still on the piece.
“Yeah, but then I wouldn’t get to complain about it, and where’s the fun in that?” He joked, getting no laugh out of Wess.
“…yes, quite.” Wess ‘replied,’ as she grabbed her purse and started to head off in search of a less crowded piece.
“Uh, hey…” Cyrus asked, stopping Wess. “I know this is impromptu, but no one else I know would wanna spend their time at a gallery. You mind if I tag along with you, just for the company?”
Wess looked him over again, appreciating his genuine smile again, and sympathising with him a little, before sighing to herself. “If you still let me admire the work.”
“Done and done.” He said, hopping back over to her side. “…so, how’ve your first days been?”
“Nightmarish…” Wess answered.
Harley should’ve known better than to get another drink from the vending machine. She’d lost twelve caps to it just in the last few days, but admittedly, it was more convenient than the campus café, and the heat was really getting to her now. She pressed the button for lemonade, as the drink rolled down, hitting the bottom. She reached down, and upon reaching back up, saw a guy now leaning against the vending machine, flashing a fairly forced smile. “Hey.”
“Uhh…hi.” Harley said, waving to him awkwardly. “Did you want a drink?”
“Ahem, not exactly.” He attempted. “Since I’m fine with just drinking you in.”
Oh gods, did he really just try that? Harley thought, desperately trying not to laugh.
“I’m…Avalon.” He announced with an unnecessary pause.
“…Harley.” Harley replied. Though I don’t think my name’ll matter much to you.
“How’re you liking the academy?”
“…interesting people.” Harley commented. “My team’s be-“
“Great. Listen, I was gonna go to those academy events of whatever, but they all looked super boring. Whats say you and me head out somewhere interesting instead?” Avalon suggested, still leaning on the vending machine for whatever reason.
Harley straightened her back, intimidating Avalon with her size alone. “I was actually planning on going to some of those boring events, so while the offer is in no way flattering, no thanks anyway.”
Avalon raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? Most women regret not getting with Avalon.”
Harley had to cover her mouth to avoid laughing. Fuck me, this guy’s a piece a work.
“Well, it’s your loss. After all, I’m not just a romantic.” He said, getting closer to Harley. “I also know my way around…the bedroom. And just looking at you, it looks like you do too.”
Harley’s eyes widened, as she took offence to that last comment in particular. She decided to use her height to tower over him menacingly, as Avalon quickly realised his mistake.
“Listen, Avalon. The answer’s no, and I highly doubt that’s changing anytime soon. I’ve had, and will always have, better than you.”
With that, Harley took her drink and headed back to her dorm room, as Avalon was left standing there, pissed off, and wondering why his ‘drinking you in’ line hadn’t worked.
Harley made her way back to the team’s dorm room, opening it to find Julia in the kitchen, taking care of the dishes. “Heyo.”
“Hey.” Julia called out. “Sola and Essex headed out with Joleicia and Florey to the mini fete the academy’s putting on. They’ll meet up with us for the application signing.”
“I was gonna go to that.” Harley said, slumping herself into the couch, before feeling something underneath her as she sat. “Hey Julia?”
“What’s this package on the couch?” Harley said, pulling it out from under her.
Julia’s eyes lit up, as she skipped over excitedly. “Okay, don’t let Wess know yet, but her weapon arrived a few hours ago. I was gonna surprise her with it when she got back.”
“Great idea, Julia.” Harley said, looking around the room. “Where’s her other stuff?”
“Oh…the weapon’s the only thing that came. I think they got separated during transport.” Julia theorised. “She’s gonna hate that, huh?”
“Oh, definitely.” Harley smirked. “Hey, while I’ve got your ear, I heard a couple rumours around the academy.”
“Rumours?” Julia asked.
“Just stuff I picked up around the local bars. I’ve heard it going around that the Wailing attack might have been deliberate.”
Julia turned in confusion. “Deliberate? How could it be anything but deliberate?”
“I meant someone planned it. Someone on the inside of the academy.” Harley suggested. “I’m sure there’s plenty of criminal organisations who’d want Venators out of the picture.”
“Harley, that’s absurd.” Julia disagreed. “Humans and Wailing don’t work together. You can’t honestly think these ideas have any validity.”
“I dunno. A brand-new Wailing suddenly appears, undetected, on orientation day of all days, with seemingly no rhyme or reason. It’s certainly suspicious.”
Julia ignored her and went back to the dishes, as Harley propped her legs up against the rest of the couch.
“Maybe some rogue scientist engineered the Behemoth Wailing to take revenge against humanity? Or the Wailing was mad, so it got big to destroy the academy? Then it’d absorb everyone’s Whils to become ultra powerful and kill us all!”
“Harley, don’t waste time on baseless theories. You’re gonna become one of those conspiracy nuts.” Julia argued.
“Oh, come on. I’m just having fun. None of this holds any water.” Harley reasoned. “Still, someone on the inside’s what you’d expect. The academy has top notch security, so there’s no other way it could’ve gotten in without being detected beforehand.”
Julia returned her attention to the dishes, as a lingering thought started to resurface in her mind; someone from orientation day.
…that’s ridiculous. Julia dismissed, continuing with her handiwork.
“You really like that?”
“I appreciate the handiwork.”
“Well, I’m not gonna blame you for that. Even if it hurts me.”
“Deep in my soul.”
“And I don’t know that I’ll ever recover!”
“Oh, honestly…” Wess complained, heading off and leaving Cyrus behind. “You said you’d behave.”
“Sorry, sorry! Just wanted to be charming. Clearly, I read the room wrong.” Cyrus clarified, as he felt a buzz in his pocket. He pulled out his tablet to respond to something, catching Wess’ eye.
“Something you need to do?” Wess asked.
“No, Faller just wants to see me again.” Cyrus explained, pocketing his tablet.
Wess was caught off guard. “Principal Faller?”
“Yeah, something about my scholarship. He’s been having regular meetings with all the scholarship students just to keep us informed…actually, I don’t think I’m allowed to tell you that.” Cyrus muttered, before noticing a stunned Wess, struggling with her words. “Wess? You good?”
S-s-scholarsh-ship?! She realised. And Cyrus?! Of all people?!
“I think I broke you.” Cyrus remarked, as Wess shook herself conscious.
“I-I’m sorry, I think I misheard you.” Wess quiveringly asked. “A scholarship?”
Cyrus realised her point and chuckled. “Yeah, it surprised me too. I wasn’t about to come here, but then I got this care package from Faller talking about ‘exceptional combat talent’ and ‘untapped potential,’ whatever that means. I mean, I’ll take the compliment.”
Cyrus laughed to himself again, as Wess tried to reassess him with all this in mind.
How could he be so sought after when he presents himself like that? She thought, staring at his appalling fashion sense and clear lack of respect for where he’s been able to get to.
…still, it’s hard to deny his confidence, and sheer amount of self respect. She acknowledged, as Cyrus tried to get her attention again with another genuine smile. Maybe he’s that sought after for a reason…
As a form of apology, Wess stuck out her hand, presenting a perfectly pleasant smile back to Cyrus. “I must apologise for my earlier attitude. I’m sorry to say that upon first impressions, I thought you weren’t worthy of attending this academy.”
Cyrus gave her a once over before shrugging his shoulders. “I get it.”
“You aren’t exactly what I pictured a professional Venator to be. But, clearly, you have some level of skill and talent that’s brought you here. With that in mind…” She readjusted her hand. “Wess Delacroix Nouvel. Future Venator.”
Cyrus looked her in the eye and shook it enthusiastically. “Cyrus Vesper. I’m proud to meet you.”
Wess found herself smiling for real, before catching herself and backing off from Cyrus. “Shall we continue our tour?”
“I’ll try not to run my mouth off.” Cyrus smirked, walking beside her. “Hey, can I ask a question? It’s been bugging me for a bit.”
Wess turned to him and sighed. “If you feel inclined.”
“Why aren’t you with your team?”
Wess looked displeased, as she turned around and continued through the displayed works.
“I only ask cause I know where mine is, but you haven’t mentioned yours at all.” Cyrus pointed out. “It just seems weird…”
Wess turned on her heel to face him. “They aren’t my team.”
Cyrus instinctively backed up. “Okay, touched a nerve, sorry. But did none of them want to come with you?”
“I didn’t ask.” Wess replied, trying to focus on the next landscape. “But I know they wouldn’t have come anyway.”
“Do you?” Cyrus asked, drawing Wess’ ire. “You wouldn’t know unless you asked.”
Wess stayed tight lipped and folded her arms, pretending her attention was on the painting.
“Do you hate them that much?”
Wess looked down to the ground, slightly biting her lip. “…no, they’re…childish and immature…and insist on wasting time, but I personally have nothing against them. However, I need a real team to work with. Not some…low-rate inexperienced warriors more concerned with enjoyment than self betterment.”
Cyrus folded his arms behind him and stared at the painting with Wess. “I get that. I’m not too happy with my team either. We get along fine, but I don’t think we’ll ever be more than colleagues. They’re alright, but…I don’t know. You can’t expect a relationship to suddenly just happen with no effort put into it.”
“Is the effort worth my time though?” Wess argued. “I’m here to learn with the best opportunities I can get. I refuse to start three years of education and my career with a bullet to the leg.”
Cyrus looked down at Wess’ bandage. “You sure you don’t have that already?”
Wess looked displeased again, as Cyrus shut his mouth with a scared immediacy.
“It would be best for me to transfer.” Wess decided. “That way, the academy can give me the resources I need for the industry.”
Cyrus looked back at her and shrugged again. “Okay. Best of luck to you.”
Wess cocked her head. “I thought you would reason the other side.”
“No point. You sound convinced.” Cyrus clarified. “If you want, you could transfer to my team. I’m sure we’ve got a dud or two we could loose.”
Wess giggled despite herself. “I’m not about to split up another team.”
“Eh, worth a shot. I guess it’s my fault for starting to like you.” Cyrus admitted, going back to the painting.
Wess found herself blushing. “Y-yes, quite…”
Julia didn’t know what to make of it. She’d noted that the team induction was fairly downplayed, far more than she expected, but she was hoping some kind of ceremony would accompany them officially confirming their team status. Instead, each team lined up outside Ferris’ office, filing in one at a time, and simply filled in info on this and that. So far all of ‘Team Vanguard’ and Julia’s team were there, save for Wess.
“So, no fireworks?” Sola asked.
“It’s midday. And we’re inside.” Julia said.
“I’m with Sola. Where’s the fireworks?” Florey joined in, his team ahead of Julia’s.
“Ooo, but we’re all still excited, right?” Joleicia exclaimed. “We’re finally gonna be a real team! Team Vanguard!”
“I guess we’re still going with that?” Chops asked.
“I like it. It has a level of poise and dignity to it.” Saxin agreed, her arms wrapped around Lenin, casually brushing his hair. “Right Leni?”
“The name works well. Especially for someone like Saxin…” Lenin said, resting his head on her shoulder lovingly.
Sola turned to Julia frantically. “Julia! We can still steal it if we get ahead o-“
Julia grabbed Sola’s shoulders. “We aren’t stealing their team name!”
As the soon-to-be Team Vanguard made their way into Ferris’ office, Wess checked around the corner and found the others waiting outside, both for Ferris and herself. Wess sighed out loud, as she made her way over, and instantly regretted her decision.
“We’ll pretend there’s a fire! Then they’ll leave and we can rush in!”
“Sola! We’ll just pick another name!”
“Oh goodness…” Wess groaned, dragging her palm against her face. “What have I entered into?”
“Wess!” Julia cheered, noticing her arrival. “Listen, we’re about to go in, and we still don’t have a great team nam-“
“Julia, I bothered to come.” Wess complained, folding her arms and silencing Julia then and there. “Don’t just start venting at me.”
“Oh, right. Sorry, Wess…” Julia whispered, folding back into the group, as Harley rested a reassuring hand against Julia’s shoulder.
Wess looked over the team, as Essex casually polished up her scythe, Sola twiddled her thumbs, and Julia and Harley started talking about the application.
…I’ll have to tell them afterwards. Something tells me they’ll take this more personally than I will.
“Team Crash?”
“Team Thrash?”
“Team Smash!”
“How about Team Business?”
“Team Deathkill!” Sola suggested, as everyone gave the expected reaction. “No, you’re right. It’s a little…ugh.”
“It appears we are up.” Essex pointed out, as the newly initiated Team Vanguard headed out of Ferris’ office, cheering and high-fiving excitedly.
“I’m getting really nervous…” Julia admitted, as Harley slowly pushed her along with the others.
“It’s just a few questions. No big deal.” Harley assured her, as they entered and were greeted by Ferris’ anything-but-pleasant face. She was sitting at her desk, her head propped up on her hand, sorting through stacks of paper, as a man in a well tailored suit leaned next to her, confirming bureaucracy over her shoulder.
Then Julia recognised who it was.
The rest of the team took their seats in front of her desk, as Julia grabbed Harley’s arm and held her in place.
“Harley, wait.” Julia whispered. “I’ve met him before.”
Harley glanced to the side to look him over. “Yeah, that’s Mr Coatsworth, the Vice-Principal.”
“No, I mean…I met him on orientation day, and he said a bunch of weird stuff to me.” Julia explained. “He warned me not to go to welcome event, and that I’d see why afterwards.”
“Oh shit…” Harley replied, before realising Julia’s point. “Oh shit!”
“I don’t want to add to your conspiracies,” Julia said, as Coatsworth shuffled a couple papers Ferris handed to him, “But I’m worried…”
“…he might be in on it?” Harley finished.
“I wouldn’t put it like that…”
“Excuse me! Would you mind joining us?” Ferris called out, indicating to the two empty seats in front of her.
“O-of course.” Julia replied, her and Harley sitting down with the rest of the team, as Ferris pulled out some fresh papers with Coatsworth’s careful eye.
“I’m not gonna waste your time. Team name?”
Julia was left on the spot, as she idly spun her fingers. “W-well, ugh, we…sorta, umm…”
“Oh gods…” Ferris groaned, pulling out an extra sheet with possible names listed on it. “Since you’ve yet to decide, we have a preprepared list of unregistered team names. Choose wisely or something…”
The team leaned over the desk and scanned through the options, as they found it even harder to choose now.
“I don’t like any of these…” Sola admitted.
“They’re a bit…stale.” Harley acknowledged.
They kept looking over, as finally, out of frustration, Wess stood over the table, scanned the list, and pointed at a name.
“There.” She said, indicating it to Ferris, before leaning back into her chair, desperately not wanting to be there.
“So, it’s…Team Valiant then?” Ferris asked to clarify.
Julia was surprised by Wess’ choice, but looked to the other members, who all nodded in agreement, and decided. “Yes. Team Valiant.”
“Okay then.” Ferris said, filling a few more things out. “Everyone moved into the dorm?”
“Yes, technically.” Julia said, as Ferris raised an eyebrow. “Wess hasn’t gotten her suitcases yet.”
“Close enough…” Ferris grumbled, as Coatsworth tapped her shoulder and whispered something in her ear. Ferris took a deep sigh and pulled out another form that she hastily filled in, before returning her attention to the team. “Last question. Who’s the team leader?”
Julia’s eyes widened. “One of us gets to lead the team?”
“I’m sure you’ve seen other teams with leaders.” Ferris said.
Julia nodded. “But I always thought that was their choice, not a requirement.”
“You’re picking your leader. We aren’t forcing one of you into the role, it’s a team decision. We’ll give you some time to talk amongst yours-“
“Julia.” Harley said, stopping Ferris in her tracks. “Julia should be the leader.”
“Huh?” Julia said.
“No doubt.” Sola agreed. “She’s the best choice.”
“Wha-“ Julia gasped.
Essex nodded too, as the group turned to Wess for her take.
“I don’t see why not.” She muttered. “Why’re we even debating this?”
“Guys! You can just decide this for me!” Julia complained, her mind frazzled with panic and happiness.
Harley patted her back. “Come on, Julia. You’ve already been taking charge during this whole meeting. And you’re the one setting up team activities and stuff.” Harley reasoned.
“Plus, you’re the most responsible. And pretty.” Sola added, painting Julia’s face red with blush.
“I do not wish to be the leader.” Essex said, going back to polishing her scythe.
And the others looked to Wess, who didn’t reply in any way.
“Sounds pretty unanimous.” Ferris said, looking to Julia. “Well?”
Julia let out a large sigh, weighing her decision and everything that would come of it, before looking back at Ferris. “I accept.”
“…okay then.” Ferris said, ticking a single box. “You don’t have to be so dramatic…”
Julia burst through the dorm room door with renewed vigour.
“Done and done!” She exclaimed. “We’re finally a team! Team Valiant!”
Harley chuckled. “I kinda like the name now. Look out world, we’re Valiant and we’re proud!”
“Tremble!” Sola yelled, striking a dynamic pose, as Harley caught herself laughing.
Essex folded back into her room, as Wess wandered in and noticed a package against the couch with a recognisable shape. She started heading over, as Julia quickly noticed. “Oh, right. That came in this morning for you.”
“What time?” Wess asked, attention focused as she picked it up gently.
“Uhh, nine, I think. You were already off by then…” Julia said.
Wess slowly started to unwrap it, as the weapons sharpened edges made themselves known. The light reflecting from the balcony gleaned off of the gemstone imbedded in the end of the handle, as the wrapping fell away to reveal a broadsword, beautifully crafted and maintained and in near perfect condition.
“Belvedere!” She exclaimed, hugging it against her. She quickly inspected it, thoroughly checking for any possible damages.
“I promise I didn’t touch it, and that the delivery company handled it with the utmost care.” Julia assured her. “Also, I have another surprise, and this one’s for the whole team.”
Wess attention left the sword and went back onto Julia. “What?”
“I thought of a good team activity we could do to celebrate you getting your sword back.” Julia grinned. “Despite the fact that we’ve known each other for a few days now, we’ve yet to share things like weapons or Whils with each other. So, I was thinking, tomorrow morning, we have a little demonstration for each of us!”
“Julia, I do-“
“Yeah! That sounds great!” Harley said, turning to Sola. “Sola keeps talking about her Whil, and I really wanna see it!”
“Really?” Sola asked, as Harley nodded emphatically. “Okay, just don’t bring, like, a toaster, or a hairdryer or something.”
“Julia, can I ju-“
“Can someone get Essex and tell her what’s up? I think she mentioned something about her Whil.” Julia beamed, as Harley gave her a thumbs up and ran into the study. “Alright, and with that settle-“
“Julia, I’ve booked an appointment with Faller.” Wess stated.
The room went silent, as Julia’s smile quickly faded. “What?”
“Tomorrow. I’m going to ask him for a transfer.” Wess said. “I’ve been here for far too long, and I want to sort out my permanent team before classes officially start. The meeting is set for tomorrow midday.”
Harley and Essex entered back in, catching enough of what Wess was saying. Julia tried to process Wess’ declaration, and desperately didn’t want her despair to get the better of her. “When did you set this up?”
“…earlier today…before the meeting.” Wess tried not to admit.
“Then why’d you come to our meeting with Ferris?!” Harley yelled.
Wess took a second, before clearing her throat. “Because, despite my best wishes, I am technically still part of this team…” Wess explained. “I am not about to worsen your chances at becoming Venators, and I wish you the utmost success with your new member once I’m gone. But my place is not here. I’m sorry.”
“It’s been three days, Wess! You can’t just leave! They put us in teams for a reason!” Harley tried. “Stop being selfish already and think abou-“
Julia rested her hand on Harley’s shoulder, quickly quieting her, as she walked up to Wess respectfully.
“I’m sad to see you go, but I’m not about to force you to stay if you don’t want to.” Julia admitted. “You can go to the meeting, but can you at least come to the team activity tomorrow? Just to give it a chance?”
Wess looked her over, as Julia was clearly putting on a brave face for her, or maybe for the rest of Team Valiant.
“Is that all you want from me?” Wess asked.
“…that seems reasonable enough.” Wess declared, before grabbing her sword properly. “If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to get some practice in.”
Julia nodded an okay, as Wess headed for the door and left the dorm room, leaving Team Valiant to their own devices.
“The fucking nerve of her…” Harley complained. “All she did was get our hopes up!”
“Harley, we can’t blame her. She clearly wasn’t happy with the academy’s choice.” Julia reasoned, sitting against her bed.
“But did she have to string us along?” Sola asked. “Couldn’t she do this sooner?”
“Not likely.” Essex weighed in. “I have seen Faller’s schedule. She was fortunate to even get time with him.”
“I don’t care about that…” Harley said, lying on Sola’s bed and kicking the bed frame. “Apparently to her majesty, we aren’t good enough for her standards.”
Julia stood up to address the team. “But she’ll see it differently after the demonstrations tomorrow. She’ll get to see us as Venators rather than strangers she’s been forced with.” Julia said. “However, if she wants to leave, we shouldn’t force her to stay if that’s not what she wants.”
Harley folded her arms and hung her head solemnly, as Essex went back to her study.
“I’m glad we made you the leader.” Sola added.
Julia smiled. “Thanks, Sola.”
Wess sat beside her tablet, quickly checking the time over and over, as the remaining few hours seemed to stand still when she least needed them to. It was awkward enough waking up in the Team Valiant dorm room after yesterday’s argument, but after getting up, she found she didn’t actually want to do anything until the meeting with Faller. At least, not anything substantial. Of course, she was expected to show up to the demonstration, but at this point, that was merely a formality.
Wess rested her head against the window of the study area, staring out onto the training grounds, as Julia and the others set up a few chairs and drinks to help relax during the activity.
Wess didn’t want to admit it, but she appreciated their small gesture, even if it wouldn’t change her mind.
…best get going. She decided. Taking a deep breath, she stood up and grabbed her sword, as she headed down to the training grounds.
“Isn’t this lovely, Liddy? The weather’s just perfect!”
“I really needed this after that Wailing attack. A picnic was such a good idea, Rose.” Liddy replied, taking another sandwich. “I could use less excitement in my life.”
Julia took a few more chairs to the training grounds, looking out at the others getting ready, as she noticed Wess heading down toward the team, and waved to her welcomely.
“Wess!” She called out, as Wess tentatively waved back. “I’ve got a little rest area set up!”
“I noticed.” Wess said. “Did you make that lemonade yourself?”
Julia giggled a little. “Guilty as charged. Feel free to have some, if you want.”
“…maybe later.” Wess answered, trying to avoid looking too thirsty.
“You two ready?” Harley asked, cracking her knuckles. “I brought my weapons, by the by, so you may wanna stand back.”
“Can do. Alright, who wants to go first?” Julia asked, as Essex naturally stepped forward.
“You are familiar with my scythe.” She said, holding it by her side.
“Whoa…” Sola remarked, finally getting a good look at it up close. She held out a hand to touch it, as Essex tore the scythe away from her before she could do so.
“You may visually inspect it. No more.” Essex declared, keeping it against her, as Sola backed off a little. “This is intended for my usage alone.”
Essex straightened herself before continuing. “I also possess a Whil that would be appropriate for demonstration.”
Her and the rest of the team headed over the forest bordering the training grounds, as Essex rested a hand against a tree and closed her eyes.
“Is she gonna…talk to it?” Harley asked Julia, who just shrugged her shoulders.
In a near instant, Essex’s hand took on a metallic sheen, identical to her scythes blade, as she crashed through the tree’s trunk with a thrust of her fist, sending it tumbling to the ground.
In the distance, Rose and Liddy heard a violent thud amongst their forest picnic.
“What was that?!” Liddy called out, wrapping her arms around Rose.
“I don’t know!” Rose replied, getting up, as Liddy still clung to her. “Could it be a Wailing?”
“AAAHHH!” Liddy called out. “No way no way! I don’t want to be eaten!”
“I’m not gonna let that happen, Liddy!” Rose declared, heading further into the forest. “Stay here, I’m gonna do what I can.”
Sola gulped, as Essex took out the tree like it was completely hollow, with the rest of the team clapping at her sheer show of strength and control of her Whil.
“That’s incredible, Essex!” Harley congratulated. “I’m a little scared of you now.”
“I can change my body to the metal I am currently touching.” Essex explained. “I have mostly changed by touching the metal attached to my scythe’s handle. Does anyone currently possess any capitals?”
“Just a sec.” Julia said, reaching back for her wallet and pulling out about ten caps worth in coins. Essex grabbed a hold, as her arm slowly turned to a shade of orange that Julia recognised as copper.
“Damn, that’s impressive.” Harley grinned. “You must be pretty popular with the ladies.”
“Ladies?” Essex asked, as Julia jabbed an elbow into Wess, getting her attention.
“Come on, you got to admit she’s something great.” Julia whispered to her. “And she’s a scholarship student, so she has plenty of potential.”
Wess took a deep breath. “But her social skills are near nonexistent.” She said, looking over at Essex struggling to understand Harley’s comment. “A Venator is only as good as how well they can sell themselves, and I’m afraid she can’t do that.”
Julia silently conceded her point, as everyone’s attention was turned to Sola.
Sola didn’t know what to do, as she waved to everyone awkwardly.
“Sola, your Whil?” Julia reminded her.
“…oh! Right!” Sola remembered, as she jogged to one side of the training grounds, with the rest of the team standing behind her patiently.
Sola stuck out her hands, before turning behind her to look at the group. “Hey, uhh, could you guys step back a bit?”
They did so.
“Maybe just a bit further?”
They did so.
“No, just further than that too.”
They did so.
By this point, the others were worried they wouldn’t catch Sola’s Whil from their distance, as Sola stuck out her hands, and tried to concentrate.
Small stones from around her feet started to lift up, as her hands produced currents of static that ran between each finger, as the electricity started to build and build, until a large torrent of lightning careened through the air, creating a gigantic chaos of electricity in front of her, as the light it produced nearly blinded the rest of Team Valiant.
Liddy shuddered in place, waiting for Rose to come back with any good news, before a giant frantic light drowned out the natural lighting of the sky, as Rose started running back to her wildly.
“Rose, what is that?!” Liddy asked, as Rose grabbed her arm.
“I don’t know!” She yelled, hauling all their picnic supplies along with Liddy. “I couldn’t see what it was! I think it wanted to eat me!”
“Hold me, Rose!” Liddy cried, running hand in hand with her, as they headed further into the forest.
The team was left stunned, as Sola took a second to make sure everything around her wasn’t destroyed. A few of the trees in the forest were burnt, and the ground was covered in scorch marks, but otherwise, the damage was minimal.
In a burst of effort, Harley lifted her arms up in triumph. “Fuck yeah!!!”
She ran up to Sola and grabbed her into a hug, swinging her around. “That was incredible!”
“It was?” Sola asked, starting to get woozy from Harley’s swinging.
“Y-you…did so much…” Julia stuttered, as Essex readjusted herself after instinctively taking a defensive stance. Wess was left in a moment of awe, as she never expected something this…absurd to come from a flightful klutz like Sola. Blinking a few times to adjust her eyes, she felt a few hairs standing on end, as she pulled out a pocket mirror and fixed up her appearance.
“I don’t have my weapon yet. I’ve mostly gotten by with this.” Sola said, indicating to her slightly smoking hands after Harley had put her down. “But lately, it’s been a little…that. It was fine when I was kid, but it only got bigger over the years.”
“How about we drop Sola in front of a Wailing and just let 'em have it? We wouldn’t have to do a thing.” Harley suggested, still grinning from Sola’s impressive display.
Julia dusted off her flannel. “We can work on helping you minimise that, Sola. I’m sure we can all help with keeping it under control. Speaking of which…” Julia turned to Harley. “I’d say it’s your turn.”
“Oh, uhh, geez…” Harley stammered, reaching into her bag. “That’s kinda the thing. I don’t have a Whil.”
Julia, Sola and Essex stared at her, stunned. “Really?” Julia asked. “That’s pretty rare these days, especially for Venators.”
“What can I say? I guess I never got one.” Harley admitted. “It’s not a big deal to me. I’ve gotten by mostly on my own skill and talent. I’m not about to manipulate gravity or shoot fire with my hands, but I’m still just as competent a Venator.” Harley proclaimed, grabbing her weapons. “My weapons help, but I want people to appreciate the work I put in on my own. With all that said…”
Harley lifted her arms, revealing large glove-like metal frames around her hands, forming heavy gauntlets. “I think I’ll show off a little.”
With that, she ran over to the forest again, grabbing the base of a tree and lifting out of the ground with a fair amount of effort, before throwing it into the air, waiting for it to fall back down, and pummelling her fist into it’s base, sending it rocketing through the air and out of site, as she turned back to the group with a giant grin.
“You…think we’re safe?” Liddy asked, panting erratically.
“I…hope…so…” Rose said, dropping the picnic supplies. “Maybe it was stupid to go further into the forest…”
“I’m sure…we outran it.” Liddy said. “Let’s just hope tha-“
Mid sentence, a giant tree trunk crashed beside them, bouncing against the ground and tumbling past, as Liddy and Rose held each other, terrified.
“Was that a tree?!”
“I don’t know!” Rose cried. “But I think the forest’s trying to kill us!”
“I guess the muscles aren’t just for show.” Julia commented, as Sola casually hung from one of Harley’s biceps. “This forest’s getting a real makeover today.”
Essex stood by, appreciating the technique that Harley had clearly toiled over, as Wess stayed silent, looking down at her sword contemplatively.
“Alright, Julia. You’re up. Give us som-“ Harley asked, before two figures ran out of the forest, huddling picnic baskets in their arms and running from nothing in particular.
“Stay away, forest!” Liddy yelled, throwing a basket at one of the trees.
“Liddy, it’s not worth it!” Rose cried, grabbing her arm and pulling her way, out of sight, as Team Valiant were left scratching their heads at to what could’ve happened.
“…well anyway.” Julia continued. “You guys already saw my Whil during the induction, and I don’t have a personal weapon either, so…I don’t know if she’s up for it or not, but…”
Julia turned around to face Wess, as she finally noticed she wasn’t there. She was leaving, her sword by her side, exiting the training grounds before anyone could say otherwise.
“Wess!” Julia yelled, waving to get her attention, before chasing after her, as the others stayed behind to wait it out.
Julia ran down the hallway adjacent to the training grounds, as she noticed Wess’ silhouette in the distance, clearly heading in the direction of Faller’s office. Wess refused to acknowledge Julia, as she trudged down the hall just as fast.
“You don’t have a Whil, do you Wess?”
Wess turned back, before continuing down the hallway without a word.
“What’s so bad about our team? Why won’t you give us a shot?” Julia demanded.
Wess turned on her heel. “I’m here for a career. I’ve sacrificed too much to get here, and I’m not leaving anything to chance. My team will be Venators, not children who aren’t ready for a serious and brutal industry.” Wess declared, continuing to walk.
“But we’re just like you! None of us have experience!” Julia bargained. “We can help each other.”
Wess turned around with her politest look.
“Thank you for trying, Julia.” Wess replied. “I promise this isn’t personal. Goodbye.”
And with that, Julia was left standing in the hall, watching Wess leave her sight.
“…so much for the leader of Team Valiant…”
Faller heard a knock at his door, as he checked his watch a found it was already twelve.
“You wanted to see me, Wess?” Principal Faller called out, as Wess ducked her head into his office.
“Yes, sir.” She said, before noticing someone else with Faller, just about to leave.
“We’ll continue in a bit, Seears. I have an appointment with a student.” Faller said, as the man shrugged his shoulders.
“I’ll get onto week one preparations in the meantime.” Seears said, slinking out of the office, before actually noticing Wess in the office with them. “Nice dress. You look approachable.”
Seears ducked out, as Wess presented herself at the front of Faller’s desk.
“I’ve heard you’ve had some troubles with your team. I don’t have much free time these days, so this better be important.” Faller made clear, writing off some papers and putting them to the side. “Now what’s the issue?”
Wess straightened her back and readjusted her dress, before taking a deep breath and speaking.
“I wish for you to transfer me to a different team.”
There was a noticeable pause in the conversation, as Faller removed his glasses and sighed. He gave Wess an incredulous look.
“I think,” Wess continued, still trying to stay stern, “that I deserve to be in a team with more experience and better members. I see no reason why I should be with the team I am now.”
Faller breathed out, before slowly standing up and walking about his desk. “Do you have any alternatives in mind?”
Wess had thought this over in her own time. “A-at the moment, my first choice would be the team of Cyrus Vesper. He’s a scholarship student with surprisingly impressive people skills and is a sought after talen-“
“Why do you think you deserve to be on Cyrus’ team?” Faller interrupted.
Wess looked noticeably offended. “B-because he’s far better! You already consider him to be on the same level as professionals! I have much more I could learn from him than with my current team.”
“How much experience do you have, Wess?” Faller asked, grabbing a book from his shelf.
Wess didn’t respond, as she tried to avoid eye contact.
“Admittedly, Cyrus is somewhat of a prodigy.” Faller said, casually reading the book. “And coming off your entrance exams, you have far less talent and skill, your technique is comparatively poorer, not to mention you have no Whi-“
“I understand he’s better than me!” Wess yelled. “That’s why I need a mentor like him, so I can gain his experience. I get nothing from my inexperienced team.”
Faller grabbed the bridge of his nose and closed the book with an audible thud.
“We joined you with your team because you’re all inexperienced.” Faller argued, putting emphasis on ‘because.’ “If you were to join up with Cyrus and treat him as a mentor, you would always be in his shadow. We want you to become the best possible you. It wouldn’t help you to merely emulate someone you value above yourself, or in the worst case, merely coast along on their achievements…”
“Then why Julia and the others?! Surely, there are better opti-“
“Why do you think the academy teamed you up with them?” Faller asked, stunning Wess in place. “Because we knew you’d hate them? Because we thought they wouldn’t help you grow and would only be a burden?”
Wess looked away, realising the point he was making, but not wanting to admit it.
Faller walked back over to her and leaned against his desk. “Someone like Cyrus is mostly here as a formality. You were right in saying he’s already at a professional level, and plenty of talent scouts have already been calling about him.” Faller said. “But you have an opportunity to better yourself here. You gain nothing if your team excels and you’re constantly playing catch up to meet some unimaginable standard.”
Faller walked over to Wess and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Give your team another chance. See what you can learn from them, and what they could learn from you in return. And…if you find there’s no future with them, you can transfer to another team starting second year.” Faller advised. “We’re here to give you an education, not coddle you with the best partners and hand you unworthy results and praise. If you want to improve, you should be relying on your teammates.”
Wess wanted to respond, at least to make her peace, but merely looked to him, swallowing her pride, and nodded her head with a knowing look.
“Is that everything?” Faller asked one last time.
“…yes, that’s all.” Wess said, breathing out deeply. “If you’ll excuse me.”
Faller waved his hand to the office door, as Wess headed out with a dignified silence, leaving Faller to his thoughts.
“…thank you.” She said, quickly ducking her head back into Faller’s office, before ducking back out the door again.
As Wess left, she fell back against the wall to catch her breath. The physical toll that took was only just hitting her, as she looked up to the ceiling to focus her vision.
She didn’t want that.
She slammed her fist against the wall, feeling it sting, before calming herself down and reflecting, reaching what felt like an unfortunate and awful conclusion.
Maybe mother and father wer…
Just then, she spotted a slouched figure sitting outside Faller’s office, hands in her lap, as she looked up and smiled at Wess.
“Julia.” Wess let out, wiping away a few tears she hadn’t realised formed. “Why are you here?”
“I didn’t get to say a proper goodbye.” Julia said. “Are you okay? How’d the meeting go?”
Wess waved her hand dismissively. “As you’d expect. I’m not allowed to transfer until next year…as if all I needed was another delay…”
“So, you’re still with us?” Julia realised.
“…Julia, just stop.” Wess asked. “I don’t need your comfort. I have had the hardest time here after years of anticipation, and no one wants me to succeed.” Wess cried, still trying to keep up appearances. “This isn’t right. I’m not fighting the Wailing, I’m fighting everyone around me.”
Wess held back her tears as best she could, gritting her pain through her clenched fist, as Julia looked her over and slowly approached her, looking like she was going in for a compassionate hug.
Instead, Julia pushed against Wess, tripping her over and sending her falling toward the ground.
As Wess was mid panic, Julia immediately used her Whil to slow Wess’ momentum to near nothing, leaving Wess suspended in the air with Julia holding her in place as she still slowly fell.
“You’re my teammate Wess.” Julia declared, putting all her strength into holding Wess up. “I’m…always gonna be here…for you. Don’t give up on yourself…because I haven’t…and I promise I never will. We won't let you fall.”
With that, Julia reached an arm behind Wess’ back, as she stopped using her Whil and let Wess lay back into her arm to catch her. Wess stayed there for a moment, before finding her footing and getting up again, slowing her heart down with each breath.
“…you deserve to get better, Wess. We’re gonna help you get better.” Julia admitted, having regained her breath, as Wess found herself coming back down from her high.
“…I think I need to lie down.” Wess stated, as Julia wrapped her arm around her and led her back to the team’s dorm room.
Wess heard a knock at the door, as she checked her watch, but realised she wasn’t wearing one, as it was still with her luggage which had yet to arrive. Wess was alone in the dorm room, spending some personal time thinking her situation over, as she hopped out of her top bunk and headed to the door.
“Hey, I’ve got some stuff for a…Wiss?” A delivery man said.
“It’s…Wess.” Wess corrected, as it hit her that he was carrying her luggage. “Oh, finally!”
“Yeah, there was a huge mixup at the delivery company. Tons of baggage got displaced after that Wailing attack, then a bunch of room occupancies moved around on the academy’s end. Turns out it was for dorm room 374, not room 347, or room 734, or room…”
“Yes, thank you.” Wess interrupted, checking her baggage to make sure everything was still in there.
“Is this the right place to drop it off?” He asked, pointing to Team Valiant’s room.
Wess looked back at it again to be sure. “…yes, this is right place.”
With that, he grabbed the trolley holding the suitcases and wheeled them in, dropping them off by Wess and Julia’s bunk bed, as he left with a polite wave, leaving Wess with her luggage once again.
She looked it over, inspecting it as it stood side by side with Julia’s lower bunk, as Wess let out another sigh and rolled up her sleeves, planning out her space.
“Best get to unpacking now.”
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Rough Draft for: Reborn Apocalypse - Volume 3
Volume 1. Volume 2. Stopping disasters before they happen, battling against enemies on all sides, saving the lives of millions. The burdens Micheal must bear grow ever heavier as he fights against all odds to complete his mission:Stop the Apocalypse and save the human race from ultimate destruction.
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All his life it seemed like the gods condemed his existence. One thing led to another in an endless spiral that would break nearly anyone, and yet it only taught him one thing. The strong make the rules and the weak get eaten by them. He never wanted power, fame, or glory. He wanted a happy life with a family that loved him and he finally thought he could get it. Until she slept with his best friend hours after his parents funeral. It took years to peice himself together again but he did it and just so the gods could get the last laugh and end the world. Now thrown into a world straight out of some fantasy VRMMORPG like he read about online the skills he created to combat depression will now combat monsters straight out of a story book. Follow Niko Bolas as he crawls through a world overflowing with monsters- and not the human kind either. Watch as he turns all the pain of his life into a strength that will make the world itself tremble. This is the journey of a man that finally is where he was always meant to be. Even it that is at the end of a world and the begining of another. Quick shout out to Deviant art cause they make so much awsome artwork. The cover is theirs and i just used it cause it felt in tune with the MC. Oh and this my first book so i'd appreciate some good solid constructive criticism, ENJOY.
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