《Life's a Lich: Who Said Undeath Was Fun?》Trial by Fire
Chapter 10 Trial by Fire
June gathered her books and headed down the hall to her room. June entered the room and shut the door behind her. Sealing it with a pulse of her mana, she sat down on the cold floor, spell books open ahead of her. Her sword sat in its scabbard on the bed.
So many questions, and too much uncertainty, still rang in her head. “It’s been what, five days? What am I doing here?” she questioned to no one, as she thought over the events of the past few days. Learning about this world was frustratingly slow, and Bullin had intentionally been lying to her, that much she could see.
Resolute, June committed to finding a path out of this mess, even if just out of spite.
She perused the larger of the spell tombs for a bit, before choosing a few Death spells to study more in-depth. With a practiced hand, she inscribed the complex mix of lines, boxes and spirals. Thick and thin strokes alike mixed into a tapestry of magic. The gentle steadiness of charcoal scratching onto parchment was pleasantly distracting, helping to keep doubts from festering in her mind.
As June studied her gathered texts, she learned two new spells: Hex and Shadow Spear. Shadow Spear was the basic Tier 1 Death Mana equivalent to her Fire Bolt. Hex was a bit more unique. The spell enveloped the target in necromantic bindings, sapping their life force. June wanted to try out her new spells, but she didn’t have a target. Several experimental casts left scorch marks and latent Death Mana around her room.
After repeated casting attempts, June’s movements and thoughts were sluggish. She retrieved the small vial of a mysterious cerulean concoction in her desk. Before uncorking it, she flared Mana Sense to get some details.
Item Gained
Distilled Mana
Contained within this vial is distilled mana, created by powerful mages. Distilled mana can be used to regain some semblance of magical power. Can also be used in certain crafting pursuits.
Restores Mana
Pouring it over her head, June felt the cool rush of renewal. “Let’s see what we have here...”
Tracing images in the air, she tried to cast the new spells. Try as she might, the warmth wouldn’t come to her fingertips. Her inner fire continued to burn with fresh fuel, but it refused to leap to her command.
Thinking through Bullin’s words, she searched her knowledge for the answer.
In the chamber's emptiness, pages turned, and charcoal scratched against paper. As she pushed mana into freshly drawn runes, June worked to convert the force into something useful. Living darkness twisted down the bones of her arm, smothering the glossy parchment. As lines touched shadow, golden light flared. Caught in its glare, June lost herself in the shining beacon.
Falling towards a bright light, June’s awareness came to. Beneath her frame, the rapidly approaching stone closed in on her. The pillow-like impact once again stopped her fall. As she stood, she beheld the elemental arena once again.
Bullin’s words echoed in her mind: “The process of converting Mana is unique to each person. Undead often have a terrible time of it too.” And now, she could see what he meant.
Smoke billowed over top of the stone. If June had lungs, she’d be choking. Fire roared, carrying with it a wave of ravenous hunger. Crackles and pops filled the space like a steady drumbeat. The waves of elemental energy crashed against the walls—ripping loose stones—as the countersurges of swelling water and steam tried to aid their new allies against the choking smoke. Each time a force surged or fought back, it was burned to ash by the flame surrounding it. Bathed in the light of a horrific new enemy, June prepared to fight back.
Drawing on the strength June felt during spell casting, she tried to command the fire. “I am your master,” she thought. Heat built in the pit of her stomach, a comfortable swell, like a hug wrapping her form. A mix of ash and cinders flowing upward from the titanic struggle below swirled around June. As June sat crouched in her room, the skittering of spiders was the only noise that could be outwardly heard in the dusty hall. No screams of the dead echoed on stale wind.
Death Mana lazily drew into spheres before being quartered by June’s mental work. The freshly hacked motes of shadow spun into shimmering thread. Energy flowed into the patchwork fabric of her sphere, and searing flame singed the ends. Like a brick replaced in a crumbling wall, the new chunk of mana slotted into place amid a field of dark crimson. As the ever-widening maw of her core accepted its new feast, June felt refreshed. Hours ticked by, but still, determination burned within amethyst glints.
Resolutely, June stood. She drew the familiar flame symbol in the air, and the warmth returned as a bolt lept from her finger. Accomplished, June sat on the bed and leisurely read more about magic.
Bullin’s voice followed a quick rap on her door, “Grab your sword and get moving,” came his gruff prompt, breaking her out of her concentration.
June strapped on her sheathed sword and unlocked her door. The rotund form of the dwarf stood there, smiling. He motioned for her to follow. They didn’t stop in the workshop this time. As June followed dutifully behind Bullin, the pair headed down the thoroughfare once again.
June took the time to take a better stock of the dwarf ahead of her. Instead of the apron she had seen him in previously, he wore a set of dark leather armor, lined with metal studs. The leather flexed with his heavy form as his stubby legs sped along. Even though she was a few inches taller than him in height, his bulk dwarfed her. "No wonder he put everything into strength," she joked to herself.
Abruptly, they turned down one of the open corridors before reaching the cross-shaped chamber she knew, down a longer hallway.
“Sorry for the rush, but we’ve got a schedule to keep,” Bullin called behind himself, not even turning to look.
“Where are we going?” she responded.
“A new level. Today, you’re getting your first taste of battle. I think it’s time we take the training weights off.”
Though the phrasing was a bit alien to her, the implication gave June plenty of excitement. After just a few moments, her core sang with anticipation, steadily preparing to face the unknown.
“And before you ask, they’ll explain all this later,” he said, intercepting June’s questions.
Ahead, June could see a faint light that stood out against the surrounding torchlight. A faint purple glow spilled out from a chamber to their right, through an open arch. Bullin turned quickly as he entered, motioning for June to follow. As she did, she saw a network of sigils etched into the floor of a simple carved chamber. Bullin called out, “Arena!” in a high voice and dashed through the glowing sigils ahead.
In the next instant, both of the undead were bathed in purple light and transported somewhere unknown.
Her eyes adjusted after the flash of violet ended, surveying an entirely new place. Around her stood a darkened, empty arena. Made of black stone, it sat like a haunting spectre clinging to the earth like a ghostly scab. Shadows hung in the cracks and crevices of the structure. The dust of the cracked arena floor was hard packed.
Around the newly arrived pair, stood a gaggle of various undead. First, June spotted the forms of the three undead she recalled from her first day. The black-robed figure looked the most bored of the three, barely even looking at her. June took a moment to glance around the space.
Polished black stone statues surrounded the arena floor. Forms of hounds, demons and more crouched on stone walls. Gargoyles of various forms sat atop scarred stones, awaiting bloodshed, their ghoulish features gleeful at the prospect of violence.
Turning to face June, Bullin clasped their shoulder with a meaty mitt. “Now, you’re going to have to handle this one entirely on your own,” Bullin said. “You might want to get ready,” he warned, as the racket of bone grinding against bone came from a nearby alcove.
Four haphazard clusters of mossy bones, dripping with Death Mana and bearing ruby eyes, stalked across the arena from the shadow. As the gaggle of skeletal warriors circled around June, she made her move. June threw caution out of her mind, casting it into the burning abyss of her core, forgetting it like yesterday’s trash.
Tides of red and black charged across her frame, binding onto June’s hands, waiting to be sicced on her enemies. As June traced the runes for Firebolt and Lesser Curse on opposite hands, the spells flew rapidly towards their targets. She churned through more of the mana in her core as she fired off more repetitions of these spells.
The first bolts of shadow and flame wrapped their tendrils around one of the skeletal warriors, slowing its advance. The next mess of moss-covered bones charged ahead of its faltering companion. June kept tracing images in the air, expending more vicious spells into her foes—charring their forms. Chunks and unbroken bones alike bounced around the arena, blasted loose after their host was stunned by nefarious curses.
“One down...” she thought.
The second foe closed the gap between them at a flat run. June continued blasting spells into it, falling back to keep distance.
“Two down...”
Panicked blasts of fiery energy flew around the arena as June defended herself from the two remaining foes. As June blasted more spells across the open pit, her core howled like a wounded beast, fighting for its life against a superior enemy.
As the spells came fewer and farther between, the undead warriors advanced. June backpedaled, drawing her sword. She charged a bit of mana into the blade, making it dance with electric light.
The lead warrior bolted, rushing toward the slowing caster. As the two met, swords sang a deadly song. A high-pitched ring, just beyond the edges of normal hearing, became the first note in an orchestra of chaos. Swing after swing met with dodges and parried blows, as June retreated further. Their dangerous dance reached a crescendo as June’s dodge came a beat too late. The rusted blade slashed across her ribcage, leaving behind a wicked burning.
Knocked off balance, June stumbled as she drew new images in the air. A symbol of a serpent surrounded by Distillation runes, the symbol for Hex.
The shadow rolled off her form as she pumped precious bits of mana into the spell. A purple snake of light lashed out from her open palm towards the nearest target. Its mouth opened wide, latching onto the sword arm and wrenching it. Pulses of light trailed down its gullet, visible along the magic snake’s semi-translucent form. When they reached June’s palm, a wave of power followed.
Renewed with a sense of vigor, June blasted the captured skeleton with a shadow spear to the skull. Its ruby-red eyes twinkled one last time, before its form clattered to the sand.
Before June could rest, her final foe was on her. A hurried clash of swords and bone followed, and it again forced June to retreat. As she stepped away from incoming blows, June gathered what mana she could, channelling nearly every bit into her blade. With her off-hand, she charged another fire bolt.
Impacted by a bolt to the knee, the warrior stumbled, and June advanced. With one sure strike, the skeleton warrior’s sword arm fell from its frame as electric bolts singed the sand around it.
Only the clatter of truly dead bones and smokey odors remained. Lost in the din of battle, June kept firing spells into charred bones, even as they slumped to the sand.
“They’re gone, June,” bellowed a hoarse voice she didn’t quite recall. Dust and noise settled in the echo that followed.
Just the tiniest glimpse of power over life and death gave June a high. Her mind spun with the possibilities of what she could truly do in this world. A clarity of purpose calmed the chaos in her mind. The sense of elation at actually doing something productive was near-total. Though complete exhaustion followed closely behind that feeling of success.
The spent mana left a gaping hole in June’s being. If she was sluggish before, now she was made of stone. She sank to one knee, the howling beast replaced by a mewling, hungry pup. She tried cultivating more Mana. But instead of the refreshing flood she experienced last night, only meager drips of rain came to quench the thirst in her core.
“Well done!” called Bullin, watching along with the other audience members. He rushed over to haul June to unsteady feet. Following behind the dwarf, came a familiar purple-robed undead. The other two figures remained off to the side, speaking amongst themselves.
“Indeed,” said the clattering figure in a hoarse voice. “Shall we retire to somewhere more fitting?” With a snap of their fingers, another purple flash filled the space.
When the teleportation light faded, the trio found themselves outside the door featuring a giant skull. The sounds of the rapid beating of metal and heat of the forge filled the cross-shaped chamber. With a snap of its fingers, the new skeleton opened the massive door.
As the giant door swung open on creaking hinges, June stared at a perplexing visage.
The room beyond was overflowing with silver, gold and silk. As the dusty wood retreated, her view filled with mysterious displays of wealth and magic. Gems were set into seemingly every surface. Edges of shelves and the legs of chairs even bore their mark.
A massive green rug dominated the floor, contrasting with the dark stone past its edges.
Dark wooden shelves dotted the walls, holding spinning metal trinkets. Scrolls and books of all sizes covered nearly every open space. And in contrast to the places in the rest of these dungeon-like halls, not a speck of dust could be seen.
The robed undead strode into the room, sitting behind a massive desk, amid their mountain of glamour. The flowing violet robe that June recalled from her first day here was still on its form, glowing brightly with gilded embroidery. This skeleton sat upright, lordly, as if reigning over their poor subjects.
Even the desk bore gems set into bands of gold and silver. Much like the face of the undead sat behind it. June got her first real look at the jewelry-laden skeleton. June saw just how many trinkets were buried within its skull. Mixed metals twinkled, studded with jewels and set into bone. Among the hanging trinkets, June noted several golden Runes for Fire, Water and other elements.
June could sense danger sat behind that ugly hunk of wood. The power that emanated from the skeleton behind the gaudy desk thrummed, careful, measured. Like the barely restrained overflow of a dam.
Surrounding the sitting undead, were all manner of paintings and other knick-knacks. The biggest painting in the room was a portrait hanging behind the seated skeleton, stretching from floor to ceiling.
An armored knight stood proud against an open window, captured visions of nature dotted the green background. Fluffy Auburn hair stood on the un-helmed head of the mystery knight. The angular features of the knight were accented with a splash of rouge color. His face was gaunt, clinging tightly to the bones of the skull. Silvery armor glinted with strokes of bright light. The painting looked as if the artist had tried to capture the sun itself, with harsh beams of light covering every open space of canvas. The armor bore the symbol of a green serpent stitched into a cloak hanging over the shoulder.
“What an ugly prick,” thought June.
June frowned, trying to look meek before a terrifying new uncertainty.
Before anyone spoke, the robed undead acted first. With a wave of its hand, the lordly skeleton commanded Bullin to wait outside, doors shutting in his face. And with a wave of its hand and a jangle of rings, the undead commanded June to sit.
June tried to school her features, presenting a dignified front. Even as June sat down in the elegant gilded chair, fear doused the fire in her core. This bejeweled nightmare outclassed her, in every way.
“Varren Ebonwood, surely that one has told you of me?” it asked, indicating Bullin mid-question.
June nodded.
“So, how has the time in this glorious pit treated our prodigal spawn?” asked Varren.
“Are you serious? Do you even know how weird this all is for me?” June said, pointedly.
“I’m well aware that you don’t enjoy being here. Let me be frank, I can help you. As you’re already likely aware, you have a purpose. You could have immense power.”
The word ‘power’ ignited within June’s mind. The burning passion she felt during battle was hard to ignore. As she tried to hide her sense of curiosity, June schooled her features, even as the questions over this unspecified power bloomed.
After a long beat of silence, Varren spoke in a hushed tone, “If what I saw today is any indication...you have more potential than even you realize.”
The weaker skeleton paused, deciding to treat this more like a game, to have some fun. “Do I? I hadn’t noticed, I’ve been too busy being trained to serve some greater purpose.” said June, smirking.
As a wicked smile crossed her features—and golden trinkets jangled—Varren spoke. “Glad to see spending days with that man hasn’t dulled you,” observed Varren. “And I see you still have plenty of ambition left too. Power is nothing without ambition,” said the bedazzled undead. “The gift of life isn’t worth much if you do nothing with it.”
June parsed her arcane phrasing, hoping to find something useful. “But that’s the trouble, actually gaining power is more difficult than being clever with words.”
As expected, Varren didn’t rise to the attempted bait. June tried to project the feeling of desire across her face. Recalling the reckless drive she possessed during battle, June let that fire guide her words. “All the sights and smells the living experience, and we never bother to enjoy them,” June added. “Although some smells are more pleasant than others,” June said as she chuckled.
“Enjoying those less-pleasant smells is part of the fun,” a wicked grin showing sharpened teeth crossed Varren’s face, before she continued. “And what else do you think power is? If you can’t enjoy it, why do anything?”
“This thing is nuts…“ she thought while considering its words. June rolled with it. “Some enjoy it because power is all about manipulation, the powerful manipulate the powerless,” said June.
A pregnant pause passed between the two undead.
Smiling, Varren peered into June’s face. “Power will be a rather simple thing to achieve, if you remain by my side,” she said. Reaching beneath the desk, the skeletal hand returned a moment later, grasping a large blue gem. “Here, you’re going to need this.”
Tossing the gem to June, Varren told her to check it with her mana.
Item Gained
Summoner Skill Gem
An item imbued with the power of flame. Consuming this gem will grant new class abilities to Summoners.
Learn Perk - Fire Imp Companion
June flooded the carved blue gem with mana, and saw waves of red gaseous energy flowing forth from it. June was interrupted in her contemplation of the item by Varren, "See what kind of powers I can grant you? And that's just the beginning."
And with that, their conversation began in earnest.
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